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There's not a single chapter I'm not mashing through text so I've never felt ch. 3 is any more egregious with dialog boxes. But as to why people (mysekf included) love Glitz pit is precisely because of the pageantry/aesthetic. The feel of joining a fighting leaugue and working your way to champion is so cool. Plus, it has one of the more interesting plots.


The overall plot is good. I just find the battle stipulations and all the stuff between battles to be a slog. The fights aren’t particularly challenging, and maybe I just don’t like the pageantry. It’s not the overall text in the chapter, there were points in the other chapters I’m mashing and frustrated cause it’s slow, but I think it’s the battle. Having to go to the gba 20 times, hear the whole hoopla, wait, enter arena, finally fight, and it’s over in 1/4 the time it took to lead up to it, and then after there’s more things said and then inevitably someone interrupts from the side with more to say, and I just don’t find myself that interested


yeah I can totally see that and the easy fights would be more annoying to me, I think, if I didn't love feeling like some rockstar fighter who came outta nowhere and destroyed all competition.


Ya, interesting that I don’t get that feeling from it. Maybe I came in pre annoyed. Maybe I’m just more contrarian than I thought and I’m really reacting to others over hype. Just feels like easy Pit of 20 annoying trials


the fights in chapter 3 are mostly too easy considering you can fully heal between each one.


Exactly! The fights are so easy and total fighting time is way way less than total time of various cutscenes and text boxes before, after, and during the battle.


Honestly, Chapter 3 is still my favorite chapter because I just like colosseum segments in games. For me, Chapter 3 is one of my favorites because for the most part I can just turn off the critical thinking part of my brain and just smash stuff with my hammer. No backtracking, no complex puzzles, just me and my hammer- And an occasional moment of remembering to switch from my hammer to stomping on them... Or get some Superguard practice in.


yes i agree, chapter 3 is just so overrated. I finished the game recently and I thought "Wow im so glad i never have to do chapter 3 that was so boring and repetitive" only to find out people think its the best chapter all time of all paper mario games. What?? To me it was one of the worst in ttyd, if not the worst. Its boring, bland, small island where all you do is just fight 20 times and then fight the boss and then its over. How fun. I play paper mario games for the story and characters, not fighting random enemies 20 times and running back to rougeport to heal. I dreaded everytime I fought because i knew i would have to do it again and again and again. I cant agree with any arguements on why this is the best. "its like wwe" yeah and its boring as shit. "Rawk hawk" I found him boring and you fight him once and its over. Like theres nothing good about it to me.


I timed a portion of it and you spend far far more time waiting for cut scenes between fights than you do actually fighting. And if you’re good the fights aren’t fun, you can beat them super easy, it’s more of an annoyance. I’m sick of walking that boring hall. The only way they got me to explore around is by making you complete long side quests in between like every other fight, and I don’t find the side quest interesting either. Thanks for making me feel less insane. Easily one of the worst chapters


I used to love this chapter when I first played TTYD but l after replaying it in the remake, I completely agree with you. I think it would’ve been better if instead of just doing one fight at a time, it was multiple fights in a row without breaks. Not all 20 fights at once, but more like 3-5 in a row at a time. They also should’ve leaned more into the mystery aspect of the fighters disappearing and receiving cryptic messages. It just seems to happen too quickly.


Ya. Too quickly and also slowly. Like it felt like there was an email or other distraction after every battle that took me out of it. And I wasn’t invested enough in mush to care or anything cause going out into the town felt like a detour from what I was supposed to do and I found myself more frustrated and talking to less people, getting into it just leas