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I was getting frustrated with my battery life, but then I realized it was probably pretty degraded, so I replaced my battery. It's better, but not as good as it was when it was first released. I also usually charge to full overnight, and now since my car has Android Auto, whenever I'm driving my phone is also plugged in.


It's hard to find a battery that will match the OEM one. I also replaced the battery in my OP3T a couple of months ago with good results still. > Original battery: Accubattery reported ~65% capacity after 3 years, the 3rd year being almost perpetually tethered to my work laptop. > Replacement 1 - AliExpress "OEM" battery: DOA. Battery always reported 50% charge and device was yelling at me for "temperature is too low to charge the battery", which tells me the onboard circuitry was fucked. Got my money back. > Replacement 2 - Amazon 3rd party: Battery didn't feel any different from the original. After a couple of days Accubattery was reporting 70%ish, and confirmed with the OnePlus Diagnostic tool that it was actually worse than that. Seller shipped a new battery. > Replacement 3 - 3rd party again: Battery felt much better, getting through a whole day once again. OP Diagnostic reports 89% original capacity, which is "good enough" for me. Replace the battery, feel like a new phone, pray the other small issues with it don't murder the device while I wait for the SD865 phones to exist.


Does it fast charge with the new battery you put in? Still going strong with my 3, only had to replace the charging port so far. Looking to make it last as long as possible


Yeah, it still works fine with dash charging. I got an OEM (or at least what was supposed to be) battery from eBay, and installation went well.


My wife seems to be constantly recharging her 3t, but we haven't been satisfied enough with any of the upgrade options to warrant spending the cash.


If you haven't seen it check out the Asus Zenfone 6. Went to that from an OP3 and its been great so far


Both have official LOS support too.


I don't it would be a good idea to buy an LCD screened phone for that price, might as well get a 6t or 7 which are cheaper nowadays.


Honestly the screen is absolutely fine on it. I've had no problem with it. The only thing really is viewing angles but it's incredibly rare to not be looking at it directly anyway.


Yeah I bet it's good, but for the price maybe you could get a better one, I guess it just depends on whether you prioritize screen or battery.


Mind me asking what are you not satisfied with? A 7 pro is light years ahead in every aspect compared to a 3T. Well, except the headphone jack.. which in that case go for a OnePlus 6 (dead cheap now) or a top Samsung. If she's into good photos the Pixel 3AXL is also a great little budget phone


Not really a fan of Samsung and forcing bixby on their users. She really likes the alert slider on OP phones because she came from an iPhone and that's a feature she's familiar with. She's not overly picky about pictures. The larger problem is that the phone that gets upgraded will be mine and she will inherit my 6t. So it's kind of about my preferences because she just says "you get whatever and I'll take your old phone".


In that case, if you're enjoying your 6T you could just get a OnePlus 7 or 7T. Essentially a 6T but more features and more polished. Can't go wrong with it if you enjoyed your 6T, they pretty much designed the 7 as a "sequel" to the 6T.


Considering your 3T is probably 3 years old now, the battery has probably lost about 10% of its maximum capacity (my old 3 had like 2650 mAh as max according to one app I dont remember the name of). I used to charge twice, sometimes 3 times a day with moderately heavy use. Also I noticed that in standby the phone drained relatively much battery, I blamed this on the physical fingerprint scanner but have never looked it up. Now I recently upgraded to the 7T pro, which I only need to charge once per day, I get like 6 to 7 hours of SOT.


sounds like a generous estimate, my 3t lost over 20% in like 2 years


Oh wow, that is a lot. I dont know about you and/or OP but I always tried to keep my phone around 10-90% (ideally I think it is 30-80%?). Also avoided charging overnight for the first year or so, since I'd rather charge about 60% (A days power in half an hour was the slogan back then lol) in the morning and then again in the afternoon. After a while I gave up on conserving the "health" of my phone and just charged it overnight. My battery probably began to deteriorate after that.


Probably has a lot to do with dash/warp charging to be honest.


Yeah true, I once read somewhere that it isnt really beneficial for your battery to say the least


Was it Accubattery perhaps?


Yes! That was the one


My OP3 is 3 years and 4 months old. Never been a very heavy user, which may contribute to my battery still showing "healthy" status with 87% in the OnePlus Diagnostics app. I usually go to bed with around 15% battery after around 4 hours SOT. I'm finally seeing my phone's performance start to slow down a little bit, I'm not sure if flashing a custom ROM would help that.


Why would the physical fingerprint scanner drain battery?


Since it is always on, whenever you put your finger on it your phone will unlock. However as I said, I didn't look into it that much so it could be neglegible battery drain, however my OP7TPro uses only a few % during the night, where as my OP3 used more.


Install the OnePlus Diagnostic app and it will tell you the health of the battery. Just Google "OnePlus Diagnostic apk". I have a 5 and the battery health is 77% and I could be charging twice a day.


I went with the xiaomi 9T because the 7 pro was out of my price range. 9t lasts me 2-3 days on regular use (texting, reddit, instagram, some time killing games) I believe it around 300$ right now. If you don't mind waiting i believe the budget op8 will be coming out in the next few months.


I hate miui. It so ugly.


How do you find the 9t looking at, that, and the, 9t pro


Normally once a day. I don't use it a whole lot throughout the day, but the days I have bluetooth, wifi and a vpn on at the same time drains it really quickly. Like 20% gone in about 30-45 mins.


Stil rocking the original 3, heavy usage 1/2 charges a day


Same here, I charge it once a day before I go to bed (have to charge it overnight because the fast charging stopped working), and it's fine all day unless I have especially heavy usage.


I recently changed the battery through the official 1+ service. It has costed me 31 euros and the only downside is that it had to ship to Poland. I had a spare phone to make things much easier, but I consider it a very well priced service overall. I am happy with my 3T and still planning to use it as long as the battery lasts.


If im busy once overnight. Most if the time once overnight and once afternoon. If i got the day off and on the phone all day I charge 3 times a day. It really depends how you use it or how much you use it.


Yeah. Isn't that bad when the expectations these days are batteries lasting a day's worth or even longer? I feel cheated.


Your battery has degraded over time. A new phone would have much better battery life. You could also try to replace your current battery, although it's hard to judge the quality of 3rd party batteries over the internet. Sent from my 1+3T also with a degraded battery.


Loved my 3T but would basically need to leave it plugged in during the day at work even after charging it at night. Switched to the 7T and it's amazing, I charge every 36 hours or so with pretty heavy usage. And it charges back up so quick - went from 0 to full in 50 minutes


My 3T was t still giving me over 5 hours on the original battery before I upgraded to the 7T. Check what apps you run because things like running Facebook will hammer the battery with wakelocks.


I switched my 3 for a 7 pro 2 weeks ago. I charged it every night. But I also used it in my car for music and gps while being plugged in. So in the end it was depending on how long my workday was.


Like every night but that's after a heavy day of use, 50% brightness.


Not 3T but I have a 3 so I guess is valid. I have to recharge multiple times a day, I watch a lot of youtube and read plenty of manga, that usually consumes plenty of charge... now when I boot Azur Lane (a game) the battery just weeps and dies. Now all this is perfectly reasonable taking the age of the phone and how much use I have put it during these years, in the end lithium batteries degrade with time/use and this is going to happen pretty much with any device so I recommend to buy a new phone or replace the battery from your device (dont know were to get one but google will give you that answer). Hope it helps


I was taking my 3T off the charger around 10 AM and needed to charge around 7-8 PM every night, I'm not much of a heavy user either. Phone was 3 months shy of 3 years. I upgraded to a 7 Pro in October. Take it off the charger around 10 AM and usually have about 50-60% left at 2 AM.


A 3 which is charged once maybe two times a day. 3 years and a half old, health at 87%. Not updated to the latest OS, still on 8.


I charge it 2-3 times a day...




I did that upgrade, my 7T lasts all day.


I have just got the 7pro and battery is way better. I was getting 2-3 hours SOT with the 3t, got 7 on Saturday with the 7 pro.


If I'm lucky I get 2,5 hours of SOT on my 3T. So I need to charge at least twice a day.


2-3 times a day, I charge overnight, wake up at 6AM and need to charge right after lunch. After that it depends if I go out in the evening or not Currently eying the Xiaomi Mi 9T pro (headphone jack) but Oxygen OS (or any custom ROM) is so much better than MIUI


Sold my 3T a few weeks ago, I used to need to charge it 2 times a day, sometimes 3. Charging overnight and charging again around 6pm or so.


Just went from a 3T to a 7pro. Was charging once at 5pm as I was at ~10% with minimal use.


I have to charge my 3T like 2 times a day now. Exp. if I get up early and workout it is more like 3 times a day. (I listen to Spotify for like an hour while I work out) I am looking sending my 3T back to Oneplus so that they can replace the battery.


I have my OP3 since Jun'16, so 3.5 year. I'm going in my 3rd battery, the last one that I change I had to charge 2 times a day with 2400mah of estimated capacity.


I consider my last 3 years pretty "best case scenario". I charge to 80-90% in the mornings. Nowadays I have to charge at night too and regularly fall down to 5%. I figure it's okay considering. Accurbattery reports 89%.


I can stretch to two days but I cheated and got an official battery replacement earlier this year.


I get about 5 hours of screen time on a full charge (mostly browsing Reddit or Internet).


Batteries degrade over time and older phones tend to use more juice as you're picking up apps, bloatware, etc. If you like everything except the battery then consider sticking in a new one. Have it swapped out by a tech or do it yourself, it isn't that hard. Just look up some guides


Only once a day with normal/medium use on work days - no gaming, some short calls, texting, but lots of Reddit and music via Bluetooth on my way to work and back (30mins each). Usually SOT of 5 - 6h. Bought on release, but ran custom ROMs basically from the start. Right now on havoc os with Android 10, battery actually is noticable better than on pie. On weekends I sometimes charge in the afternoon again to get me through the night. Maybe try a custom rom while looking for some good deals.


I went from a 3t to a 7t about a month ago. My battery life was terrible but now I can power use through the whole day and still be at 35 when I'm done. The 7t lasts an incredible amount of time.


I've had mine for about 4 years and its been fine until a little while ago. When I used fast charge i needed to around 3 times a day, it charged quickly but the battery also seemed to drain quickly as well. I'm currently charging every morning till full battery and it lasts me 10 hours or so. I've changed my theme colour to black and normally have mobile data, location, and Bluetooth on while out and working.


I usually charge it overnight. In the weekend I charge it once more during the day. I think I average around 4-5 hours of screen on, but I'm usually indoors so I use low brightness. I'm currently running LineageOS 16.0 without any apps like greenify. I will try to check tomorrow and I will edit this comment with the results. Side note: throughout the work day I usually don't use my phone, only on my way to and from work, and later at home.


I charge mine every night, and with using it moderately during the day I still have 30% every evening


Bought it on release day and charge it once a day. Usually up to 80-85% and with some light to moderate use I'll have about 40% left at the end of the day. I never charge to 100% and never let it go below 20%, so the battery isn't taxed as much. Still going strong and I love my 3T to bits!


This is how you make a battery last!


I try to make it last because I really really love this phone and would be heartbroken if it died on me. It never let me down ever and is still as snappy as on day 1.


I am charging my One Plus 3T once to twice (depending on wifi) in 24 hours (Android 9) There are 2 issues with Battery Life on Android 9 1)Mobile Network Standby (Go to Settings -> Battery -> Usage Totals -> 3 dots -> Show full device usage) This is around 20-50% on my One Plus 3T and seems to be a Bug when not connected to a Wifi (No fix so far, One plus only offered a downgrade to Android 8) 2)Automatic Time Zone (Go to Settings -> System -> Date & Time -> Turn Off Automatic Timezone) Not sure why but this drained my battery like crazy someone on reddit gave me the tip and it really helped When I am at home in Wifi the battery easily lasts from 6:30 am to 23:00 On a busy day without much Wifi it lasts from 6:30 till around 16:30


Changed mine last week. Had to charge it twice a day. Just get a battery from ebay and change it.


if constant using, 3 times, third time would be during bedtime.


It was fine until a recent update and now I have to recharge all the time. I don't know if it's still because of Whatsapp but it's terrible now ...


I own my OnePlus 3T since early 2017 and he only issue it has, is the battery life. I charge while I sleep, and wake up to work at 7:30 am. When I have my lunch break at 1 pm, I charge it to 100%. I get out of my job at 4:30 pm and go to college. In my backpack, I always have a 10.000mah powerbank, and I do need to use it almost everyday in order to don't get out of battery. I bought a OnePlus 7t and I'm waiting for it to arrive.


Switched from a 3T to a 5T 2 days ago, 3T was having pretty awful battery life until I found it was a WhatsApp bug causing the drain, force stopping WhatsApp meant my battery would still last me a full day (not too much SOT, but a fair amount of usage as a Wi-Fi hotspot) with between 15-40% left at the end of the day.


I had a OP3 up until a month or so ago. I have a OP7T Pro now. It's been out for 60 days and the mods *still* haven't added a flair for it... My OP3 would get me through a day at work without much fuss. But I'd be at about 40% when I got home. If I travelled anywhere, where I'd be on 4G for extended periods of time with a higher than normal amount of screen on time, then it wouldn't last half a day. I once spent about 3 and a half hours on a train and the battery went from 100% to 45%. I carry around a power bank so it's wasn't a big issue. That said, even when the phone wasn't all that old I still carried a power bank. Batteries degrade over time. I expect in a few years my OP7T Pro will have the same issue. But between fast charging and power banks, I don't really care.


With moderate use throughout the day (mostly redditisfun, discord, and internet browsing) I go from 100% to about 40% or 50% over 14 hours. If I don't use it or just light use, it's about 75% after 14 hours. * I don't have many apps running in the background either (don't have Facebook or any other social media apps aside from Reddit). * I keep Wifi on most of the time * bluetooth disabled * location disabled * adaptive screen brightness * and i set it to recharge at approximately the same time every night


Same here. People need to manage their devices better. It's not the battery's fault.


You can get an official battery replacement from OP themselves for like $12 in parts + $20 in labor (i believe). Honestly not that bad comparatively to other 3rd party shops


My 3 will still last a day with a moderate amount of use (surfing reddit occasionally, other social media etc). My battery life doesn't sound nearly as bad as most of the other commenters here. I charge once a day on average. I use "slow" chargers mostly, and I dont charge it over night. I've done this since I bought the phone 2-3 years ago and its seemed to work well so far.


I don't know if this add anything but i have OnePlus 3, when i bought it i would charge it at least 5-6 times a day because i used it heavily playing it, fast charging is still on and its always in the charging cable all day when im home and when I'm out i charge it with my car I did notice it lose battery faster but its loss less than the other phones i had, if i would use it i will need to recharge it after 6-7 hours (if constant use) but if i leave it alone it holds up Ps. I don't know how to keep a battery running for long, i just act if its a laptop and never take it out of the charger


I used my phone quite a lot (for job mostly) and I'm home at about 40-50% after 12 hours. I'm charging it overnight every night.


Once a day, moderate usage. Twice a day if heavily used.


Twice a day. Need to plug my phone in by 7pm.


On average once every 2 days. Still the original battery just over 3 years old. Amazing phone. Upgrading to 7T this week though.


I have to charge mine 1.5-2 times a day.


Once a day. I used to have Android 9 and needed to recharge multiple times a day and my phone was very laggy. Then I downgraded to Android 8 (OxygenOS 5.0.8) and the battery life is a lot better. There are still moments when it is laggy but I couldn't seem to install older OS versions. Edit: The phone is 3 months old.


I gave my phone away about a year ago but I think the person charges about once a day. It got a lot worse with the whatsapp battery drain, but I suppose that is fixed now.


used mine for 2.5 years, starting to need to charge it twice a day the past month.


OP5 owner here. My battery began to worsen quickly over the last months. I recently bought a new battery and changed it. Now it's back to being awesome. It cost me around 20$.


What all battery optimization my fellow 3T users do? Apart from the turning Automatic time zone off thingy?


I've had mine basically since launch. Accubattery is reporting it to be at about 60-65% of the original capacity, but I felt like it was still fine until the android 9 update. I've bought a replacement battery from eBay but can't manage to get the back off to actually replace it. Anyone got advice for this?


You can replace your battery for about 10$.


Does oneplus still make original batteries and sell them like apple?


I don't think so. My battery was replaced in a repair shop a couple of months ago and they installed a 'new' one for the 3T. It was from 10-2018


They replaced mine for about €40, it was definitely better after but not as good at the start.


I don't know. In the One Plus website you can required a replacement. If you wait one month I will tell you more, since I will try to replace mine.


how did you do that I talked to a representative and they said they can't send oem parts to customers and I have to send it in


I have a 3T running Skydragon (an optimised rom with amazing battery saving features), I only charge to 80% and I plug in 2-3 times a day