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“Well I’ve had supper” killed me more than the Prey review.


References to Predator? In a Predator prequel?? Hollywood has truly gone too far this time


The good ending


The heat ending, at least


Crinker ending for sure




god i hate that guy


>heavy-handed pandering to female empowerment Lol, no, dear. That's just called "a competent female protagonist without gratuitous t&a shots."


Nahh, it’s “hello fellow kids” pandering to female empowerment and it was shit because of it. A lot of movies in recent years have been because they focus on some kind of moral message instead of the quality of the writing. Just because you agree with the message, doesn’t mean that you have to defend a shit movie.


Yeah, no other story or movie in the past has had a moral to convey. That JUST started happening. /s


Dr. Strangelove is my favorite nonpolitical movie


X-Men is my favorite nonpolitical comic series


Bro don’t pretend There’s a clear difference between se7en and cpt marvel. Between silent hill 2 and tlou2. >they aren’t about the same subject You’re right, one is dictated by it’s plot, and uses it to teach a lesson. The other is dictated by the lesson and bends over backwards to jam it into the plot. That’s my point: trying way too hard to jam whatever lesson into the plot, and supporting a lack luster plot for the sake of supporting the lesson.


> There’s a clear difference between se7en and cpt marvel. Between silent hill 2 and tlou2 Just say you can’t stand a female protagonist already


>just say you’re irredeemable so we can continue to pretend that these movies are well written


you're really gonna bring up Silent Hill 2 when Silent Hill 3 has a female protagonist and is considered just as good, if not better by some, than 2????


I have 3 sitting on my hdd right now, planning to play it when I have free time. I didn’t list it because I haven’t played it yet, because I didn’t have the means when I was a kid. If I had before this thread, I would’ve brought it up. And you all really are pretending like sh2 isn’t partially about toxic masculinity as well and like the man in the story isn’t a worm. It’s almost like I already said this: it’s not about the morals, it’s about the writing and not putting whatever morals you’re teaching point and center. You don’t want to preach to the audience.


you can 100% have a desire to covey a moral message to an audience that's not subtle without it being badly written (see *Sorry to Bother You* if you want a specific example). hell, a story having a moral is a pretty basic writing idea in general. but frankly, you seem like you actually know a bit more of what you're talking about then I expected, and I just implore you to not give people like the critical drinker credit when their arguments about media are just misogynistic smoke screens.


I completely disagree with your take on drinker in the same way I disagree with reddit’s general take on alpha m (if you know who that is). They make overblown YouTube content and the form of comedy can be obnoxious to some people (I guess it’s similar to overblown moral messages in movies) and cloud the actual quality of the commentary/advice. As for the writing vs morality debate: my main gripe with modern day media is the apologism for shit writing when the message is “sound”. It pushes studios to try and make flat Black Panther copies for the sake of virality. If the motivation isn’t originally there, the work is going to suffer. I don’t believe that in a lot of the recent pieces of media the morality came first. So ofc people complain about it when it’s poorly done.


Hiding behind nonsensical media critique jargon you made up doesn't make you more correct.


Prey got a 91% from critics on Rotten Tomatoes. You're so busy being wrapped up in your weird hatred for women that it's warping your perspective on things. You should get that fixed.


So did fucking cpt marvel


Captain Marvel was pretty enjoyable and I ask nothing more of my Marvel fillms, the action scene in the space base was awesome ! Too much comic relief with the cat imo. Samuel Jackson's cgi de-aging was almost unnoticeable which is a feat worthy of praise especially when you remember Tony Stark or Pim in other movies


This reads like “my apartment doesn’t have doors but oh well”. Just because you’ve grown complacent with shit media, doesn’t mean that the universal standard is now lower. Infinity war was a marvel movie, and while it was also not great, it was leaps and bounds ahead of cpt marvel.


how are yall still so hung up on Captain Marvel


Because if even 30 year old pieces of media are still relevant to the topic at hand, why wouldn’t a 3 year old movie be? Lemme guess: is it “living in my head rent free”? You got an insult you didn’t steal from 2016 edgelords/twitter?


literally everyone has stopped talking or caring about captain marvel except everyone who was frothing at the mouth cause brie larson said something mean on instagram. like it was just mediocre and immediately forgotten about by most people lmao


That’s not what I said. Do you ever get tired of having conversations with yourself? The topic at hand is relevant to the movie so I used it as an example. I did not start an argument just about that movie. I brought it up as a relevant example of critic ratings not lining up with viewers’. Another example would be ghost busters 2016.


My point stands.


I didn't say a thing about the movie itself. You seem to have a bad habit of imagining things about the world and other people that only really exist in your head, and then plowing on ahead as if those creations were in any way descriptive of the real world.


God. I watched one video of his 3 years ago and YouTube still recommends some of his new videos to me.


Only recorded instance of The Critical Drinker not whining about feminism and the gay agenda


Yo what you mean? This is The Crinker


Everybody loves The Crinker, a nice guy who is an adamant feminist and proponent of rights for all


Saw this guy's 'review' of the trailer yesterday which made me look up when the movie was going to hit theaters and noticed it was already out, then noticed it was streaming, then noticed there was a Comanche dub that was recommended. Not sure my point other than my only knowledge of this guy is his shitty review of a trailer as being woke. Movie was freaking awesome and I wish it had a proper theatrical release cause it deserves it.


I saw the movie on release-day and I agree, I thought it was awesome.


mmm tasty supper.


Damn, as a fan of MauLer and Jay Exci I feel like I always need to second guess whether youtube movie critics are arguing in good faith or not. I don't think there's some shadow cabal spreading misogyny like twitter seems to think but this guy definitely seems like the latter.


man if you’re a fan of those guys you should already know the call is coming from inside the house


MauLer can be nitpicky and pandering toward the anti-SJWs but that was what I meant with my comment. It's annoying to have to filter out spite/hate driven content from good criticism. The Last Jedi sucked, unrelated to Holdo having purple hair or whatever. Hopefully the whole EFAP related people don't drift any further toward the anti-SJW right


MauLer is definitely a case of the latter, if you see his podcast, and who features on it, and their views.


I think there's a gradient between objective critic and literal bigot. Granted I've mostly only watched MauLer's Dark Souls 2 video series which was fun, plus I think his Star Wars and GoT videos. I get the vibe that his more recent movie reviews are more politically driven which sucks. Anyway I brought MauLer up as someone in between the two.


I feel he’s been drifting to bigotry, but he’s always sort of been a contrarian. Even I enjoyed some of his older videos, but it ended up feeling negative for the sake of being negative, or having whatever the popular opinion is at the time.


Disclaimer. I am the greatest reviewer of all time. I also believe in taking liberties in films. Like not being 100% accurate to the time period. however, some things just are ridiculous. It is at best ok. So one thing that helps it is the set location and the filming. Looks great. However, the dialog is just dumb. In one scene where the male hunter is berating the female hero about being brave etc " political nonsense," it is like, really? Also, the female gives off spoiled brat political vibes. She is no Ripley. The greatest female hero of all time and the blueprint for any female to be taken seriously Indians attempting to hunt a deer with a tomahawk??? Really? Indian then ties rope to tomahawk and becomes Scorpion from mortal Kombat. So dumb. This is called creativity. Also, snake skinned and head cut off, hours later, still moving.... I mean, come on. Indians keep referring to mountain lion as lion causing the mind to picture African lions in NA. Why use this dialogue? Then the protagonist goes on a hunt solo in very clean clothes. Amazing. No dirt on the hands. Who guessed no plumbing in the 1700s meant very little... Also, why would the predator hunt a single wolf? Not much honor in that. I understand the bear hunt, but a 70-lb wolf? This wolf was the size of a dog. A grown man could defeat it unarmed... Indian female is sad that White people kill buffalo. In real life, Indians are some of the biggest slave owners. That is, of course, always ignored. Indian Girl falls in random quicksandd/mud pit? Is this common in the plains ofthe USA? Indian girl uses scorpion tomahawk ability to lasso tree and get out. Amazing.... The bow and arrows used look very small and not believable. i may be wrong, maybe they are accurate, but if they are they still should have used a better prop. Look like children bows Bear attacks Predator, a bear appears to smash predator to ground, bear walks away after defeating predator, predator rises, bear charges again. Predator then punches bear one time. Bear is now dead.... I don't know, just not engaging or believable. A first-person view from the predator during the fight would have helped. Also, indians call it a monster, always a monster, the word demon would have been better. Why monster? Where is the logic? Did indians even think in terms of monster or demons? Indian girl overpowers and outfights a man who is a hunter. Sure she does...... The indians treat the girl like an idiot or too weak all the time but yet she is always proving strength beyond here abilities lol, and smarts as if men just cannot see strength ever. Once again, Ripley showed how to do this. Predator shows himself, Indians not scared, just run in there and start attacking. LOL. I mean even dutch didn't do that. Guess indians are braver than special forces 6ft 2 bodybuilders... Also, 1700's indians still have only stone weapons, I am sure there were still stone weapons at this time, but I mean no one in this tribe have any steel? There are Europeans around, we see their traps and them hunting buffalo. Well known that trading went on since the beginning. Also, go0d going with the French being out there trapping. That is accurate. However, it was not common for European trappers to just go around kidnapping indians. Show me the documents from the time that even mention this happening. lol, french trappers know of the predator, are out here hunting it, but they kidnapp the indians? For what? Just to torture them? Really? Use them as bait? They claim they know of the beast, what makes them think it wants bait? Then even admit it is a hunter? French capture, it has killed around 50 of their men. What do they do? Keep it alive in a net instead of instantly shooting and stabbing it. Really? Then all the french charge it pretty much unarmed and they continue as almost 20 men are just being killed. And the Predator is pretty much bulletproof, but a spear to the foot works. French are going to kill the dog, just because... Anti-white nonsense. Europeans and especially the french are the biggest animal lovers. Indian girl, kills 7 french men easily, yet she has no real training, but her scorpion power is initiated, and the axe is faster and more powerful than guns, knives, etc. Predator's hands look like dog paws of a mutant. So dumb Also, a lot of fat Frenchmen, you know, running around in the woods for years really packs on the pounds. Predator will not kill girl in trap no sport. Kills Frenchman with no lge laying on ground, no weapon that he finds Somehow magic flower reduces body heat, predator can't see you now, somehow indian girl realizes it. Just like magic Indian man, somehow sneaks up on predator on loud horse, drives a spear through the back. and knocks off helmet. Then indian man stands there, predator leaves, indian man continues standing there, waiting for predator to come back. predator kills indian man .What is this? Girl with the magic flower is now invisible and runs to the water to take a bath. Jesus Christ. Either a woman wrote this or some very low IQ man. Girl now has pistol. Fat Frenchmen is bathing in water too. 110lb Indian sneaks up and knocks fat Frenchman out with a rock. This fat Frenchman also missing a leg, I think Indian girl cut it off, really? He just slept through the amputation really? Predator also kills unarmed Frenchman with no leg and no weapons. Why? because white privilege, that is why. Indian girl is standing right behind predator, due to magic flower predator cannot see, shoots predator in back of the head. Not bulletproof there apparent;y. Predator in a lot of pain, loses mask. Indian girl uses foot of a Frenchman as bait. Girl jumps on predator from tree uses scorpion axe. Predator badly heart, still can't see or hit girl, somehow, Girl hits predator with spear into predator shield, makes predator cut off own arem. Mind you this predator can knock out a 1k pound bear with one punch, but a 110lb girl can push that arm to make him cut off his other arm. Just incredible Dog brings back scorpion axe to the girl that she dropped. Girl uses an axe to attack some more, predator to slow and weak to get a hit. Indian girl, understands predators alien mask and how it has a tracking device, she understands all this mind you. And places his mask in a tree where she knew he would be so when he point his spear gun the predator mask comes on and the spear, following the tracking of the mask sends the bolt into the predator's head. Indian girl returns to the tribe and is now calling all the shots due to her bravery. This is so stupid. god, this is a dumb film. Some of you all will love it. That is the true scary part. Directed by: BERG Explains a lot


Is this a copypasta


It is now


Ok E: > some of you all will love it. That's the true scary part Shiver me timbers!


My favourite part > either a woman wrote this or a very low IQ man. The very first sentence makes it obvious this is a troll though


new copypasta just dropped


this isn't a wall of text atp this a whole mf tower

