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I am pro panda. I believe they should be treated equal to any other bear species. I don't care if they seem clumsy and stupid. They're just so stinking cute!


This made me laugh! Thank you!


I too am pro Panda as they resemble my general approach to life


The PC propaganda is on 1010 Toronto, 680 news, Boo. 97.3 and it's on Spotify. The anti-Bonnie Crombie one is the worst... The election isn't for nearly 3 years, unless that fat turd calls one early... I hate the constant PC election and vote pandering... How inept of a voter do you have to be to actually eat that crap up?


Bonnie Crombie? The one who somehow invented the carbon tax as a mayor? Lol


I hate the PC ads that are simply shitting on Bonnie, yet offering no indications of what Doug will do for the province. And we’re like 2 or 3 years away from an election anyways.


Many rumors swirling that he'll call one in the fall. They still don't have a credible threat that can oppose them and maybe 2 years from now, they will, so call the election now and buy themselves an extra two years in charge. Also some concern that if PP gets elected in 2025 and is terrible, that could hurt Doug's re-election chances in 2026.


“How inept of a voter do you have to be to actually eat that crap up?” Be the average voter. I’m not at all shocked by our average turnout. A large portion, if not the majority, have no clue how government works or how it interacts with each other. Many Canadians can spend, at length, hours discussing American politics. Ask them about Canadian politics; populist rhetoric and easily digestible catchphrases is the typical limit. The party your voting for is determined by who your father and grandfather voted for, etc. Journalists of the “fifth” Estate (the class, not the show) are the real backbone of Canada IMO. They love this country so much, and our corporate overlords are shitting on them left right and centre. I recall a recent rant from a Toronto radio host about Bells layoff of hundreds of journalists for small towns. Bell went out of its way to buy out dozens of small town newspapers and reporters, and then sold them off and fired the crew.


The whole Doug ford “if I mess up I really hear from constituents” thing - time to flood his inbox and voicemail! All these ads are such a waste of money on top of all the wastes of money he’s done as Premier.


Honestly, this IS a good idea, as well as reminding his political opponents to comment on how much taxpayers money he has wasted.


Stop the ‘ProPanda!’ 🐼 Be ‘AntiPanda’ instead! 😂


Isn't anti-panda the fancy name they give appetizers in Italian restaurants?


those tight shots of his face are way too tight, especially the one where he's pretending to talk on the phone - the dop should be fired unless the intent was to bring into sharp focus what a greasy degen prick he is


My fave part is how it sounds like he says Ontaro instead of Ontario.


Haha yeah! Totally noticed that. So inarticulate but I suppose his 'down home folksy' appeals to someone.


Got to agree. I usually put on a different sportsnet feed, if you can. I play SNE, they don’t show fords ads there.


PP “Maple Desantis” Poilievre is a little bitch, just like his manlet supporters.


Aghhh found the man on his knees for the LPC.


I struck a nerve, huh? Did I describe you perfectly?


Just don’t watch? Anytime commercials like politics, gambling, etc come on it’s now time to get a beer from the fridge, play on my phone or flip to another channel


At least mute all commercials always, but I find I enjoy the game more on mute all together because I hate all the ads.


Thanks tips


Pandas are so fucking cute tho


Imagine advertising during a high rating event


Are you incapable of hearing an opinion you disagree with and ignoring it?


You don't seem to be capable of it either. You just had to comment on it.


Damn, you got me… ☠️


Trudeau boot lickers like you are the reason they’re running them in the first place


Lmao, nobody likes Trudeau. I've never voted liberal either. The conservatives will do all the same shit except worse.


No. Harper ran ads during the Stanly Cup finals as well, they're pretend Canadians who would piss all over our most sacred establishment and sully the good name of hockey to spew propaganda. Literally no one wants to hear about politics while watching the game and people who run those ads can go get buggered by a moose for ruining a good thing with their lame political views. I just want to enjoy a beer and a game and not hear that weird nerd whine about whatever he's whining about today.




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Ok boomer




Gay people exist, you can’t turn someone gay by “grooming” them, just like how you can’t turn gay people straight, you have been brainwashed into thinking this is an issue so you aren’t concerned about the corporations controlling the country and taking advantage of you, that’s an actual issue let’s focus on that instead of getting angry about gay kids.


If knowing that gay people exist is "grooming" you to be gay, you're already gay.


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