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They film their own crimes. They want to destroy every building, every house, every school, every mosque, every church in Gaza.


Cheaper to use your military than to contract demolition from the private sector, this is just good business /s


Every person


It's as if they want to destroy a people. I wonder if there's a word for that.




They would do nothing with it.




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With the impunity with which the world overlooks Israel's warcrimes, Israel has become what the Nazis could only aspire of becoming.


This """war""" is really showing everyone the farce that is the UN and the hypocrisy of the big players


Of course it does. It’s just heartbreaking that lives are being lost just because a rouge state is being allowed to perform genocide without any checks. Civilisation cannot prevail without accountability


"Allowed". The genocide is financed by the US, made possible by US military supply, and an extremely large number of the war criminals doing the murdering in this genocide are US citizens. And US media are covering it all up. "Allowed" vastly understates the US role. Israel doesn't have the means to do this.


There is not doubt about the culpability of the US in terms of the warcrimes being committed on the ground, i was referring to the larger world community where while the response has not been silent, it hasn’t been enough to stop Israel from committing the ethnic cleansing.


My point was that the world doesn't allow Israel to commit the genocide, the world allows the USA to commit the genocide, just like it did in Afghanistan and Iraq. The difference is that the repercussions for trying to stop the US, a power that is not just powerful but also known for exceptional levels of hostile covert politics, are much more tangible than the repercussions for trying to stop Israel. That's why while the world is trying to stop Israel, it's doing so while trying to avoid stopping the US, which limits it to pretty much the multi-year ICJ case by South Africa. Meanwhile China prefers to stand by while watching the US destroy it's reputation, because that's a free win.


No wonder they had to ban tiktok, can't risk the public seeing this unfiltered!


Wait you don’t think that UN is collaborating with KHAMAS?


Clearly, Hamas was seen messing up the papers of the Israel representatives


Imagine if the nazis had this propaganda machine working for them. We'd all be speaking German or dead.




The difference is that in response to all these atrocities the Nazis were destroyed, the UN was setup and the Geneva Conventions started in order to prevent such things from ever happening again. OC's point is that meanwhile there is pretty much no action against what Israel is doing, not even a single sanction by the Western powers and at best lip service condemnation. Even if what Israel is doing is say 10% as bad as what happened in WW2 the international response is still relatively muted.


Also, what Israel is doing isn't just "10% as bad" as what was publicly known about Nazi Germany at the time. I'd argue with modern technology people know of more and more vile Israeli crimes than they knew about Nazi crimes in 1942.


So just cos they did worse things in magnitude dosnt mean you get to dismiss the severity of what they are doing riiiight now!


A couple of things: 1. Israel had as much "justification" to attack Gaza as Nazi Germany had, to attack France. The French and Belgian armies engaged in a brutal occupation of Germany's Rhine region, 1921-'23. Being brutally occupied or attacked doesn't give a license to commit warcrimes. 2. The Israelis have killed 1 out of every 5 Gazan children. 3. The "actual" devastation of WW2 doesn't begin to compare with the "actual" devastation of Gaza, b/c when the War was over you had 1st World nations' rushing in for aid. You think they'll "rush in" as fast...for Palestinians? Please. 4. Bet you haven't heard about the rape and torture or Palestinians in captivity (sometimes INDEFINITE captivity), have you? 5. Context-less #'s don't mean anything. If you're going to get technical you need to look at per capita figures or percentages of the total pop.


Your content has been removed for violating [Rule #12](https://www.reddit.com/r/palestinenews/wiki/rules/#wiki_rule_.2312._condoning_genocide_or_promoting_violence).


ohh they are upset they don't have any culture or history so they need to destroy others. Maybe when they make it to Medina then Saudi Arabia will stand up & call out the Genocide.


Pretty sure Israel/Jewish culture is based of traditions dating back hundreds of years


Pretty sure the "Israeli" culture stole everything from the Arabs, from their food to their music and dancing.


You’re officially a Dick Mr Rogers 🤣


There’s European Ashkenazi culture, and culture of Jews from various countries like Morocco and Iran etc. But Israel is made up and manufactured.


Imagine being so angry at Israel that you deny the fact jewish culture exists


According to international humanitarian law, specifically the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols, as well as the Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, the intentional destruction of cultural, religious, and historical sites is considered war crime.


But it's okay since they are best friends with USA /s


And also since it’s against Muslims






If there are any of those poor kids left by the end of it.


People forget that genocide isn't just about wiping out the people but also their history.


Seriously . What does Israel give to the world to let the world overlook the stuff they are doing?


Why, they give us LOTS of stuff! We get a half-century "problem" that only gets progressively worse by inaction; we get a lack of healthcare (so that Israelis can have it); we get all the latest in surveillance tech and counterinsurgency harassment devices...COOL stuff! And bEsT of ALL...we get to toss our morals aside and drag our reputation in the dirt as we cheer on our battleship in the Middle East! FREEDOM!


Scum of the Earth.


Only done because of khamas hiding underneath… duh? /s This is inhumane to the max. Israel really turned the clock back and brought back the nazis


They've run out of things to bomb, so they're going around bombing and blowing up things that were still partially standing after they got bombed the first time. This is both vindictive and deranged behavior. It reeks of absolute hate and sadistic intent to inflict as much damage, pain, and suffering possible while taking glee in it. They do this and proudly show it to the world, while similtaneoysly crying about being the victims and invoking "Never Again" and the Holocaust. This is why the former head of Israeli human rights group B'Tselem said: >We're approaching the moment when the memory of the m Holocaust, the historic crimes committed against our people, will stop serving as our Iron Dome, protecting us from accountability for crimes we're committing in the present against the Palestine. The rabid Zionists, unfortunately, are chipping at the sympathy afforded to all Jews by the weight of the Holocaust. They're hurting Jewish people everywhere by conflating Zionism with Judaism.


Doesn’t matter. People will continue to support Israel because the West has an ingrained and deep rooted hatred of Arabs and Muslims.


Just practicing for Al-Aqsa so they can build their Third Temple.


Its so wild to me how countries like Saudi Arabia went from funding Wahabism, to essentially backing Israel.


Yeah the top has been influenced/swayed so much so that public opinion means nothings now not only for this but for every other facet of life. “The People” lost long before any of us were born.


The reason why? This building is a place of worship not a fort!


Ethnic cleansing. Targeting non military infrastructure is a war crime.




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Same fascist attitude as burning the books! That’s what the West has become🤮


I recently heard from my father that "middle east eye" is not a source to be trusted.. is this real???


I'm not sure either way it's well documented that Israel has done plenty of war crimes.


Middle East Eye: "[Mostly Factual](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/middle-east-eye/)"


Got it 👍