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Conservative is a party for the rich.


A party for the rich to get richer and to gaslight the naive and uneducated lower class people into thinking they are on there side same with pretty much every right wing party in the western world.


And it’s always been that way.


And for those who are delusional enough to believe that one day, if they work hard enough, they too will become millionaires. Or they still believe in trickle-down economics. OR they are dancing to all the dog-whistling Pierre has done and is doing.


They think believing the lie and supporting the lie somehow makes it true.


Open your eyes and see what your great leader has done to this country!


Why would you assume I support Trudeau? Canada doesn't have a two party system. I also don't believe the Conservatives will help Canadians that aren't wealthy in any way whatsoever.


These people are already completely gone, not even worth trying.


Which party is for the middle class? I want to vote for that one.


It already is. And blatantly so.


This is one of the reasons why Trudeau may lose to him. Hard to say PP’s Canada is a country for the rich (and it would be of course) when it’s already the case. So many conservative victories happen because of liberal failures


Again, Canadian voters (Even on the left) ignore provinces responsibilities in terms of day to day affordability. So ease to point at the PM instead of the likes of Ford as he actively keeps any benefits away from the populace. I hate how easily tricked voters are in this country.


Education cuts starting to show results


Yeah like why vote for Trudeau with all that's going on?


CCB gives $620 a month per child under 6, and $522 a month per child 6-18, to low income families, anounts are less as income rises. That is reason enough even if all else was equivalent.  Add affordable daycare, another good reason. Add dental and pharmacare courtesy of NDP that never would have happened with a CPC minority government. Add increased tax on highest earners, loopholes closed to top 5% of incorporated small business owners, luxury tax, added tax on banks anf insurers, and new capital gains tax increase. The CPC has opposed every single one of these programs and tax changes, along with screaming like banshees when Trudeau refused to cut corporate taxes when Trump did.  And throw in the avalanche of rightwing propaganda against the Liberals calling Trudeau a socialist, which is ludicrous, (American political rhetoric has entered the fray), and constant bashing by the corporate press over every one of the tax changes that affect the wealthy, just to understand the obstacles to make any changes at all. And shall we discuss Poilievre’s intention to use the notwithstanding clause for criminal justice legislation? And who knows what else? And that a majority of thr CPC caucus is anti-abortion and the entire caucus voted in favour of a backdoor bill to give the fetus personhood? How about the hateful rhetoric towards transgender people of Poilievre and others in the CPC? His rhetoric that Trudeau is forcing “radical gender ideology” on children in Canada?  Or have a look at the CPC policy book that is based on how members voted in the convention last fall - nothing good and only bad for Indigenous peoples, for one.  You might also bear in mind that cost of living has increased globally, and we have been dealing with global crises no other PM has has to deal with.  And do not forget that we have had a majority of conservative premiers while the Liberals have been in power, doing their best to obstruct climate change policies and screw up social programs. And if there is another pandemic, which will definitely happen sooner or later, do you want the guy who said he would support Canadians by cutting taxes and red tape in charge? Yup, that was his answer to reporters at the beginning of the pandemic. There is also a clip of him recently saying he believes in bare bones government, only paying for roads, bridges, and the military. He is a f&@;ing libertarian who supports social conservatives. Quite a combo.  I nearly forgot that he will relaunch the war on the environment that Harper fought, at a time when it’s absolutely critical we don’t regress on climate change policy.  Making false equivalencies between the current Liberal government and the CPC which is fully taken over by Reform Party people, is only helping thr fascists win. 


Yeah it’s a tough sell. Voting for the lesser evil is not a sustainable strategy. Eventually you have to make life better. I really think every politician is rooting for a housing crash when their opposition is in power. So their opponent takes the blame from the homeowners, and they can come when rents/real estate is low


It’s not a tough sell if you actually pay attention to policies that have been implemented and look at what the CPC want to do.


This one already is a Canada for the rich. Why does PP and his supporters want to make it even more so?


Because lots of money was spent pounding propaganda into their head 24/7 by those who already own the world but will never be satisfied until they own it all and the average person is enslaved Same as throughout all of human history


PP is creating a country for the rich, voted in by the poor…


Conservatives for you. They prey on the poor and uneducated while receiving massive donations from the rich


Thats politics in general. Its not just one side or the other.


Very true, but one side seems to screw the middle and lower classes more.


I think its all a facade. I dont think it matters this side or that side. Id put money on it being the same people pulling all the strings.


Can't disagree with that. Money rules the world after all.


What would you call it right now?


The same…


100% agreed :(


Yeah, the poor voting in the Liberal party for legal weed has really worked out well for them.


So why give more tax cuts to the rich to make them richer.


Pierre Poiliveres Canada is a country for foreign interests and bypassed security clearance


But hasn't that been already happening after a decade of liberal leadership? None of these leaders support the working class and it sucks.


Trudeau cut my income taxes twice. Yours too. If you work.




I take it you don’t work and therefore didn’t notice an income tax cut.


I pay 750$ a month in taxes bud, quite a bit for a working class pleb like myself. Get Justins cock outta your mouth dude it's gross .


Buts it's not me that's being hurt, it's my employer that gets hurt from it cause they have to pay me more. I guess you wouldn't understand what living in poverty in this county is like these days


Imagine making over 3000 a month gross and still struggle lol get the fuck outta here.


Your taxes went down. > Starting in 2016, they lowered the tax rate on the middle income bracket -- earnings between $45,282 and $90,563 went from a tax rate of 22 per cent to 20.5 per cent -- and hiked taxes on all earned income above $200,000. https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/fact-check-did-a-liberal-tax-cut-help-reduce-poverty-rates-1.4839961 Its your fault that you were not paying attention.


Oh, and it isn't under Trudeau already? Oh please...


I cant imagine people saying this after nearly a decade of Ford in Ontario, as if Cons are magnitudes worse than any of the other options in this country.


All our current options are shit, I'm certainly not going to bat for Douchebag Doug. But there's 1 party that's been in charge for 8 years, let's not fucking kid ourselves.


Conservatives wanting to privatize healthcare is all that needs to be said


And if anyone think the rich means them making over 100k a year, you’re incredibly wrong


Man, rich people need to give their head a shake. If you eliminate the middle and lower classes, you have no one to flaunt your wealth over. It's mobile gaming theory, while you want to retain the whales, you need minnows to make whales feel superior. Too many rich and not enough serfdom makes it boring.


I heard PeePee was going down to Venezuela to see his wife's family and to meet and greet the Russian warships that are visiting there and Cuba.


It's a country for the rich regardless


He's a neoliberal, so that's a given. The real question is whether or not his rabid fanbase recognizes it, despite his populist rhetoric.


No, it's not. Truly rich folks move to the US. Canada is not for the rich, not for the poor, not for middle class. It's just not for anybody right now.


well that solves that i guess, we don't have a right wing movement that is operating in favour of capital because "truly rich folks move to the US"


Canada is literally a playground for the rich. Just lookup century initiative, Blackrock, using canada as a playground for their own interests while destroying our country.


Dont confuse Farm with Playground.


If it's really a playground for the rich, why is the capital fleeing the country? Why are we struggling so much on capital, and for so many decades? The rich do not play here, they play in other countries. At 55% marginal tax, any subsequent endeavor to make more money, a pattern used by the rich like capital gain, having an additional business, an additional income stream, gets taxed at that rate (half of the capital gain gets taxed at that rate). They can get the same shit at 20%~35% easily by just moving a bit. There is a reason why we are struggling on all capital intensive endeavors, like r&d for example. All the things you listed are essentially smoke and mirrors, or a drop in the bucket.


You'd have to be very ignorant to simply ignore this. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Century_Initiative (For those unaware Blackrock is one of the most influential companies in the US. One of their senior members started century initiative so that Canada begins mass immigration, which we are already seeing. Blackrock also buys up many of our residential properties and rents them out. CMHC has projected we are 1.5m homes short by 2030 and this was back in 2020 before they opened the flood gates on immigration) Century initiative was started by the conservatives and implemented by the liberals, so this isn't a party issue.


It's not because there is a lobby to wreck Canada that is cofounded by a huge investment fund that Canada is paradise for the rich people. That is a huge leap, and is almost completely unrelated to the topic at hand. Being shorts in homes and opening a flood gate on immigration does not mean that the rich are having a jolly good time.


He’s obviously one of the main traitors in government taking foreign influence/investment. The guy doesn’t have a personality that a mother could love. Not that Justin is great, but at least he can hold a conversation, or PRETEND to answer a question without running away. This country/planet is so screwed.




Hed going to win anyway because trudeau is horrendous. Things are going to get so much worse. Scary.


Is Trudeau really horrendous? I’ll take him over PP.


*motions at everything from 100's in line for 3 jobs at Square One to people in their 30's still living at home with rent through the roof* Yeah it is horrendous for anyone who didn't buy pre COVID don't downplay it


for real, ceding the ground of "people are struggling financially" to the conservatives is wildly awful politicking and so many liberals seem to be all gung ho for it


It really depends. If you're a homeowner with a decent job and not paying any attention to the struggles of everyone else, then yeah, he probably doesn't seem so bad.


Hes a neoliberal liemonger. He is why we have To worry aboug pp at all. You have your head in the sand. Neoliberalism is giving way to the far right in europe, too.


Unlike Trudeau’s Canada that is for the super rich and the incredibly gullible.