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I also communicate with deities via clairaudience. I don't really know for sure. There's no way to absolutely, definitively prove that I'm really talking to gods. But I talk to imaginary people all the time, many of which I know I created, and talking to gods doesn't feel like that at all. Gods feel absolutely sublime. I can just feel that they're bigger than me. When they're present, it feels almost like heat, like standing in front of a bonfire. It's like the air in the room is buzzing. It's like all the lights in my brain turn on. Sometimes, the messages they give me don't even form sentences, they just appear in my mind as fully-realized ideas that I have to translate into words. I often end up crying out of sheer overwhelm. Talking to my imaginary characters never feels like this. Bothersome spirits don't feel like this, either. It's not about logic, and it's not about faith. It's about having a tremendous experience. The experience is worthwhile, and the wisdom or positive emotions gained are useful, regardless of whether it's "real" or not.


When I feel presences it’s usually a little less intense than that, but a humbling experience nonetheless. Their lessons are very wise and helpful for me, even though it’s all just a crazy feeling and a tiny thought in my head. Honestly, it keeps me going. It’s really nice to hear someone else with the same experience as myself, especially regarding the clairaudience. Thank you for your input and taking the time to hear my thoughts 😅


I have the same problem! I was raised as an atheist for years, and it’s hard to truly feel connected sometimes. The only advice i can give for that is to give yourself time to settle into new beliefs


Great point. I’m pretty new to this! Didn’t even know people still worshipped like this until the past few years. Thanks


I think you would benefit immensely from just setting aside the idea of what's "real". Science will always be able to produce a mundane explanation because it assumes as a premise that gods and spirits do not exist and attempts to explain the world entirely in terms of physical interactions of matter. If you need to see a clear violation of the laws of physics to be convinced of your beliefs, you'll likely be waiting the rest of your life--and for what? I like to make the point that if we take the physicalist worldview to its logical conclusion, not only do gods and spirits not exist, but *people* don't exist. Our own identities and relationships are nothing more than illusions generated by physical interactions of matter, and we are no more persons with will and agency than the same worldview says a rock or a tree is. If you're willing to reject that idea and refuse to see yourself as a biological machine that experiences a delusion of being a conscious agent, then you might as well reject *all* the fruit of that ideological tree and return to our species' older ways of knowing, through which the existence of your gods will be extremely obvious. And to be clear, I'm not condemning science entirely--it's obviously very useful and the pressure that the constraint of physicalism creates to discover deeper explanations than "a spirit did it" is probably responsible for the existence of the device I wrote this comment on, the device you're reading it on, and all the technological infrastructure that took these words from my mind to yours. But ultimately, science is a tool, and you don't need to ask its permission to have a relationship with the gods.


What a wonderful and hopeful new perspective you’ve brought here. I will absolutely try this. Thank you for your words


I'd like to add onto this, cause I'm also coming from a place where I used to view everything through the lens of science. The problem is that science doesn't have all the answers and there's still so much it can't explain, at least not with our current knowledge. Working with gods and spirits is typically dismissed by scientific circles as it can't clearly be proven. Yet it also can't be clearly disproven. If your beliefs benefit and/or feel right to you, why not consider them valid? There's clearly something going on there that science doesn't have an answer for at this present time I don't see logic/science as going against faith so much as something that guides faith. It confirms what's definitely true and definitely false, but it leaves a significant gray area behind which we have to figure out with our own perceptions and experiences. Your beliefs may not feel as concrete as science and that's okay. It's good to approach them with a little bit of skepticism as that fluidity allows you to reshape your beliefs as you take in new information


Such a good topic!! Yes, For years!! I feel like for me I had to just rectify my understanding of reality as being layered. Yes on one layer everything is mundane and there absolutely can be a logical explanation but then there are other layers. Just like we have a physical body and an etheric or auric one. On this other level we can perceive the connections and meanings of things. We can “see” and “feel” or otherwise experience the happenings on the non-physical planes. I don’t think these 2 aspects of reality negate one another, I think they layer over one another and many people don’t notice anything beyond the physical, but for those of us that do, we have choices. We can merely observe it, we can interact with it, we can attempt to utilize it to our advantage, some people even freak out and ignore it until their perception goes away. Your faith comes from personal experiences or what I’ve seen called “UPG”. I’ve been through years of questioning and wanting concrete proof and eventually my perception wrapped around the understanding that the non-physical layers of reality are just that, non-physical. It is what it is and I can take it or leave it, and I had to be cool with that. I chose to stay open because I feel that my spirituality and experiences with the non-physical layers help me. As for identifying spirits, I think you can ask questions to identify but if you’ve had experience with tricksters I’d take that as a sign that those tricksters have something to teach you. You could try to protect yourself down and then embrace them for what they are. For me I supposed I’ve trusted the energy signature if that makes sense. I was really heavy handed with protection work in beginning of my practice to ease fear, it’s a big foundation for me so maybe that’s why I’ve been lucky to not have had that issue. (Edited for spelling and clarity)


The fact this was brought up as something so specific tells me that you already know.


I certainly do. I’ve had too many supernatural and spiritual experiences to denounce their existence altogether. The issue lies in my incessant skepticism. Two highly conflicting ideas at the same time!


I totally understand. It's hard but I think it's normal for a lot of us. I was raised agnostic and I've had crazy spiritual experiences but I always have the voice in the back of my head, "This is just a coincidence right?" The funny thing is, when this happens, it's usually because I haven't been paying attention and it nudges me back to pay attention to my connection and then something spiritually dramatic happens. It's good to question things. That questioning helps you discern and learn your connections. In my view, it can be seen as training. Blindly accepting causes a lot of problems for people so it is a good thing that you don't (like you pushing out the trickster spirits).


I was in a similar spot until about a week ago. Experienced Reiki Healing for the first time and all the doubt and skepticism fell away. But to answer your question, you don't. There are things that can help though. If dishonest spirits are messing with you look into spiritual protection and make sure you are working in a circle where the only spirits/deities present are the ones you invite in. There are also tools. Black Sand, Florida Water, candles, crystals, incenses and more that can help when working with spirits but it's still not a guarantee so a little skepticism isn't neccesarily a bad thing.