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Roughly 361,000$ damn


They set goal for 5-10 billion. Something horribly went wrongs


That was boise goal from selling muntitons to Israelis. Israelis are getting pressure from world from killing too many Palestinians so they will be buying less arms from the boise. To protest israelis Buying less arms, PM Kukar was ordered by the boise ban new year celebrations.




Listening to PTI space yesterday where they mention it worth reference to core committee. But the goal was missed by huge margin , all agreeing mainly due to distrust in current leadership which is doing nothing about IK and everything to get elected and start there own politics while making IK in prison a every day thing so people are use to it while they enjoy power and money.


I feel somewhat aligned to that suspicion. They have no robust strategy. Their members are prone to pressure and they aren't even utilizing the best means of technology. They haven't posted any list of candidates for their respective areas who've been approved vs who haven't been approved. Considering the dire circumstances, they should have prepped earlier. There is an uncanny dishonesty in their optimism. It feels like the only guy who's actually campaigning is the one behind bars while the rest are taking advantage of him. Edit: Their social media head in the telethon also started playing a ridiculous Punjabi song during a call with a donor, talk about professionalism.


I am looking forward to donation again in the next one. Why do they need CNIC number for donation from OSPs?


My best guess would be so that they can confirm and prove that only Pakistanis donated. And that there was no foreign interference.


This Is stupid, best way for foreign interference would be money going into army chiefs/ Jurnails overseas bank accounts. Was it always like this? I have never donated to any party before in Pakistan.


Not that I agree with having us enter our CNIC numbers, but that's how it has always been for foreign donations. In the flood relief campaign, we also had to give our CNIC number.


Yeah had to give cnic for flood donations as well


You remember the last time what happened in the foreign funding case against pti? They were saying indian agents funded him when in fact in one case it was a Pakistani with an Indian wife who sent him some donations. A paper trail is all they have to prove innocence. On the other hand if you are nihari paye lover you don't need anything to prove your guilt.


Can overseas Pakistanis donate? If so how/where?




What was donation for ?


To buy more cocaine for Immy


Ur fun at parties aren’t you?


I just like to make fun of all of them. Sabke sab chor hai. At the end, they only care to fill their pocket


Eh, hard disagree personally speaking. I see no evidence of theft from IK, it’s clear the establishment is aligned against him for his foreign policies as well as economic policies. If we want to look at the thieves, it’s the old political class of Pakistan who’s been raping it for its wealth.


the guy who sold the watch gifted by Saudi prince himself confessed that IK subordinates gave him this watch to find customers and it was eventually sold




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10 crore is nothing. A single private funder can give this much.


completely agree but the fundraising campaigns were also blocked by the government lol. they literarily shut down social media multiple times during the virtual protests. so its not unreasonable to say 10 billion pkr could've been achieved


Was it for Palestine?


While it’s nice they were able to raise this amount, this is extremely small when compared to the likely election expenses.


Goal was 5-10 billion.


But Faujeets said it was 35 billion earlier, they must have updated it to sound more reasonable


I heard it in twitter space. So not sure but they were all pretty angry at PTI current leadership.


Source: trust me bro. Your inner pat-wari comes out regularly. Nobody believes you. Go do pooja of Nawaz.


I also heard on twitter space that Nawaz tried to do the same, but no one wanted to give him shit. Truthfully, I have never met any PDM supporter that has given money to Nawaz/zardri. They said they have enough money already. Talk about extremely small IQ individuals, where did Nawaz/Zardri get the money from?. 😂


Pledged =x= Raised


Most people were unaware of it.. if more people were aware then this amount could have crossed 1 billion rupees


Subhan Allah


I'll get downvoted for this, but all this money couldve been donated to help poor,suffering Pakistanis in the winter,but this nation chose to fund the political elite.


Just an opinion can be wrong can be right but I think if you donate to poor that's one time only but if you are donating to someone who according to you can make the situation for Pakistan better that is a great investment


does not seem like a big amount.


Wha 💀


Na karo 😂😂


For individuals, it surely seem a lot when you are talking about elections in the whole country, this amount something but does not seem significant.




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Wear those downvotes as prize




Let’s focus on our own country first




Why prioritise a foreign land when you can’t save your own?




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Seem like PTI supporters lost trust in new leadership. 10 Crore PKR = 355,750 USD. That like money you need to spend on single jalsa for single National Assembly seat. If 100k people donated $3.5 it’s still way less then voter in single seat of National assembly in populous cities. From twitter space yesterday, PTI core committee set goal for minimums of 5 billion and max of 10 billion. They were slapped by PTI supporters who clear showed their distrust in current party leadership who seem TO HAVE VESTED INTEREST IN KEEPING IK IN JAIL. Clearly a bunch of lawyer hijacked PTI couldn’t get a single pic of IK from jail. It’s in their interest IK stay in jail and out of public view. It’s like IK now talk to lawyers and not its supporters. Even when he did told them to go address media and tell people this is that the lawyer went out and didn’t anything he said. Also PTI has competing people for same seats. It’s not clear who PTI will give their backing but some seats are pure fun to watch as it’s PTI jiala against parachuted lawyer or elites. PTI is self imploding without IK direct control the party has no purpose and it’s even lost support in its OSP. The local turnout will be also effected due party inflight.


Internet goes down everytime there is a fundraiser, it happened the last week as well. The state is hell bent on defeating IK at every level.


During IK personally present PTI hit 5 billion or more. Mostly OSP. This time OSP who didn’t had there internet block simply didn’t donated. I can tell that by few friends near me who donated $10-$100 previously. They didn’t donated and their reason was IK in prison, unknown and possibly establishment people took over PTI . No one in party care about IK been in jail or refute or challenge decision in favor of PMLN. It seems these lawyer want him in so they have chance to enter politics and their vested interests to keep IK disconnected from public so they are the mouth piece. IK also showed is discomfort with these people not say what he asked them to in news conferences.


LOT of ISI guys are making that claim, they are desperate and will try anything.


It would be great if they don’t shut down all internet access whenever PTI does anything online right? I love how all the Army shills love to come out whenever the army pulls strings as though it’s some sort of success 😂




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