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If you do not have a weapon with the Nick mastery then an off hand attack still requires a bonus action.


By the way, minor terminology nitpick: there is no "off-hand" in 5e.   You could alternate every turn which hand does the attack action attack and which does the bonus action attack. If you have Extra Attack you can even do the first attack with the left hand, the second attack with the right hand, and then are free to choose which hand does the bonus action attack.


I’ve actually never realized that, thanks for the info !


And in the playtest rules at least, there is no need to use different hands for the Light weapon extra attack. The attack just needs to happen 'with a different Light weapon', so you could do it while using a shield while swapping weapons in the other hand.


You can still do the bonus action attack if you choose. On turns where your bonus action is available, you can use three shortswords, and on turns where you used your bonus action for something (likely a Cunning Action), you swap out one of the shortswords for a dagger/scimitar on that turn.


You cannot use the offhand attack from Nick and the offhand attack as a bonus action in the same turn. The advantage of Nick is strictly to free up your bonus action for other purposes.


Yes, that's what I'm saying. If your bonus action is free, you can still use the shortsword for Vex, otherwise use the dagger or scimitar for Nick. I didn't say anything implying you could do both in one turn.


This is what is written for the weapon mastery for Nick from the rogue, but Crawford said in the Interview that you could. This is where so much confusion is coming from. I think Crawford misspoke and that the written rules are what are correct. You cannot use the a Nick mastery and then you your bonus action for a 2nd off-hand attack.


AFAIK the BA off-hand attack still exists for weapons without the mastery. So you could, in theory, stab/throw thrice.


You could switch one of your Shortswords for a Scimitar. Same die, Nick instead of Vex (if I'm not mistaken). Shortsword in the Main-Hand, Scimitar in the Off-Hand. You'll attack twice using the Short sword with Extra attack. If that first attack hits, you'll gain advantage on the Extra and then even on the "Nick" attack if the Extra lands, too. It opens your bonus action, which is quite nice for your Rogue Cunning actions.