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Yes, definitely for proven pedophiles. However, we need to strengthen our judiciary for it first. We can not have false cases and innocent sufferings


Inb4 fake cases against opposition leaders


Pakistan needs to first fix up its judicial systems because only the week and a lot of the time the innocent get punished. So yeah this would totally be used in the wrong way by the powerful


Seriously, I don't even trust the US's justice system and it's so much better than Pakistan's. Imagine getting your fucking balls removed because you were in the wrong place at the wrong time or something. We know for a fact that 4% of the people put to death in the US were innocent, and the number is probably higher. This is too extreme when the risk of accidentally getting the wrong person is incredibly high. Plus the rich people would just bribe their way out of any punishment.


No law is effective if judiciary is incompetent so please rectify that first


There would be no molbis left man


honestly, the amount they beat the shit out of kids there wont be muslims left




When establishing a penal code, it is always important to keep in mind, that the justice system, no matter how advanced and righteous, can still make mistakes and punish innocent people. As such, the severity of the punishments should be handled with great care and thought, and should not be influenced by reactionary rhetoric. 


Dude what makes you think that passing a law will mean it’s implementation on the right culprits. Issue in Pakistan is not the absence of laws. It is the corrupt implementation of any law by police /judiacry/army etc. in a country where an ex PM and his wife is in jail for not completing iddat after several years of marriage. What hope you have for common innocent victim/public


Just make it non surgical iykwim


We can't do anything until enough independent judges and panels are appointed. There are more innocent people behind bars than guilty, imagine those wrongfully accused of molestation getting castrated. It's really sad that we can't enforce any rule of law until our judicial system is fixed, at municipal, provincial, and federal levels.


The justice system is such in Pakistan that the victim will get castrated not the molester.


With a wealth of judicial system, we will end up castrating political opponents.


Fuck louisiana, a terrible shit state and a third world state. Don’t learn from the worst


A punishment of this sort definitely makes sense for repeat offenders or those who act compulsively. However, it requires forensic psychiatric/ psychological analysis, which is hardly available in Pakistan. Still, I think this is a much better option as opposed to barbaric practices like public executions.


russia has the same law


Kithnay qaari sahab pakray jayeingey? Lol


Let's sort out the system first. There's already so much corruption. This will be used against innocents more than anything. The justice system is not strong enough, to make such decisions


Isn't even suggesting this law blasphemous?


While I'm all for pedo castration, I am pretty sure if this is implemented in Pakistan, people are just going to use their influence to neuter their rivals


Can’t warna Molvi nikal ayein gay “Khatam-e-Nabowaat” ka card abuse karke bahir


castrate molestores death penalty for rapists


Why not death penalty for both? Why does abusing a child give you the right to live?


i think my definition of molestation as off, in my mind it was to the extent of touching or attempt to touch, im guessing out goes far beyond




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Islamic already gives the punishment of execution for homosexuals.


What's the status of that chemical castration law that was passed? Our country has ADHD. Ek Saal law pass kerte Hain agle Saal bhujate Hain.


Pakistan needs to clean up its police and judicial system first. You may be unaware of how corrupt police, prosecutors, judges in the country all are and how they collude to extract money from litigants. A law like this in their hands would be catastrophic.


Nah they should just be executed honestly.


and do this to anyone who marries a first cousin as well


Yeah passing new laws won’t do anything if the judicial system can’t act on existing ones


You all complain about the barbarism of Pakistani society and then clap like seals when some country enshrines barbaric punishments. There’s a reason such punishments belong in the Middle Ages.


honeslty, wouldnt this punishment be idk, a waste on the tax of our people. maybe just use one bullet to the head idk but i think the issue is deeper than this. for eg, i was watching a documentary a long time ago, about young boys who would get raped and some would sell their bodies to pay for a drug addiction. wallah thats real sad. like if they dont do thiis, they can fulfill their drug addiction


The judges will be the first in line of that surgery then.


There's surprisingly no Hadd punishment for child molestation. Well, that's not a surprise to be honest.


What do you mean? Hadd punishment is stoning




There is no Hadd punishment for cannialism, necrophelia etc etc also. Whats your point?


Shariat is one of the worst examples of man made law taken as divine.


Oh you are a kaffir. Bye.


No, you'd say that once you've run out of fuel to carry on with nonsense.


Nah. I am 37 and have been arguing with kafirs throughout my life. I stopped caring a couple of years back. Now.... I just don't argue and walk away. So again..... Thanks but no thanks. I don't have the patience for dumb nonsense.


You sure have at least some patience as you put it, to come up again with nothing but an equivalent of a fart. Thank you too, Salam.


So real!! They'll literally provide the dumbest argument and act as there's no one smarter than them 💀


Lol. Is there a punishment for marrying a 9 year old? Muslims are definitely straying off from their religion haha.




[A good video that’ll help clear doubts](https://youtu.be/lzXN6Mv9k8A?si=BNR5cABWUOuu9har) Edit: Not a sincere ex-Muslim, I see


It’s a sin to look at that beard, my religion says to avoid people who don’t know how to trim their beards!


Ex Muslim poster with lgbt flag wouldn’t expect less 😂


And yet here u are, noticing me senpai uwu


Behave yourself and think twice before opening your mouth about the greatest creation of God. AISHA was above 18 when she married prophet


not supporting what he said but Aisha wasn't 18 there are multiple sahih hadiths approving the fact that she was a child


Her elder sister age was known at time of hijrat. Age diff was 10 . You can calculate her age from there. Don't fall for crap built by ummyads to defame prophet


are you denying sahih bukhari and muslim? or she used to play with dolls at the age of 20? don't spew anything you believe to be true. It was a norm at that time probably as it was in the medieval Europe


Shih bukhari and Muslim is full of crap


I mean read before spreading lies?? It’s blasphemy to make shit up in islam 🥰


Age of aishas elder sister was known at the time of hijrat u can calculate it from there . Age diff was 10


[i’m not trying to say anything bad, just stated a fact, idk why you crying brother.](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:5134)


Get your facts straight, you can raise question but being disrespectful is choice


Wait what? Can u tell me where and when I was being disrespectful?


Read post and the first comment you made.


>Louisiana Passes Surgical Castration Bill For Child Molesters And I said ‘Uh damn we should start from our prophet then, I mean aisha was a child too’ Now mark me where I was being disrespectful and towards who.


Dear Sofia. Please dont perceive prophet based on ummyads description as per books of bukhari. Try searching for truth. You will know it. Prophet never asked for anyone's hand except hazart Khadija A.s. Moreover books are contaminated by ummyads. It's a very long propaganda.. May you find truth. 😊


You called him child molester.


You shouldn’t castrate them just cut off their head ahahha


is molestor the same as rapist in this case?


Remove their d\*\*\*


I think death penalty is ok


I would rather have them beheaded in public like in Saudi Arabia.


Nah public whipping should be implemented for child molester's, 100 whips for child molester's and after that hang them for 3 days for the whole country to see. Make an example out of them so that no-one dares committing such a heinous crime.


You don't know much about the psychology of child molester do you? Child molester are driven by psychological impulses to act upon their urges. The only think these kinds of penalties do is to make sure you don't leave behind evidence. i.e. Kill the child and dispose of the body. There have been multiple studies of child sex abusers where they have openly told researchers threats of any amount of punishment would not have stopped them acting upon their impulses in the moment. What Pakistani society needs is strong punishment coupled with open clear sex education so kids can recognise the intentions of potential abusers and feel confident to report those with bad intentions. But mullahs would have a heart attack if you did this, I wonder why? One independent study conducted in Pakistan told the story of a family who's grandfather routinely abused his own children and his grandchildren when they were grown up. It was openly known in the family not to leave their kids with the grandfather. Asked why the family tolerated this behaviour, the family replied they couldn't deal with the shame of the the situation, and who would want to be married to girls from this family? So culturally it was easier to sweep it under the rug and "police" the grandfather by not leaving children alone with him.


Damn, bro chill lol 😂


Bro I appreciate doing things that actually tackle the rampant problem of child sex abuse in Pakistan is funny to you. But half baked solutions don't work. Its like an addiction. Threats of jail don't work with heroin a addict, who might bankrupt their entirely innocent family, just for their next fix. You can't just rely on more severe punishments, for people who don't or can't stop to think of the consequences of their actions.