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Why are they targeting the medics if they're only after hamas?


You can't commit *the extermination phase of a* genocide with bullets and bombs. Conventional weapons don't work. You need famine, disease, labour camps, death marches etc. Most of these are being employed by Israel currently. The ambulances, like the Hospitals they demolished and torched provide critical civilian infrastructure that can protect civilians from dying from disease. Edit to clarify. Acts of Genocide can be committed with conventional weapons, even machetes as seen in Darfur or with guns as seen in Sabra and Shatila (a genocide committed by Israel and it's proxy "The Lebanese Forces").


How is the US government defending those genocide tactics? How are they justifying it? What about the media? How could they watch all the same videos we're watching and think that this is ok? My mind is blown away. Do they think we're stupid?


I don't think anyone is stupid. Even the Zionists know they're lying through their teeth. The reasons behind it are complex.. Alot of people benefit from the status quo, they benefit immensely. Why would they go against their own interests? For a bunch of brown people? A bunch of Muslims? (ignoring the Palestinian Christians that are suffering as well.) Not only AIPAC but the military industrial complex pay off politicians. Israel is a place for criminals and global organized crime. Organ trafficking, human trafficking, it's a safe haven for sex offenders to escape, it's a place for blood diamonds to be processed and exported. The list is long. Israel makes alot of people very rich, mainly those in power in the west. This is the "carrot". You don't want to be called an antisemite do you? They've weaponized antisemitic accusations. Israel is also intimately connected with the intelligence communities of the UK and the USA. Which allows them to have access to alot of dangerous information. Finally the connections between the Mossad and Epstein which has lead many of us to believe that they have unspeakable material on celebrities and politicians to blackmail them with. This is the "stick". >How is the US government defending those genocide tactics? How are they justifying it? The US government employs the exact same tactics if it suits them. International law only applies on their enemies not themselves or their allies. Israel has exposed even the most die hard liberal to the evil hypocrisy of the western states. If the proof is undeniable and even their own members admit it like the case of intentional famine and the prolific use of unguided bombs to indiscriminately bomb. They pretend like these things are one off situations or things that the Israelis aren't doing intentionally but rather the Israelis are doing their best to remedy the issue. All of which is false, we have so much evidence that this is intentional from the leadership down to the soldiers on the ground. >What about the media? The Israelis have banned foreign journalists from going into Gaza. The presence of foreign journalists inside Gaza is very dangerous to the Israeli narrative. They are only allowed in with israeli escort controlling what they see and what they release. The US government is pretending that the Israelis are the only credible source on the matter. As long as no foreign journalists are there, taking pictures, reporting and recording what's happening, they can dismiss it all as "Hamas" propaganda. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/gaza-palestinian-israel-white-flag-shot-dead-killed-rcna135419 Look at this incident for example. It was all on camera and they all confirmed that the bullet that killed the white flag waving Palestinian man came from Israelis. But since it wasn't a western reporter or camera they cast doubt on it. > NBC News cannot confirm Hijazi’s account of who opened fire, which aligns with a report on the same incident by the British news network ITV News, which showed different angles. In a separate video, verified by NBC News and recorded from a building in Al Aqsa University, Israeli tanks are seen lining the road. >How could they watch all the same videos we're watching and think that this is ok? They make excuses. Justifications of every kind. Ultimately this is a matter of racism, dehumanization and imperialism. They don't see Palestinians as human beings. They condemn all Palestinians even the newborn baby to death because the Palestinians dared to fight their occupation and brutalization. Edit: Grammar and clarity


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On the outside, they're using the holocaust as a shield to justify any actions Israel commits. This is why it's important for Israel to keep conflating themselves with Judaism and Jews. Victims of one crime apparently can't be perpetrators of another crime or even the same crime on another group of people (Which is false on all levels. Take a look at child-on-child sexual abuse. The child perpetrator is almost always a victim of SA themselves). On personal levels... Money. It's always money. The US government, the UK government, and leaders of all the other governments and universities who are in support of Israel get monetary gains from supporting Israel. They all have vested interests. It also really really helps that media has constantly framed Arabs and Muslims as wild, unruly, inhumane, animal-like and violent. This particular group of people have been so dehumanised that people just think "The Middle East is always in conflict, they're used to this. It's not my problem. There's more pressing issues in my country happening to my people." I genuinely think this mindset is a representation of how harmful individualist culture is. People have become so self-absorbed that they fail to see the need for community or even having empathy for other people. I'm not saying don't care about your people, but if you only care about the needs of your own community when people ask you to help another... yeah. Supporting Israel is mentally easier. Governments are on your side, money is on your side, you don't have to look at babies, children, and innocent adults blown up to bits daily, you don't need to spend time worrying about Israelis because they're safe (Hamas doesn't have the power to actually hurt Israelis on a large scale. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I believe October 7th was possible because Netanyahu allowed it to happen). You can block humanitarian aid trucks and still manipulate the narrative that you are the victims, because the media will help you. You don't have to worry about how your words come across because no one will criticise you. And if they do, the solution is simple: Play the anti-semitism card. All this to say, they see it all and to some extent even acknowledge that Israel's actions are beyond disproportionate. But it doesn't help their pockets or their minds to support Palestine, because freeing Palestine requires a lot more effort, time and money than supporting Israel's violent and corrupt regime.


That’s NOT true. You absolutely can commit genocide using conventional military weapons. It’s doesn’t have to look like the holocaust to be a genocide.


You're right. Sorry I actually meant the extermination phase of a genocide. My apologies. Need to clarify.


Thanks for clarifying


Thanks for the heads up. 🙏🙏🙏


Hamas is in the ambulance, duhh Jokes aside, them mfs are monsters


I mean this is what they'll say. And it'll be accepted regardless of veracity.


That ambulance had over 3 million Hamas combatants in it


Crazy how many Hamas fighters are clearly “hiding behind civilians” in every single one of these videos /s




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"Umm, technically .... ☝️🤓 tank is firing towards ambulance, didn't hit it."




Sounds like Israeli tanks shoot without knowing what it's shooting towards... may I suggest the word... perhaps... indiscriminately killing?




I thought you said tank had no visual around the corner? Now you are suggesting the tank CAN see a man holding a camera, but not a red blinking lights from the ambulance? Are you Hamas? Because, man, I'm like an Iron-dome defense system shooting down all of your stupidest arguments left and right. Keep moving the goal post. You have no arguments.




That's the length of mental gymnastics you have to go through to defend the indefensible.


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