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This a very confusing rating scale


Can't compare using a rating system. Seems like they changed their mind half way through but forgot to change the title. Sort of like when you change your mind half way through telling someone to "take care" and say "take luck" instead. Brian Regan jokes about this stuff and it cracks me up!




2021=5 2024=1


Same 2021 - 7 days without power/11 days without internet. 2024 - maintained power and Internet with little to no damage in our neighborhood. We're in Salem


Agree for Salem. My brother lives in Springfield though and he sent pics that looked like Salem in 2021. So location seems to be key this year.


Agreed. At least in salem, we didn't lose power or have any trees falls. Night and day difference


We were without power for 10 days in '21, didn't lose power at all in '24. I'll give it a 2 based solely on road conditions being just as bad, if not worse, in '24 (Also in Salem, Bush Park area)


We lost power in Salem, my sister lost power in Salem. Depends what part of Salem you’re at.


SE Salem was ok. Lancaster Winco area


I rate it a 16.5 out of 7.2-45.6


Is this using the current sliptner scale?


Location: Outside of Silverton 2021: no power for 11 days; ice was five times as thick vs 2024; we lost four huge trees on our property (out of about 20); countless limbs fell for days that sounded like explosions; driving around looked like a hurricane had hit with all the downed trees, telephone poles, and limbs. Took weeks to clean up and clear debris. 2024: power was intermittent, but on 95% of the time; ice was thinner and didn't weigh the trees out limbs down much. Two days later, and you never knew that we had an ice storm. On your scale of rating: 2021: h2"@dj 2024: #8:1f (I have no idea what your rating system is.)


I drove to work every day I needed to in 2021. I didn’t make it in multiple days this year. SW Portland. 2021 3, 2024 5


I’d give the same ratings. All the downed trees and destruction to homes. All the downed power lines making for very unsafe conditions. Plus, the second, subsequent ice storm that hit much harder than was forecasted. Also SW Portland.


I lived in wilsonville in 21 and it was a disaster. This year it was like a soft kiss on the cheek from Madam Winter


Exact opposite in SE. We went to the coast the day the storm hit. Wilsonville past McMinnville was wild. Came back 4 days later and portland had some wet snow. Sitting here on day 5 stuck in the house, no trash pick up, fortunately we have power. But I'm about to set out trash bags by the bins and let the coyotes and crows go to town.


That’s wild. This year we drove back from grand ronde or so to wilsonville on Wednesday and it was smooth sailing


Yeah I've been up to Meadows a few times this week and once I get past like 92nd it's fine. Lol


I’m nearby and yah this one has been nothing compared to 3 inches of ice and branches raining from the sky.


Maybe a 2. 2021 was far worse for my area with some neighborhoods without power for a week. We have a large maple out front and 5 of the large branches froze and broke off, damaging our cars and front yard. I've lived in the WV for 35+ years and 2021 was the worst I've ever experienced here.


Also the biggest factor in 2021 was the pandemic was still on and there wasn’t a vaccine for the majority of the population. So even if the storm in 2024 was equal, 2021 was worse logistically on every level. Grocery stores, supply chains, even the availability of just crashing at a friends place if your power went out. All of it was worse.


Stay unvaxxed kids


I'm in McMinnville and 21 took out multiple trees, killed landscaping, and did more minor damage. This past week no damage, no tree loss, but two days of impassible side streets.


2021 was bad for basically east of I-5 and south of 84 and then all the way south into the Willamette Valley. Huge area, some pretty dense but lots of rural communities impacted. This one is bad for SW and the West Hills, plus everything east of roughly 52nd out to the Gorge. It’s fewer people overall, but denser areas and with damage more spread out. I noticed the places with serious 2021 impacts seemed generally to be less affected by outages this time around. Probably a lot fewer trees and compromised branches.


Agreed that your experience is very location dependent. 2021 was a minor inconvenience for us in SW. never lost power and could drive easily after 2 days. 2024 we’ve spent 100 hours on the generator over the last week. My driveway has been ice for like 6 days now and driving is still not great in parts of our hood. There are 5 houses within 1/2 mile of me that have trees through them and are likely a total loss


Ha, and the opposite for me. I went without power for 6days in 2021 and could barely get out of my neighborhood til after day 4. This year, the roads were drivable the day after the first storm and the 2nd day after the second storm. I think it is very neighborhood specific.


NE Portland here (just south of 84, near 82nd) - we lost power for a bit early in the week, but they got it back on the same day. The bigger problem has been the several inches of solid ice on the streets and sidewalks. Major streets are fine, side streets not so much. Forecast keeps saying it’s going to heat up, but then the day comes and it’s still freezing/near freezing so the ice doesn’t melt 😭


I'm in SW and 150-200' tall trees were blowing down like a house of cards. We've been through 2 power outages now for a total of nearly 4 days. My front and back yard are 2-4" inch of ice at this point (damn roof keeps melting then it freezes as it hits the ground). Houses all over are damaged like crazy. I'm already making some plans for backup heat. Saturday-Monday power outage was brutal with temps staying around 12-18 degrees and the winds.


We’ve trees down every where in SE too this year, not as bad as Cedar Mills area and other SW neighborhoods I am thinking, lots more roads closed there in SW too. We’re hoping arborists are ok and able to get to our downed 80’ fir laying across the road soon. It’s bad by Tabor too. Best to all, hoping everyone has power again. This storm was crazier where we’re at Montavilla, than 2021 for sure. We lived in Chicago in 2011 and had a bomb cyclone come thru and bust up all our old trees, roof torn open by trees, it was July abd 105 degrees every mfkn day that week, my hub out of town, and my 3 kids 3, 5 and 6, it suuuuuuuhhhhcked, so much more than this even being without power 2 days.


I don’t understand the rating scale, but both sucked.


Excuse me? We've had two ice storms this week, and we're suppose to have another soon. If you mean, "series of ice storms" ask me again when it ends – if it ever does.


Dang not sure where you live but luckily no more ice storms in sight for Portland. Forecast of course can always change.


The third ice storm is staying in the gorge I think


This is way worse for me. Been out of power since Thursday night/early Friday. Winter camping in my own place, kinda thinking of booking a hotel.


1 Minor annoyance - Wife WFH and I'm retired. No power loss, but the heat pump struggled. It's undersized and not very efficient. Used the gas fireplaces a lot.


I’m in Salem. The storm in 2021 was awful. We didn’t have power for two weeks, and we live in a regular south Salem neighborhood. This 2024 storm was nothing like that at all. I think my lights flickered once. But Salem somehow lucked out this year because Eugene and Portland were hit so hard.


Southern Oregon. What ice storm?


Here my rating this one was a shit storm...


In east Gresham this is worse but everywhere else 2021 was 10x worse.


Portland in general seems to have been hit a lot harder and for many more days by this one. For the city as a whole this seems like a 5, with 2021 being like a 3. However, I only lost power for like 3 hours and water for like 8 hours this time so personally it’s more like a 2; we had no power for 3 days in 2021 (and we have no gas lines so that meant wood fire only, no hot water etc) so I’m calling that one a 4.


In West Linn the 2021 storm was much worse. Trees down everywhere tangled with power lines, on side streets and along the major corridors. The city and ODOT went crazy cutting so many trees down in the aftermath, that not a whole lot of old wood remained to fall this year. Also, at least in my neighborhood, we did not lose power this year, whereas it was out for a full week in '21.


In Corvallis, the storm completely missed us in 2021. I was working at McDonalds & my supervisor called me at 6am asking how bad it was in Corvallis since Salem was pretty bad. 2021: 1 2024: 3


2021 broke my tree out front, i only got around to finishing it of in 2023 and boy am i fucking glad i did that thing would have taking out the house.


This was worse as we lost power for 91 hours. Last year I had to drive from the northeast to beaverton on burnside to barnes over the west hills. That was a shit show like I have never seen and I spent considerable time in Montana, Colorado and fucking Iowa in the winter. It took me 7 hours to go 8 miles. I will never give up my toyota tacoma with my KO2 tires. Screw you winter gods.


1 very mild compared to 2021


10/10 would not recommend.


126 from Florence to Eugene was a disaster this time. It will be worse next time. Tree trimming doesn’t happen


What ice "storm" in '21 in Gresham? Maybe an ice drizzle.


In Corvallis we got pretty much nothing in 2021. 2022 just before Christmas was about a 3.5 and this one was the same. Glad we are done with it unlike some regions to the north.


In 2021, we didn’t have power for 5 days. This storm, we didn’t lose power. For me, it was 2021…but I think there were more deaths this past week than in 2021, so I think overall it would be this year based on that.


I need more clarification on this 1-6 rating scale


A perfect 5 out of 7.


A 1. In the last one an oak branch the size of a tree, that had inches of ice on it, fell onto your back, 2nd level, deck, destroying it. Better that than the house though. The neighborhood was a wreck. We're in West Linn.


2021 was an order of magnitude worse that 2024 here in NE PDX. The only remotely impactful aspect of this one is that sidewalks have been treacherous for a week now, but that's a minor inconvenience.


This was a 3, 2021 was a 5.


I’ve only heard of a few tragic incidents this year. In 2021 I witnessed first hand neighbors losing their homes left and right due to trees falling over. Some roads were cleared in my area within a couple days. In 2021 some parts of 99E was closed for weeks and power was off to whole cities for weeks as well. Power lines were down everywhere. I can’t speak for everyone so based on what I witnessed this year it’s a 1. And 2021 was a 5.


I don't know, but I remember a few years ago when we had snow, I don't remember the ice being this bad. This year it seems like everything shut down for a week. I've even heard this from friends. They were inside for a whole week. People talk about being snowed in, but we were "iced" in. lol 😄 Edit: Um.......makes me think of another.......Ice Age. 😯


What ice? Southern Oregon is great, I’m driving up the coast as I type. No ice. Does Portland area realize they ain’t the whole state? I saw a little snow in Ashland a week ago and it melted fast. That’s all the snow I’ve dealt with.




2021 part of a tree fell in our yard one week postpartum. This year we were iced in and ran out of formula for the baby. Both years sucked.


This was nothing, ice to deal with but had power the entire time. In 21' I went 4 days with no power and then bought a home generator that summer. Thankfully I haven't had to use it but it's nice knowing I'm covered.


2021 = 5, 2024 = 1 - location Tualatin


While in 2021, I knew of longer outages that impacted people I know and work fitting the storm, but this time the burst pipe damage and other damage I know of impacted friends and flooded more than one site at work, so that sucks.




2021=5, 2024=1. Being stuck at home this year was minor inconvenience to 13 days no electricity (which equaled no running water) in 2021.


2021-1, 2024-5. I don't really even remember the 2021 one. The 2024 one has me without electricity for a week now and probably a week or two more, and spending thousands to try get back to normal.


I lost power for 17 hours in 2021 but it was fine and within a few days life was back to normal. I haven’t lost power this time, but one in three Oregonians have. It’s been over a week since I’ve been able to do my normal routine and I’m feeling stir crazy and nuts. This time is worse for me.


At my house: 2021:5 2024:1 We had no power for 13 days in 2021. My sister’s car slid off the driveway just randomly. It took us 6 months to clean up all of the downed trees and limbs.


2021 was by far worse in Oregon City. We lost power for 11 days and had to get a hotel. We also had a new baby, so the stress was through the roof.


Embarrassing to admit-I don’t remember the 2021 storm. Might not impacted Washington County, as much, maybe. I was juggle 3 kids, 2 with online school and a toddler. That whole year was a total blur.




21 = No power for 12 days. 24 = No power loss.  Quite a difference for us. 


The answer is 42


I don’t really remember the 2021 ice storm to be honest, this year was terrible for lane county though. We’ve had multiple day power outages, and unsafe water drinking conditions requiring all water to be boiled first, which for those of us with electric only homes means your SOL.


2024 was way better for me.


My brain is bad and I don't remember the 2021 storm, but I know last year like 3 of my coworkers got their asses handed to them in the ice and this year no one did so... 🤷‍♀️


Location dependent. 2024's storm was much colder for the PDX area. The Nansen Summit weather station was recording 9.7 Degrees before it lost power on the 13th. It didn't warm up much on Sunday, only into the mid-upper teens in southwest. Lots of trees down in SW and tons of homes damaged, whereas there were far fewer in 2021 in this area.


Over here on the west side of Portland, and also in North Portland, it was not any kind of memorable as far as winter storms go. This storm was unique in that it trashed some areas and left others pretty much unaffected other than some snow/ice to deal with.


No ice here. The surrounding areas i hear were horrid. Caused us some power outages. BAYVIEW OR


In 2021 my power was out for 10 days, as were hundreds of residents.


Depends where you’re at. In 2021 Salem was hit the worst. Lots of people lost power, and several fallen trees. In 2024 Portland and Springfield area got hit the worst.


Five days of no power in 21. But it wasn't that cold so I kept comfortable. I also wasn't ever trapped in 21. This time I didn't lose power. But that's a good thing. At 14°F, fighting the cold with no power would have really sucked. This time I also had two 24 hour periods of being stuck plus a short one today. And that's with all wheel drive and chains. On Tuesday I was stuck because only an idiot tries to drive on the wet ice as rain is coming down hard. On Thursday my issue was having an ice-snow-ice sandwich. Before Thursday my vehicle stayed on top. On Thursday I broke through the top ice. The top ice blocked forward motion and the bottom ice limited traction. I was out Friday, but was stuck again today. The melt water refroze over night and left a slick surface. I was able to get out again around 11. None of this compares to the freezing wet snow back in the late aughts. That utterly fucked the area. 6 days of no power, 3 days on, then 11 days of no power. That one made me vow to no longer own 2 wheel drive vehicles.


Oakridge (new home) no ice, no snow, nada. Eugene/Springfield so much ice and a total loss for trees. Lines still down all over the area.


Definitely a 1 for us in Clackamas compared to 2021. During the previous ice storm we lost power for 12 days, and lived like pioneers huddled around a fire as giant trees were falling left and right, and transformers kept exploding all around us. In short, it really, really, sucked. This time there was no ice accumulation on the trees or transformers out here, and we never lost power. The worst thing that happened was I slipped coming out the front door when everything first started to melt, and flew down both flights of stairs all the way to the driveway where I promptly crashed into my little truck, lol. I've got a few nasty bruises, and a great deal of regret that we didn't catch it on camera, so all in all I think we're still ahead and super grateful this ice storm wasn't as bad for us as the last one.


This one was much worse for us. We lost power 3 days, then had flickering power for a day and a half - preventing me from being able to work in order to protect my computer - then 2 more days without power. Plus significantly colder & it's still icy AF, our road is closed and there's downed power lines and trees everywhere. Oh and then my MacBook died as in completely dead and I blame the ice! LOL. Kidding there but this week has convinced me to look for jobs on the east coast again.


Worst one Eugene/Springfield has ever experienced


2021 was way worse for us in the south metro.


2021 we were awake all night listening to huge trees come down all around us. 'CRACK....THUD' all fricken night. Worst of all we weren't in a house, we were in an RV unable to move out of the area. This last ice storm was nothing like that night.


This is line with the many ice storms of the last 30 years. The storms of 2021 was odd since it realky just killed clackamas county. Here is West Linn it was a 1.5. 2021 it was all out war and a 5+ The snow storm of 08 was one I remember with just days and days of snow right around Christmas. Everyday the weather would predict a warm up then it would snow another 4 inches that night. Remember how thrilled when the "brigade" was clearing Hwy 43 not that it helped since it would deposit 3 foot berms along all the side so getting up your street now became a test of tires and machine.


2021 was a 5 2024 was a 1 It wasn't bad at all this year


5 - but maybe because I am in it right now, the amount of trees downed and the three people who died in Portland because of a down line - makes it a 5 for me


Here on the coast, this year was much worse than 2021. We lost power for a while last time, but this year we got inches of ice. *Inches*. Last time we got a little snow, then cold temps for a few days. This time, my workplace was closed for three days because the streets were so treacherous.


4 lost power 5 days no water bc well attached to power 14degrees was friggin cold


NW OR here. I thought the one in 2021 was much worse. I couldn't leave my neighborhood for several days. This storm posed very few problems for me.


2021 I was in the Parkrose neighborhood, off 103rd, and those roads were terrible, plus like 15 cars/large trucks got stuck/abandoned on the freeway offramp for two days. The snow/ice was a nuisance for sure, but we only lost power at the house for about a day. So I'd give it a 3. 2024 I'm in Hillsboro now, so it wasn't too bad. The ice/freezing rain fallout stuck around too long, but we didn't lose power. The MAX shutdown sucked for not being able to get to work. 2024 = 1.


I’m in the West Hills in Portland. It’s probably a 2 in comparison. In 2021 I lost power for 5 days, the roads out were completely inaccessible, and the falling branches wiped out my fence and punctured my roof. This year we only lost power for 24hrs. The wind blew a lot of the snow away early on and made the roads pretty driveable. Other than the billion branches all over the yard, the only damage was that my garage door froze shut (before the snow). I opened it unknowingly, and the cable mechanism snapped off the wall. I got it fixed for $150.


I dont remember 2021 being too bad where I live, Gresham/Troutdale. This year, I was iced in for a week. Just got out yesterday, and theres several sedans in my parking lot that were literally frozen in place still yesterday and unable to break free with no traction. This year, I also had a gnarly case of covid at the onset of the ice. That made it extra fun :)


Location = West Linn. 2021: Lost power for five days, major tree damage with entire streets blocked off by falling limbs. Wood burning stove, plenty of firewood procured in advance, and ice from outside shoveled into the freezer saved us. Score: many bads, would not recommend. 2024: Lights flickered a couple of times. Score: "hey, remember '21?"


I think it greatly depends on the folks who got hit with the second round of freezing rain. I sure did, and it basically doubled the ice build up. I have been trapped for eight days lost power for the first 4 days when it was stupid cold. Today might be the first day I can get off of my hill and that is only because I broke up the sheet of ice in my long winding driver for hours yesterday with a rebar pickaxe so the rain could penetrate the solid layer. On the trees and fences and stuff it was about an inch and melted. At its thickest on the ground was about two inches where everything was gathered after half melting and then refroze into a thick shell. Mt. Tabor area in Portland.


We lost power for 8 days in 2021 ... but this one was colder. We kept power this time.


Not even comparable to 2021


Far worse imo. 2021 was a lot of snow, but this was just sheets on sheets of ice


For my area, this didn't compare at all. The 2021 storm was worse - it freezing rain that formed thick ice on everything. This turned out to be pellets of sleet that just didn't coat trees, power lines etc the same way so wasn't as damaging here... although it coated the road and made travel unsafe. But we didn't lose power for multiple days like 2021.




Mother nature knocked us down sub reacted well and the i noticed other areas electrical was helping here as well sub performed well


I’ve lived in Oregon for almost 50 years. The recent ice storm we had happens every couple of years. I have NEVER seen anything close to the 2021 ice storm.


Location: McKenzie River area Without power for 7 days, in the 2021storm I had power the whole time so for me personally this most recent storm was worse. 2021 - 1 2024 - 4