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This is great and Bowser losing interest in leading the baddies when peach is gone is *sooo* in line with his character in the best way 😂 I would definitely play this.


Right? You could have him write funny heartbroken songs for five years then give him a full arc where he grows and maybe forms a healthy relationship with Bowser Jr. But then you say goodbye and go back to your original timeline knowing more about him but not fundamentally changing his character going forward. Plus it would explain why Peach never really stops him from trying to kidnap her. And good Bowser gets to survive and go off on his timeline being good Bowser.


I like that. Bowsers moments with Bowser Jr. are so wholesome lol. Ngl though, for me, I like to imagine when we find him he's kinda in a hole somewhere sulking, maybe he's got a beard coming in like he hasn't been outside in awhile, bottles of chuckola all over the place, etc (lol) and mario has to get him in shape and remind him he's the king of the koopas (or just tell him peach is back and he gets super excited and realizes he needs to clean up) 😂


Love it. Training montage!


You get it lol I got 2 little guys, can't wait til they're old enough to pitch game ideas to me 😂


It’s really fun! For games like Paper Mario, you get to see it through two sets of eyes.


Man I do love a fresh perspective. Kids have a natural creativity and imagination that us older folks gotta really work for lol.


I like a “Thor at the beginning of Endgame” vibe


Lmao I had a coworker tell me I look like Thor. I was like "thanks man haha" And he continues "you know, like at the beggining of endgame when he's down on his luck n shit" 😑😂


As I was reading this I was picturing how it would look in the game. Simply delightful!


Aww, what a cute read! Very creative. This idea has some insane potential if done right.


**Paper Mario: Fractured Future** *“Join Mario and Peach as they’re accidentally transported into a future where Bowser is no more, and his kingdom is broken by the chaos of it all! Piece together this alternate reality as you experience a timeless adventure to save not just the world, but also time itself, from becoming shattered beyond repair.”* My hypothetical title and summary for this concept. I can imagine the gameplay mechanics having to do with time, and something that can work with the “piecing together” thing. Like literally putting the pieces together for stuff! Lol Your kid has quite the imagination!


Nice! Love the title. My kiddo has been calling it Bowser’s Lost Kingdom.


I think Bowser's Lost Kingdom wins, but Fractured Future would be a great title for a Chrono Trigger type story where you visit the Mushroom Kingdom in various eras.


That kid's going places.


Fun idea, love hearing the creativity of kids!


Some details are rough but the overhall concept is awesome I could even see a scene where it's shown that the Koopalings are just absolutely lost without him and have no idea what to do with themselves, kinda like Team rocket in Pokemon gold/silver Also King Boo and the Boos could be the main antagonist by taking advantage of Bowser's disappearance to take over and trying to stop you from bringing him back so they can stay in power ~~BTW, what's a Sniffet?~~


I think that would be perfect. Just the right tone for Paper Mario, too. Perhaps the Boos are behind or are influenced by the time travel thing, too. You could also have Captain Toad discover through time travel device. Good catch on Snifit. I don’t think I can edit it anymore.


I’ve shown all of these to my son who just loves the feedback. He wants King Boo to be the main villain and to be manipulating things secretly by possessing minions.


I'd play that game.


Make it real 


wonder if i should make art on this concept... if you'd be ok with it!


I would love it. We have some, too.


I usually find a lot of these ideas from kids to be uninspired or not fully fleshed out. Which isn't the kids' fault! They just don't have the brain development or experience to put forth fully worked out ideas. I gotta say, this idea is rather good. You should be proud of that kiddo, and keep nurturing that creativity! Id totally play this game. Just as an aside, I might include the title of the game in the post instead of just the comments, even that works really well and is worth sharing


Genius!! Would love to Bowser Jr. scenes where he tries and fails to unify the kingdom under his rule. Maybe he could even be a partner?


That’s great! Maybe his struggles are what ultimately motivates Bowser to intervene. Edit: and maybe Bowser Jr. ultimately realizes that he doesn’t need to be like his dad.


This would also function the same if it were a Mario and Luigi game. Sounds dope


You lost me at Kamek trying to be a youtube influencer lmao


I can imagine it now *"This one is for my one and only true love* *Princess Peach, Peach, where'd you go?* *Without you around, I'm an all-time low* *Peach, understand* *I'm gonna miss you 'til the very end!! Ooh O! Peaches, Peaches, Peaches, Peaches, Peaches* *Peaches, Peaches, Peaches, Peaches, Peaches* *I love you, oh Peaches... Peachess!"*


This made my son yell “Yes!” and laugh for a good two minutes.




That's a really neat concept You could even have a flashback where the Koopa Troop invades Peachs Castle and he does the AYIE D: response when the news that Peach is gone But who would be the final baddie? Bowser still?


If they made Peach the one trapped in the future, but Mario is able to go back and forth between future and present, you could keep everything else and add passage of time mechanics like Chrono Trigger, Oracle of Ages, etc. If you have Mario going forward and back, you could have him use a... Time Mailbox or something. Reference Time Traveler's wife or something.


Showed this to my son. He liked it. He wants to have Mario get bounced back and forth in time involuntarily as the story demands. He also thinks you could also use flashbacks with other characters like Luigi looking for Mario/Peach (and eventually teaming up with time traveling Mario), and Wario/Waluigi looting Bowser’s keep. Each has slightly different mechanics for puzzle solving like the companions in Thousand Year Door. He wants some flashbacks to be origin stories for the bosses. For example, the mutant/super-powered piranha plants were exposed to whatever mutated them by clumsy Luigi/Wario/Waluigi and have a grudge against people/minions. Then when you beat the boss piranha plant, it gets reunited with the gardener minion from before Bowser disappeared, and the plants stop being villains and get along with the minions.


Let Nintendo steal this idea, please


That’s beautiful. And the game can delve a little deeper into Kamek and Bowser’s relationship, giving the game a little gut punch


I groaned a little when I read the title but this is actually a cool concept, I'd love to play it. Smart kid.


You and your kid should write this as a fanfic. I’d read it!


I hope your kid grows up to be a game developer so he can make this a real thing.


Honestly I feel that this story would feel better for a Mario strategy game. But that was a cool read


Kamek being an awful YouTuber + Mutant Plant Gang makes this a banger concept right outta the gate!


What a wonderful idea! I would absolutely play the hell out of that!


Take notes Nintendo.


Unbelievable! 😄😄 This is honestly an amazing concept and it's so in line with Bowser's character as well! 😇 He's so creative!!


This has the opposite energy of those parents that delete their kids’ Minecraft worlds and I love to see it!


Dang. This is good enough for a full-on Mario and Luigi game!


Most of that sounds awesome. Youtube ehhh


I ain't reading allat


I officially forgive you for not reading my post. Have a wonderful day! :)


Not gonna lie. I find the idea of Kamek being a terrible YouTube influencer (*let alone one at all*) while society is chaos in the Koopa Kingdom is fucking hilarious. The idea of this is actually great. The whole shabang. Would love to see this. It has such great potential. I **want** to see someone use this.


Yeah I’m sorry but it only sounds good because it’s from your kid lol. It was interesting until the YouTuber part


That was the only part that is too goofy, everything else about the concept is great.


I actually like it, but it does show his age. Whimsical media parody is a paper Mario staple, and streamers are game-adjacent media that is ripe for parody. Plus Kamek is a send up of the mid level guy who thinks they know better than the CEO but lacks any leadership/charisma. So it seemed in character for him to think he had the charisma to do youtube.