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If you have to put and clarify “ I am not racist” on your “picket” sign, maybe you should rethink what you’re doing.


Well, when you invite nazis that causes you to need mental gymnastics to justify it, and well, you cannot, so there's a sign/shirt for that now...


It's funny that a lot of these people deny being Nazis and racists and maybe on an individual level that can be true sometimes, but by golly do Nazis and Racists ever love the same ideology. It's almost as if conservative politics appeal heavily to Nazis or something.


I mean, privatization was a nazi idea.


When you have a table of 3 and one Nazi comes and sits down with no one arguing, you have a table of 4 Nazis.


You mean like the liberals did with Hunka?


Ok, now think for eight seconds. Was that a dumb move? Absolutely. What did they do once they found out? Handled it appropriately.


Just had an argument with a guy on TikTok and he argued around it until he said " Canada was never this way until it started looking like India." Bra, you racist..


The first people here thought the same thing. It was nice here until it started looking like Europe. Hahaha! The Canadians saying they aren't racist need to remember this wasn't always Canada. They hate FN the most.


I'm more confused about what ways Canada looks like India. We don't have a caste system. We don't have nearly the same population density, even Toronto. I don't know what other ways we could even be like India without making sweeping generalizations about Indian people, and that'd be racist, which I strive not to be. I'm just always confused by comments from these kinds of people.


They're saying it looks like India because there's a lot of Indian people in some communities. It's just a blatantly racist statement, no need to dig into it


You strive to be a non racist / a decent person. The people that say Canada is staring to look like India are not.


Canada look like India 😆😂😂😂😅


All the questions about my "Im not racist" shirt can be answered by the shirt.


That would require being able to think. Hell, I'm sure it took them 5 tries to spell the words correctly . I want to see how many posters are sitting at home spelled wrong lol


“I am not rasist, I am Candian!” Lol. Remember the guy protesting at the hospital during peak Covid, who had a sign saying “I know more than the scietists”? I’m still not sure if that was satire. It screams satire, doesn’t it?


I dunno, I found stickers saying COVID VACCINES CAUSE TURBO CANCER posted in the neighbourhood around my hospital and I thought it *must* be satire. I mean, *turbo cancer*? It sounds like a joke, but after I looked it up, these people are serious. They genuinely think turbo cancer is a real thing and they're afraid of it.


Turbo Cancer is truly something that sounds like it should be in the realm of satire/comedy. That's like calling something Super Aids. I can't believe that people are anywhere near dumb enough to believe in something called turbo Cancer. There's just cancer. Sure, sometimes cancer can operate in turbo mode but doctors just call it "aggressive."


Supercharged Stupidity


I was at my neighbourhood coffeeshop on the morning of the eclipse. Some guy starts into it being the first day of the age of Aquarius. So I politely say, "like the song?" Clearly this was my first mistake. The conversation divulged into him explaining that gravity is the force pushing objects away from the Earth. The only reason water is flat is due to density. The sun is much closer to the earth, and everything we know is wrong. Pretty sure the dude thinks he knows more than scientists.


But what about the scietists?


I had a guy tell me, recently, that the COVID *vaccine* has killed millions of people. To be fair though, he was a paranoid schizophrenic. So he’s got his own thing going on.




The moon, obviously.


That guy was mocking the protesters, yes.


Well, you know, they want to make sure to differentiate themselves from their co-protesters flying the flags of hate groups. And listed terrorist entities.


"I am not racist, I just happen to hang out with a lot of them, make common cause with them politically, and refuse to kick them out of my rallies. How is that racist?" -- them


[Always reminds me of this.](https://imgur.com/gallery/6sPrzhY)


If somone thinks you're racist, that sucks. If RACISTS think you're racist, boy you're fucking racist.


I can’t even get mad at the dumb asses who fall for this shit - they have a little community they feel part of. I am mad at the politicians and rich assholes who use these poor dumb fucks to get CPC candidates elected. They pretend to be one of them meanwhile they own the houses the stupid fucks rent, they own the grocery stores the morons can’t afford to buy food at anymore, they own the companies that won’t raise their wages.


This. Conservatism is a fear economy and fear is a powerful motivator. It means conservatives are easier to trigger, and so easier to manipulate...something bad actors, political, corporate and religious, all leverage for their own agendas. We're seeing the recipe for how fascists are made, in real time...start by marinating them in fake news, 7/24/365. https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/the-human-beast/201104/conservatives-big-fear-brain-study-finds https://news.osu.edu/conservatives-more-susceptible-to-believing-falsehoods/ https://www.psypost.org/neuroimaging-study-provides-insight-into-misinformation-sharing-among-politically-devoted-conservatives/ https://www.thenewcivilrightsmovement.com/2023/12/right-wing-evangelicals-are-marinating-in-information-aimed-at-making-them-fearful-hostile-journalist/ https://ia803103.us.archive.org/28/items/paxtonfivestagesoffascism/Paxton%20Five%20Stages%20of%20Fascism.pdf


Conservatism is pretty much its own religion at this point, minus all the lip-service about compassion and kindness to your fellow human beings.


Already forgot about their catchphrase "but think of the children!!"? They love that lip service but only if it can be used to control others or opress trans people. 


Yeah this is the issue. A lot of these people do not have the cognitive abilities to know they are being fed arguments that benefit millionaires and it’s a copy paste tactic from the states. While I’m not a liberal fan, it’s difficult to consider voting for a party (CPC) that dog whistles these insane people and encourages them. We all see where that leads. If you talk to people who fall into the same group they have no coherent arguments or understanding of anything political. It’s dangerous because they are not fighting for specific policies that will improve the lives of people in their social-economic class but rather they put their energy into insane theories. All while the oil and grocery stores jack their profits and know these people are too stupid to correlate their insane profits with corporate greed rather than a political party. The issue is the liberal party also hasn’t done enough to combat corporate greed and the more we allow inflation to be driven by 0.1% of the population and benefit them the worse it’s going to be. However we know the CPC is the last party to put government framework in place to control these business practices that are hurting everyone. Basically this is all just a redirection tactic to keep people from eating the rich.


Have contempt for the conman and not the conned.


I think people could afford rent and groceries last time the CPC was in🤷🏽 I don’t remember Harper tent cities


That’s because when Harper was in, if someone couldn’t afford rent, he would send in the Royal Canadian Death Squad and escort them to incineration centres in rural Ontario where the problem would be dealt with quickly and efficiently. You can still see the abandoned railway lines today. The CPC will bring them back, don’t worry.


Axe the Tax! Uh… and Go Russia!? … and birth control sucks!…. Err guys? … Measles are COOL?… The big tent Conservative Movement


You forgot “why do my eyes hurt?”


"boooo science!"


Hard times when even science is trying to steal your freedom.


Don’t you know? In the cover of darkness of the eclipse, the baby eating liberal fascist communist elite sheeple expanded their 5G network and released chem trails upon the freedom loving patriots of this country.


Meh, what would I, a sheep know about that!!?!


Gas prices are too expensive! Let me drive my oversized pickup truck to a protest hundreds of kilometers away to complain!


Or my tractor that I use for agriculture! Even though AG fuels are excempt from the carbon tax..?


this exactly


Pronouns make me uncomfortable! - them probably


poor flowery profit zephyr mindless vast degree disgusted abundant nutty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




The wind blows and they take a new tack. It never ends.


A bunch of children screaming about something they don't understand because they keep losing .I'm so tired of seeing anything about convoy protesters. I wish they would stop giving them headlines and just ignore them. Let them sit on the road and wave their flags and fade off into existence much like most of their futures did when they left high-school.


Remember folks, these peoples votes counts just as much as yours


Actually if they live in a rural riding their vote counts significantly more than yours does. If you’re one of 50,000 votes in a GTA riding vs one of 7000 in a riding with no people, your vote has way more impact In the latter.


This is true and in my opinion a significant issue. Our country would look very different if each vote had equal weight.


And also remember that higher percentage of these idiots will vote than viewers of this sub. There are a lot of people here that bitch and moan but don't vote. Voter turnout is still abysmal, especially among younger voters


To an extent. PP Issued a vote of no confidence and fucked off and didn't even vote. A number of these people are just bark and no vote.


And the Conservatives are currently polling to take a majority.


And hey in the end they’ll lose with a minority govt 😂😂


Let's just say that anyone who goes around publicly displaying a "Fuck Trudeau" sign or other uncivil, disrespectful messaging are not the finest of Canadians.


My respect plummets for one who has that sticker or sounds like a dialtone about the same 4 talking points. And it's like... cool, are you going to keep whining or offer a solution we can democratically talk through that benefits everyone?


Their "solution" is to recall, try, and occasionally execute Trudeau for "treason," which to them pretty much means anything from imposing taxes to the US closing their border to unvaccinated Canadians to definitely being the bastard son of Fidel Castro.


To be fair, I did write Fuck John Tory on this sub Reddit yesterday, and I’m not apologizing for it. However, I am also not putting on an 8 foot wide banner, and making it my worldview. I was commenting on Toronto’s history of shitty, shitty mayors.


Fuck Pierre Poilievre but I’m not gonna parade around with a flag on my car like some weirdo.


To be fair, his supporters are a lot likelier to vandalise your car over seeing such an opinion expressed than any progressives or moderates are over a "Fuck Trudeau" flag or sticker.


Agreed. It boggles my mind how much Trudeau lives rent free in their heads . Lol


Fuck Doug Ford. Fuck Pierre Poilievre. Hell. Fuck every Conservative politician and voter in this country. These opinions are also not my entire identity. I don’t think these people at all most days and keep 99% of my venting about them here.


Most reasonable people get it. Reasonable people are…. reasonable. We use swears when we need to, like pepper. They use it like ranch dressing.




There's a difference between tone policing and simply wanting to filter out contentless noise. This rabble is noise and nothing more.


Tone policing is how the status quo keeps people down. While being abused and harassed the minority must be perfect and pure!


[Remember when they called themselves "Yellow Vests Canada" and we laughed at them as a fringe group of far-right actors?](https://www.thestar.com/edmonton/threats-abound-on-yellow-vests-canada-facebook-page-raising-questions-about-free-speech/article_fdac706d-d793-5423-a562-4ff8b4d61c49.html)


Unite We Roll. Yellow Vests. Freedom Convoy. One Million March for Children. Axe the Tax. Largely the same group of organizing personalities. None of whom have jobs. It kind of make you wonder how someone makes a living as an anti-state protest organizer in Canada. Like, where did the money come from to fill those envelopes of cash used to the pay the professional protesters at the Freedom Convoy? The ones who parked trucks in front of parliament then left right before Russia's second invasion of Ukraine.


>It kind of make you wonder how someone makes a living as an anti-state protest organizer in Canada. Like, where did the money come from to fill those envelopes of cash used to the pay the professional protesters at the Freedom Convoy? The money going into these groups is CRAZY. I've tracked one for a couple of steps, and read some great research of people tracking them in the US, and it's mindblowing. You have these organizations that exist just to receive money, take a cut, and pass it on to smaller operators. Some of them pay themselves hundreds of thousands a year annually. It's completely nuts. With the convoy though, I think the answer is easy: O&NG. O&NG is freaked out by the movement to stop burning fossil fuels and is spending a huge warchest fighting that. This is why you see groups like the convoy getting backed and fueled by Co-Op and in turn going off to fight striking O&NG workers.




To say at least. Also I love the fact that Trudeau stole all their freedoms so they can send him multiple fucks back.


It's just another "team" slogan at this point. Slogans don't bring much to the table.


They're not sending their best.


They definitely are, though


Now that you mention it.


Learning requires critical thinking something the Conservatives have bred out of their base.


Not only that but they actively crusade against knowledge and information. Thinking is a sin in the conservative party


I thought they inbreed?


So now it's the "Carbon Tax Convoy" and not the "Covid Convoy"? Stop pretending that these people have any goal other than the removal of JT from office through political intimidation and obstruction. And all because of some nebulous idea of "wokeness" that they can't even define in a way that doesn't come off as an "are we the baddies?" take. They want their own Jan 6th.


Leopards will be eating a **lot** of faces starting next year.


Not gonna lie, I was kinda hoping that the April 1 "protest" became a version of Jan 6 - without anyone getting hurt. Because PP was pushing it boldly, and if it DID become like Jan 6, then we could charge him with treason and be done with his ridiculousness.


The convoy was ALWAYS the carbon tax convoy, or at least a pro-oil movement. [It grew out of Yellow Vests Canada](https://calgaryherald.com/news/local-news/yellow-vest-convoy-to-ottawa-splits-issues-refunds), which was [an anti-carbon-tax movement back in 2018](https://globalnews.ca/news/4770509/yellow-vest-protests-canada/). Later[ it rebranded as United We Roll and created a convoy across Canada with the intention to unite Canada behind a pipeline](https://www.cbc.ca/news/opinion/united-we-roll-1.5030419). As well as promoting pipelines and protesting the carbon tax, it was [allegedly funded and definitely supported by co-op (the gas company) to fight striking oil workers](https://pressprogress.ca/co-op-says-its-against-racism-they-didnt-mention-they-teamed-up-with-a-far-right-group-to-attack-workers/). The movement has ALWAYS been oil industry astroturf. How do you think they have so much money to pay for all of these trucks to travel back and forth across the country?


Yup, hate mongers love it too: [Protests Against Carbon Tax Include Recognizable Figures From So-Called Freedom Convoy](https://www.antihate.ca/protests_against_carbon_tax_include_recognizable_figures_from_so_called_freedom_convoy)


[Same people (surprise surprise) behind the anti-LGBTQ protests.](https://pressprogress.ca/anti-lgbtq-million-man-marches-are-being-held-across-canada-who-is-behind-them-and-what-are-they-really-about/)


There was an earlier truck convoy movement in Australia going back to around 2011. I have a sneaky suspicion that the IDU folks are behind them (directly or indirectly).


I actually don't think the IDU is behind the convoy, though they absolutely adopted them. The mainstream conservative establishment (Manning Institute) were all pushing Canada Proud's alt-light bullshit while the convoy went full on far-right and started working with groups like Diagalon.


All of this Alberta vs the ‘East’ / Federal Government is because of Oil. Reform Party/ CPC and its misinformation arms, Rebel, Post Media, and many others are just the voice of it and they will destroy the Country to keep it going. Sorry, not will destroy, are destroying.


Where i live (Vancouver Island) gas jumped almost 20 cents at the start of spring break mid March for no apparent reason other than gas companies wanted to increase price. All the hubbub about the carbon tax ALMOST had me thinking there might be another big jump April 1st, but it maybe went up a couple cents. Were there bigger increases elsewhere? I don't understand why these people are laying the affordability crisis at the feet of the carbon tax instead of corporate greed? You hear that the carbon tax is to blame about food prices, but what about the fact that 62 new billionaires were created in the food industry between 2020 and 2022. Source: https://www.euronews.com/2023/04/19/food-barons-who-are-the-billionaires-profiting-from-the-cost-of-living-crisis


Gas prices are always raised during long holidays. It's a money grab and usage goes up. The whole carbon tax slogan is meant to avoid debate about how it doesn't raise prices for most people.


Gas prices *dropped* in Nova Scotia on April 1st.


Kinda true but kinda not. For the sake of clarity: it did go up 3.8¢/L with the carbon tax increase HOWEVER because it had gone down over 4 cents a few days before it still cost less than it had the previous week. So the carbon tax did increase it but the normal fluctuation still brought it down to less than it previously was.


> Were there bigger increases elsewhere? Here in Sudbury tonnes of places jumped from $1.54 to $1.70 a 16 cent increase, Costco stayed pretty low at $1.54 (they were $1.50 before) which is in line with Carbon Tax. it's back to normal now mostly but they all cashed in when it was insane pricing.


Because they can make hay off of the anti tax crowd and climate deniers at the same time.


Critical thinking isn't very many people's forte.


Learning is for them lefties ... /s


Yeah, something tells me these folks aren't burdened with an overabundance of book learnin'.


Just like facts, logic, thinking, empathy, social responsibility, etc. it's all just a lefty, commie, nazi, totalitarian plot to........sorry I forget what this was all supposed to do but I'm sure it's bad and evil and all Trudeau's fault since he won't have sex with them.


disgusted public school ludicrous six liquid possessive cause stupendous scale *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A good percentage of these people are the so-called "underclass" who previously opted out of politics altogether. They have legit grievances (and some not legit in the least) but lack the ability to articulate or understand their grievances on a macro scale. I mean have tried occasionally to talk to convoyer/anti mandate/anti vaxxer types and they literally make no sense when I press them for details/explanations. Things are getting shittier for the lower middle class (does that exist anymore?), the working class and the underclass and neoliberalism is doing nothing to remedy this. But of course, the forces offering simple solutions/answers are manipulating them for their own end$.


Axe the Tax! Uh… and Go Russia!? … and birth control sucks!…. Err guys? … Measles are COOL?… The big tent Conservative Movement


No surprise. They can’t even do simple math. Rebates people.


Carbon Tax Rebates are a mystery to this group. They never see them. Their Rebates are being used to cover their CERB Non Re Payment


Honest question here, don’t we have a minority government? How much power does JT actually have? Could he make any major changes without the support of the NDP?


>Honest question here, don’t we have a minority government? Yep > How much power does JT actually have? Not as much as these people think. Shit, even with a majority, a Prime Minister doesn't exactly wield supreme executive power like these people seem to believe. > Could he make any major changes without the support of the NDP? Hypothetically, he could pass legislation with conservative support in lieu of the NDP, but their party representatives are more interested in being contrarian than actually voting in good faith.


Why is it that conservatives here, to the south and abroad placate the lowest common denominator of thinking? Buck a beer, paper bags at the LCBO, build a wall on the mexican border, immigrants are taking our jobs, now axe the tax. Any educated person knows that these ideas are silly and cannot be implemented or end up costing society more than there worth. Yet, plenty of people fall for it. Then protest on behalf of a silly ideology. In the case of the trucker convoy. The whole time, one ideology gets hijacked by another, getting more and more extreme. Primarily for the gain of the few. I'm coming to a few conclusions. Either these are the last vestiges of a dying ideology fighting for its last gasps of air, or like the British during the American Revolution, I have a different point of view. "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss." -Peter Townsend


Simple minds think complex issues have simple answers. When you don't give a shit about nuance, everything can be reduced to three or four word catchphrases.


I don't think that's the problem, I think we're looking at this the wrong way. With any idea you'll always be detractors, our first inclination when it comes to detractors is to oppose them, belittle their point of view. Rather than listen and try to understand where they're coming from and what their problems are and the best way to solve them. In a lot of cases people are just grasping, just something they can do about their problems. Remember these people think of themselves as can-do people. They feel they are the ones who are going to elicit change. They just have no clue what the mechanism is. When the mechanisms are shown to them, they feel they are stonewalled. the speed of change frustrates them. In most cases, these people are socially awkward and have a very low tolerance for "progressive social beliefs" however, contrary to this, they feel it is their right that they should be able to express themselves in the way they see fit. With no oversight from anyone, especially the government. Based on this the gatekeepers keep them out of any contemporary means to elicit change. However, they are hard-working a lot, who generally follow society's rules. Have family friends, love, laugh, and want to be loved. They feel like something is broken. As if some social order had been disturbed. They look to racism, homophobia, and xenophobia to solve their problems. The communities that are associated to those mentioned behaviors welcome them. Which further distances themselves away from the center. The odd part is if you ask most racists if they are racist the answer will be no. The same goes for homophobes and xenophobes. This has been a long winded did profile of someone who would be involved in the trucker convoy. I gathered this information from my own anecdotal experience with "trucker convoy" type. I've worked alongside of these people for most of my working life. The best way to help these people out is to go out there and talk to them. Listen to them about their personal issues, their problems. It can be frustrating, however, it does reveal a lot about yourself and your own tolerances.


So if PP gets in and gets rid of the carbon tax, what will be their reactions when the price of everything stays the same and they are no longer getting a carbon tax rebate?


"This is the fault of Trudeau!" - Pierre Poilievre


They aren't the learning sort.


I’m sure there are a couple of grifters among these groups that are making money off all of this and I don’t even count the sign and flag manufacturers in this either.


Flag making businesses have really been booming the last couple years


If they were capable of learning they wouldn't be the "carbon tax convoy"


Incorrect. They've learned that they can get funding and sympathy from other paste-eaters and rich assholes. The lesson is that the protest worked for what it was intended to do.  Why are all these articles premised on the idea that these people looking like morons means that they failed. National polls are a disaster for Trudeau's Liberals and nearly every province is run by right wing nuts. Poll after poll also shows the rise of fascism in this country. The truth is, as long as the only people willing to be civilly disobedient are reactionary facebook uncles, our country will continue to devolve.


They haven’t learned anything since grade 4.


The fringe is getting smaller! Now all were left with is the extreme dumbasses with zero critical thinking skills


A few of the (thankfully) failed PPC candidates here in Windsor have jumped ship to the cons. Better chances of winning, I guess.


I just can't get why these guys want to fuck JT so badly. It's concerning how much he lives in their heads.


Like, what's to learn? They're so confident that they've got all the answers, why would they need to listen to economists, scientists, environmental activists and academics, policy experts, Indigenous communities,


The dumbest people alive haven't learned anything? I'm shocked. Shocked! Well, not that shocked... Shakma!


I thought they were the Covid convoy? Let's just call them what they are... illiterate alcoholics with unlimited free time.


These guys sound like just a bunch of professional protesters. Got a job losers.


They don't want to pay a carbon tax because they believe climate change isn't real or that Canada has no impact on global carbon output. Climate change is accepted scientific fact. At this point, if you can't understand that you're either willfully ignorant or wildly unintelligent.


Anyone happily burning fossil fuels while complaining about the price of fossil fuels has completely lost the plot.


Can't learn, brain melted


THESE. PEOPLE. VOTE. The left (and I count myself among them) will continue to lose if we ignore these people and dismiss these strategies. or, as dark helmet said: Evil will always triumph over good because good is dumb.


I saw these clowns drive through town with signs saying Per capita = Canada exempt Like wtf does that even mean? We don't measure co2 per capita because it shows we have high pollution per capita? Wilful ignorance


Learning and education? What are you some kind of commie?


I mean that's kinda their thing


Learning requires curiosity and a willingness to grow as a person


The CPC is a one trick pony, and these fucking morons bite every time. Even the Whittakers down in West Virginia aren’t this stupid.


Ah the flu trucks Klan, at it again.


They would have to have the capacity for it first.


What's the long game for cons? Kill off their voting base for.... temporary financial gains?


Why don't they leave the Canadian flag alone! Use a conservative logo or a nazi logo but for the love of God keep the Canadian flag away from all these losers!!!


Pretty bold to assume that these people are capable of learning anything


This is a very good article. well written and it avoids labelling them as stupid, even though we all want to.


You don’t have to agree with the PM or like the party at all but that sign with the flag in it is so juxtaposed.


Apparently they still want to have sex with the Prime Minister.




Most of them will have irreparably damaged their retinas on Wednesday and will now blame Trudeau and the carbon tax for the blind spot they’ll forever have in the centre of their vision. It’s like watching the wonders of natural selection at work before our very eyes. Can’t make this stuff up.




Paywall. Anyone with a link?




Thank you OP


I don't think it's a paywall, just a pop up asking you to subscribe.


nah, it's one of the ones where you get x free articles for month and then everything is paywalled


Meanwhile a rumble is heard from the depths of the Conservative Think Tank... We're gonna need more Donuts https://twitter.com/cavanagh_danny/status/1728449390237663415






citation needeed convoy https://skepticalscience.com/climate-the-movie-a-hot-mess-of-cold-myths.html


Replying to you in place of the original post, which was deleted: Okay, what a huge wall of nonsense. The carbon tax exists to incentivize the biggest polluters to adjust their course. The only thing a corporation cares about is its bottom line, aka the duty it has to the shareholders to chase year over year growth. This is an economic decision, and thus, the credentials sought are that of economics. What exactly are the "proper credentials" you mention? Why would the government consult an astrophysicist on the need for wind farms? The climate has changed over millions of years, and it will continue to do so over the next millions of years, but the historical data clearly shows the conditions that allowed humans to thrive on this planet. Unfortunately our current means of energy production are putting us on the path to find out why our species wasn't thriving millions of years ago. Climate Change denial is so strange. Do you think that our resources are permanent? Do you think that our actions do not have consequences? For simplicity's sake, if you eat nothing but fast food, you will become unhealthy, overweight, and set yourself on a collision course for an early death. Imagine a doctor telling you that you need to adjust your diet and lifestyle to avoid said early death. To me, this sounds like reasonable advice; garbage in, garbage out. What you are saying is the equivalent of arguing with the doctor because the historic data shows that food scarcity and food related illness is actually down, and also your old highschool friend on Facebook said trans fats aren't real, and if they were, they are gay. You make me sad.


"do your own research, watch this video."


Facebook and Youtube are not real universities.


Considering you can't spell "scientific," "physicist," "meteorologist," or even the word "don't," I think I'll skip you as the middle man, and go right to the sources.


You forgot “noting” 😂


Also forgot "comparison," unless "comapison" is some new slang I haven't heard yet.


Ah shit, my reading “compehension” could use some work too 😂


> Unfortuneltely


Is this some new copy-pasta I'm not aware of?


All but the last part. You can tell because it’s a run on sentence. There are signs.


The purpose of a carbon tax is to incentivize industry to invest in greener technology and reduce carbon emissions. As for research maybe you should actually read the 600+ page report from the IPCC. You try to use it to argue against global warming but the summary for policy makers opens with the sentence. "Human activities, principally through emissions of greenhouse gases, have unequivocally caused global warming, with global surface temperature reaching 1.1°C above 1850-1900 in 2011-2020. " You tell people to do the research but you didn't do it yourself you just accepted what some online low budget documentary told you. https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2005GL025259 https://www.ipcc.ch/site/assets/uploads/sites/2/2022/06/SR15_Full_Report_LR.pdf


Climate denial in 2024. Well done confirming that OPs link is in fact correct.


How about you post a few linkies?


Derp, crayons taste like not the colour they are



