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my suggestion would be to visit and get an idea of how big a state it is and what you like before you just ask a really general question on the state's subreddit.


I'm so tired of these "where should I live" posts... I dunno, just throw a dart at a map for all we care


Somebuddy woke up gwumpy


Did you read this post? It sounds like a parody


Homey, have you *been* on this subreddit? This shit is daily.


Multiple times per day. The sub could be renamed ‘ask about moving to Oregon’


Then dont be in the sub if you hate it. Its obviously allowed here.


I like it! Let's play relocation yenta, it's fun.


I do plan on visiting, just knowing which areas to explore helps a little versus the whole state.


I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I always thought that one should always ensure they will have employment in a new place. On this sub, however, almost everyone who is looking to move to our state does not seem to have a job or even worry about getting one and has no clue about what different parts of Oregon have to offer.


They literally mentioned a ROOFING COMPANY. ☠️☠️☠️


No, they mentioned that their dad is a roofer. There's no company.


I get downvoted each and every time for saying it. I have simply started taking the downvote losses as a win because they know I am right. It seems 8/10 of these posts are people simply looking for the Oregon handout. Color their hair blue, nose rings, no work ethic, but expect to just move here, spit kids out and the hard working taxpayer will foot the bill for your irresponsible ways, I am sick of it.


We’re trying to narrow down where we want to go first. There’s always roofing companies hiring


>There’s always roofing companies hiring OK, let's suppose it is so. Have you or your dad checked what kind of pay he will be getting in different Oregon cities as a roofer? Did you compare it to the general cost of living there? Unless you have some good saving to just come here and take your time finding a job, these are valid questions to ask.


We will be looking into that and calling different companies. It just helps to have a general idea on where we want to go so I can call companies in those areas. He will have a job secured before we move.


Dont feel bad, all of the worst people from the state lurk here. Theyre just sad gatekeepers.


Roofing wages in Oregon are awful unless you live in Portland and work for the union. Contractors pay their roofers poverty wages here. Like 2 dollars more than McDonald's. So Portland would probably be the best bet.


Oregon is a huge state and deciding to move here over some tik tok videos? Wow. Come visit and see which areas appeal to the family.


Pfff, I came here from Texas in 1990 on the strength of National Geographic pictures. There was a banana slug iirc. Never regretted it.


I am sure it has been done many times, many ways.


We are going to visit. Just want to know what areas. I threw in the tik tok comment just to help with what I was looking. I’ve never been so I don’t know what parts of the state are like that.


What part of the state is like a forest tik tok video you are looking at? Have you looked at anything beyond Tik Tok of Oregon?


Lol the dhumphry guy is the same asshole from my post about moving. Im guessing hes always this miserable.


You’re getting a lot of flack because you haven’t done surface level research to a place you’re looking to move to. That’s strange. If you want the lush forest green Mountain View you’re thinking west of the cascades primarily north willamette valley. This will be the Portland metro counties, Columbia county, hood river county, Marion county, yamhill county, and Polk county. There are Mountain Views in the costal counties as well, but not the striking Mt. Hood type ones you’re probably thinking of. East of the cascades there are still beautiful Mountain Views, but the high desert climate doesn’t lend itself to lush rainforests. Renting out here is tough. It’s expensive and not abundant. Outside of the metro counties it’s even harder. Please absolutely secure housing and employment before coming here. That is number one. Idk what you do for work, but I’m not sure a roofer’s salary is sufficient to make ends meet alone. It’s not impossible but it’s not an easy transition to come out here, and as you can see there is open hostility towards transplants who pipe dream about beautiful views with zero idea of what moving here entails. Do your own research and come back with more specific questions for better advice.


Thanks! I will be back after more research. Now I’ve got some good starting points. Of course we’ll have housing and a job- we’re not that crazy lol


You’d be surprised how often people don’t do either of those things expecting to find a place and be hired in a month. Especially if you’re living outside the metro that is ludicrous.


>My dad is a roofer so if that helps to look in certain areas. Genuinely curious what is meant by this?


Not everyone is cut out to roof in places like central oregon. You sometimes gotta work when it feels like your fingers are gonna fall off. Or they mean places that will have more work, like the valley and coast tend to have much more deterioration because of the constant dampness.


OH! This person is moving with their dad (at least). Yeah my brain did not compute that.


Would it be helpful if someone posted in a Wisconsin sub (I assume that exists) and is just like, where should I move in Wisconsin? I hear there's cheese and I love cheese, what's the best area for me?




Hey MODS -- can we???


I mean I’m not a cheese person but the right people could definitely point you in the direction lol


But like do you see how vague that is for moving criteria? There are forests in alot of states, as are there accessible oceans and some mountains. Oregon needs to appeal to you in other ways before you move halfway across the country, since there are WILDLY varying political and socioeconomic climates within the state that may or may not align with your goals, views, and COL.


If you're making life decisions based off of TikTok videos, don't.


Wisconsin is prettier, you should stay put


South east Wisconsin really isn’t. Maybe if I lived up north but I don’t.


What don't you like specifically about SE Wisconsin? That it is flat and does not have much forests? Still it is way greener than any part of Oregon east of the Cascades.


I haven't been but I'm convinced it's prettier than anywhere in Oregon


I’ve lived on the Minnesota/Wisconsin border for 30 years. I grew up in Oregon. There are lovely places in Wisconsin. They don’t even begin to compare with all Oregon has to offer.


Shhh.... (whispers) it was a joke


@Sunshine-baby94 I’m also in SE Wisconsin (Watertown). I used to live in NW Oregon, and drove semi all over the northwest for a few years. If you’re close to me and would like to meet for coffee sometime, maybe I can answer some questions for you and help narrow/clarify your search.


Oh that would be awesome! I’m in Muskego (Waukesha county) so ~30 minutes. Our December is pretty booked from the holidays but sometime in January we can figure something out if that works


Oiy. You are going to do better with this https://traveloregon.com/ than with us.


Thanks! I will do some research with this


I recommend Klamath falls. It’s perfect for someone like you


The message is consistent!


I will always upvote this answer to these general questions. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Ugg. I grew up in Klamath Falls. I couldn't wait to move away. Ended up in Hermiston. Not much better. A lot of Oregon might be pretty, but the people can be very cold. Places that are affordable are unwelcoming and have crime and corruption issues. (Looking at you, Sweethome.) Others suffer from a community wide malaise (Roseburg, Ontario).


Anyone who’s moving here from out of state is just adding to the housing crisis doesn’t matter if you’re renting or buying. Since we can’t stop them from fucking up the housing market more, we can at least try to get them to move to some areas that are not going to be impacting the rest of us That badly


That’s just rude and mean to say.


I can’t stop them from moving here but I can guide them to moving to areas that won’t make the housing market worse for the rest of us.


A roofer isn't gonna be the problem. That would be the snobby. "I want to buy an extra house here," people.


Roofers cant afford to buy a house in Oregon. Unless they are union in Portland roofers make like 2 dollars more than a fast food worker. People in Oregon dont respect their trade workers enough to pay them what they deserve. Thats literally why I moved to a different state.


Renters from out of state are still adding to the housing problem here.


Oregonian here. I'll let you in on a secret - most of Oregon suffers from drought but not in some counties in the NW such as Multnomah county (Very metropolitan - Every convenience- Multnomah falls is close), Clatsop\*(coastal, smaller with most big box stores), Washington (metropolitan & Farmland- all the conveniences), Tillamook (smaller, more rural, farmland, some big stores, or outlets), Columbia\* (Rural, small town feel - plenty of conveniences/ in between coast and Portland), Clackamas (metropolitan - all the conveniences, not as green), and Hood river County (PNW feel, breweries, small, not really big stores). Once you go more south than these counties the mossy look and lush conifers begin to turn to pines and sagebrush. I personally wouldn't live on the coast even though they have such pretty places due to the coastal flooding and landslides along the 101, plus all the tourist traffic and prices. Feel free to pm me if you got any questions, I've lived here a long while and have been all over the state.


Don't forget the wonderful cow aroma that floats around Tillamook. Our daughter lives there, doesn't bother me but the wife is a different story. Every time we get close "Oh, that smell."


Clackamas not as green? Huh? Both the Willamette and Mt. Hood national forests take up a significant amount of the country. It’s like, entirely green once you’re out of the metro areas haha.


I'm talking drought here and I'm talking counties, not national forests - are you gonna live in the middle of one?! Enjoy the drive to get groceries. OP's talking about moving not a hike with her 'hiking' buds. Plus, a huge part of Mt. Hood is pine forests and gets dry as opposed to the forests closer to the coast.


This is super helpful! Thanks and I will!


And yearly massive fires because of it. And a summer full of smoke


Hi, I'm moving back to Oregon and thought I would add my two cents. I have family in Wisconsin as well. Oregon is really diverse as far as climate. The forests are beautiful but not like Wisconsin forests. Oregon also has deserts and the coast which is a different kind of forest then the mountain forest of the Cascades. Don't let anyone quash your dreams. If you feel drawn to Oregon, hopefully you can come and explore it. Google maps and youtube really are your friends in order to virtually tour different communities. I'm a visual person and like to see different towns and how people keep their properties. I found living on the coast hard- it was hard to make friends and the overcast days did get to me during my second winter. The people were nice and looking back I could have tried harder to make connections. Now I'm moving to the Valley and I have a plan to travel during January 2025 in order to get some natural sunlight. I'm also planning to volunteer in order to meet more people.


Unfortunately in SE Wisconsin there’s no pretty forests and we’d have to travel a few hours to get to any. I will look into volunteering and other things when we do move to make friends. Thanks!


Hope your dad likes rain. You will be paying a premium for any kind of view. Heck, you’ll be paying a premium even if your view is the homeless camp across the street! It’s still better than the MidWest, IMO.


Rent here is 1800 for a basic 2 bedroom. Anything is better than the Midwest lol


Climate is much milder here on the Wet side. Bugs are smaller too. Tillamook makes cheese that rivals Wisco. Also, California is right down the road, which makes for excellent road trips! Then there’s Washington.




Roofing is so easy to find a job if you are skilled, so you are just down to looking for a decent area. If he doesn't mind the cold and snow, there's Central Oregon. Look outside of Bend, it's got ridiculously expensive rent. Warm summers for roofing and roof clearing in winter, I suggest branching out, though, because if it's a thin snow year, there isn't much winter work. If he doesn't mind coldish and wet, look to the valley. And cold windy and wet there's the coast, there's always work on the coast and valley between repairs, leaks and deterioration. Good Luck!


Thanks! This is great info!


1. Use online sources like Wikipedia and Google Maps and Zillow/Realtor/etc... to learn as much as you can about Oregon 2. If you want opinions, rather than facts, reddit is great for that! 3. Come visit in a shoulder season like November or March and see if you like it.


I moved to Portland sight unseen. I love the weather, the food, and the views you speak of are within a couple hour's drive in any direction. There's a dormant volcano that you can hike to the top of and get good views right in the city. There's tons of beautiful parks. It's definitely more expensive than Wisconsin, but our city minimum wage is $15/hour. There's good rent control laws in Multnomah county. A lot of people whine about the homeless people here but they're not any better or worse than anywhere else. I moved here from Texas and I'm glad I did. I'm financially stable for the first time in my life, and the city is beautiful. I am pretty lonely, it's hard to make friends. If you end up here, let me know, and I'll give you some more recommendations for things to do.


Are you looking for city life or small town living? There’s a shortage of trade workers (construction, plumbing, roofing, etc) in eastern OR and it provides a living wage here because rent a property is less expensive than the other side of the state (along I5). Many responses here just talk about the part of the state from the Portland metro area to Bend (high desert and very expensive), but there’s a whole lot of life beyond that to the east. It gets greener again (less so than Portland but without the incessant rain). We do get snow, but summers are amazing here. I can walk out my door and walk into the mountains within 15 minutes. Pretty much everyone in the valley has Mountain views because they surround us on every side. We have a hot springs, skiing, theater and a University. Politically, the eastern side of the state is more conservative, while Portland to Eugene tends to be more liberal. Good luck with your search!


This is great info! We’re kind of looking for in between small town and city life. We currently live in the burbs but it’s more city than small town with all the stores. As long as there’s a grocery store within 15 minutes. Mountains views are also a major plus! The thing is we’re not really picky as long as it’s a safe town with a roofing company with not too far of a commute. And a nice view wouldn’t be bad lol


Commute time here is 5-15 minutes. There is Safeway, Wal Mart, Grocery Outlet, and some other smaller grocery stores. We have a great natural food store. Clothing is trickier as it is mostly TJMaxx, Maurices, and a feed/farm supply store. The closest bigger city is an hour and a half drive away. Our community has a population of around 12k.




This is super helpful! Thanks!


Bend and central Oregon is really great for the outdoors experience. Not an outstanding crime rate compared to the rest of Oregon. Only disclaimers are that our winters are long and icy so AWD and/or changing tires is very recommended. Second is that it’s one of the most unaffordable places to live on the entire west coast. I think a roofer and most tradespeople would absolutely have consistent work. Any time I’ve known someone who needed a contractor they’re booked out for months here. You should come visit first. Maybe even once in summer and winter cause it’s completely different. There’s a lot for tourists to do.


Prineville is bursting with new construction going up like crazy and it’s more affordable here (45 minutes NE of Bend, OP).


Thanks! We definitely plan to visit once we’re narrowed down to a few places. And we’ve got a Jeep so we’re good on the vehicle end.


The mid-Willamette Valley is located about an hour from the coast, from snow, and from Portland. Lots of outdoor recreation within an hour drive as well.




Sorry for the jokesters and naysayers on your questions. It’s just that this subreddit gets a lot of these types of inquiries. But, come on out, we’d love to have you. Portland is almost equidistant from Mt. Hood and the coast, though Hood is a quicker drive. You can see 3 mountains from parts of the city. Life is great here.




They’re even downvoting me! Portland is full of mostly nice people.


Thanks! I was looking into Portland but have never lived in a major city so didn’t really know how to go about it


I just sent you a direct message - these forums can be harsh sometimes. 😅 Don't let the late night Oregon reddit community get you down, I love everything about Oregon and I've lived all over the world!


I just hope the Mod lets you keep this post up and not "pin it" to the Moving Here thread, to never be seen again. That's what happened to my query this past weekend. Lots of great advice, then poof, it's gone. Get as many good replies as you can. Your time maybe limited.


I got a lot of research to do still and I’ll be back with more questions so this is at least a good starting point for me.


Unfortunately Reddit is not probably a great resource for your relocation interests at this point. You'll likely benefit the most from researching communities throughout the state based on population, job availability, cost of living, average salary, largest employers, recreation, etc. Would also recommend mapping out distance between cities that interest you and other points of interest to get an idea of distances between points that could be of importance to you. Once you've gleaned more information based on your research then reddit and other online forums may be more beneficial to you with regard to more specific questions about potential destinations within the state. Until then you're probably going to receive far more criticism and satire on Reddit than actual helpful information.


I am going to do more research and come back! I got a few starting points and will also use this info while researching so thanks!


Your Dad will be fine. Roofers and trades jobs are desperately needed here. However like many people on this subreddit it seems like you haven't done an ounce of research to conduct this move. Please do your research, Oregon doesn't need any more welfare leeches.


Oregon is the 9th largest state in the US. Just pick a spot. Lol


Try r/samegrassbutgreener


I moved here without even looking at anything because my girlfriend wanted to move here. Either make it work or don’t. 😂