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Worst: The trope of the fic starting in Yggdrasil but never gets to the new world But hybrid races, like angel and demon


Yeah, reading this fic where the characters from nazarick are supposed to enter the world of tensura instead of new world, but they're still in the game for dozens of chapters now. I dropped it for now, maybe he would show the transfer after two dozen more chapters.


Lol I was just reading that hence why I commented lol, at around chapter 9 I checked the newest chapter too see if they have left yet and nope


Is it Who Let This Spider Cook?




I have no problem with the story itself. It's just that the chapters take so long to come, and when it does come, it's very short. The latest chapter has them >!fighting the Devourer and ending midway!<.


Try Time Capsule. The Yggdrasil mega arc is an odyssey long, and it's so well written. It's REALITY's better than the previous best fanfic I have ever read in general.


Ainz being extremely indecisive and making basic mistakes, like I'm all for the author to portray Ainz as more human and open but most of the time they just make Ainz out to be an uneducated child who knows nothing when it comes to leadership, combat or the overall situation. Like sure Ainz isn't an expert at that but people forget he played Yggrsdial for 12 years which was full of intrigues, combat and critical thinking not to mention Ainz was originally an overly cautious person. And it's worse when it comes to social interactions and relationships, like cmon Ainz isn't that socially inept that he would freeze when he saw a beautiful women or not know how to talk... Edit: as for what makes me happy? When the fanfictions actually gets Ainz to open up or treat others as equals and have friends.


Yeah, ainz is cautious but not that indecisive. And he really needs friends, the NPCs doesn't count as friends. Hope he finds atleast one friend from the guild in the new world.


I’m always happy whenever it’s an OC instead of a supreme being it’s an NPC. And the NPC feels like could fit in Nazarick. It’s rare though. I’ve only seen 2


Yeah, a nazarick oc NPC is rare. I've seen one or two iirc.


I’ve only seen Yellowness and a crossover omake of fic from a different franchise where the OC replaces Cocytus. What fic were you referring to?


Prince of nazarick iirc 


Could you tell me the name of the crossover, please?


It’s just a one-chapter omake of an otherwise unrelated fic the author wrote on a whim but [here](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/if-i-had-to-be-isekaid-to-a-jrpg-with-harem-cant-i-be-the-harem-protag-instead-of-a-harem-member-trails-of-cold-steel.1022412/post-99483581). I think one of the readers decided to continue it, but hasn’t updated in a while.


Is there any long (at least somewhat decent) fanfics? Ideally I'm looking for Ainz centred.


Time Capsule


Least Favorite: As with all fanfics, when there are BIG changes yet the author just follows the main plot. It’s infuriating, they seem to just ignore the butterfly effect and the pursuit of interesting and new storylines in favor of what they know due to their fear of writing something new. Also, when the author adds something that just doesn’t fit at all within Overlord’s settings. This usually shows themselves in OP OCs with abilities that don’t fit thematic’s within Yggdrasil. Most Favorite: I enjoy ones that star other supreme beings, especially when there is no Nazarick. I’m also a sucker for crossovers. [Stolen Fragments by Apoco235](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/14243870/1/Stolen-Fragments) is a good example. It is a crossover with ReZero starring Momonga, Touch Me, Buku, and Pero. So far the plot has stayed relatively the same from what iirc, but there aren’t many chapters so I’m giving it the benefit of the doubt .


I hate it when the story starts from the beginning, like, what makes you think i want to re-read all major events from overlord told 10x worse than the original? How many time do you think people want to read ainz countdown till shut down? And why do you think it's even necessary to re-tell that? And these fics would add their own elements + wildly change things, yet events would still follow that of the novel, no cause and effect or anything, i guess it's too much to ask of middle schoolers, you need critical thinking for the butterfly effect and creativity to continue after the current volume. Just to give you an example of what i'm talking about, many fics ignore the graveyard incident, but the problem is, if it wasn't for Ainz, the entirety of e-rantel would have fallen, causing major collapse in the kingdom ability to hold the annual skirmish with the empire, since the fortress city not only act as the staging ground, but also supply line for rations, not to mention the power imbalance it would cause between the royal and noble factions, since e-rantel belongs to the royal, and if the fic also ignore carne, then gazef would be dead too, the emperor wouldn't just sit still and watch, you can do so much with the intricate word maru built, but nope, in these fics gazef is fine, e-rantel is fine, things may be different but the story still follow the same path.


This. Literally they should just skip to their protag doing a little bit of self-reflecting and count the damn seconds before the transfer. Yes, already knew their fucking world is toxic, it's the year 2138, Yggdrasil best game ever blah blah blah.


The one I found myself like the most are solo Ainz or solo Ainz with a companion, especially if he refer to himself as Satoru.


Yeah, him being solo is a great idea, nazarick's NPCs are fun but they bring out the worst in ainz. It's a reinforcing loop basically.


Dude is like the ultimate people pleaser, his morality is almost entirely dictate by the peoples whom he care about.


Yeah, that's why he was made guild master because they knew he'd go the moderate way to satisfy everyone. 


Basically anything that contradicts with the setting and character personality from the source material.


Not all of 41 supreme beings were revealed. Why not peak one of them instead of adding more 1?


I like when Ainz’s circumstances are different - when other guild members are taken along with him to the New World, or he’s transported alone without Nazarick. It makes the story deviate considerably from the original, which I enjoy.


Rather personal preferences but: Dislike: just a retelling of canon with little changes. Even if the butterfly effect could be used to take the story to interesting paths, it usually is just a waifu collector for the random OC of turn (Arche being saved is almost a constant). Like: when the story explore the new world and his characters/factions. If the povs were just of natives rather than players/npcs all the better.


If the 42nd Supreme Being is anyone but Arthur Dent, *it's a shit fic* https://preview.redd.it/06jkzye6pm2d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=20b2b61f53a077d5552fd8f986feaf7ec514292c


As for best tropes, the ones where instead of Ainz or Momonga the Overlord, it's Satoru the Guy Who Happens to be an Overlord. Worst tropes? 42nd Ainz Ooal Gown member without at least an odyssey worth of Yggdrasil mega arc.


Worst trope: when the author has information about a character's canon abilities but decides to add to or straight up disregard said abilities for some reason. Best trope: when Nazarick is given an actual threat to tangle with (this mainly applies to crossover fics).