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Dude wrote a lot of paragraphs just to say people will buy their beer at grocery stores in the event of a strike.


Also that with the changes from the Ford government coming down the pipeline LCBO might not have a monopoly on retail thus lowering the effectiveness of a strike. Which is a fair point.


Between the two of us, we managed to get that point across in two sentences.


Don’t hate the player hate the game. I used to be a writer too so I get it lol


They will still have a monopoly on spirits.


It will likely be the next to go. If it works for wine and beer.


Mind blown.


I'm already not worried, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. 


Me neither, and I usually panic. Responsibly.


Substitute healthcare or education for lcbo and you have our government's stance on workers to a tee.


Hey unions, you don't work, so stop fighting for more and take less. /s


Matt Gurney is part of the political machine advocating for the transferring of wages from workers to private owners, managers and shareholders.


Won't someone please think of the poor investor class!


Fuck right off.


Strikes invariable annoy customers, but that doesn’t mean they are worth doing.


In a closed system this is true but what if every corner store and gas station started to sell all types of alcohol and the lcbo was on strike how effective would a strike be?


none of the legislation says that they can sell spirits at this point, and there are a LOT of people who drink spirits. A bar is not going to go into a corner store for their craft and whiskey/ vodka either. I fully support the fact that they want more full time positions across the company, too many people get screwed out of benefits by part time hours and there is no reason for it other than CEO's not caring about their employees.


I think that eventually it will happen especially if Doug win reelection. But we will see.


Maybe, its a bigger logistical ask than people realize, but I am sure Loblaws would love to get that contract, they have the logistics to be able to take it on, I just would hate it because right now profits go back into the province coffers, this is basically just handing money that would go into healthcare into corporate profits. Like, its not even a question, that is actually what is happening and it is stupid.


I can see the new lcbo as more of a distributor rather than a retail store. They can try to keep the retail stores open based on demand but that has increased over head. There really is no need for the lcbo to be in the vendor business imo.


So privatization to drive down wages, like everything else. Working a grocery store, waste collection, etc, these used to be jobs that could support a family. Now they are low-wage, insecure bullshit jobs. But when it comes to privatization, *that's it*. *That's the savings. That's the 'better efficiency'*. That's where this is headed.


From my perspective those jobs should have never existed in the first place. Why is alcohol being sold at a crown corp but not vapes or weed products or cigs it makes no sense if you really think about it.


So you agree with me, you just think more poverty-line jobs is a good thing.


I never prescribed a moral status to the issue at hand. I’m just saying that if the lcbo were to be made to compete against private businesses which offer similar services they might not have as many staff.


Neoliberals hate anything less than a subservient labour class.


SAQ/depanneur FTW! Sometimes it’s good to live near the border