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If that is the new intention of the level 11 feature, I would have much preferred if they just granted a bonus d6 of damage that could then be spent on Cunning Strikes. - There will be many cases where the enemy is too large to trip, or immune to poison, or you don't get value from moving. When two of the three are true, an additional Cunning Strike option for free does not help. - If you're applying Blinded, suddenly potential Dazed costs just a much as attempted Prone or Poisoned, despite typically costing more, and you're much less likely to go for the weaker option.


You're reading that 'swimming in' line very positively... I assume it just means that WotC are looking at lv11 Rogue's 6 sneak attack dice and being OMG THAT IS SO MANY DICE and then they go back to casting Fireball's 8d6 as they have been doing since lv5.


Maybe? But rogue is 12 sneak attack dice and a d6 for each weapon. We’re talking a total of 14d6 and not even counting their bonus action. That’s just base rogue with nick mastery. 0 resources. And we have subclass features to further hurt our enemy. I need you to see the trees around you.


I think you need to notice that none of the trees in the forest play games to lv20.


You are completely misunderstand what I am saying and the rule I am referencing. Just forget it, go back to where you were. I completely agree rogue is so bad now fireball good. Wizard shoot fireball and rogue can only do sad 6 dice damage.


I’m guessing they will bring back disarm with a swashbuckling archetype


What wrong with disarm? Most monster stat blocks aren't equipped to deal with not having a weapon. It's okay on Battle Master because 1. It's not part of the core class and 2. DMs who don't want to deal with it can easily ban one maneuver without severely limiting the Battle Master's total options or even banning the subclass outright


I used the Disarming Strike during playtest to make a Roper drop one of my allies so we could save them. It felt like a big victory for the feature when I used it. Unfortunately, I suspect Thief Rogues ruined it for us in playtests behind the scenes. I guess Rogues auto-winning duels was a problem.


Maybe the Disarm action/attack from the DMG is going to return as an actual normalized action. I mean it’s probably not going to happen but it’s a cool optional feature that I wish was standard, alongside Shove Aside and Tumble/Overrun. I’m also starting to question how good a multi classed rogue with multiattack and Nick would do with the 2014 DMG’s Mark action and new Sentinel.


I think WotC simply regards Rogue doesn't "deserve" Disarm as an option for it's been somewhere nears "strong". The Battle Master still has it. But not a Rogue, huh.