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No. The thing about injustice is that it’s justice for the unjust and injustice for the just. It will remain so until people are ready to die for change. No change has ever come without sacrifice.


It will continue until people start fighting for their right.


Given that asim kanjar munir is triggered by anything PTI, pakistani need to engage in non political protests. Don't make it about pti or khan. Dont show any political affiliation, but jam the streets. They do this because they can get away with it. Hell at this point carry pmln flags if you must in order to not be dictator'd. Perhaps then ppl will be allowed to show up in numbers, register their complaints and not be paralyzed with fear about exercising their fundamental right to protest.


The entire situation has gotten so pathetic my family is genuinely considering selling our home and properties to settle abroad with our relatives residing there.


Jesus came across a crowd about to stone a prostitute to death. To stop them from killing the woman he asked that whoever amongst the crowd is without sin will be the first to throw the stone. The crowd fell silent and dispersed without a single stone being cast. Pakistanis are like the crowd, haram runs in the blood. Who will speak for the poor, weak and orphans?




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people are uneducated there education cant come like Malaysia Iraq


When we die. But the real justice will start then. So be careful what you wish for. 


Why do we get posts like these every few hours? Read a book, bro, turn off TV, and stop getting anxious using social media. Random people on the Internet can neither solve the situation in the country nor can they offer an explanation as to why people won't march against the elite. Read.


It’s the Pakistani cry syndrome. No work, only cry.


These kind of posts and thinking are so common it's almost comical at this point "The country is in a poor state, no one is doing anything, why won't people create a revolution and take them these corrupt leaders out" "Why aren't we like the people of ~insert cases of countries that are completely different from us~ and just randomly become developed" People really need to take a step back and just read what causes things to change, why things are the way they are. What it takes to change a country. And above all why we would all like the country to improve but actually play no material or tangible part in bringing about that change.


OK Mr intellectual, agar ap ny parh lia hy to please share with us peasants what to do or what not to do


I can't do your work for you. Do it yourself. I'm still reading