• By -


Two 3s and two 8s. Neat.


That actually kind of makes sense, thinking about it. 8 is the climax of the story, but three is when you- I'd argue- /really/ get into the swing of things. You don't really have much customization by Chapter 1- two, maybe three partners depending on the game, not many badges if any. By 2, you're getting some badges, maybe your first Partner Upgrade. Three is when you have enough things at your disposal to actually have to pick and choose, not just add whatever you get next, and as a result, they stop holding back. As a result of THAT, three is where you get- I think- your first really, really intimidating enemies. You've fought two jokes in Paper Mario 64, Tutankoopa and the Koopa Bros, so now you have this big monster that is stated as being freaking **invincible**. You have to find and take out his heart to do anything. ...Granted, in TTYD, you've got Hooktail- which, fair, intimidating dragon, but then you learn about her whole foot thing. That doesn't take away from it as much, I guess, but you don't have much to use beyond 'use your partners and the badge you have'. Just saying. And Lord Crump is Lord Crump, even with a big robot. But then you've got Rawk Hawk, an undefeated champion of a FIGHTING RING, and you know for a fact you have to make your way to the very top. I hope that kinda makes sense. That's when the games start to twist the formula a little bit, especially in TTYD where you have that, Doopliss, (break chapter), and a train in quick succession.


This was a nice write-up


Thank you! :)


Ya I think it’s the first of what can be described as a Paper Mario “mid game”, where your load out becomes more varied but still growing and it lasts until chapter 5-7 where you move into “late game” where you have a ton more freedom with your build but the progression scale is mostly saturated.


Bro Rawk Hawk is PEAK


Unpopular opinion: Shadow Queen is my favorite Paper Mario boss and favorite Paper Mario character


She’s alright. Her hands are kinda bullshit tho


Oh my god seriously, I didn't realize as a kid that they regenerate on every single round, it's pretty busted lol


Power Lift then spam Stampede. And also Multibounce, (even though I messed up the timing on her a hella lot of times, and I almost never mess up Multibounce)


I just did power lift and then fiery jinx + 2 power plus p she started screaming after that


I can see why most people dislike her but I personally find her fight fun.


They don't AOE her hands, and it makes the whole fight really hard


It's about the chapters, not the characters.


Instructions unclear, FEEL. THE. RAWWWWWK.


The chapter is cool as fuck anyway. Fighting and mystery with cool character designs.


The characters influence how good the chapters are. You cannot have a good chapter with bad characters


Technically, you can. If the characters are lame, but the gameplay, level design, etc... are all excellent, then it could still be a good chapter overall.


I can’t get enough of that HAWK TUAH


I like the ones with penguin Sherlock Holmes


Sherlock Holmes but he’s really incompetent


I love Pennington


Go Luigi! Uuhh I mean, Mario?


Yeah as a kid I would blast through Chapters 1-2 as fast as possible so I could play 3-6, bookended by my favorites: Glitz Pit and the train.


Emotionally I like the Tubba Blubba chapter most, but objectively I think the Glitz Pit chapter is best.


Agreed, the chapter itself could use some work (especially navigating the dark forest always hate that part) but the actual character of Tubba Blubba is \*so interesting\* it makes up for so much. But Glitz Pit is altogether just a solid storyline from beginning to end


Glitz pit rocked






That's weird saying "objectively" since Glitz Pit has some pretty apparent flaws with the repetitive battles, especially in the minor league. What about the Tubba Blubba chapter makes it "objectively" worse?


Bruh chapter 7 of 64 is RIGHT FUCKING THERE


Agreed! It's my 2nd favorite of the entire series. But it got voted out




Chapter 3 TTYD is the best one


TTYD Chapter 8 and SPM Chapter 8 are both the best


Ohhhh I saw your vids on YouTube!!!! Your active disliking of SPM makes my blood boil but honestly I get why. Didn't play it for a while either so I wonder if I'd find gameplay to be a chore as well nowadays. Anyways I unironically think that Ch8 of TTYD is actually the best chapter of TTYD, even bettee than Ch3. That said, my pick is Castle Bleck bc I actually think this chapter is basically perfect and even the gameplay is pretty darn well there. Edit: yeah the final boss of SPM is obviously a joke but everything else is too good for me to not pick it imo


Castle Bleck is amazing! Definitely the best SPM Chapter. And haha yeah I was a little harsh towards SPM, but I've tried to lighten up on it some now.


Haha your opinion is totally valid friend, and I really do understand where you come from. To me the story and vibe is too good and the gameplay (from what I remember) isn't bad enough but to each their own.


First, chill, we have opinions, I don't like Super that much either cuz it's horribly unbalanced and the gameplay is not good for 2d platformer standard, the only thing it had going for me is it has amazing story but the story feels too focused on Count Bleck and Tippi where it doesn't feel like "Mario", TTYD delivers both the gameplay and story equally imo, and the world, still being really dark, still feels like a world and cast of characters that belongs to the Mario games, with all that said, TTYD Chapter 8 is my favorite chapter in the series, I never liked castle bleck, and the bosses are not fun and there's no playstyle I can use that gives them a better fight, Super Dimentio was built up as a world ending monster, but that build up wasted to the worse paper Mario boss, it doesn't tie with quality of the story and it ruins it for me. TTYD Chapter 8, however, is my favorite finale of all time in gaming, throughout the game there was build up to the shadow queen, and what lied behind the thousand year door, the Palace of Shadow, with very fun and intense bosses, creepy and unsettling atmosphere, a much better design compared to castle bleck, amazing music that keeps building up while still feeling eerie, requiring all your abilities and partners, and top it off with my favorite paper Mario boss and character, the Shadow Queen, in a satisfying and climatic boss fight, with my favorite scene in the franchise with everyone cheering you on and Peach struggling to give you the last of her current power, and ending off with a really nice but bittersweet ending, seeing all your partners grows as characters. It's all perfect...to me ofc..those are just my opinions and I felt like I needed to express it here. I mean no disrespect to Super Paper Mario fans as the game itself, but let us have our opinions on it, not everyone will praise it like you, shoot I will say I like Count Bleck way more than Dimentio, but the Shadow Queen is still my favorite Mario villain. Sorry about this long response but I needed to express this...


'chill'? All they said was 'this makes my blood boil but I get why' and you responded with a paragraph about how much you hate it. That's kind of unfair...


Look dude, me not liking a certian opinion doesn't mean I'm out for JoPro's blood. I respect the guy and his opinions, and like I said I understand why someone may not like this game with the gameplay it has. And if you think SPM's gameplay is so bad you can't enjoy the game, that's valid, nothing I can and want to do about it, it's a matter of different tastes and perspectives. I love TTYD as well for the record, I also think it's a better game than SPM. Not that it's even a competition, every good Paper Mario™️ experience, I like haha. Finally, I recommend trying to divide very large replies to smaller paragraphs, just so it'll be easier to read, bc insanely large "scrolls" like these with no breaks between them can be a headache to read, nothing personally against you ofc :)


TTYD 8, 3, PM64 3, then super I guess


Chapter 8 of TTYD is kinda overrated honestly. It's really great, but it doesn't beat Chapter 3/5/6 for me. Chapter 3 of TTYD is the best here


I disagree, I actually think TTYD Chapter 3 is overrated


I think it's top 10 but nowhere near the best. It's absolutely overrated


I agree, I saw your videos, I'm so glad I'm not the only one who has TTYD Chapter 8 as my favorite, it's really underrated imo


Wait you were talking about Chapter 3 being overrated right? XD


Yes! Ch3 is overrated and Ch8 is underrated! Totally agree with you! :)


Is this some kind of RAAAAWKED take I'm too Gonzales to understand


The reason I liked chapter 3 is grubba


Agreed. I like to explore the area in a chapter and while the story element is solid, it just feels to me like it’s battle after battle.


both are


I think TTYD Chapter 8 is really underrated compared to chapter 3...


Its one long extended dungeon with a boss rush, besides that hype ass spirit bomb and bowsers suprise entrance, the storys not as fun as other chapters. While I do like its gameplay and atmosphere, Id rather give it to something more all around memorable like ttyd chapter 6.


I'm going with 3 it's a simple chapter with a bunch of battles and some puzzles here and there good storyline for 3 and there's no random bullshit and plus you get baby Yoshi who is one of the best partners so yes chapter 3 of ttyd


Chapter 7 of 64 is better than all of these combined


Absolutely agree! I don't understand how it lost already


Super paper mario chapter 8


TTYD chapter 8 by FAR.


Chapter 8 was peak for TTYD, good puzzles great boss, actually challenging, throw back bosses with Beldam, and Doopliss! Fantastic chapter!


I've been hosting daily polls to vote on the Chapters on my YouTube channel, and these are the final 4 remaining. The voting turnout has been great, and I'm excited to see which one wins this week! Which of these is your favorite? If you wanna vote, feel free to check out my channel! :) [https://www.youtube.com/@JoProGaming](https://www.youtube.com/@JoProGaming)


I've been voting on your community posts for a while. Glitz Pit foreva!


PM64 lavalava island is best.




Definitely the glitz pit.


Glitz Pit.


Super Paper Mario chapter 6


Glitz pitz


Definitely castle bleck


Out of those specific options, I would have to go with Glitz Pit.


Love all the chapters, but im surprised Chapter 8 for TTYD is over Excess Express.


Are we not gonna take about how two chapters have Hubba Tubba’s race involved?


We all know it’s Glitz Pit.


Paper Mario 64 chapter 3 is my pick. It's a nice surprise to get two dungeons in one chapter. Running away from Tubba Blubba to unlock the windmill and fight his heart was also a pretty crazy finale.


Glitz Pit. The writing. The mystery. The vibe. It was the first chapter that really established to me how each chapter in Thousand Year Door was a vignette with completely different styles. Just all around excellent. As a kid I didn’t love it because of all the straight combat, but as an adult, I can truly appreciate it.


Tubba Blubba is iconic. I remember screaming as a kid running from the invincible Blubba in the hallway! The Spanish guitar music is amazing as well.


Super Paper Mario's climax is incredible. By this point in the story, the end of all worlds is just about assured. Count Bleck and his minions give their last stands to stop the heroes from undoing their work. All the while, Tippi understanding who she truly is and understanding the tragedy Count Bleck is suffering. This is exemplified by the final world's music. Its dark and somber. There is no triumphant beats to signify the heroes are fighting. Even the heroes are unsure about their victory. Time is literally counting down as clock ticking can be heard in the music as the most prevalent part. Worse yet is that with each stage, the party gets smaller with each hero sacrificing themselves to keep the others moving forward. Of course, their fine. But anyone playing that for the first time could've assumed that they died in their moments. Then, the final stage. It's just Mario. Making his way to Count Bleck, who also stands alone. Understanding the fate of reality will be decided in their fight. Using the Chaos Heart's protection as his confidence, he attacks Mario as Mario attacks too. The entire final chapter of SPM really makes the player feel like things are coming down to the wire. In fact, you could argue that this game is one of few times in the Mario franchise where it took literal miracles for the world, if not beyond, to be saved. What if the other party members did die? What if the Sammer's Kingdom Pure Heart couldn't be saved? What if being dead meant permanent death for Chapter 7's case? What if Tippi and Count Bleck never realized rekindled their love in time to counter the Chaos Heart? So many easy mistakes that could've been disastrous in the long run.


Oh man, SPM Chapter 8 is peak fiction, but it feels wrong not saying one of the traditional RPG ones. I think I gotta go with the Glitz Pit. I'm really surprised Paper Mario Chapter 7 didn't make the list, that Chapter has so much going on, and the final dungeon is so cool.


Of Glitz and Glory is phenomenal on first playthrough. On replays it's meh though. Awesome music though. Castle Bleck is great and utilises the 4 characters to their fullest potential. Not my fave chapter 8 though. I don't remember much about The Thousand Year Door chapter. It has great puzzles, the riddle tower, 5 boss fights. Still not my fave chapter 8 though. That title goes to A Star-Powered Showdown. The Invincible Tubba Blubba is a great chapter. It has nice narrative, the best "town" section in the game, a nice dungeon, the creepy forest, the chase sequence. The boss fight is great. I have to go with this one.


Oooo, that's a hard one, but my favorite chapter and ending and final boss in the series, TTYD Chapter 8 will always reign supreme for me, those other 3 are amazing tho. Palace of Shadow is one of my favorite Mario locations, it has a very ominous and eerie atmosphere, amazing music, amazing bosses, it uses all of your partners and abilities, and it has my favorite scene in the Mario franchise where everyone is cheering you on and Peach struggling to give Mario the last of her current power, all topped off with one of the most satisfying and climatic final boss and villain to me, and a bittersweet bur really nice ending to the overall game! That's just my opinion tho! :)


If it has to be out of these four, I'd go with chapter 3 in TTYD. The chapter theme is fun, I love the level design, the story is neat with many great characters, the music is epic, and raw cock is a funny name.


SPM Chapter 8


SPM Chapter 8 has to be the best work of story writing that Nintendo has accomplished.


That is not the best chapter from 64 man smh


Agreed! I was bummed when CH7 somehow lost to CH3.


Chapter 8 of Thousand Year Door is just perfect. It’s everything I want out of a final game chapter


Outside of the final boss i found the shadow palace really dull compared to the rest of the game


I have to agree with your original take and say that TTYD Chapter 8 is the best, but I definitely really enjoy Tubba Blubba and Rawk Hawk's chapters


as a GIANT super paper mario fan, i gotta say, as much as i love chapter 8… super dimentio was just such a disappointing fight. he goes down in seconds even without bowser or doing the pits. puts a huge damper on everything for the grand finale, the ultimate show, to be cutscenes of buildup with no real payoff. takes away so much from the chapter


This is tough, as all are good, but I'm going to have to go with Chapter 8 from SPM. Everything about it works - the atmosphere is gloomy and even a little Gothic, with a palpable aura of doom and despair everywhere; Bowser, Peach, and Luigi are picked off one by one, creating a real sense of tension and suspense; and we get some awesome twists and turns in the story. Dimentio shows off just how rotten and psychotic he truly is, and Count Bleck gets to complete his character arc and redeem himself.


I just dont see the hype behind the glitzpit Anyway i vote 64 chap 3


Paper Mario 64 chapter 3 gets my vote. Tubba blubba scared the hell out of me as a kid and I loved it


No N64 chapter 7 OR ttyd chapter 4 😭


Who voted for tubba blubbas chapter that shit sucked


Personally, I’d say SPM Chapter 8 is perfect in terms of build-up and storytelling, as well as pacing when compared to the other ones. I adore the other candidates a lot based on a lot of individual aspects, but Chapter 8 in SPM really scores evenly across the board for me.


I definitely thought the mystery train level would be in here for sure


It lost to TTYD CH8 surprisingly.


Chapter 3 from TTYD!!!


I would prolly say TTYD Ch8 clears for Shadow Queen, but then I think about Super's Ch8, and SPM's ending alone makes a strong argument for me 😢 Also the Castle Bleck music is a BANGER


Forever Forest/Gusty Gulch is fun but nothing reaches the highs of the other 3. It’s simply varied and consistently fun, but it doesn’t reach the legendary heights of the other 3. Castle bleck is fun and has the best story out of anything in the series but contains the game’s basic level design, menu switching, segmented levels and combat. It’s a close one between the Glitz Pit and Palace of Shadow. But the mix between battles AND puzzles plus the story aspect being more interesting puts the palace above the pit in my eyes.


Tubba or Glitz


Idc it’s still TTYD 6 for me. Out of the ones presented, TTYD 3.




The fact that I'm barely seeing anyone talking about spm is crazy, it was such an amazing final chapter and felt so much more impactful than any of the other ones here, it felt genuinely special beating that game and tippi dying was sad as shit too


spm chapter 8, for sure. huge stakes, very emotional, best final boss theme in the series, what’s there not to love?


I love glitzville so much. I don't remember the end game from a long time ago and I'm thinking I never actually beat the game. So I'm at the Shadow castle and dont know what these other two are


I'll be honest, I'm surprised castle bleck made it this far no hate to it, I'm just surprised alot of people hate on SPM


Glitzville!! People gonna get Raaaaawked!!!👌👍


Anyone who picks something other than TTYD chapter 3 better be ready to get RAAAAWWWWWWWWWWKED


I personally love SPM chapter 8


All in on Glitz and Glory


Castle bleck was wickedly awesome


I dunno if I'd call it the "best chapter in all Paper Mario", but TTYD chapter 4 deserves way more love. Like sure, the backtracking does kinda suck, but people really overstate how bad it is. Every thing else about it-- the aesthetic, the music, writing-- is fantastic. The chapter complete fakeout alone is genius enough to land chapter 4 in the top 5.


Chapter 4 is pretty popular it's probably only behind 3 and 8 in TTYD popularity.


Tubba Blubba. I will never forget the fear being 8 years old and running away from him while he was invincible


SPM 8 clears


Ttyd chapter 3: very cool chapter, super fun but not enough diversity Ttyd chapter 8: don’t like the part after the shadow sirens fight. Everything else is good Spm chapter 8: the levels all look the same and even though I like the idea of losing every character from level to level. Pm64 chapter 3: by far my favorite. Two major areas with one being full of riddles and the other one full of fighting and hiding. The boss is split into two parts and tricks you into thinking the second one will be epic even if it’s just a joke. Love it


Tubba Blubba was honestly fantastic. Fighting an 'invincible monster' that you have to run from along with some peak Mario musical score to emphasize the mood. Working with the boos to overcome their oppressor. Finally learning the weakness which has been in front of our noses the whole time (or under them?) Just great writing. Also really loved the yoshi island adventure story with Kolorado as much of a tool as he was, with raphael and the ravens. It was a great level design and the lava piranha was a really great boss fight. The Desert Oasis mystery was a really fun one also. Moustafa was a boss.


SPM-8, Bleck Castle is a great and very expansive final area that makes you use absolutely everything, and the story beats are at their strongest with each end chapter boss fight, the shock of these characters actually seemingly sacrificing themselves, the resolution of Bleck and Tippi, LUIGI FINAL BOSS! And that ending that will always make one cry.




I truly realized that chapter 3 TTYD is the best once my gf played the game for the first time. Seeing someone get hooked and try to figure out what’s going on is great stuff


Gusty Gulch


Tubba Blubba


I would have to choose, SPM's final chapter.


Best is TTYD Shadow palace and second best to me is the final chapter of SPM.


Chapter 4


What’s bottom right?


Castle Bleck from SPM


Thanks haven’t played that in years


Chapter 3 in TTYD is easily peak. I'm surprised tho that Chapter 8 gets so much. Never felt like it tells much story and is more about having riddles and a lot of boss fights. I'd have assumed chapter 5 or 6 would be way better there but i guess that's just my bias.


Chapter 8 completes the whole story. How does it not tell story? Lmao


Chapter 8 is basically just evil guy after evil guy saying they plan on doing evil things which everyone already knows about. Like the only notable thing about that whole chapter in terms of story is basically just that it's revealed why Grodus needed Peach for his plan.


This is a pretty gross generalization. And ignores the fact the Grodus was revealed to be completely played.


Dunno... I mean if you wanna summon the most evil entity ever existed, why would it be at the command of the classical big bad evil guy? Sure thing the reveal was nice but it made senes.


Because he had an army at his disposal and tons of resources. Of course it makes sense.


TOK chapter 2 is top 5 chapters for me


I'm sorry. I hate TTYD Chapter 3. Like hate hate hate it. It is so slow and not a challenge at all. Same room, touch the GBA, repeat. I didn't know it was well liked.


It is so redundant. It's still in my top 10 but not top 5


I'm blown away so many people love glitzville... I thought there would be legions of us who didn't like standing in front of the GBA 20 times straight watching the intro cutscenes over and over and having 1 chance to tattle a handful of enemies as you're forced to play by limiting rules.


Super Chapter 8. I haven’t played the original, Chapter 3 is my least favorite in TTYD, and Chapter 8 of TTYD is just ok.


finally someone gets it


I’ll be the contrarian and say that the Tubba Blubba chapter is the best. Great puzzles in the haunted mansion. Emotional plotline that hooks you early and plot twists at the end. Added tension with the stealth and chase sequences. And you get Bow and Star Storm


Honestly, these are the top 4 of my top 5. Chapter 1 of super paper Mario I really adore, it’s just such an intro I can’t truly explain