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Hah, CHP pushed me and my 2016 Hyundai Sonata off the 710 during rush hour a couple of years ago. I appreciated it, But it was a pretty weird scene.


Was your car also lying on the side while they towed you?


It was still standing on it's four wheels, But calling it a tow would be generous use of the word šŸ˜…


In the future 211 is a life saver if you break down on any public highway. They will tow you to an exit nearby and upto 5 miles I believe off that exit.


I did not know that, is that a free service?


It is 511 and yes it is free


Caltrans would push people along the Bay Bridge if they broke down. They had a special padded truck for such a manner.


I misread that as people (pedestrians) that emotionaly breakdown get pushed around by a padded car lol


Similar thing happened to me on the 101 in DTLA in 2012ish. Alternator died and my car died died in the middle lane. I was getting middle fingers, "why the fuck would you stop there?", and honking from people before the CHP showed up and pushed me off the road. The officer thanked me for calling CHP and not a tow truck while I was stuck, lol.


You made a good call and saved everyone a bunch of time and money


Tis but a scratch!


My car was too far away for my dashcam to capture the accident properly but it caught what happened; basically the black(?) car in the same lane I was in suddenly braked, made an abrupt lane change (definitely without even checking mirrors or blind spots), hits the white SUV in the lane to the right, which then hits the car that hit it back, which then hits and sends the black SUV off to the center divider and rolling over: https://imgur.com/NkQ8tch The accident was like a pinball machine with each car ricocheting off each other. You can see me passing the white SUV that was in the accident to my right. The black car that started off the accident seems to have left the scene because I didn't see the black car pulling over. I could see the accident happening a lot better with my own eyes than with the dashcam lol. I hope the driver in the black SUV that rolled over is all right though; they were just an innocent driver that just got caught unaware in the accident. And the other black SUV just narrowly missed getting involved in the accident by like 1-2 seconds. Edit: btw anyone know how I can send this dashcam footage to CHP to let them see what had happened and that the rolled over SUV had been the innocent party? All I can find on their website is to call in to report the accident but not where to send dashcam footage.


Call (949)784-6700 Thatā€™s the public line for the dispatch center, advise you have information for Officer Loop, heā€™s the investigating officer


I was once the equivalent of the white car and I got screwed. I would have killed for footage like /u/bunniesandmilktea has. Good info both of yas.


By "I got screwed", were you wrongly accused as being at fault for the accident?


Yes. Another car and I went for the same lane at the same time, lane #3. I was in #2, he was in #4. We both corrected back to our original lanes, but his passenger "grabbed the wheel" to affect the lane change, they spun out, and t-boned me (which means they were also going pretty fast). I was steady back in #2 and they totaled my truck, on the 405 just north of Culver. Footage like this would have saved me a lot of money and had them clearly at fault. It ended up 50/50.


Better yet, found his work email [email protected]


thank you! I sent the dashcam footage to his email and he emailed me back saying it helped him greatly with his investigation and that he appreciated it.


Gotta keep that traffic flowingā€¦ Honestly our ability to clean up traffic collisions is amazing compared to other states. CDOT would have closed the freeway for a day and half and reroute everyoneā€¦


During the rain that kept coming last year, there was a massive accident that happened right in front of me maybe 2 minutes away from this video. I was on my way to work, so while I was initially horrified that we all sat there completely motionless for almost 20 minutes, in hindsight Iā€™m extremely impressed they were able to arrive at the scene and safely clear the way in so little time.


whats cdot?


Coloradoā€™s version of CalTrans.


Ha, how on earth did you expect people to know that in the OC sub?


I was thinking it was Connecticut DOT. Or Cayman Islands. Or Cuba.




I thought it was a rap name.


Nice and tidy. I like how they just didnā€™t wait for a tow truck, anyone know if thatā€™s in their dept regulations? I figured theyā€™d be leery of doing it for liability reasons (further damaging).


Insurance just totals everything now. I've seen expensive cars totaled over what looks incredibly minor, especially if they need to wait for parts and your insurance is on the hook for a rental.


Yeah I just had a perfectly fine sedan totalled over cosmetic damage. I considered just repairing it anyway but I was looking to trade it in later this year anyway so I just took it to finance a new car. Literally drove it home after the accident and then to the repair shop later that week. It ran fine.


If CHP deems it necessary to push your car off the freeway the car is most likely going to be a total loss anyway. This vehicle rolled and is an automatic total loss. The insurance pays the value of the vehicle regardless of how much it is damaged by moving it to the side, the only negative outcome is the vehicle will now potentially fetch less at auction.


I am nervous of getting my car totaled because of the 1.9% loan on the price I received. Current interest rates are terrible and dealer markup sucks too.


My insurance offerings only cover 30 days. Is there an option to go higher? I've never thought of asking


Do you get to keep the totaled car and fix it up on your own?


Literally came up on a steal because the car I bought was totaled because a missing rear bumper when they got rear ended at low speed granted it was also during the tail end shortage of parts during Covid


This a side rant but itā€™s so fucking wasteful (environmentally) to do this, it drives me nuts! Even if they scrap what they can, a bunch of parts unnecessarily end up in landfills. Itā€™s stupid.


State law requires CHP do whatever it takes as long as it is safe for them and the public to clear the freeway of obstructions. So in this case they are actually timed on how fast they can clear it to keep as many lanes open as possible.


You got a source for this? That sounds a bit unrealistic to be ā€œtimedā€.


They arenā€™t timed in the traditional aspect. But they are timed in the sense of how long it takes to reopen a freeway even if itā€™s 1 lane. Itā€™s reported in statistics and they have to use Sigalerts which can be viewed publicly. They would have to estimate the time and report those immediately to let the public know whether to avoid and detour and alert Caltrans concerning cleanup or repairs immediately if needed.


Do you have a source for that? It seems really odd to push statistics over safety. Dragging a car over the pavement isnā€™t ideal. Bits of the car could break off and be left there - which could lead to future road hazards. And the arrest of the firefighter was completely in the wrong. Scene safety takes higher priority and [no charges were filed.](https://fox5sandiego.com/news/firefighter-arrested-at-accident-files-claim-against-chp/amp/)


I work for Caltrans. I donā€™t have a source to direct you to buy my guy up there is correct. Safety is the number one priority and they collect those stats along with the clearance times because it has a huge impact on economy. Thereā€™s an actual dollar amount of money lost that can be calculated by having X% of lanes blocked for Y amount of time. Pushing vehicles like this out of the lanes is perfectly safe.


Absolutely correct? Dude made a statement and moved the goalposts several times. He said "State law requires CHP do whatever it takes" and I asked for a source on that. I totally get people make judgement calls on incidents and determine that they can safely do something. But that's a huge stretch to being "required" by law to do so. And perfectly safe to drag a turned over vehicle that was just in an accident? Again that's a judgement call...but let's not pretend this is policy or the norm in any way. I'd love to see any source on that. If there is any debris or liquids coming out of the vehicle...you've now spread it across the road surface. Are you gonna close it again to clean it? Why not wait the 2-5 min for a flatbed to arrive? This is just typical Reddit "trust me bro" at this point.


Iā€™m not gonna argue with you but itā€™s interesting you misquote him and leave off the part ā€œā€¦as long as itā€™s safeā€


"Not gonna argue with you"...yet here you are. Did the part I left off change any meaning or context? The premise is that he stated it's a State law requirement for CHP to move the vehicle and he stated that in this case they are "actually timed on how fast". No mention of "how fast" as long as it's safe. I think we can agree that there's quite a bit of confabulation on the part of that comment that goes beyond common sense and CHP having ability to make operational judgement calls.


I worked out of GG Golden Gate Division and if freeways became massively blocked and delayed due to 1180 sig alert type of crashes our captain would get a call from one of the Deputy Commissioners in Sac. Who got a call from the Governors office. Not sure if it was state law but certainly was agency policy to clear roads ASAP.


I mean my bad if there is confusion on my own verbiage. I think there is a lot of strategy that goes into the decision behind pushing a vehicle to the side safely and ensuring vehicles are able to travel as freely as possible. I wonā€™t deny that maybe my words can be misinterpreted even after Iā€™ve read it I know I couldā€™ve word it better. However I do acknowledge that CHP, Caltrans, and any other agency involved has to work together to determine if there is an immediate need to open vs a full closure that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars if not millions in lost time, productivity, and fuel. To sum up the whole situation I think CHP makes an immediate decision on what they can do to minimize damage, glass and fiberglass and small pieces of steel or aluminum on the ground do not cause a major issue for motorists and there is no set time that they have to meet a goal but Iā€™m sure a supervisor somewhere is gonna ask why wasnā€™t the situation cleared faster if it took extensive time. Idk about anybody but I swear I better have a good damn answer if I was in that officers position.


I mean look at incidents in the past where CHP arrests/detain firefighters for blocking 1 too many lanes. The most recent incident I can think of was in San Diego


Timed? That is a false statement.


Well they sure ainā€™t gonna wait for a tow truck to get through traffic to open up the lanes.


Even if itā€™s not totalled out I wouldnā€™t want to drive a rolled vehicle. The structural integrity is compromised.


The damage was done when the SUVā€™s wheels lost contact with the ground, no insurer in their right mind would salvage a vehicle with a compromised structure. Iā€™m guessing the accident victim isnā€™t in the vehicle so getting traffic safely past is the next priority since traffic jams present other hazards especially with more distracted drivers amongst us.


Anytime any freeway in the state of California is completely shut down in either direction, the CHP has to report to the governor every 30 minutes. They do everything humanly possible to avoid doing so, including pushing vehicles out of the roadway like this. If a vehicle is rolled, then it is almost certainly totaled and thereā€™s not really any concern about causing further damage.


Those scratches in the paint aren't going to buff out now.


I know, the detailer for the CHP SUV is gonna be pissed.


What time did this happened?




The accident happened at 6:43am per my dashcam.


It will buff out


They should have let the driver out first.


The traffic must flow, driver be damned.


He who controls the traffic controls the universe.


Traffic is the mind killer. Traffic is the little death that brings obliteration.


Don't I know it.


We were once in a accident, my friend drove his brand new x5, and someone hit us and we started spinning, ended up in the middle of highway and police also had to push the car like that, it was really painful to see further damaging the carā€¦ but insurance covered it as a total loss after all


Hey, thatā€™s what those ram bars are for! Nice job CHP!


Nobody ever heard a song called *Fuck the CHP*


Don't scratch the paint, please


EV6 backend looking pretty good šŸ¤”


the real comment i was looking for


I've never seen something like this before! Cool video!


You donā€™t see that everyday.


Those scratches will rub out. /s


Thatā€™s what the push bars are for


CHP doing all the heavy lifting lately in this state. Dayum


That is why some of the cop cars have a metal grid on the front. I once watched one of them push a car that ran out of gas from the middle lane to the shoulder on I-5 during the evening rush hour.


Very cool. Work smart, safe, and get those lanes back open asap.


Good work! Those lanes wonā€™t get fixed anyways.


Finally. CHP does something beneficial other than speed traps šŸ˜³šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ just kiddingā€¦ kinda


Thanks I was on the 5 at around 4pm when a crashed car icon appeared when I exited on oso, I thought this was it.


Love this.


this I agree with using my tax dollars on


Bet that cop loved every part of that. Lol.


The crashed car is totaled so let's get it out of the way and traffic moving.


Iā€™m ok with this.


CHP pushed my 1971 Superbeetle (back in the 80s) up PCH and to safety. Lifesaver!


He shouldnā€™t have done that, now itā€™s all scratched up.


They do this all the time, they are required to keep traffic moving.


I think he was joking about the obviously smashed car getting scratched up.


Ya never know now a days


Is that plate number aeiou s?


smile n wave boys


Whoā€™s paying for all that roof damage? šŸ˜†


\*\*Ludacris has entered the chat




Not all heroes wear capes




Thatā€™s helpful of him.


Get it the fucc outthe way.


Someone buy that CHP officer, a dozen donuts and some coffee.. Nice, doing whatever they can to get the road open again, vs some of the bs "investigations" that shut things down for hours.


Weirdly enough I watched an SUV flip across an intersection just the next two exits down about a week ago. It was just near the Macaroni Grill.


Would have been easier to push it upright and push it on its wheels






There are a subset of people who have nothing to contribute to a conversation beyond whatever social issue the talking heads they listen to are currently circulating. It is absolutely bewildering. What has happened to people?

