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Way beyond ridiculous at this point. Parents need to be held accountable. I’m tired of these little shits


This is Orange County. Ain’t happening, sadly.


Sadly eating through a tube is what it takes to humble some :/ They’d probably need 10x the cops to enforce these kids because they’re just so numerous


Does mean we shouldn’t have those types of “officers”,


I’ve seen this happen before but with a group of 50 kids and I am not exaggerating. My eyes were baffled. I saw them on greenfield and La Paz just holding up traffic and shit.


I live in Laguna Niguel too and it’s horrible here, anytime I turn the corner I double check for those bastards running lights. Right of away or not I’ll be the one getting sued. I’d beat my kids ass if I caught him riding in traffic.


I live here too and it’s literally terrifying driving my kids to daycare around 7:30-8am because the stupid kids are “riding to school” in groups and going all over the sidewalks. I recently saw three recording them running down an old man walking his dog. I’m surprised the police don’t do more.


I’ve seen plenty of people try to talk sense to these kids and it’s always met with some shit talking and maybe a middle finger. They have no respect for others, I saw multiple times in an Albertsons parking lot they would grab shopping carts and speed up to 15+mph and send it flying across the lot into the bushes. Or yeah and not following any rules of the road…


What I fear is how these kids will act once they have cars. They already cause enough trouble on tiny e bikes, they’ll be even worse once given a 2 ton vehicle that’s 4x faster & can potentially cause 20x more damage.


At least they’ll have to pass a driving test first and have the potential to lose their license, unlike with the e-bikes.


they got caught police confiscated bikes, parents are probably going to just buy them new ones though


They will soon be meat crayons and squids. Or all it takes is them triggering the wrong person who flips out and runs them over.


If that was the case then idiots would stop using motorcycles, but we still have fuckloads of motorcycle bros and boomers who also don’t follow the law, harass drivers, give people the finger, do ridiculous revving, plus sport bikers do wheelies just like the e-bike kids. They’ve got to be learning the behavior from somewhere and my theory is a mix of exposure to bad motorcycle behavior and shitty parents.


The e-bike thing is way out of hand. And it’s also just insane to me that so many kids are too lazy to ride … *checks notes…. A bike…*


The few times I’ve seen a kid riding a real bicycle I always notice


The ones riding real bikes are also more likely to be following the street rules


I am an avid road cyclist, but I'm seriously considering an ebike for an alternate transportation option. I grew up in a city with very good public transit so there was always an alternate to driving. Now I basically have to drive everywhere. I'm not "too lazy to ride my bike," but there are places I'd take an ebike instead of driving like getting groceries or returning books to the library.


Of everything, thats your issue? Making the transportation cover greater distance with less effort? With that same logic, stop driving your car, as thats even more lazy than an ebike, which still require some manpower. You're lazy for driving a vehicle.


Let natural selection take its course


People love to say this, but the reality is if you’re the unlucky bastard to hit them you will likely be sued and pay legal fees that will bankrupt you or be found responsible and pay even more, while their hospital bill will likely cost tax payers money. In the end it’s a lose - lose. E-bikes should be made illegal on road or be required to have a motorcycle license and be registered.


Yeah it would definitely suck to hit one as a driver for sure.


And you'll have that on your conscience for the rest of your life.


Exactly, even if they get out with only minor injuries it’s still traumatizing as a driver.


possible vehicular manslaughter charges and having to go through all that bs.


Not mine, i hate those fckrs


The point of them being road legal is so they don't hit pedestrians. I get what you're saying, but no. Bikes and ebikes belong in bike lanes. Not sidewalks.


They definitely do not belong on sidewalks. What I’m saying is they either should require a license to ride and to be registered to an owner, OR make them illegal for any on-road use including sidewalks. So allow them only for private roads or trail use.


I ride an ebike because I am absolutely terrified of driving a car, so tying licensing to a driver’s license would pretty heavily inhibit my ability to commute and run errands. I think a licensing system could be implemented, but making an ebike license be tied to a Class-C might not be the right move. Maybe you could make it as simple as tying it to a state ID and an age requirement since a lot of the issues I see with riders are when they’re kids. If there were bike lanes on every road, I would totally support bike traffic only being allowed in bike lanes. It’s dangerous for them to be on sidewalks that are meant for pedestrians, and it’s risky for riders to ride on the sidewalk when people are pulling out of their driveways.


Sadly they don’t pay the insurance claim costs for what they cause. Most will be vegetables in the next few years, just wait patiently. We need organ donors.


their excessive vaping will ruin the organs


With how these kids are riding around they’re def vaping the street carts 💀


Ayo why do you want ebikers organs that’s kinky as hell


The proverbial “we” as in society.




It's great birth control


https://www.reddit.com/r/orangecounty/s/HhIUnv4TNJ These kids have no reflectors or lights and they are riding in a canyon like area with no street lights. They at safe the beginning of the video believe it or not you just can't see them that well.


I saw a kid bust a wheelie in the intersection and ate shit. I shouldn't laugh, but these fuckers nearly run me and my dog over on every walk. So seeing one eat shit was a welcomed surprise. Zero consideration for the rules and no common courtesy. I'm not even some old fart. I'm not even fucking 30, and I want these things band. There's no reason a child should be able to reach 25mph without even a helmet.


That's one thing that frustrates me - the laws are getting them off the streets and into the sidewalks. Same here, some kid nearly killed my dog last week. And then I was actually hit about 6 months ago and got a pretty bad foot injury - had to drop out of a marathon I was training for.


Fuck ‘em.


Dirt bikes or e-bikes?


It doesn't matter anymore. Too late for that distinction to mean anything to the majority of people. We kept saying these little fuckers were going to ruin it for everyone and they will. Legal ebike or Sur Ron, they will probably both catch major restrictions.


I feel like it’s dirt bikes and mopeds but I don’t know for OC but yeah, we gotta get tighter in local community. Lack of intentional community is killing us. Someone was burning out a dirt bike on the boardwalk yesterday in Venice and I couldn’t believe it. Seeing dirt bikes and more mopeds on sidewalks and it’s becoming a huge problem especially bc the sidewalks are already too skinny. NYC moped behavior coming to the coast?!


I keep seeing people talking about how this is going to cause an increase in regulations, but they're already regulated. Look up the DMV classifications for ebikes and scooters. You'll see that most these ebikes aren't allowed on the street. Shit, even a 49cc scooter is only allowed on bike paths, streets that are 25mph or less, and bike trails from what I remember. So yea...ppl just don't gaf lol


Police give no fucks about the law or regulations. They abdicated their duty during covid and have since let’s the roads become lawless.


Is that why I got pulled over riding my scooter when my car was down?


Yeah just move them to motorbike standards. Require license, registration and insurance. Will slowly dwindle down to the ones that are riding respectfully. 


They do depending on the wattage and what the top speed with or without pedal assist is.


Right. But that’s not easy for parents to understand. It’s easier to say that all require a license and blanket require. It’s also easier to enforce. 


If it's not easy to understand, then there's a learning deficiency lol all you have to do is try and you'll get it lol it's not rocket science


I live in dana point and walk often. These fuckers zoom down the sidewalk when theres a fucking bike lane. Pisses me off everytime. Also dangerous.


Who the fuck buys their 14 year old child a 1,000$ bike that’s pretty much a baby motorcycle , and then letting them ride all throughout the town? I literally see the youngest looking kids . Like 13 even 12. At that age when you roam you for sure are getting into trouble. It also seems so dangerous


Most of the e-bikes I see here in Aliso Viejo are $2,500 - $4,000 all in. It’s mind blowing.


That’s fucking wild.


They are the bane of my existence at my retail job. Giving kids the ability to travel long distances in a short amount of time with no parent really lets them loose. They come in loud, cursing and saying the n word with other shoppers around. Some of them steal too. They will park their bikes in front of the store blocking the path. I've heard kids tell older people to eat a dick just for asking the kids to not block the path. Just no regard for others.


Eh, let Darwinism take care of them.


squirt them with water, aim for the face


Mopeds in the 1970s didn’t require a license to use at first. Mayhem (I guess) is why licensure was eventually required to drive one. Same needs to be done with these e bikes. Some sort of insurance should be required as well because of altercations. Even then, if a 16-year-old is driving an e bike or a car, they’re more risky in general. It always seems to be the cart before the horse with things (let’s sell them and then backtrack and create legislation). Sigh.


if the cops dont care why should I?


Eventually... The more of them idiot e-bikers there are, the fewer of them idiot e-bikers there are.


i swear when i was growing up you couldnt even ride motorized scooters without getting crap from a cop or your school faculty so the kids on ebikes is pretty crazy to see. wouldnt wanna deal with whatever daddys money they got behind them if God forbid you ever hit one of em. things changed for the worse imo


Kids growing up in the eat or be eaten thunderdome of OC have a live fast die young attitude? Shocker. Somebody should make a TV drama about it.


Saw something similar the other day coming up crown valley-Cabot then a few minutes later he was being chased by a motorcycle cop down rancho niguel, ran through the red light and we didn’t see them again. I hope they caught them


Kid: “For my 13th birthday I was thinking of a Harley. I’d like to ride on public roads at high speeds with a motorcycle and maybe do some tricks.” Parent: “Fuck no, are you insane? That’s illegal for a literal child, and also you’ll kill yourself.” Kid: “okay, how about, same basic deal but it’s ✨electric ✨” Parent: “Here, charge it to my Amex, no problem and don’t even bother with a helmet, it could mess up your hair.”


Whenever children do wrong, it’s the parents fault, they do not know better, and should be having parents guide them..


People. Some of these people don't care about their own safety. People who drive, people who cycle- let's not pretend it's one group or the other. People are, on the whole, pretty fucking stupid when it comes to assessing risk. We're just not good at it, and it seems to be getting worse . . . though, that may just be me getting older.


I agree with u there’s a bunch more idiot drivers fosho. However these kids r going to cause over regulations on e bikes cause of their very very avoidable stupidity, halting OC from ever becoming car independent. Unlike cars; trains & bikes will always be criticized much harsher in America so any bad light given to bikes will look way worse than the stupid stuff some drivers do here


It's not an opinion that children don't know how to properly assess risk and danger. It's not an opinion that they're not following road rules. Why would we pretend this isn't about children being reckless?


Don’t minors have a city curfew? I thought it was 10pm?


Giving little shits gang mentality, all these wana be little Furiosas lol 


Nothing will change until lives start being lost.


I had 2 kids on fat tire bikes weave in and out of traffic then make a right hand turn in front of cars from the left hand turn lane.


Darwin will take care of them


I’m actually waiting for the day I take one out….. a bike, not the rider.




This article is overblown nonsense. As pointed out in a previous post about it, almost all of the laws mentioned are current, existing laws. They just aren’t being enforced. The picture in the article isn’t even an e-bike. It’s a motorbike, which are already either illegal for street use or require a licensed operator. The only new law was no passengers on the back. And I think the helmet requirement goes from 16-18.


It's a surron and similar, and I see plenty of kids on them. Never once have I seen one pulled over yet. I don't disagree with the point at all, because it's an electric dirt bike, essentially, and the asshats riding them think it's just fine to hit the OC park trails on them.


Exactly. There are already laws against them. Making more laws isn’t going to fix the problem. Enforcing existing laws is where we should start. I also think parents should have hefty fines if they purchase an illegal bike for their underage rider. Fine them and impound the bike.


Fines don’t matter when you’re wealthy. They can write a check and be done with it. Mandatory community service hours would be better. Make the parents take a defensive driving class. Make the parents staff a respite daycare for high medical needs MVA patients. Make the parents spend actual time out of their lives really thinking about how dangerously their kids are behaving, and see how fast this shit cleans up.


Oh, Good point. My kids’ school made them take an e-bike safety class. Sort of like drivers ed. There was a test at the end and everything. It’s not perfect, but I think it’s an excellent start. Too many of these kids didn’t grow up riding with their parents and weren’t taught how to use the bike lane. I think education should be part of the solution, too.


Education of the kids, absolutely, but there also needs to be more parental and police enforcement of the existing laws. Parents need to be aware of the laws, and they need to be aware of what their kids are doing and how they’re behaving. If parents choose to be uninvolved (which, clearly, they are) then that’s big problem for society. The faster the parents can be forced to see what their kids are doing and why it’s bad, the fewer kids will have to get hurt. If the current culture of kids running amok doesn’t change, it’s only a matter of time until someone goes through a green light and into a ball of unlit, black clad wheelie poppers who chose to ignore their red light. That’s going to be a lot of sobbing mothers, thousand-yard-staring fathers, and sad little crosses on the roadside. It doesn’t need to happen, but it won’t change until the grownups decide to be grownups.