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Religious folks sticking their religion where it's neither wanted nor _helpful_? Say it ain't so!




A citation would be helpful here. [RAINN](https://www.rainn.org/statistics/children-and-teens) places the rate of cases against minors at 34% perpetrated by family, and 59% by acquantances. But aside from an article talking about Boy Scouts, I didn't find anything about religion.


[This is because right-wing religious institutions have perpetrated campaigns to cover up sexual misconduct.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/mar/27/former-bishop-new-york-sexual-abuse-allegations-cover-up)


Thank you. Still, knowing that as we do, I'm surprised to not have found an _external_ group building up documentation on the same. Not saying it's not being done, I'm just failing to find it.


Oh, it's being done. Just not with relation to sexual assault in general. [Check this out.](https://www.justiceinfo.net/en/45133-sexual-abuse-church-map-justice-worldwide.html) [And fhis.](https://www.iicsa.org.uk/news/inquiry-report-finds-child-sexual-abuse-most-major-uk-religions) [And this.](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/3-big-us-churches-in-turmoil-over-sex-abuse-lgbt-policy) Honestly, there's quite a bit going on. Problem is that the religious institutions themselves are trying to bury the information, making it difficult for third party organizations to actually accurately report on the issue.


Thank you very much. It's disgustingly telling that _this_ is their chief concern: > "There’s rising concern that the crises will **boost** the ranks of young people disillusioned by organized religion." Not the harm they have done, not stopping the crimes, no. No the **big thing** that they're leading with is their income (i.e. Recruitment and thus donations) > “Every denomination is tremendously worried about retaining or attracting young people"


Yup. Pretty gross stuff. It's not a fun topic to research.


The rest is right wingers




It certainly does matter when one of them is projecting their crimes on the other. These accusations destroy lives. Every single rape should be reported. And the reason that cannot happen is because of the fear of being accused of a false accusation. To prevent that, we need to punish those making false accusations when they occur. That includes everyone that idolizes "Grab 'em by the" Trump, and points fingers and claim the left is doing what their dear leader admits to having done.




Yes, all those religious left Christians destroying lives. I'm sorry, but where are those people again? Can you show any examples of a rape culture among the left?






It _is_ a religious thing. It happens that religion strongly corresponds to political affiliation. So... are more of the rapists on the right because that's where religion is? Or are more of them in relgion because that's where the political right is? Bear in mind, the willingness to take away another person's bodily autonomy is a very right wing and also very rapey mentality.


All religious people are rapists?


It does. I think you will find that the statistics differ dramatically between socially conservative denominations (Catholicism) and more socially progressive denominations (United Church of Canada). [Catholicism has had a history of covering it up](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/mar/27/former-bishop-new-york-sexual-abuse-allegations-cover-up), whereas the [United Church has taken steps to educate and train their ministry on the topic.](https://united-church.ca/leadership/church-administration/duty-care/caring-community/safe-spaces-worship-and-work)


Socially conservative literal Interpretations of: >Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. Lead to it being perfectly legal for husbands to rape their wives without committing a crime. It only *started* becoming illegal in the USA in 1974.


Lol where is your source? You just pulled that out of your ass.


Sources were invented by the devil, only evil atheists ask for evidence.


Should be a one-way exile to the deep south. Freaking terrorists, the lot.


>exile to the deep south. And maybe a few million linear miles past that...


But **they** are the ones being discriminated against. /s


I’m 0% surprised. Right-Wing religious groups are making it hard on teachers in Western Canada now. The movement to ban books about LGBTQ+ has been a nightmare for schools. All of that is to say that, if it is getting bad for teachers, I can’t imagine what it is like for sex workers.




I was belittled and told im going to hell in Grade 5 for not saying the lords prayer after O Canada. I live in Saskatchewan


Everyone, everywhere know their health and safety is being underminded by right-wing religious cults. Fixed the headline.


My thoughts exactly!


This is some “all lives matter” malarkey. these people are being targeted by the bigots and prudes, and that warrants some extra attention.


I read it as more of a "don't forget the fascists will come for you too, eventually" kind of thing. I don't think the comment has the same kind of malicious and dismissive tone as "all lives matter".


It's not at all. These groups are behind every single move to dismantle healthcare in Canada. This isn't a "oh everyone has it bad don't complain" thing, it's a "these people aren't stopping here and are quite literally trying to destroy healthcare in our country."


I think it's more like acknowledging the many ways these groups are harming people that intersect with and include sex workers and their communities, along with people from marginalized communities generally For example off the top of my head, these groups are also harming lgbtq, POC, disabled, and women. I'm not a sex worker but as a female, trans, queer, mentally ill person I saw the headline and nodded. Because of course they're fucking over sex workers, if they're fucking us over too


Championing freedom while trampling on everyone else's?!?! I would never have thought. Hypocrisy is core to the belief system.


Ah, the religious right: "Respect my beliefs. You must also adhere to my beliefs as well."


Also don't criticize them because than interferes with my religious freedom.


right wingers are the bane of the modern world, what a waste of time and space.


Yup. They want to drag the world back into the Middle Ages. I don’t want to live under fundamentalist serfdom.


I blame Hollywood for making the middle ages look badass! Of course they want to go back, look at that sweet armor.


Yeah religious groups in general do that


People. Sex work is work. The last thing society needs are these horny christo-fascists moralizing about what other people do with their wee-wees.




100%. And this “Nordic model” bullshit isn’t helpful either. It’s been shown time and again that violence against sex workers increases everywhere the Nordic model is used, and anecdotally, my friends who are sex workers have all had a harder time since it became a thing here. We should do what New Zealand does: sex work is legal, coercion of a sex worker is illegal. It just makes sense. It’s time.


The issue with legalizing sex work is that you run into capitalism. Sex Workers now being exploited by corporations and it'll be hard for independent sex workers to stand out when you got corporate brothels exploiting sex workers for little pay.


We also have that now. Capitalism exploits regardless of legality.


Yes, but the sexual nature of sex work (obviously) adds another layer to the exploitation. Pressuring an office worker to come in on their day off is a form of labour exploitation. Pressuring a sex worker to work when they don't want to starts to wander into rape. There's a lot of additional legislation that needs to be thought out and implemented if sex work is to be legal. The other issue is that legalizing sex work has shown to lead to an increase in demand that far surpasses the increase in supply, resulting in an increase in sex trafficking to fulfill that demand.


Traditionally those are used as excuses to demonize sex workers *now* and demand that they are not treated with dignity and respect. Clutching your pearls and allowing current harm to sex workers by suggesting that there *might* be future harm to sex workers is just saying you're fine with the current harm with extra steps. We've had 2000 years of misogyny and demonization; excuses don't cut it anymore.


And that demand tends to be younger girls.


Possibly, that could be a concern. That doesn’t really seem to happen in Europe or other places with legal/decriminalized sex work, but I certainly wouldn’t put it past North America to try to turn sex work into a dystopian hellscape like it does with everything. It’s hard to say though, because even with decriminalization, there’s still a stigma around sex work so I think a lot of corporations might not want to get involved with it. I still think decriminalization would make things much better overall, though. The main issue right now is that because clients can be arrested, many clients don’t want to provide personal information to allow sex workers to screen them. Couple that with the fact that sex workers aren’t able to have safe spaces where they can work together, or hire security people, and it becomes a very bad situation. People really don’t understand how vulnerable sex workers are. Every single sex worker I know (and I know quite a few) has been assaulted at least once. Every single one. Sex workers are commonly targeted by murderers as well. Decriminalization would make things much safer for them.


You seem to equating decriminalizing with "legal" when they are 2 separate things. Decriminalizing would do what you say which is allow sex work to be not illegal and johns would not be illegal. Sex workers still have to claim income here. They would also be able to get support and help from the government because of their jobs. They are self employed independent contractors. I believe we are in the "Decriminalized" but still stigmatized phase. Legalizing will turn to exploitation and sex slavery which is what we don't want it to turn into.


Oh, no, you’re right, I mean decriminalization, I just sort of use the terms interchangeably out of habit, which I probably shouldn’t do since it creates confusion. Yeah, all the sex workers I know want decriminalization. The issue is that it isn’t decriminalized here really, we’re under the Nordic model, which means it’s decriminalized for sex workers, but not for clients (it’s legal to sell sex but still an offense to buy). So we’re not really decriminalized, and the issue of sex workers having a hard time screening clients still exists because clients can still be charged.


well sex work is a broad term because camming/porn is also sex work that does not require a "partner". Most of my sex worker friends are in the "Out of Reach" types. They also pay taxes on income and such. If you legalize it, you run into the Andrew Tate situation where he runs a sexploitation camming business in Romania. Prostitution as in actual sex with a person is still stigmatized unfortunately.


Very true, sex work is a broad field. I just prefer to use “sex work” rather than “prostitution” because the latter is somewhat of a derogatory term. I think in Andrew Tate’s case, he would run afoul of the aforementioned “coercion of a sexworker” law that I proposed initially. The whole reason he’s in Romania is because they don’t have any such law, so he can be a horrible, disgusting sleezebag abuser with impunity.


Have you not heard of organized crime? The least we could do is collect the tax revenue.


Also, in NZ, only citizens and residents are allowed to perform sex work, which reduces sex trafficking. Sure, other countries aren't going to give work visas for sex work either, but because sex work is legal in NZ, clients are more likely to use fully-legal services, depressing the market for those breaking the law. I live in NZ, and really, if you didn't know sex work was legal here, you wouldn't guess it; it's not like it being legal means it's in your face everywhere or anything. So any picture the religious right try to paint of what would happen if it's not restricted is pretty much bullshit. There's no point in listening to them, they add nothing to the conversation. The only people who deserve a say are those working in the industry, and they have more incentive to look out for the anti-trafficking perspective than the god-botherers do.


If anything, after decriminalization, sex work became slightly *less* visible in NZ, with workers de-camping from "massage parlours" for home-based work. (I lived in NZ for many years, before and after decriminalization.)


It long past due.


It really is. I just don’t get it. Some of the best people I know are sex workers and I really don’t get why people hate them so much. They provide a service that there’s obviously a demand for. I mean, everyone watches porn, even ultra-religious right wing types. Hell, if we’ve learned anything, it’s that those dickheads are the most depraved of all. So why all the disrespect? Sex workers are cool, and deserve the same opportunities and protections as everyone else.




Also true, although pimps are thankfully becoming less common these days because the internet and social media have given independent sex workers a way to connect with clients without needing a “manager”. But yes, sunshine is the best disinfectant, bringing sex work out of the underground removes a lot of the unsavory elements.


Yup, the two oldest professions are probably prostitution and dentistry.


This Baker would like a word.






We had manual labour jobs which were outright dangerous, unsafe in all aspects, and today we don’t because we regulated the hell out of them, made them safer or abolished them completely. Today, many corporations or nasty individuals would gladly exploit your body to its fullest extent and reduce safety measures if not for our laws and norms which draw the line. Don’t give them an inch. Fully normalizing sex work as a viable career choice would put pressure on women to engage in it as a way to get out of poverty. I’m all for legalization, or at least decriminalization, but not normalization.




Not moral, but mental injury. https://bmcwomenshealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12905-017-0491-y While I can’t fully agree that “sex work is work”, I am a fierce proponent of “mental health is health”.




You are moralizing. All work is monetizing the body. Have you ever worked at a “fulfillment centre”? Or as a nurse, or as a cop with a gun? All these jobs monetize the body.




We literally market everything else about ourselves. Our intellect/education, our labour, our time....the list goes on. Why shouldn't we be able to market our sexuality? This a an organized effort amongst right wing groups. PornHub has shown them that they can achieve what they consider victories by framing the fight under a different lens than just religion.


Weird that their biggest customers would try to endanger them as well


Came here to say this. Ha!


When are we going to put our foot down and tell these religious fundamentalists to shit the fuck up? I'm so sick of having to deal with this shit every week. We don't want want you're selling, so quit it


Their biggest customers are also their biggest detractors.


Well yeah they want to be desperate so they pay them shot for the most demeaning things. Christians fundamentalists are their best, well not best, but most frequent customers.


Radical right wing religious nuts are destroying the world


Why, because religious clients have more STIs?


Ding ding ding.


Easiest way to cement a voting block. If you tie a person’s fundamental beliefs/understanding of reality into a political stance… You’ve got a life long voter. From a secular perspective, it’s a power move we don’t have a counter for. Exploiting people who from birth were taught “faith”->credulity (belief without or even opposed to evidence is most virtuous). Roping them all into a world where their expression of faith *is* voting for the party that exploits them. Tie politics to the identity of “faith” and you can say *anything*. There isn’t a counter to that exploit. And it is an *exploitation*.


Time to criminalize the Catholic Church.




>The Catholic church is actually pretty moderate now a days I mean, no it absolutely isn't. It still opposes various forms contraception and is fiercely against both gay rights and women's rights. You cannot say an organization that opposes basic human rights is *actually pretty moderate now.*




>If a moderate us more in the middle of issues so they probably wouldn’t necessarily support all the social issues you would like them too. To call LGBTQ rights and women's rights social issues is a bit ridiculous in my opinion, they're human rights. One either supports or opposes human rights, there is no wiggle room on that. This organization vehemently opposes basic human rights and has spent hundreds of millions to try and suppress human rights. **They are not moderate.**




I wasn't arguing, just correcting you. Enjoy what's left of your weekend bud!


Then don't bring up religion, you dumb fuck.


you can't even finish an argument you started. what a cowards move. shouldn't be surprised though, it's typical for people like yourself to shove their head in the sand instead of just accepting reality.


> The Catholic church is actually pretty moderate now a days Don’t think I disagree there are more extreme examples, at this 2022 moment. I want to push back against your idea that being “moderate” within the genocidal range of religious damage matters, at all. Claiming “least of the worst” isn’t a victory, and it certainly isn’t positive. Like, you can make academic arguments about syphilis being more “moderate” than brain cancer… All the different factions of Christianity should answer for the damage they’ve done. Step outside your distinctions of verse/faith and see splitting hairs on who was “worst” is nothing but an insult to every victim of the larger institution. Focusing on degree as if *thats the issue* is the exact behaviour that facilitated the subjugation in the first place. To be crystal clear: I’m not arguing about the degree. My point is that it was/is so bad that degree is *irrelevant* because of the human damage. The Pope was in Canada recently, why was he there? Matthew 7:5 and all that…


Repeal Stephen Harper’s Bill C-36.


The problem is they're probably the best customers


Hey now. Don’t lump BC in with “Western Canada” when really you mostly mean Alberta.


Religion.. the cancel-culture juggernaut.


Duh. That's the goal.


Great to see some of the positive changes that have happened and helped sex workers operate more safely. I hope they can keep moving forward and not face regressive policies implemented by the religious moral police.


Because they refuse to wear condoms?


Right wing religious groups make everything worse for everyone, including their own members. They’re nothing but destructive.


Why do they call it a "body rub parlor" instead of a massage parlor? I've never heard anyone call it that before this article. It sounds nasty.


Possibly because they want to distinguish them from massage therapy clinics. I’m not saying that they couldn’t have made that clear using different phraseology, but there are still folks that think they can get “special services” from registered massage therapists when they attend their appointment at the therapist’s clinic. Edited: pluralized clinicS


The massage therapy industry has lobbied hard to make "massage" a protected term. Massage Therapy is very different from other kinds of massage, and many health insurance policies in Canada now include allowances for massage therapy. There needs to be a clear distinction between legitimate massage therapy and a "rub n tug", hence the "body rub" language.


Western Canada provinces have a Christo-fascist leanings. Crazy we need to root this out and get it out of Canada, there no place for them in todays Canada.




Or maybe just don't go after anyone? Even if it's only criminal for the clients, that still drives things underground, making it more exploitative and less safe.


If they continue to interfere in government, tax the ever living fuck out of these fools.




They are making it harder to do their profession safely. Sex workers will never go away so we might as well make it so they can do it in a reasonably safe way


Hahahaha so the health issues have nothing to do with their choice of career 😅


There's always gonna be sex work available, at Jezebels!!!! You know, when Gilead takes over...


How did i know that Joy Smith was going to be mentioned before the end of that article? OMG, I despise that busybody.


You deserve rights and let me know where and when to fight and I’m there. We are the women they couldn’t burn and we deserve respect.


Conservatives are *always* the problem. Always.


Freedumb for me, not for thee


Conservatives are always like “we’re the party of personal freedom and the government can’t tell us what to do!” And then they proceed to try and get the government to control everybody’s lives