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You’re a young female, the chances of you having an actual heart attack are so low that it would probably be hard to find information on how frequently it happens. As long as you’re not snorting coke or doing crack you should be just fine in the cardiac department.


That’s why I hate my emetophobia. There is no rationalising to myself that I won’t have a heart attack or go insane/psychotic, you can’t tell yourself that your definitely not gonna vomit because I do at least few times a year and I can’t tell the difference between a panic attack and when I have food poisoning. So when people just say “just sit there and rationalise and calm down and that’s how you get over this all” I get that for heart attacks and for people thinking they’re going “crazy” but it’s so much worse with emetophobia I feel like at least bc I don’t know if it’s real till it’s over


Rn it’s been a lot better, in the psych ward I had multiple tests done for my heart “just to be sure” and everything came out super good so I’m kinda less worried about that, plus the medication I’m on helps with obsessive thoughts so maybe it’s two things working together


What cardiac symptoms would you say need checked 100% of the time?


What was the medication u tried initially? I also felt scared of getting out the psych ward but exposure therapy is what worked for me my first day out i drove to pick up my pills and i thought i was going to die but i lived and now i drive almost every day:)


Clomipramine, it’s super well tested and pretty old, the only downside is that you can’t be on it for too long. But it worked for me like 100%, it took away all of the bad thoughts and I felt like my old self it also cured my depression which I don’t have anymore.


You can be on it forever if you need to be. Where are you getting the impression that you can’t be on it for long?


My psychiatrist? Don’t tell me I’ve been suffering for nothing now


The issue a lot of patients have, unfortunately, is bad doctors. It sounds like you’ve been misled.


The more you fight it and hate the disorder the more it wins. I spent so long hating myself. I still wish I could be free often, but I've also come to accept and forgive myself. I have limitations that others do not but in my home I am a pretty normal person. I still have hope I will find the therapy and medications to live a normal life. However, until then I am still a good person even if I cannot leave my house. People will make you feel like less and treat you like you are just being lazy but they have no clue and their opinions should not matter. My father does this a lot to me and he is lucky to still be in my life.


Oh wow, thank you, I’m really trying to be okay with it but it’s very hard because it limits me from a lot