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5.3 is my go-to base currently, and I adjust depending on the template, how I feel, etc. I started in January 2023, so been going a year and a half. When I started my base was a 3mph walk šŸ˜…


Mine is 3.5 - 4.0. It'a not great. Been going for 7 months (77 classes in).


it is great! and itā€™s great that you are going! everything is relative.


thanks. i love it.


Never say to yourself ā€œitā€™s not greatā€ when it comes to the effort you are putting towards your health. It is GREAT! You will feel sooo good, and your future self will remember and be so thankful that you did the work. For what itā€™s worth, my base pace is also 3.5-4.0 and I have been going for years. I powerwalk, because running has always been hard for me. I have terrible knees and ankles. But I challenge myself with inclines, and I have kept increasing my weights on the floor, so I am not at all ashamed of my slower pace on the treads. It works for me, and I get a great workout in every time. Ask any doctor and they will tell you there are wonderful benefits to walking. No shame in my game.


Hey! Same! Slowly but surely šŸ˜Š


Mines the same, I need the walking recovery or my heart rate doesnā€™t come back down


That is so great! You're moving just as long as everyone else in class. May not be as fast as some, but this speed may be the sweet spot for your body. The fact that you are participating in something hard to do tells me you are strong - physically and mentally! Bravo!


When I PW my base is 3-5 (sometimes 3.7) and Iā€™ve been going 2+ years almost at 800 classes- youā€™re doing great!


4 when I started Oct 2023, was able to move up to 5.7 by March this year. Am now 20 weeks pregnant & back down to 4.5.


Congratulations šŸ„°


Over 5 years, base 8-9 all depends on the template.


Humbled that my all out is your base


Little by little, we are all doing our best.


Damn, beast :)


Thank you, when I started my base used to be 5ish.


Same, though usually closer to 8. Sometimes even below if Iā€™m doing a lot of outside OTF mileage.


4.5 started in January after having my son. Iā€™ve never been a big runner but I think it does feel like a true base now I can definitely sustain it. I have a little fear with treadmills so itā€™s hard for me to push my pace a lot.


Now itā€™s 4.2-4.5. Started off as a power walker last July with a base of 3.5.


Me too! Great jobšŸ«¶šŸ»


I think of a true base pace as a pace you can run "indefinitely" while breathing just through your nose and carrying a conversation. With this definition, my base pace is a 5.5 - 5.8 on the treadmill. I did take a hiatus due to a foot stress fracture (unrelated to running) so prior to this my base pace was a 6.0 on tread. Wanted to say though - don't judge your pace on anyone else's - we all have unique journeys




Thatā€™s exactly what base pace is, or should be. Green the whole time, push is what gets to the orange, bases should be green whether for 2 min or 20.


5.5 base, been going 6 years! Push 7ish 30 second all out - 11


Iā€™m so low. šŸ˜ž Iā€™m 3 on speed and incline. Iā€™ve been going since late February. But my all out incline is 11. Iā€™m trying to work my way up to 4 speed but I have a fear of falling off.


Iā€™m similar! Been going since May and my base PW is 3.3 with 3% incline. I, too, am worried about falling off any time I PW faster than 3.8


I say youā€™re doing the right thing by keeping the pace slower IF you avoid holding onto the treadmill. You work ALL the core abdomen muscles and stabilizer muscles and improve your balance when you pump your arms and PW.


Not holding onto the tread was the hardest habit for me to break. My coach will still catch me doing it but only when Iā€™m exhausted and he will ā€œhollerā€ at me. ā€œDried_lipstick! Show your hands!!!ā€ The other day he creeped to the empty tread next to me when I wasnā€™t really paying attention to my surroundings and said ā€œdried_lipsticks! Hands!!!ā€ And it scared the crap out of me. But I stopped holding on. I say ā€œhollerā€ because I canā€™t think of a nice way to say it. Heā€™s not being mean- he knows me well enough to know I need the reminder sometimes.


Donā€™t think so ā€œbigā€ bump the speed up to 3.1 and see how that feels! Or better yet leave the speed alone any bump up to a 3.5% for incline- itā€™s the slow and steady steps/changes that make the big changes in the long run.


Please don't think of yourself as "slow." 1) powewalking is an intense and excellent exercise for building muscle and cardio fitness, 2) you are putting in the effort and doing the hard work. Everyone has their own speed, areas of strength, and things that are more challenging. The most important thing is that you are showing up for yourself!


I've been going for one year and a little over 300 workouts in! When I first started I could not run for more than 2 minutes. My current comfortable base pace is 5.5 but I've been trying to bump it to 6 to help get in the orange zone. My push has been a 7 but I struggle to get in the orange zone. I'm like low green now. Today I ran an 8 for the run row and didn't feel like it is too difficult. After reading some of y'all's bases I think maybe I should start challenging myself a little more. How do you judge what you should be/capable of running at?


My base is 7.0 and Iā€™ve been going for about 1.5 years. Iā€™m actually one class away from my 200th class.


2 years, 5.5-6






I wish I knew. I guess itā€™s 3.5, but I keep trying to jog so if I know the base holds are relatively short, Iā€™ve been bumping it up to 4.2 or even 4.5 some days. I wish I had more of a plan but the classes vary so wildly and so do my intensities as a result. I tried to hold my increased base during class last week but it was a 16(?) minute block and I eventually died. Edit to add that any and all tips and advice, welcome.


If the inconsistency isnā€™t serving you, you donā€™t have to do the exact tread template! Let the coach know when you come in that you have your own tread goal and focus on maintaining your higher base pace/hitting a certain distance/only X minutes of recovery, whatever works for you.


The purpose of base pace is to be something you can sustain for a long period, like +30 minutes for example. If you want to jog, rather than PW, jog even slowerā€¦ find the pace where you can hold it for extended period and feels like RELIEF after a push. If you canā€™t hold the base pace for long, slow it down. Think of walking on a flat road as a baseline where you can go for a very long amount of time, hours... bring it up POINT ONE to a jog and see if you can hold it without stopping until they give you a call to walk (after an all-out). Thatā€™s where you begin. The first time I ever ā€œranā€ outside was with my friend and we ran at a 14 minute mile pace.. I said.. you call this running? She said YES! And all of a sudden I was able to make it around the entire loop. šŸ‘šŸ¼ now my base is 5.7 on the tread which is a. 10:30 minute mile šŸ§”


My base pace is 4.8-5 and I am pleased with my pace and had been going for 4 years before the pandemic started and took 22 months off and just returned March 2023


I do 4.5 mph base pace and Iā€™ve been going to OTF for just over 3 months (47 classes so far, although some were just strength). I never ran on a treadmill before OTF, and I was terrified. I know Im pretty slow, but I consider it an accomplishment to be able to jog for the whole block without going into a walk (if the template doesnā€™t include WR) because I couldnā€™t do that when I started. I know Iā€™m slow, and sometimes I will glance at the person on the tread next to me and see that personā€™s base is as fast as my AO, but I donā€™t feel bad about it because my base is faster than sitting on my butt. The same goes for everybody here ā€” even if all you can do is 3 mph on flat road, just showing up and getting on the tread puts you ahead of many, many people who are spending that time sitting on the couch.


One of my friends does marathons (she even ran one when she was pregnant)! Her average mile time for her last marathon was faster than Iā€™ve ever ran a single mile in my life. I was joking with her about this and she was like ā€œunless youā€™re the fastest person in the world we all have someone who we are slower than. Thereā€™s probably someone who wishes they were as fast as you!ā€ And sheā€™s right!!! We are all just competing with ourselves. Iā€™ve been going for 5 years and my BP is a 5-5.2. Iā€™m fine with thatā€¦prior to OTF I had never run a continuous mile in my life.


off and on for yearsssssss. 7! love that 8:30 vibe.


about 4 years on and off (injuries/travel) -- base between 7-7.5 depending on template.


3.3 - 3.5, depending on the class. Started last December at 2.5.


2 years, used to be a solid 7 but it rarely is anymore these days, usually 6-6.5. My benchmark times have gone up though šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


7.3. Started at 5.0. Iā€™m 215 classes in.


Somewhere at 6.0-6.5 depending on the day. Less than 2 yrs in at an average of 2 times a week. Started at the suggested 4.5 to 5, so not too mad.


I started with a base pace of 3 in Aug 2023. Im now at a base of 5-5.2. 154 classes in!


5 šŸ˜… it was 7 at one point but then I got pregnantā€¦.now Iā€™m 4 months PP and base is a 5


8-8.2 for last year, feel like i could run it all day.


Started running back in August 2023. Started off then at 4.5. Current base is 7.4.


I went 2 years using the reference page for my base push and all out. Base at 4.5 push at 5.5 and all out +6.5. I watch my splat points and when I am not hitting +12 splats per class is when I increase my base pace .1 at a time. Now that I go to the gym 4-5 days per week, my base is unwaveringly 5.7, push 6.7 all out +8.5 šŸ’ŖšŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ§”


Mine is only 3-3.5, but Iā€™ve only been going for 6 weeks (4X a week, and I am def getting faster and stronger already)


5 years with some breaks and mine is 5.5-6 (pushes 6.3-7, AOs 8-12 depending on the day and my goals).


6-6.5 mph depending on template :) 6 months in!


7.1, been going just under two years.


I think I started high 6s, maybe a 7. Took me a little over a year to get an 8+ base, got pregnant (power walked), came back and took about 6 months (1 year post partum) to get back to an 8 base.


Base is 7.6, when I started in November it was 6 šŸ˜€


5 years. Base is 7.8


5 years. Base pace fluctuates between 4.5 and 5.5 depending on the template and how my body is feeling. I donā€™t focus on going faster - my VO2 Max is 37 and my hear rate recovery is quick.


Also 8-9 depending on the template. Most often I land right in middle at 8.5


5.0-6.0 8 months


6.4-6.5, itā€™ll be a year in August.


Mine is a 3 incline at 7mph. Iā€™ve been going since January.


Recently bumped to 7.4 Iā€™ve been going 7ish years with 3 rounds of babies/time off mixed in


7.5, 59, started in late 2019 and then the Covid shutdown of 13 months(?), regular since then. NOT a runner!


7.3 base. Started off at 6. Been going since June 2022. F24


My base is between 5.5-6. I have been with OTF almost 4 yrs, and run 20-25 miles per week, including longer runs outside of OTF. I couldn't do longer running if it weren't for OTF.


8.2. 1.5 months. Started at 7.


Been a member since January and started at a 6.5 base. Am now at an 8-8.2 base depending on the template.


8 to 9, I have been going for 4 years


8-9mph depending on the template! For what itā€™s worth, Iā€™m a 5ā€™4ā€ female, 110lb and been going for 2.5 years! Marathon runner outside of OTF! As a mom of 5, running is my safe place. šŸ˜‚


Mine is 4.5-4.7 been going for 4 years. I call it my sexy pace because its like I'm slow-mo running on baywatch. I'm good about running the speed that lets me do the entire tread block to the template (i.e not walking unless in the template, etc...) and not feeling like I overdid it to fast, so I'm happy with my efforts.


6-6.5kph (3.7-4mph), I PW bases and jog the rest. Only been going 3 months and still around the same pace because my heart rate hasn't improved yet šŸ˜… but have just started being able to go 3x a week rather than only 2 and already feeling a difference!


Base 3.8-4 on 3% incline after 30 something classes. All out incline 12-14 depending on how I feel


4.7 (started around 4.5) but will drop lower on inclines or if I wanna get back to green quicker. 240 classes in


Now a 4.5 base run. Started off as a power walker @3.5 bc I couldnā€™t sustain even a slow run for the entire block so it really feels like a win that I can now. I was never a runner so felt like even a 5 was so slow compared to these amazing runners but I just didnā€™t understand at that point that running ā€œslowā€ does wonders for your cardio health and builds your base so much faster than gassing yourself out going the speed u think u should be going. Love seeing all the diff answers in the comments, its so cool how our numbers can be so different but weā€™re all working hard and pushing ourselves


Currently between 3.6-4. Restarted OT in Oct 2023 but am coming back from some health issues so learned to listen to my body and taking it slower to get to where I want to be.


5.5 mph. Been going for 9 months and had zero physical activity prior.Ā 


6.0 on the newer treadmills, like 5 or 5.5 on the older ones? Recently I found that I can base at a 6.3! Which makes me feel good. Ive been going for about little over 1 year


Base: 12 km/hour, push 14 km/hour and for 1 min AO: 16,5 km/hour and 30 sec AO: 18 km/hour


5.2 to 5.3. Been stuck there since we returned from covid. Was up to 6.0 before shutdown, but that's now my push, LOL.


Just started 3 weeks ago and my base is around 5.5-6 mph. I started at 5 mph and Iā€™m amazed that I can already go slightly faster. Very motivated by all the commenters going 8-9 mph for base! Thatā€™s my push/AO now.


I started at 3.5 when I first joined in 2018. Now my base is 6.5




Iā€™ve been going since January (this time around) and just started jogging my base. I had been walking base and jogging/running push/AO. My base is a very slow 4.2 jog.


Mine has gone from a 7 to a 4.3 because the new templates are horrid and the maintenance on the machines is lacking


My base was 6 when I started 3 years ago and itā€™s been 7 for about a year and half now.


Base is 5.3 and Iā€™ve been going for 2 years. My push is 7 but base has barely crept up from 4.5 to 5.3 because Iā€™m on two medications that both affect resting heart rate. Any faster and I stay in the orange.


It used to be 5.5, now itā€™s 4.5. Iā€™ve been going 7 years. Quite a few setbacks but Iā€™m still going. At one point it had dropped all the way to 4.0.


5.6 since 2019 I started at 4


6-6.5 and I have been going for a year.


About 5 yrs and anywhere from 5.5- 6 depending on how Iā€™m feeling that day and what the block consists of (inclines, etc).


6-6.5 going for almost 5 years. Started off power walking. Iā€™m a 50 year old female.


6.0 for a regular class and 6.3 if doing a tread 50


5.3 right now, 8 years in. Its been as high as 6.7 (in 2019/2020 when I was training for a half and PRd it). It definitely has its peaks and valleys :)


6.6 currently with room to play up and down depending on the day. Been going for just under a year now at Aug ā€˜23.


4.1 baby! Coming back from hip bursitis as a true jogger and Iā€™m good with it. Literally my goal base is 4.5


Been there for a bit over a year and my base is 5.5 I do adjust it depending on the template


It started at 5 mph, now itā€™s 6 mph. Iā€™ve been going to OTF for two years now


5.5-6. Iā€™ve been a runner for 30 years. Thatā€™s what feels easy to me, which is what I equate base pace to as far as my running training. Iā€™m not worried about increasing base, I worry about race times or my pushes and all outs. My all outs can reach 12.0.


Been about a year and a half. I started as a power walker, then a jogger with base at 5mph. Just took the leap and new base is 5.5 and I'm feeling great! Gonna try 6mph in a month or so


My base pace is 5-5.5mphā€¦ been going since Oct 2021 (2 yrs and 8 months). Been actively trying to increase my base, push, and all out paces since early this year.


7.3, started almost 5 years ago and 1050 classes. Started as a rehab from a surgery with no weight bearing for 10 weeks and in the strider, gradually progressed.


Currently 8.1. I'm trying to raise my base by .1 every couple of weeks. Been a member since Jan 2020.


My current base pace is 7.4, when I started in January I kept it at 6-6.5 but have felt that was too slow for me personally.


My base at incline for PWing is 4.0 speed at 6 percent incline.


Now 5-base 6.5- push and 8-9 AO. 2 years ago used to be 6- base 8-push and 10+ AO. I used to just straight jog/run. I realized though I would be so tired on the floor and couldnā€™t lift heavy. Even if I started on the floor I felt so weak because I legit ran off all my weight/muscles. I went from 165-135 šŸ«£. Now I power walk/jog and Iā€™m lifting SO MUCH heavier because Iā€™m not as tired anymore from the tread. I weigh 150 now but still fit into the clothes from when I was 135 šŸ˜…šŸ˜Š




14 months 189 classes - My base is 4.7-5.2. I started as at 2.5-3.0.


7.8, but my goal is 8.0. Started at 5.5 maybe 5 years ago, or so.


Been going for a year and a half, base pace usually a 6.2 but sometimes closer to 7 depending on the template


Mine is 2.5 at an 5-8 incline. Iā€™m a power walker started at 5 but it feels too easy now.


2 months, 4.5 šŸ«¤ Way out of shape, burt working my way up! I'll prob bump it up to 4.6 or 4.7 next week!


Started mid March, was a 4. Got it to 5.5 after going regularly through early June, then was out for a little over 2 weeks for a trip and a subsequent illness. Just started back Monday at a 5 but who knows how this week will go, may have to take it even lower for the next week or two to build back up. Takes forever to get to a certain point but you lose it quick lol! Just happy to be back at it and not going to beat myself up. Just going to class is the most important thing but I know easier said than done!


Started a year back and my base was 3, push was 4 and ao was 5. Now my base is 5, push is 6.5-7 and ao is 8.


Consistently 6. I bumped up to 6.5-7 a few years back but bumped it down


When I started jogging I was at a base of 3.7- I got up to a base of 4.8 (and was thinking of going to 5) but then I switched focus and did all strength50 classes. I am now slowly working my way back up but my endurance has suffered. My goal now is to be able to follow template so I keep my speeds slow- 4.3 for base- which is fine, except it now gets me into the orange. Iā€™ll eventually get back up to speed! I have 2 1/2 years and 775 classes under my belt. I started jogging 5 months after I started OTF but was only serious about it 2 months later.


I've been going for just over a year. Mine is between 5 & 5.3 depending on the day.


Iā€™ve been going for 7 months now. I started out with a base of 5 which I could barely make it through, now my base is 6 and I might need to up it again soon! I have never been a runner, so I am very very proud of myself and everything I have accomplished on the tread.


Mine used to be 6. I wasnā€™t getting into the orange so a coach said bump it up to 7. Itā€™s tough especially after those inclines but I stick with it.


4.7, 1.5 years. Was 4 when I started. Slow and steady progress!!! Hoping to be closer to 5 by the end of the year


5.1. Also Iā€™m 61. Been going since 2018


6-6.5 , Iā€™ve been going for about 3 years


8-8.5 MPH (on Year 6!)


Mine is 5 been going for about 6 years, base pace went up once I started doing the tread 50 classes to get more running time in.


Before Covid or now? Before Covid and before a health related 1 year hiatus- base was up to 8-9. Now 6. I was almost up 7 to a few months ago then went on a week cruise and Iā€™ve had a difficult work schedule where Iā€™ve missed 1-2 weeks at a time When I go regularly (3-4 per week for at least a month) I try to increase my pace by .1-.2 every week or two. It adds up fast and you progress quickly


Power Walker, started October 2023. I'm up to 4.6 as my base, with 5.0 push and 5.2 AO.


Been going with basic plan for 2+ years. Started at 3, now usually around a 5 or 5.5.


Iā€™ve been going off and on for 5 years. I stay between 4.0-5.0. I donā€™t focus too much on it, I focus on my calories and splat points more. If one day itā€™s at a 4.0 because Iā€™m dragging I at least make sure to get a good workout in and sometimes I feel like a 5.0 is doable too. I think on endurance days I have a slower base, if that helps.


Iā€™ve been going for 8 years and my base ranged from 6-7 mph for the first 6 years. The last couple years Iā€™ve started having a lot of problems with my achilles so Iā€™ve slowed way down and really become more of a power walker/jogger. I would stress that you donā€™t put too much pressure on yourself comparing to othersā€™ paces. Just do whatā€™s best for you! I really miss running especially when I get next to someone getting a good run in, but I know walking and jogging is whatā€™s best for me now.


My base is 7.8. I havenā€™t adjusted in over 6 months. the heat is getting me winded so I havenā€™t adjusted upward. I should be need the recovery time.


My base started at around 4.8, 5 yrs later it's 6-6.2 I'm 57, so it does take me at least 5 minutes after the warm up to reach 6 mph though.


5.5 to 6 depending on how Iā€™m feeling that day. Been going a little over 2 years, 320 classes. When I started base was 4.5


4.5 Iā€™ve been going since early 2023. Itā€™s about as much as my knees can take right now šŸ¤£


My goal as I age is maintenance. I was a distance runner before and my base for a couple of decades was 6-6.5mph. Now I feel great at 5-5.5mph on the treadmill.


7.0-7.5. A year and a half. Started at 6 when I first joined.


My base is 5-5.5 depending on the day. I've been going for almost 4 years. When I first started my pace was 4.5-5. My base hasn't increased much but my push and AO have.


Anywhere between 5-6, and it varies by day. I have no set paces I go by how I feel that day. I've been going for decades. I run much faster outside and my easy pace is much quicker outside than it is on the treadmill. I'm 51 and am considerably slower than I was in the past but I'm ok with that. As long as I can keep running I don't care how fast I am.


7.0, been going for about 7 years (had to count my hell week shirts to check). At one point I got up to 8.0 pre-pandemic but havenā€™t gotten all the way back yet.


My base pace is a slow 4.5 for jogging. Iā€™ve been going since December 19 and I never thought I could jog and by January I was !!


I was at 4.5 for a while but Iā€™ve been trying to start my base at 5 and if my heart rate isnā€™t slowing down at all I bring it back down to around 4.7.


5.5mph running/jogging; PW 4.3mph @ 3% incline. Used to power walk exclusively for years, but now I go back and forth to mix it up. Been going for 5 years and I recently hit my 1000th class!


Iā€™ve been going since March, started at a 3.5 base with 4% incline (push 4.5 at 6% and AO 5.5 at 10%) and now Iā€™m at 5.5 at 1% (push 6.5 and AO 8.5). Itā€™s so encouraging to see such a big difference! šŸ’Ŗ


5.5-6.5 mph depending on how conservative I want/need to be that day. Since October 2022, some 20 months


I started out at a crisp walk @ 3.5 and then worked up to jogging at 4.0 and now I am at 4.3 to 4.4. I have been going for years!!! I am also old!


My current base is about 4.2. It used to be higher before the pandemic and then I had a slew of injuries that set me back. I went back to power-walking and just recently began jogging again. Sometimes I'll still power walk but for the most part I'm around 4.2 base and push is in the higher 4s/low 5s. It's hard to imagine there was a time when I could do a mile at 6 and how much I've regressed but I know I can get back there and consistency is key.


Have been going since 2013, started at age 37. Got myself up to 7.0 base prior to the pandemic. Am now at 6.5 and have been for a LONG time...thinking this is it, because now I'm 48 and maybe I peaked.


5.2, been actively trying to move it up but sometimes I do 5 on a slow day. Push is 6, all out is 7-8. Been going since Oct.


I mostly run and base at 6 (sometimes up to 6.5, but I've been feeling pretty rundown after a mountain race so I haven't based at over 6.2 in a few weeks). In 2022, I was at 7 so that's always a bummer when I think about it. I PRed every race distance from 5k to marathon in 2022, but I think I ended up overtrained in 2022/2023. I don't know that I'm ever really coming back given my age (I'll be 49 later this year). When I PW, I base at 3.5-4 at 6%. I've been going to OTF since late 2018. I usually go to three 2Gs and one Tread 50 per week (running a total of35-40 miles per week with my outdoor runs).


Mine is 5-5.2. I'm a 27 y/o female been going for almost a year. Closing in on 100 classes!


I started 9 weeks ago and my base was 3.0. Now Iā€™m up to 3.5. Super proud of myself.


Started in April with a 3.5 Base. Currently at a 5-5.5 Base


7.3 - been going for around 3 years. Was probably around a 5.5 when I started.


6. Iā€™ve been going about 2 years. Started at 5.


Mine is 5-5.3.Ā  I feel like I'malways one of the lower bases in the class(aside from pw's) but I have improved since starting in Feb 2024! 33 classes in


6.3 base, 7.3 push, 8.5 all out. I dont like going any faster all out I think im gonna hurt myself. Im somewhere around 300 classes


7.2 base. Have been an OTFer since 2017 with a year off in 2020 (new baby plus covid).


Depends on tread block, but typically 5 or 5.5..Had a period for a bit where it was always 6, but been a bit for that.


5-6! Been going since March and have been pushing myself. I think I started at like 4.5-5 and now I aim for 5.5-6. I do also run outside of OTF classes and am trying to be a better runner/increase my pace for a race coming up in the fall. I know Iā€™m not fast, but I want to increase my capacity (physical and mental) for long runs. But I do listen to my body and Iā€™ve had days where PW is all I got in me. I know everyone is different and has other goals for going to OTF.


6.5-7 depending on how hard Iā€™m willing to try that day and go the full 23 minutes plus warmup with no break.


My base is 4.5. I have been a (slowwww) distance runner for about 3-4 years, started OTF in November 2023 with a 4.0 base. I like my base to be reliably something that can keep me in the green zone/get me back to it quickly after pushes if there isnā€™t a walking break, so I have only increased very slowly based on that.


3 years, 4.8. I suck at jogging/running but never giving up!


Been going 2 years. I started at 5.5 and just now reached 7 as my base. In the past 6 months I have been more interested in increasing my base pace and less interested in pushing max all out, I find I get less injuries that way. I am trying to be conscious of raising my base every couple of months by .1 or .2. I kind of can't believe I reached 7 as a base as I never considered myself as much of a runner. My current goal is to not get caught in "Catch me if you can" - 23 minutes at 8.5... I have a way to go!


I'm a jogger and my base is 4.5. My ability to run the entire time (and run the full 23 minutes during endurance blocks) is very dependent on that base, so I've been mindful about keeping it constant. I play around with all of the other speeds, but my base is sacred. I've been going to OTF since June of 2017, but I've only been jogging consistently for the last 1-2 years.


Started early 2019 and I had to look back on my old data through the app. It appears that I started with a base between 4-5 mph and now my base is between 7-7.5 mph. This definitely made me realize how far Iā€™ve comeā€¦ šŸ’ŖšŸ™Œ


Started at 3mph back in Oct 2020 Now up to base anywhere from 5.5-6. Or on days I power walk at 4mph base is 8% incline, bike base gear is 12 - figured itā€™s good to cross train going 4-6 days a week


Just upped mine to about 7! I had a long period of time of off and on injury, so I would power walk the base and run the push/all outs. Then I was at 6 for a looong time. Something clicked in the last 3-4 months and I've increased my base from 6 to 6.5 to now 7. Tread 50 and outdoor runs have helped tremendously. Also, taking it easy when I need to instead of getting hurt!


Started in March 2022. Took me about 9 months or so to get to a point where I was fully a jogger and my jogging base started around 4.5 and is now steady at 5 and can be as high as 5.5 depending on the template


4.0, 10 classes in


Base of 6.5ā€¦ started about 3 months ago and 25 classes in. I started at 5. Pushes are 7.5-8 and AOs are usually 9-10. Did a tread50 yesterday and got 5 miles in. Iā€™ve never ran that far in my whole life. Crazy


7.7...just went up from 7.6 earlier this month. I think I started at 6.2 in 2018.


3.7, been going consistently for six months


When I feel good, 8.5. If I feel "lazy" 8. Also depends on how many pushes and how long. I might just do 8 if there are lots of long pushes. Been like this for about 1.5 years.


My base is 6.0 mph, but sometimes adjust slightly up/down depending on the template. I've been going to OTF since Jan 2023. For a while, I was using 6.5 as my base, but found it was generally better for me to keep at 6.0 to maximize recovery and increase those push/all-out paces if I'm feeling fancy.


I have been going since November 2023 and base pace is at 5mph. My base pace started at a 3.2.


Power Walker - my base is 3 percent at 3.5 or 3.6 mph. Iā€™ve been going 5+ years. Itā€™s what works for me. I do stay in the green but sometimes jump in orange (for base). In my 60s with Asthma and bad knees ;-)


3.5 šŸ˜‚


My base is 3-4. I walk bases so I can keep up my jogging longer on pushes and all-outs.


It used to be 6.5 and now itā€™s walking at 3.5 and jogging at 5.0 while preg lol


Approaching my one year anniversary, and my base is 5 during the template, but I still power walk at 4.5 during warmup.


My go to is 4. Sometimes I can do a base of 5 or 6. I did my best all out today at 8 and 8% incline, even if it was only 30 seconds. I've been going for a month.


6.5 mph and have been doing otf for 4.5 yrs. It used to be 5 mph when I started! During strength days it goes between 6-6.5


6.5- joined last July , started at 4.5, 5, coach encouraged me to start at 6 and been moving gradually up since then.


OTF for 9mos with base 4-5 depending on the template , shoes and mood


I started in October - my base was 4.5 Iā€™m now 128 classes in and my base is 6 - i up it by .1 every 4 weeks My all out for 30 seconds is 10 for 1 minute is 8/8.5


Ranges from 5-5.6. I started OTF a year ago and I do 2 classes a week. I do other workouts though so I listen to my body and go slower if Iā€™m sore.


Currently 5.5 (my HR recovers here usually) Started 3 years ago next month as a hybrid power walker/jogger


over 3 years with OTF! šŸŠ my base is now 9.5mph and can stay in the green zone hovering around 80% of max HR response at this intensity!


4.7- I started 4 months ago with little to no running experience before! I still alternate some power walking days at 3.8/3incl


7.5 - Started at 6.0 (2 years & 343 classes)


Power walker here šŸ‘‹ my base is 3.5 @ 3%. I go 3-5 times a week for 2 yrs now


Been going to OTF for a little over a year. Started at 5.5 and currently 8.1.


6.0. Only 5 months after having my daughter! :)


I took a 4 month break so my base is around 5 atm a little over one month in.


Closing in on 1000 classes over past nearly 5 yearsā€¦. Base 7ishā€¦. Push 9ishā€¦. All outs at 12. But donā€™t be afraid to make adjustments up or down according to the template, how youā€™re feeling that day and sometimes just because of the music!!! When the right songs come on at the right time itā€™s almost always all out time!! Lol


7 but I can base at 8 sometimesā€¦. I gotta be eating really good that week and very hydrated. Edit: Iā€™ve been going for a little over a year.


6.6 +/- .5 depending on the day, 2.5 years inā€¦avg 20-25 miles a week with long runs outside of OTF. VO2 max is around 42-43


Base 7 Push 8 All out 9