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For your 00000006 serial bill I would estimate around the $500-$650 range. Could go higher. [A circulated 00000002 serial from the same year sold for $800 in circulated condition.](https://www.ebay.com/itm/305420283518?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=5bbrhlx-s02&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=acxfvyg3tae&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY) [00000635 serial Here sold for $300 circulated.](https://www.ebay.com/itm/186291838641?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=FSZ0YAMWTje&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=acxfvyg3tae&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY) [00000442 Sold for $350](https://www.ebay.com/itm/204667864737?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=RwSSrijYTPi&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=acxfvyg3tae&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)


Wow, how’d I miss that #2 note? Super rare. Many are pulled from packs at BEP and never see the light of day. No comparison to the #6.




Don’t you have a video game to play?


And how many times do we see companies grade bills out the till or wallet as mint uncirculated? LOTS This depends on what it is graded. If it is graded then I could tell you what I could get for it. Say it is superb gem or MS-65 or higher (which it isn't I don't think, looks bent and creased with unequal cutting and low paper quality) at a worldwide, pre marketed to collectors and rich numismatists, anon auction you're looking at mid 6 figures and up, get it graded thru coin store , 100 bucks, 2 weeks and u will know


Yes. Not sure on value, but they are worth more than $100. The top one is a binary star note, and the bottom is number 6, which is insane.


Get them in plastic sleeves. If you're looking to sell them to a collector, don't just handle them like other money. Condition counts, every nick and fold takes away value.


Super low serial number is probably worth at least a double face, but could be much more. The star note binary is certainly worth more than face too, maybe about $150, but it would be a hard sell given it's on a 100.


well the binary is a star note too so that might bring up the price


The binary could carry more value just due to the numbers on it. With 8 being a luck number in many Asian cultures, it could get a higher value even in the US.


Is it being a $100 making less valuable than say a $1?


Yes. 1 dollar bills with fancy serials sell better. They're easier to ship and eBay takes less of a fee.


100s today will be 10s in 100 years. So I will say that we don't think of turn of the century $5/$10 bills as high face value...


I agree, the deflation of the USD will strip out most of the gain from the unique serial numbers. This reminds me, I need to go buy some more bitcoin.


Never seen a single digit like that in the wild very rare you're very lucky the other bill is rare too but that single digit is sweet


Get them into a protective sleeve asap


Yes, but I couldn't tell you.


What they are worth.


To the right buyer.


At the right time.


In the right place


Top one is a difficult sale. It’s a replacement note, but so are millions of others; the serial is close to solid or being a radar/repeater, but in the end it’s only a binary. I don’t see you getting much beyond face value, especially if one considers selling fees. The bottom one though is quite special. It’s a single digit serial number, and these are RARE and highly coveted by collectors. 1 is obviously the “best”, but any single digit commands a high premium. It’s easily at a value where it’s worth sending in to get graded with PMG, which is a minimum of $400-$500. I think it would fetch a good deal more than that at auction, but pricing really is wild on these and depends on the day. Anywhere from $600 up to $1,000 on a good day is a fair range.


I'm selling a solid bill , 7s, and the first bid is the serial number in dollars. The 77th secretary of the Treasury and 77th treasurer of state both signed it in 2017, George Washington had 7 children, Martha gave birth 7 times, there's 7 windows in each column on the back , and it's 7 inches long . Crazy huh!


Bottom one would be the big winner, but if you find the right person the top one could fetch a nice premium too. With serials it's all about finding the person looking for that number.


Bottom one for sure! Top one…. Purists won’t like it but I think it’s a winner!


That is like the lowest serial number you will ever see in person in your whole life probably. The star note is also a binary note which means it only has two different numbers in the serial number which is collector sought. Not to mention it is a star note on top of being a binary note. Definitely both are collectible and I would highly advise putting in protector sleeve sending them off to get graded. Those bills are worth far more than their face value of $100.


Yes and YES


Would be to me. Because I’d spend the hell out of them!


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Why their brows look different


I'm thinking it's the angle


Definitely yes. Look at the serial number repeating are are and sequencial too.


Top note is spending money in its circulated condition. Bottom note with its circulated condition, rough top edge and apparent ink upper right might fetch $400+


That's a ugly face




Yep keep em people pay for number sequences on bills especially the one wit the star


00000006! Jealous


Not as special as they were 20 years ago.


They both have a value of more than $100, but the one with the 0 &6 is worth much more than the other


They’re hundred dollar bills…to a poor person they’re hella special, bruv!


Let's just say, hypothetically, one of those c-notes had glitter and body oil on it, how much would the value be effected?


Yeah bro it’s $200


Yes. Each bill is worth a whopping $100!


Woow, 7 of a kind. Cool. No clue either.


Even though you are correct with calling the bottom one a 7-of-a-kind(and actually 7-in-a-row is accurate to use), it's the super "low note" aspect of it that gives it its super coolness premium value. What I mean is, OP's note with being serial '6' is gonna be worth more than a $100 note in the same condition but with a serial that reads something like '11111116'.


Not anymore