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PM64's combat is underrated. people tend to describe TTYD's additions as obvious improvements, but imo they make the game lean a little more towards perfectly timing button prompts and less towards careful strategy. in 64 the lack of superguards & partner HP means you *will* take damage to your one single health bar, and that damage feels more meaningful. the lack of stylish moves also means you can't fall back on special moves nearly as often, which is good since those can be incredibly strong.


My exact opinion. I just love how Partners get incapacitated for X amount of turns when hit, it adds immediate tension to the battle.


Yea 64 is harder


i have the exact opposite opinion i thought 64's combat is overrated and i couldnt get into it because it felt too formulaic without stylish commands and i didnt like the star system and partners getting stunlocked was annoying


As someone who started with PM64, I think the biggest problem is the superguard. It kinda makes it so you can cheese any fight if you have good timing. Otherwise, I do think ttyd improved the battle mechanics. I do kinda appreciate that my partner doesn't become useless when they take damage, but using your partner as a meat shield shouldn't be as effective as it is. Honestly what I give 64 over ttyd is the creativity and level design (not that ttyd is lacking in those, but 64 just is in a league of its own as far as originality.) PM64 is also perhaps my favorite OST of all time. I also prefer the tone of 64 to ttyd. To this day I couldn't definitively tell you which one I like more because I love them both too much lol. It sounds like a cop out but I'm so serious.


64 really feels like you’re playing a pop up story book right before you’re ready to go to sleep, all the worlds are so vibrant and fun to explore. Ttyd feels so much shorter too, but it has such a unique character to it


The BP limit too. Definitely makes you have to think more critically about which badges are necessary in any situation.


What I liked about 64's combat is the badge point cap, good for the balance. Otherwise the game is pretty easy, as much if not more than TTYD


That makes me wonder if they will keep it that way if they remake 64 or actually give the partners a health bar which they didn't have in the original. I could see certain changes like that if we ever get a 64 remake.


I've replayed it a couple years ago on NSO, was even more fun than I remembered. I think I like it a bit more than TTYD, but maybe it's just because I really like how Bow literally slaps enemies to death.


I personally like the hard limit on badge points being 30. It really makes you pick what you want to do for Mario. I also like Bowser’s role in the story. As much as I enjoy TTYD and find Bowser pretty humorous, I find his role to be meh in the game overall.


Ye I agree, PM64 Bowser is my favorite Bowser in the franchise, and now thinking about it, he's becoming my favorite Paper Mario character. He's just a perfect villain in PM64, both silly and threatening, and Kammy is another amazing character both games.


i’ve always liked 64 just slightly more. both 10/10


Same, the overworld just has more character. While TTYD does a lot of things better, most areas are just linear which gets repetitive quickly


Bowser is fun to fight, and definitely interesting. His overconfidence is endearing. One of the first cases of Bowser having a real personality, and we got it throughout the game. Shadow Queen was definitely more intimidating. I wish we knew a little bit more about her. The fight is great though. Both good. PM64 has a better setting for chapter 8. From the bottom of Bowser’s castle to the top of Peach’s it was a whole journey through different environments and puzzles. I’ll give TTYD the mini bosses and the puzzle tower was cool. But Palace of Shadow feels lacking. Plus they reused puzzles from 64 to fill it out. 64 got me. I love both a whole lot. 64 just has a nostalgic charm and simplicity that I can’t ignore.


Ye that's a hard choice, Shadow Queen is my favorite original villain, but PM64 has my favorite Bowser in the franchise. Even his minions are a bit more fun than the X Nauts to me, but I need more time to think on this.


PM64 is amazing for what it is and TTYD is better in nearly every single way.


But 64 is better in some fairly large ways. Namely level design. TTYD is mostly all corridors while 64 is much more varied and interesting. Its also requires far less tedious backtracking.


IMO PM64 is a more memorable game. TTYD does have improvements in many aspects of the game but 64 will always be the original and I would take it over TTYD anyday.


I would say it's the opposite, TTYD has more flashy/memorable moments but 64 is the more consistently enjoyable game


I had a funny revelation going through TTYD that most of my memories of paper mario is based on 64 rather TTYD. I was honestly confused for a second when I got Flurrie and was wondering where her fan went, mixing her up with Bow.


Well it did come up with basically every pieces of the «Paper Mario» flavor so yeah, if played first, it's hard to get as much of an impression from the sequels. Despite what I just wrote, I still find it a better game than everything else that followed, but that's because of different elements that I personally favor in RPGs and videogames in general.


I’m actually replaying it right now after finishing TTYD. It’s so good. Both are amazing games, but I think PM64 will always hold a more special place in my heart.


I'm replaying it on NSO right now. Still love it just as much as I did back then. Absolutely charming game with still my favorite visual style of any PM game.


PM64's chapter 8 is more memorable for me for sure. I rented the game as a kid and was never able to get too far until I had to return the game, but one time I rented it, there was a save file that was at the start of chapter 8. As a kid, I was in awe of where it starts. That game has been my preferred since


I hope they keep making the original available without remaking it. The art style, music, and general vibe is, I think, perfect.


I agree with that, the character designs like with Peach and Mario in this game is unique but changed in TTYD, I do like Mario and Peach designs in PM64 a little more too.


Paper Mario is my favorite, always has been, always will be.


As im replaying it, I still feel like TTYD and it's remake is my favorite in the series still.


I 100%ed TTYD twice since its release, its great but it doesnt have the same impact for me as Paper Mario did .


That's understandable, there's gonna be people who can't feel as much joy playing TTYD as me, so I respect you opinion. TTYD Remake has always been and always will be my favorite game of all time.


It is a great game, though i do dread parts of it (i cant stand the Excess Express or the TEC and Bowser portions). Complaints and nitpicks aside, i do appreciate this game getting remade to finally brinh in newer fans. My hope is that this is a wakeup call to continue these style of games and just refine it further.


Okay the TEC and Bowser portions are some of my favorite parts of the game, and TEC is one of my favorite TTYD characters, I like him a little more than Twink..


I dont appreciate them at all, i also didnt care for them in Paper Mario 64. To me it just halts my enjoyment of the game and its just something i "have to deal with" to progress. I didnt enjoy having to bake a god damned cake, nor am i interested in teaching a computer how to love.


Okay then you're clearly not into the series story... :/


Thats often the case. I care about more about the gameplay than the story. If the story is interesting, i may pay attention, but more often than not i just dont care and want to skip cutscenes.


I know I loved both for different reasons. I miss the enviornments in the OG Paper Mario and some of the music felt more memorable, but I loved the vibe in TTYD slightly more because it had more opportunity to show a little more with the improved art and graphics I truly want a remake for the OG on the switch too, o think it deserves the love again


I might like 64 a bit more, but I haven't played it in a while.  It's such a joyful game and I adore all the partners.  I just wish they talked more.


If they talked more it'd probably be really perfect. Still really enjoy all the partners getting their individual letters and mail from people they encounter or know, added a lot of depth that they deserved more of.


Deserved a remake way more since TTYD actually looked great already honestly


Okay, with that, I disagree, the original TTYD didn't have as much polish as PM64, I think TTYD is way more deserving of a remake, and I'm happy we got it


Uhh what do you mean


Think about it, TTYD needed a remake more than PM64, the original didn't have as much charm as PM64 has, they gave us a better warp pipe room, I can't imagine TTYD without the remake now with all of the quality of life improvements, PM64 was pretty much perfect as is, with a really good art style that aged really well, I don't see anything wrong with the og PM64 game that can really be improved much.


Pipe room as well Graphics and music could use upgrades Perhaps even extra content since TTYD has more of it than 64


I mean for optional bosses I think PM64 has more originally, Lee, Chan, and the 3 battles with the Master, Kent C. Koopa, the Anti-Guys. While TTYD has Gus and Bonetail originally, and you can refight the Glitz Pit enemies and Rawk Hawk with no changes. Prince Mush and Whacka are VERY welcome additions. Prince Mush is my new favorite Toad character, and I kinda like him more than the Master.


Eh, thats fair, I suppose I can always use the HD pack


The HD Pack isnt good imo, PM64 had unique character designs that were changed in TTYD, that the HD Pack didn't replicate, so I still prefer the original graphics.


Thats fair, I get it


The art style of 64 aged terribly, the cities with the exception of the outpost are all made of copy pasted buildings, the sewers all look the game through each screens, there are far less unique NPCs, 64's art style definitely feels soulless


I disagree


I prefer the original from what I remember. Ttyd is definitely an improvement gameplay wise, as it basically built all its core gaming elements (level and badge system, battle system and mechanics, etc) off of the original. But I just love the feel and level design on the original more. Both games are a 10/10 for me so I'm hoping the original gets a remake with the same love and attention as TTYD.


I had fun playing both. I love the dialogue, the music, the locations, the battle systems… great play experiences.


TTYD is 10/10 for me and 64 9/10. I guess I’m more nostalgic and biased towards TTYD even though I played 64 before it but didn’t really know English all too well at the time and by the time TTYD came out I spoke, read and wrote English better and that obviously helped. Also beat it way before 64. I remember getting stuck at the lava piranha plant boss in 64 as a kid and only beating the whole game recently when it came out on NSO.


It definitely feels weird going back to no star power, superguards, stylish moves, and all that.


Personally I like it more than TTYD. It just has a certain charm to it that was perfect.


all I know is I was able to get further in ttyd than 64 when I was a kid. which may say something about the pros and cons of each game’s different levels of difficulty?


PM64 is certainly a harder game with no partner HP and due to how how some of the mid to late game bosses are designed. Pretty sure I got many more game overs than in TTYD as a kid. The environments are far more dynamic and less left to right backtracking as well.


64 is great, but honestly compared to TTYD it can be a bit of a slog. Stylish commands really make every battle significantly more fun. Also people saying TTYD is easier, like you can’t just take out Watt and win every battle without a second thought


PM64 is definitely the most nostalgic original and iconic one but overall I think TTYD is the best. Definitely a great game though


Just remember Bombette and bow are goat’ed


I love PM64. I think the chapters are really well balanced in the sense that none of them feel like God awful chores. They are all decent to pretty great. TTYD has a much larger variance. There are some truly insane peaks (Chapter 3, 6, and 8), but hot damn some chapters are fucking WORK (2: dogshit punies, 4: Backtrack - The Level, 5: TALK TO BOMB 50 TIMES THEN EVEN WORSE BACKTRACK AND THEN BORING DUNGEON 7: Kill me) The remake fixed a lot of this, though (2: punies stick with you better it seems 4: Backtracking cut back 7: Hub helps with general white 5: nope, still dogshit) I've replayed SM64 so many times, but TTYD only once because of so many moments where I'm like "dear God, I don't want to do THAT chapter" The remake has thankfully fixed this. Bottom line is that SM64 is a really even game, and it still holds up to this day.


A lot of people say they liked PM64 a lot better, but personally I just don't see it. Both are amazing games in their own right, but to me PM64 just doesn't seem unique enough. The overarching story is just your standard "Bowser stole a magical macguffin and kidnapped Peach." And even though the places you go are interesting and full of fun characters, it's still almost entirely the usual Mario archetypical characters (Koopas, Boos, Shy Guys, Yoshis, etc) Personally I much prefer the game that involves cults, ancient prophecies, organized crime, ghost pirates, and wrestling federations. And every chapter (after the first one) features at least one creature not seen in *any* other Mario game


> The overarching story is just your standard "Bowser stole a magical macguffin and kidnapped Peach." And even though the places you go are interesting and full of fun characters, it's still almost entirely the usual Mario archetypical characters (Koopas, Boos, Shy Guys, Yoshis, etc) That's why I love the game. To this day, Paper Mario has the most immersive and living iteration of the Mushroom Kingdom. I love being immersed in Mario's world. I love stuff like the Koopa Bros. Fortress being a SMB3 fortress level adapted into the RPG formula. I love how Chapter 5 is one giant Yoshi's Island reference, with music and characters from that game. I love that recurring Mario species like Bumpties and Nomadimice are given homes and context in Paper Mario aside from just being enemies in platformers. When Paper Mario adds a new species, it usually feels at home in Mario's world, like Clubbas. I still like TTYD a lot, but I would be lying if I said I don't lose some investment in the game when it leaves the Mushroom Kingdom and centers around stuff that doesn't feel very Mario. That's why I don't care for Super Paper Mario at all - it's so wildly disconnected from Mario aside from the playable characters being the main Mario cast.


Huh. That's actually a really good point, hasn't really thought about that before. Yeah, PM64 does do a great job of bringing the Mario world to life pretty effectively I agree with you about SPM too, although not because it's too disconnected from the Mario world, more because each of its worlds feel too disconnected from *each other*. I feel like both PM64 and TTYD do a good balancing act of each world being very distinct from each other, while still building a cohesive world. While SPM was just, like, 7 totally disconnected areas and almost no recurring characters between them But yeah, thanks for your perspective on that. I've never really thought about PM64 that way before


Chapters 1,3,5,6,7, and 8 don’t introduce new races in TTYD as far as I’m concerned. Unless you count bosses, but in that case 64 does that as well. 


3 has a lot of unique enemies in the fighting pits, namely Rawk Hawk, the Iron Adonis Twins, and whatever that Gus lookalike is. Plus the bodyguards (are they supposed to be Piantas?) and the bartender 5 but has X-Nauts and whatever Flavio is You might be right about chapter 6 tbh. Smorgs are probably the only unique thing 7 has X-Nauts again, and Yuxes. And TEC if you count him 8 has X-Nauts, the Shadow Sirens, Doopliss, Wizzerds, etc And sure, many of these enemies had shown up prior to those chapters. But I'm honestly not counting when an enemy's first appearance is because my point was that the general enemy and NPC design was a lot more unique to TTYD. In the sense that...if you take any random chapter from TTYD, you'll almost definitely see some super unique character design somewhere that's never been found in any other Mario game And if we do include bosses...iirc, the only truly unique ones in PM64 were in chapter 6 and 7. The rest were just "powered up version of enemy you've already seen". While in TTYD, every chapter except 3 has a boss fight that's unique to TTYD Idk...I just feel like PM64 is very firmly set in the Mushroom Kingdom and very rarely branches out into more original territory, while TTYD seems like a complete adventure into a whole other world for Mario


PM64 had the best environments, music, and bosses. Mushroom kingdom >>> Rougeport for sure


I replayed it on 2020 and it's my favorite n64 Mario game and it's even better than Super Mario RPG


Love it. TTYD is my favourite now, but as a kid I'm pretty sure I had a slight preference for 64. Not sure why exactly other than it having better music and a much better snow area. Definitely want to replay it myself at some point.




Not interested, so far from what I saw, it kinda makes the game too easy, the game was clearly not built for the TTYD mechanics, in fine with vanilla PM64