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It just says it's a unisex bathroom. I don't think it's the joke


Reminds me of the Always Sunny "animal shithouse" episode


This is exactly what I thought. Aren’t we all just a bunch of filthy animals dumping in the shithouse?


It kind of is. It's saying that anything other than the gender, cis binary is just wacky like saying your an alien. It seems accepting and might have been put up with good intention buy its not great and still kind of offensive. Trans people aren't wacky aliens, they are normal people.


Didnt know that being a baby or sitting in a wheelchair was a gender. I rly don't think this one qualifies for one joke. Although I understand why one could interpret it this way aswell


It is the one joke. "Oh your trans? Well im a Greek hoplite or an alien or a person in a wheelchair! WACKY AND ACCEPTING!"


Just because both are on the sticker doesn't mean that the person putting it there had that in mind. You are interpreting it this way. Just as on could say the sticker equates being a baby to being an alien.


I didn't imply they did. This is the same thing as saying your color blind or you don't see race. "I love all people! Black, white, brown, purple, orange.". It's not progressive because obviously people don't come in purple or orange. It's just saying that you see these things as silly and thus not real so you don't actually have to do anything fufferent and never have to actually better your outlook on the world.


No it rly isn't but I think it's pointless to discuss further. You should stop searching for things to be offended about everywhere


How are you on this sub and crying about me talking about this being offensive? Literally leave the sub if your going to be like that. Clearly this isn't a place for you.


I Think you should read some other comments on this post, perhaps this isn't the sub for you. I hate the "I am an Apache helicopter " type of jokes, that's why I'm here, but this is not that.


You say that and then literally laugh at the same jokes. Your a walking contradiction. Figure yourself out buddy.


This sub's commenters unfortunately more often than not simp for the littlest bit of support (even if backhanded) or think something does not qualify for being the one joke if they find it funny, don't bother arguing


It's pretty sad to see. Like if Disney made the one joke they wod think its inclusive. Holy shit thats depressing.


You’re so woke that you’re still asleep, dude.


I think the person in the wheelchair is just there to indicate that the toilet has infrastructure suitable to differently abled people. It is a very common sign to put on public toilets/toilets in businesses. For the rest I agree it might be the one joke, and it is not okay, but also it wasn't done with bad intentions. I see people that make stuff like this as people who are usually willing to listen and change.


I know why that's there. We all do. The point I'm making is that it equates disabled people with shit that isn't real just like it does for trans people. I said it probably wasn't put there with bad intention and yet people keep making out like I said that. It can be well intentioned and still harmful.


My point is that the wheelchair symbol isn't part of the joke. I guess you could argue it would be part of it, but I don't think it is at all.


Alot of people really don't respect disabled people either. It's just a shit show of a sign.


I don't see it that way. I think it's a joke that helps people make sense of something that may be strange or foreign to their way of thinking. Kind of like how straight guys found their way to gay tolerance first by saying, "Hey, more women for me, amiright?"


But don’t they have male and female on the sign as well as the alien? Wouldn’t that make it a blanket statement against all different identifications?


People aren't fucking aliens so no. It wouldn't. Just put the word "BATHROOM" on it and call it good. Why do cis people have to make things complicated?


Not everyone can read English?


Because signs should be universal


It's not the one joke, it's a joke made by LGBTQ people to make other LGBTQ people laugh. That's litteraly it, it's just funny and accepting.


Lol how do you know that? Even if it is, it's a shit joke that's still transphobic. Do you think queer people can't be shitty also?


I've heard very few people actually upset at this sign ever, most people just laugh or just be like "oh an unisex bathroom with a funny sign, how cute" Edit: word mix up


I find this sign extremely validating. I’m agender. This relaxes gender and points out that as long as people are comfortable? It doesn’t matter.


Intersex? How do you have a bathroom for only intersex people? Again I don't need your opinion on this. The gaslighting is annoying and not helping us. Kindly go and leave from this sub if you don't want to help trans people. That's what this sub is about after all. How can you be here of all places and want to tell yrans people what's offensive? Just leave. Just because your trans doesn't mean you can tell others what we can be upset about.


Unisex I meant. Also I for real don't understand why you are so upset over this sign, it's not some big dramatic thing, is a sign for a bathroom, the sign could say "fairies only" and from how you reacting to think I think you would get upset over that too. It's litteraly not the one joke, it's a joke It's not a joke meaning you aren't human, it's not that deep nor was it made by cishet people trying to be mean.


It's a good way for cis people to look at us and think we are just pretending to be ourselves. It's like the fucking helicopter joke. They look at us and see someone pretending to be an alien or some shit. I'm a woman. A normal ass woman. Not an alien, Greek hoplite or any other shit. Go ahead and keep telling yourself it's a joke. Will that stop someone from getting mad at me being in there? It's a joke until it's not.


Aight. 😐


It amazes me how trans people can look at this and think it's ok. Unbelievable.




Well that’s why they have the trans symbol as well


What trans symbol? Also this doesn't refute my previous comment. It's connecting transness with wacky stuff like aliens, hoplites, and...disabled people?


Disabled people are wacky…?


Thats clearly what the sign I implying. It's the weirdest thing I have seen but that's the implications.


Oh I see I misread what you typed


The second one is the symbol for trans I thought


It's not. Usually you see it on unisex bathrooms but if they used that then the rest of the shit on here isn't necessary. That symbol alone would be sufficient.


the figure with the dress and the pants is the trans symbol


Well its literally not so....


You know being inclusive doesn’t mean only being inclusive to different genders right? It could simply just mean no matter what gender you are, have disabilities or not, everyone can use the bathroom, and tbh I think this is pretty funny as it’s not harmful or aggressive at all


Yea let's also be inclusive to the aliens and babies and Spartans right? It's the fucking joke and you people think it's inclusive and progressive. Just because an apache helicopter isn't on it doesn't mean it's not the same kind of shit. This sub is a fucking trip.


It has no malicious intent.. can you not freak out over everything? This is at the same level as a trans person saying “did you just assume my gender???!!?!” sarcastically, and very obviously this sign has two sections and only the top half is to be taken seriously, the bottom half is simply just a joke, like are jokes actually not allowed now? It could literally mean anything, and not everything is targeted at trans people. Please just chill and stop seeing hostility in everything


Holy shit I keep saying I'm not mad. It's reddit. I don't care. I'm trying to have a discussion and people act like I'm screaming at my phone right now. I don't care about what people think. I don't care what you people do. Your not real to me. I tried to talk about something and people perceive that as an attack on them so I'm done. You can stay here with your fragility.


Calm down lol, reread your reply and tell me you don’t sound mad.. the way you type simply give off an aggressive tone, people don’t act like you’re screaming for no reason


The gaslighting is getting on my nerves. I'm sick of people telling me how I feel. I'm done.


I’m simply telling you the vibe you give off, you might not be mad, but the way you type come off as such, so that’s how me and others will perceive, is that hard to understand? Like an example would be, if someone is yelling aggressively, I would assume they’re mad, but it might just be the way they talk


Again I don't care. I'm done with the discussion. This is why I never fucking comment. How many times do I have to repeat the same fucking thing before I get frustrated? Having to talk to multiple people about the same thing gets frustrating. Again I'm done.






Oh yeah I never thought of that! I always have a little giggle at those kinds of signs because it makes me think of all the nonbinary jokes of "hehe I'm jsut a little goblin" etc. but I guess a cis person wouldn't have that context. (I am nonbinary)


It's not tho? It literally said "i don't give a shit what younare, just wash your hands"


I think that’s the same mentality that compells conservative “comedians” to say 2SLGBTQIAAP+ instead of LGBT every single time they discuss queer people - not because they care about underrepresented queer identities, but because they love pretending that they’ll be executed on sight for shortening it in a casual discussion.


This one has “I’m not racist, I don’t care if you’re black, white, blue, pink, purple...” vibes


It's the "I'm not racist. I dont even see color." But for gender.


You all taste the same, trust me, I know


What’s wrong with not being racist and treating people the same whatever color their skin has? What vibe is that?


There isn’t anything wrong with living that way at a personal, day to day level. But when talking about racism at the community/societal level, taking a position of color blindness is basically ignoring structural racism and pretending it doesn’t exist. If you can’t see colors, you can’t see patterns. And usually when people proudly take the stance of being colorblind, they’re often the type of person that ultimately denies the fact that racism is a real, structural issue with material consequences. That’s the vibe being referred to, I believe.


I agree when you say you can’t see color, which is silly. But to say that you don’t care what color the other person is, is in itself not bad. It’s like they’re saying:I care about this issue, regardless of the other persons background. Saying that’s a vibe is pretty messed up. It’s like saying someone is in denial and when they say they aren’t somehow they’re agreeing with you. Think about it, what else is someone who’s accused of being racist in a situation supposed to say?


"What did I do that was racist?"


But what if she/they/he really just didn’t do something racist but was accused of it? What else can she/they/he say? You’re in denial


"Why was that racist?" "I don't understand why you think that was racist." "I don't think that was racist because..." "That wasn't racist because..." "Race wasn't a factor because..." And those are just general examples. If you're obligated or motivated to respond to it, there are plenty of ways to have a discussion with people in specific situations. If you think the discussion isn't worth having, then don't have it to begin with. Or if you're confident that someone is claiming racism in bad faith, then call them out on it or just don't engage with them. Especially Internet trolls, who only want one thing: attention. But if you're in a position where you have to defend yourself, being open to having a discussion is just basic conflict resolution. Of course, if you're saying that people regularly get accused of racism for no actual reason, maybe there is an actual reason.


You are talking to a brick wall mate, best to disengage.


It's pretty funny, not the OneJoke.


It’s equating queer gender identities with identifying as an alien which is an actual onejoke I’ve heard in the wild


I guess, yeah. Though to me it's just saying "this bathroom is for EVERYONE"


Sure, that’s the intention, but the humor here is still the One Joke, that accepting people with queer gender identities is in some way like accepting people who identify as, or literally are, aliens. I’m not sure which of those two options is more offensive.


How is it any different if they do choose to identify as an alien?


Alien isn’t a gender identity


Says you


I mean, "otherkin" is technically a thing


Otherkin is also not a gender identity


I didn't say it was, I'm just pointing out that the door doesn't necessarily have to be referencing gender identity. There literally are people who identify as aliens is my point here.


You people find every single thing offensive.


We are in r/onejoke, if you discussion about the One Joke makes you uncomfortable, go somewhere else


Finding new ways to be perpetually offended with people who all feel the same way is a “discussion”? Just live.


I’m the one just doing my thing, you’re the one commenting about it instead of minding your own business.


Idk I kinda like these signs


My agender ass LOVES this sign. It’d become my favorite bathroom instantly.


I mean, well, we all should wash our hands


I feel like this was put up with good intentions, but it's just gross. It's definitely the "I don't see color" of gender. They're equating trans people to aliens...we're just normal people...




Pointing out actual harm being done is important. Quit supporting bigotry.


This sign isn't actually harming anyone. As someone who isn't trans, this sign does not influence how I think of trans people. Most of us wouldn't look at this and think "oh, trans people are like aliens or spartan warriors, they are so weird." Appreciate the fact that someone went out of their way to be inclusive, and don't go around calling everyone a bigot. Just because the person you're responding to thinks being offended over this sign is ridiculous, that doesn't make them a bigot.


>As someone who isn't trans Okay, then you don't get an opinion on if this is harmful to the trans community or not. As a trans woman and very outspoken activist and advocate for trans rights, I can promise you this *is* hurting the trans community. It's a light amount of bigotry that, left unchecked, will lead to more efforts to reduce trans rights. >Just because the person you're responding to thinks being offended over this sign is ridiculous, that doesn't make them a bigot. No one is "offended." Pointing out harmful things is important. Making excuses for why light bigotry is okay is inherently supporting that bigotry. I'm under no obligation to be thankful that someone went about support in the wrong way. If anything, I'd hope that pointing this out would further educate them so they can be a better trans ally. Making excuses for why it's okay and silencing trans peoples' voices and opinions on the matter is actively being a bad ally. That's what you're doing right now. Edit: you're barely ever active on Reddit. Less so in trans spaces. Don't come into a trans space to try and overwrite my opinion and insult/silence me on something that pertains to me and my community while not pertaining to you. I'm not "overly offended." I'm an advocate for doing better. Take the lesson.




>They're not equating trans people to aliens There is a picture of an alien on what is clearly supposed to be an "inclusive bathroom sign." That's saying aliens == trans people, even if that wasn't intended. It's othering and dehumanizing. This clearly is meant to be a bathroom trans people are safe using, so the parallel is clear. >Probably just some 50 year old dude who wanted to be inclusive and make a boomer teehee in the process ...and, in the process, equated trans people to a fictitious depiction of an alien. Trans people are just people. This could've been accomplished without that.




Pointing out small, latent biases that end up supporting efforts to reduce my rights is a big part of activism. Equating trans people to fictitious depictions of aliens is harmful, full stop. The intent doesn't matter as much as how it's perceived. I'm glad you have the freedom to be so uncaring and aloof. I don't. Many of those like me also don't. Activism is important, especially in these times where people are trying to take rights away from people like me.


So you are saying that aliens aren't normal?


Seeing as the depiction on the sign is a fictitious being...no, they aren't normal. They're fiction.


Where tf does it say anything about trans people


Actually this sign was made as a joke in favor of trans people just like "I don't care what your gender or whatever is, just wash your hands" it is meant to be about trans people




This isn’t the one joke; it’s the opposite.


… I hate to say it, but I actually chuckled a bit at this one.


I don’t get what’s so bad about this. This isn’t really One joke, just washing hands


It has a hint of the one joke in it, but I still like it. It seems at least somewhat derived from the one joke, but it has ascended. BEHOLD! THE SECOND JOKE!


new gender just dropped: baby /j




Not really the one joke


Is it bad that I laughed at this because of the "Whatever, just wash your hands" shit?


Nah, it's a joke made by trans people and it's funny


no its just nice


bruh the people here will see anything and just put ( )=transphobia and call it a day. not everything is supposed to be taken seriously dimwit


This literally isn't the one joke.


This is literally the opposite of the one joke. Cmon man


this isn't the one joke but it does make me uncomfortable, just make it a unisex bathroom.


I think this is fine. It’s just saying it’s a gender neural bathroom. I’m seeing people say is comparing trans people to aliens. But seriously, ???????? Aliens are cool


This is a joke made by trans people. It's not equating people to aliens it's just saying, I don't care where you are from who you are as a person, just wash your hands.


Seems fine


This is obviously not meant to be taken seriously omfg


Come on guys this literally says “we don’t care”


That's often not enough. They want you to care and be outraged


I dont think it's the one joke, it's actually pretty funny. It's just saying "I don't care who uses this bathroom, just dont be an asshole and just wash your hands."


You would be absolutely correct


Dumb fucking post. This is clearly supposed to be inclusive. This is another example of the left eating itself; we need to stop attacking each other and focus on pushing back against the real enemy.


I don't think this one is that bad, it can easily be interpreted as:"everyone is equal, so just do your thing here"


Reminds me more of the whiny, barely-even-tolerance sort of tolerance you see from some "moderates." The kind of people who say "I'm okay with you L... B... J... whatevers, as long as you don't shove your sexuality down my throat."


It was a joke made by trans people for a unisex bathroom. It's been popularized now and is used often. It's not the one joke it is however a joke, but not the one


Hmmm, why is that attitude a problem?


The not at all subtle admission that the person thinks my sexuality (or gender or whatever else) is repulsive and shouldn't be brought up. Straight people talk about their partners literally all the damn time, but gay people are expected to never even hint at their sexuality again ~~once~~ *if* they've come out. I have the right to talk about any aspect of my life that I please, and one of those aspects is my sexuality. Trans people have that same right.


This is pretty funny, ngl


Love finding minutae to attack allies 👍


I feel its a “good-intentioned-but-still-unknowingly-harmful” onejoke


I find it offensive to people like me who identify as Roman Centurions


You forgot the /j


Did I?




I don’t think every joke against transgenderism is a bad thing…


1 it's not a joke against transgender people 2 don't say "transgenderism" is dehumanizing


Ur silly


Come on, this isn’t bad.


I don't think it's disrespectful, I kinda like it tbh


this would actually be kinda funny in like a con or something with a bunch of cosplays?


I personally find this funny as fuck, it all depends on the way you interpret it, but as a genderfluid person, I think this would become my new favorite bathroom. I think it /could/ be the one joke if you interpreted it like that, but it also could not be the one joke, again, depending on your interpretation.


It’s basically saying weather you see yourself as men women either nor just clean your hand