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From the 2020 NBA Draft class, the Pacers now have... No. 2 James Wiseman No. 8 Obi Toppin No. 12 Tyrese Haliburton No. 14 Aaron Nesmith Had to top up our 2020 quota after letting #10 Jalen Smith walk in FA


Step aside Nova Knicks, the COVID Pacers are here


You inspired me lol https://preview.redd.it/pzayw26j46ad1.jpeg?width=782&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f70764cf4d50cc0dbb38d85d5998c2162832b9fb


this edit is gonna go viral


Fucking amazing. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


*dios mio*


Whereā€™s the tshirt?


Lol too good




We do move as fast covid did...


Youā€™re going to be so disappointed next year itā€™s unreal. You guys have a better shot at the lottery then beating us now


The Nova Knicksā€™ kryptonite? LOL


It was pretty effective at shutting down New York...


Extremely underrated comment LMAO


That was before they got reinforcements šŸ™ƒ


by reinforcements you mean losing their center and trading 5 first round picks for a role player?


Just Dolan doing Dolan things.


It doesnā€™t matter. Evidently that Nova team is blessed LOL. I hope people know this is a joke.


we already beat them last year lol


You beat a squad that had 1 starter left *


And you're coming into another teams subreddit acting all salty lmao. L


Bring Nwora back!


Dropped below the 2020 draft quota and then immediately fixed it.


I can fix him


I mean, we kinda have a pretty solid history of turning former high pick outcasts into decent players Oladipo, Sabonis, Nesmith, Toppin We might actually be able to fix him lol


Ā Also, Haliburtoā€™ improved here (I know itā€™s a diff deal), last year was a much improved Buddy, and our later draft picks lately have outshined the crap out of their pick number.




Nesmith wasn't an outcast, he just couldn't get time in Boston. If you hear the stories, he was really good at practice in Boston




(No Really I Can)


I am replying late to this just to tell you that no one can fix wiseman. You can see that he has the tools physically, his hand eye coordination is good for a big man and his handle is pretty okay for a bigman. He rebounds okay and yeah man he might get you some blocks but his presence while on the floor is one of the most negative things in the entire NBA. He is so easily beat on defense that I think if you gave a turtle a high bball IQ the turtle would have an open layup. He will leave his man without calling switch, his pick and roll is awful, he has no moves to beat anyone on offense but he thinks he's a pretty good 3pt shooter. You won't think he is but he does. I think having Wiseman on your team makes your team worse I am sorry. I get that he was the no. 2 pick and was 1 on many mocks at the time but he just sucks. Might be the most negative on the floor presence in the league. If you watched a couple pistons games this past season, it would be glaringly obvious just how bad he is. I actually think he played a role in det being as bad as they were.


The streak of never having a #1 pick play for them just barely survives.


Wait I know you guys have never had a number one pick, but no number one pick has even played here?! Thatā€™s wild


Never everā€¦ not from the draft, not in Free Agency, and not via trade.


Ayton would have been the first had the Suns not matched our offer.


They have to be so mad they wasted their time matching that offer. I mean, I know they had to because you couldn't just let him leave for nothing, but that majorly backfired.


Thereā€™s no way they couldnā€™t have gotten a better return than Nurkic and Grayson Allen


100%. They also gave up Toumani in the deal whoā€™s looking like heā€™s going to end up as a top 10 player from last yearā€™s class. Such a horrible deal for them lol. I would much rather have a core of Booker/Bridges/Toumani/Ayton than whatever it is you want to call what they have now.


Howā€™d it backfire? The Suns got the best 3 point shooter in the league out of it, as well as a serviceable big in Nurkic. Ayton had ran its course, and his mediocre time in Portland has proved it.


Thank fuck they did. Idk what we were thinking offering him that.


iā€™m with you but itā€™s probably same reason they havenā€™t had a number overall pick play for them, because the pacers donā€™t have many chances to get them in the first place lol


By my count that is at least six #2 overall picks who have been on the Pacers: Rik Smits, Wayman Tisdale, Steve Stipanovich, Evan Turner, Victor Oladipo, James Wiseman


Evan Turner. The man who ruined the #1 seed Indiana Pacers.


That man was Hibberts girl


Do people actually believe this


something happened and thereā€™s now way it was just evan turner showing up. could be wrong, but i thought pg and lance were giving off weird vibes before that. but still thereā€™s no way eturner alone just breaks hibbert outta nowhere


PG had issues dealing with newfound fame. Also was dealing with issues with his now wife. Roy was messed up mentally by Bynum being signed. Lance was mad he wasnā€™t an all Star and was also dealing with new competition with ET being brought in. People out there actually think PG slept with Royā€™s then fiancĆ©, now wife. They think he slept with her, yet Roy still married her and PG was at the wedding. Itā€™s hilarious.


I thought that was Andrew Bynum šŸ˜ haha


Honestly, at this point, just intentionally keep it goingā€¦ one of the most unique things in sports.


Are they only franchise without a #1 overall pick to play a game?


I'm pretty sure we're still the only team. Some others have never had the #1 pick, but we're the only one to never have one play for us.


Pritchard fucking loves the 2020 draft


And the one guy we picked that year was awful lol (yes I know it was a really, really late pick)


He saw Presti with all them 1st rd picks and said, but are they all from the same draft?


He just needs to collect as many as possible, he can even get Payton Pritchard (26th pick) as his myPlayer.


Hali is going to turn him into a star Iā€™m afraid


Wait until you see James Wisemanā€™s buttery hands. Ready your toasts. This is on top of his body language when he doesnā€™t get the ball and his softest incorrect screen for a big.


If he sucks then oh well. This is pure upside for the Pacers.


Yeah. Who gives a shit. The potential is fun AND Indiana is the world capital of hand-stickiness. Just have him work w Reggie Wayne:Ā 


lol exactly, this guy likes watching bad teams play basketball. I said somewhere else that Wiseman is a lost cause. He's like that super hot girl you saw for a while when you were in college. You wanted her to be something she just couldn't ever be.


For a second i thought you are describing Turner.


He will!


Fine with me, let him compete with IJax


I like the move and heā€™s only 23


He's relatively mobile and has a 7'6" wingspan. This is who the last couple roster spots are made for.


He must be an absolute horrid defender despite the tools. He had half a season averaging 13 and 8 on really strong efficiency and still only got 23 minutes per game on a horrid team. And then that horrid team benched him for their other 2 centers and arguably other 3. Before he got traded to Washington, Bagley had played more minutes than Wiseman.


Thanks for living in reality. Dude was a FA for a reason. Pacers Twitter needs to go read Bulls Twitter and see how theyā€™re drooling over Smith. ā€œHe just needs to develop!! Great 3 pt shooter! Can easily replace Drummond!!ā€ Ha. This is a 3rd string C roster filler signing. Letā€™s assume if heā€™s on the floor, something has gone wrong.


I think the fans were just hungry for something. No news since we extended Toppin really so they are bored


In all fairness, the pacers development team is second to none. There is a reason they have so many MIP. With that being said, this is a move for a bigger bodied third string center. If he develops into more, great if not, he gives us 5 minutes a game at most.


Smith is going to be an All-Star! https://preview.redd.it/z3vdrj4lmbad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15e3f9e5dc60936c6d1460864ef1b314df77dced


he is really bad and has brought out the bad from others when they share the court. I think maybe something is going on with him behind the scenes because he looks like he could be the next KG but his best comp is shaqtin a fool javale but all the time.


There's only like 4 or 5 centers with a worse defensive EPM than him last season, so yes. But at any one time, probably 15-20% of the league has no business playing important minutes, so that's fine. You sign a guy like to attend practices hoping maybe he'll pick up some things from Turner.


And we have the worst fouling center set to be the backup center riot to this signing. I donā€™t trust IJax at all, at least not yet until he proves anything. Remember he was just as unplayable in the first round of playoffs. In the end we had to play somebody so he got ahead of Smith. Besides a couple games against the Knicks, he wasnā€™t much of a contributor either. So itā€™s absolutely real and benefitial to have competition at that position. And I donā€™t think IJax is clearly better than wiseman right now.


23!? Wow. It feels like his saga has been ongoing forever at this point


The team needs someone taller than 6'10" that can spell during foul trouble or as match-ups call for more height. Might as well be a reclamation project with nothing to lose.


I think a role player backup big man can do reasonably well here due to the depth at point guard. Just play your role and catch the ball when given the opportunity and donā€™t do anything dumb or outside of oneā€™s skill set. And grab some rebounds.


>donā€™t do anything dumb... And grab some rebounds. It's really as simple as this.


As a warriors-turned-pacers fan, this off season has been wild


Pacers and kings fan has always been the move since 2000 and hate the Lakers. Brad Miller, Scott pollard, Ron artest, peja, tyreke evans, Haliburton, Saboner, ...who am I missing?




Darren Collison


What made you turn to a Pacers fan out of curiosity?


The man must just love threes


And blue/goldĀ 


This tracks


The short version is that I vibe with the pacers fanbase more and I like Tyrese. Our fast-pace play style is also very entertaining to watch.


Replying to cuttlefishpartie... More pacers fan the better, but it will never not be weird to me hearing former {insert team name} fan here, could never live that life.


I might have not understood this life either if I was a pacers fan my whole life lol. From my experience, Indiana crowd is more about basketball than being loyal to an org who has double standards and doesn't know how to keep players accountable (e.g. Draymond was an obvious case but there were also other hypocrisies throughout the years from them). I'm also an international fan so I have no geographical attachment.


You have a home here friend


We know we've made it when we're inheriting the GSW bandwagon fans


As a combination warrios/pacers fan, YES it has


Thereā€™s more than one of us?


Chris Mullin is that you


I don't hate it. He's a much bigger body than who we currently have on the roster, and plays a similar game to IJax and is the same age. Basically he slots in for those IJax minutes when there's a big center that IJax is too skinny for like Embiid, Jokic, etc. He's going to compete for backup minutes, and there's some possibility that Tyrese unlocks his game and IJax rides the bench a lot this season. I worry about his BBIQ since he couldn't succeed in that GS pass-heavy offense. I'm hoping the good vibes here makes him a more receptive student of the game.


Centers take a lot longer to develop. Most 19 year old bigs would probably struggle with the Golden State style of play. I think we will see a similar situation to Jalen Smith where Wiseman really takes off and saves his NBA career.Ā 


I agree. I think this signing definitely has our main competition in mind, aka Philly, Knicks and Bucks. Almost all good teams ahead of us have good bigger centers. We know how Turnerā€™s buttery body stacks up against them and IJax playing no more than 15 mins because of fouls. Not that heā€™s a lock down defender, but even as bad as an overall defender he currently is, heā€™s still surprising better than either Turner and IJax when defending these bigger and more athletic centers.


I like this


I donā€™t know why you wouldnā€™t think this way. Even if you think he wonā€™t do anything itā€™s a low risk swing


Yeah he isnā€™t really going to play much at all unless thereā€™s an injury. As a third big itā€™s not a bad move at all. Might as well kick the tires and see if thereā€™s anything there, and if not itā€™s probably a very small contract and wonā€™t impede the ability of the team to make moves going forward.


I imagine he either plays because heā€™s shown something or injury. Either way Iā€™m fine with jt


he was meant to be a project when he was drafted so it's not impossible he works things out. Interesting though for sure.


Dollars to donuts he gets revitalized and refreshed here and tries his ass off. Iā€™ll be shocked if heā€™s not turning heads and earning PT during camp


Name checks out


Interesting pickup. Iā€™m sure itā€™s a minimum contract with some type of option on that second year. I figured he would be out of the league after his stint in Detroit.


Why? I didn't watch Detroit a ton the past 2 years (why would anyone do that?) but statistically it looks like he was actually reasonably efficient.


When one of the best teams in the league drops you and the worst team in the league drops you then you may not be a quality NBA player. I hope it works out though.


And then a conference finalist thought enough of him to sign him during the first couple days of free agency. Also, Detroit didn't drop him. He was an unrestricted free agent. The Pistons had no say in the matter once the league year ended. If you don't actually have a valid reason for saying you thought he'd be out of the league then just say that.


He averaged 7 points and 5 rebounds. He was the 2nd pick in the draft by one of the best run organizations in the league. He just never really improved over time after his injury. I hope it works out but Iā€™m skeptical. Sorry if heā€™s like your cousin or uncle or something.


He averaged 7 and 5 on the worst team in the league while playing 17 minutes a night and shooting close to 60%. There is no expectation on him here to play like a #2 pick. I think he will be ok here. Just look what a change of scenery and a little bit of success did for Obi.


Call me crazy but 7 points and 5 rebounds in 17 minutes per game, on 61% shooting seems pretty solid for a backup big. Hell, there's a starting C, who averaged 7 points and 8 rebounds in 25 minutes per game and just got paid almost $90M. Maybe that guy should also be out of the league, considering he's barely putting up better stats while playing more minutes. Oh, and that guy is also 3 years older than Wiseman. Where Wiseman was drafted is less an indictment on him and more an indictment on the Warriors' front office (who drafted a square peg and tried to force it into a round hole). I couldn't care less about the draft capital such a "well-run organization" wasted in 2020. I'm more so happy that the Pacers got a decent backup big to throw out against bigger matchups that IJax doesn't stack up well against. Doesn't hurt that the guy they signed is still only 23 and could still develop into an even better player.


Message really is donā€™t be to positive on him, but hope he works out. Lookin at numbers is fine but thereā€™s a reason no one else offered him anything. Iā€™m hoping he goes off like cp3 and David west


I feel that and agree. I just thought the statement about him being out of the league was extreme. Had me wondering if I had missed something and Wiseman has just become completely unplayable.


Itā€™s a lot of attitude problems and if you ever watched him playin in warriors game he really looks like he doesnā€™t belong. You gotta watch him to see it but really šŸ™šŸ¾šŸ™šŸ¾ for the best


Exactly. To me heā€™s presenting just as much disappointment and potential as IJax


Pistons dropped a lot of players because of their new GM clearly wants to establish himself. They also got rid of Grimes. Is both New York and Detroit getting rid of Grimes making him an unqualified NBA player? No because heā€™s honestly heā€™s a better SG than any of ours on the team right now. Same with Wiseman. I donā€™t think IJax is clearly better than wiseman right now. He was just unplayable in the first round playoffs and inconsistent the rest of the series.


well that was completely out of nowhere.


Huh, that's...interesting I guess


We needed the depth at the five. I think it's a good move. Gives Myles a break and when he gets into foul trouble allows us to stay with a big at five instead of forcing Pascal or Obi to drop and play the 5




Can't go wrong with a 2020 lottery pick


Smart move. Myles and Ijax will be free agents next year


never made it as a wise man


Not a poor man stealing either


Good pickup


This is perfect. A big athletic body low risk high reward. Critical given Myles will miss 10+ a season and IJax has trouble staying on the floor. At a minimum he's 6 fouls against Embid.


This is actually exciting! Wiseman doesn't have to be anything more than he is. But if the lion underneath does develop and come out, that will be fucking awesome.


BOLD PREDICTION. Wiseman is our starter not this year but next and an all star in 3 years. Haliburton gonna fix this kid and assist James in reaching his full potential. Save this post


It is not too late to delete this


LOL. Best reply possible right here.


Are you implying the Myles is going to walk in free agency? That makes me very sad.


I donā€™t want Myles to leave but weā€™re right on the brink of the first apron and Nemby, Mathurin, Myles, and IJax are all either eligible for an extension or are free agents next offseason. Looking at the contract IHart got ($29M/Y), I could see Myles being way out of our price range. This is a good insurance policy.


have you ever watched this kid play


No way. But it would be a huge success if he looks like an nba player at all


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bro if he can be a 9th man that's a win


Hahaha good god what is this take


I guess if he suck we can just cut himĀ 


I feel like this phrase has been uttered by every hiring manager who has ever wanted to bring me on board. lol


Another MIP to add to our long list?


I prayed for this and it happened Cannot believe they signed him it's a boom or bust signing. Can't wait for him to not play on the pistons maybe he will show that potential he had to get drafted so high.Ā 


I like it. Dudes got a lot to prove and I thought he was actually pretty good in the two games I watched against the pacers ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


We can fix him!


Another young guy on the cheap. Low risk with reasonable reward potential. Fills a need and we screw the Knicks who were targeting him as well. Good job FO.


Drafts a crapshoot


Heā€™s our 3rd string big. This works for him. Itā€™ll be garbage time or injury minutes. Heā€™ll have to earn it.


Finally, a big that shouldnā€™t get bullied one on one down low. Plus he runs well. Much needed size and strength at a (presumably) low cost. Not to mention upside and athleticism


We wont be able to afford Wiseman in 2 years after McConnell makes him a star bench player


I remember at one point wanting to trade Myles for him. I guess thatā€™s why Iā€™m not a GMā€¦


(warriors fan) if y'all fix him imma be so impressed i might just become a pacers fan


Of the remaining centers on the market this was the one that I wanted. Maybe there's a tiny bit of upside there still. But in any case he probably won't see the floor.


No? Turner isn't exactly an iron man, and in some matchups we will want to go bigger than IJax


Maybe. I think IJax is clearly better but we will see.


IJax is better right now, but his legs are toothpicks.... Against certain bigs, I think Wiseman is a better option for spot minutes.


Soā€¦ā€¦I guess this means Tshiebwe isnā€™t in our plan?


Meh. As long as he doesnā€™t get paid much who cares?


pistons fan here, iā€™m really sorry guys.


And weā€™re sorry, too.


He was so good his rookie year before he went down to injury. He was never the same since. Him and klay are buddies so you can imagine the turmoil situations he was a part of. Hopefully the pacers structure can guide him on the right track


The Wiseman and Tyrese combo will be insane.


TELL ME HOW TO FEEL If it's like a minimum deal, then great. If we're paying this dude any more than like 5mil a year, then it's highway robbery.


WHAT? That came out of nowhere


Heā€™s Myles Turner insurance. Iā€™m afraid Turner leaves after this season and the Pacers will draft a center and try and turn Wiseman aroundā€¦


Turner is on an expiring deal and cannot be resigned until he hits free agency. Makes sense to have another backup plan.


I've always been real high on Wiseman, love this pickup for us




Iā€™m excited for this!


I did not see this coming, but it's awesome. Our bench and ability to manage injury will be great next year.


Love this pickup!


The perfect combination the Pacers love: busts and the 2020 draft lottery players.


Low risk, high reward signing. If he turns into a rotation piece for us, great. At the very worst he'll be the the 3rd string behind Jackson and Turner.


Heā€™s exactly who you want as a 3rd string C. Young and has upside and some tools to work with. Still doesnā€™t change the fact that he has been so, so bad in the NBA up to this point lol. But heā€™s ours now so Iā€™m rooting hard for him to succeed


Wiseman has always been a mystery to me. I haven't seen him play much, but for him to be the second overall pick, he had to be showing some elite potential. What exactly happened to him in? Was he poorly coached? Not given a chance for some reason? Did he just flame out?


The amount of hate this is getting from random trolls makes me think this is a better signing than I thought. I hope we unlock his potential but if not it's not like we overpaid.


the covid pacers..the bubble pacers..the 2020 pacers..i'm liking it


Xavier Tillman is currently headed to the locker room screaming ā€œJames wiseman over me!?ā€


As long as he is cheap as chips... I don't want a bust on my team.


I love this


Looks like I have to change my pfp.....


Are you going to IJax or Wiseman (or a mysterious 3rd option)


Have they said how much per year yet?


How much?


still curious what we couldā€™ve traded that pick for




Finally some support for Miles took long enough


Good pickup. Low risk high reward.


Is it at vet minimum?


I like it. Needed a 3rd center and heā€™s still young and honestly looked pretty solid for Detroit last year. Myles could be a great mentor for him. Former 2nd overall pick.Ā 


I wanted Cody Zeller.....


Heā€™s not good but I understand we need a body


You're joking. I hate this bum, he sucks, he's soft, and he couldn't get minutes on the Pistons. He couldn't even look good catching passes from Steph.


Tshiebwe or Wiseman? Seriously at this point I think Iā€™d rather roll Oscar as the third man but happy to be proven wrong. To clarify, because it is a bit too subtle: I think both are poor options... But if we already have a poor option, than why add another poor option? So I think it is a bit of a silly signing frankly.


Oscar will be in the g league. Heā€™s not playing over wiseman unless he makes some massive strides in the offseason.


My comment had more to do with Wisemanā€™s inability to impress than Oscarā€™s prowess.


Sadly I don't think his height really makes him viable at the NBA level


Oscar was unplayable in the G league playoffs. He canā€™t guard.


This guy sucks. The worst team in the league released him. That should tell you all you need to know.