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I had a similar thing but fluids in general. I decided to just accept it, I struggled with dehydration and lived on electrolytes, gatorade style drinks. I knew when drinking high volumes it was creating work for myself but thirst is the most basic of instincts. I wasn’t going to go thirsty and wind up on bags in the hospital. I tried that for a while and it sucks worse than emptying a bag super regularly. I hated the weight of liquid, it hurt around the seal, so i ended up just having periods where i’d empty it a few times an hour. I’m commenting in the past tense as i’ve had a reversal. Now a completely different cancer is killing me.


I hope you beat this cancer# Hold ing you in the light!


It’s inoperable so it’ll get me but i’m good with that. It’s not like life isn’t stressful and for now I’m quite healthy and lead a pretty good life after retiring last year at 48. I do things like watch netflix, walk the dogs and go to the local pool comps. I won $90 on tuesday, I win money semi-regularly in the local cash comp which is nice on a fixed income. I’m on the Disability Support Pension in Australia and whilst as a home owner the payment is adequate the extra cash is always welcome. We built this house almost a year and a half ago and we got a pool table at the same time. I’d always thought it would be cool to be a good pool player and now, by local town standards, I pretty much am. I’ve got a lot of areas i can improve but there’s a couple of nationally ranked players locally and I’ve won two of the last three against one of them.


I like your adapt and overcome attitude! I beat my cancer 4 years ago, unfortunately I now suffer continual radiation side affects. Fight on!


In all honesty I’ve found a contentment I never had in my working life. A big part of that is unexpectedly having the stress of renting removed through home ownership but a working life is quite the grind these days. Having that phase of my life behind me is very nice and i’m healthy enough to enjoy this phase of my life for a few years yet. I’ve multiple tumours in each lung with them being too close to important things to operate. They’re small for now though, if i wasn’t getting scanned on a regular basis due to the previous rectal cancer I wouldn’t know they were there for another year or two, depending on growth rates.


Ugh, same!


So sorry to hear this. Hope there’s some way you beat it!


This happens to me too. I found that if I take VERY small sips, it’s doesn’t happen as badly.


That's asking for a level of self control I didn't think I have


Haha. I get it. I used to be a person who loved water, yes just plain ice cold water. I could drink 40 oz in minutes. If I did that now might as well move onto the toilet for the day. I’ve had to change what and how I drink. I’m supposed to drink mainly electrolytes and when I do drink water I usually do it out of a tiny straw to get the feeling I’m drinking more than I am.


Anything with artificial sweeteners in it will do that for me. So I make sure I get the full sugar drinks. No diets or sugar free.


Lemonade is also high in ascorbic acid, which is something that thins output.


You could eat something starchy (eg. Slice white bread) with it and see if that slows you down a bit? Or take a loperamide if you know you're going to consume something that will give you loose output.


I tried having a glass of wine the other day. I filled half a bag with blood a few hours later... 😭 I don't understand how some stuff seems to process so quickly and other drinks are just fine


My doctor told me marshmallows and rice crispy treats will help thicken runny output


That will ease off after a couple of months and you’ll be able to drink sugar and fizzy drinks fine without issue.


Have you thought about taking some Loperamide/Imodium with it, so you can enjoy an occasional treat?


I take a lot of immodium. Like a whole lot.


Hello are you me? Personally, I'm gunning for a sponsorship at this point. Shit's expensive (pun intended).