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Don’t even sweat it. My guy steals bites of chips and crackers from time to time… never had a problem.


The birds are so sneaky 😫 I saw onion and remembered toxic so I about died inside when I heard him crunching


Honestly the actual level of onion in there and whatever chemical in the onion that makes it toxic to animals will he so so low once cooked, dried and turned into a powder and then mixed it with other flavourings and put on a chip that I wouldn't worry about it. Obviously not something to give them on purpose either but the biggest risk with onions is when they are raw and fresh. Even a fresh but cooked onion is less risky. Always worth keeping an eye on but I'm sure it will be fine.


Yeah, at the end of the day it's "pure onion" that is the concern. That bird got about 98% potato with that chip. In fact, I would bet the salt they ate with that chip is probably worse than what little onion they got out of it, lol.


It's ok, I'm a former vet student, I can explain. Onion and garlic are not immediately fatal to a bird like avocado is. It will irritate the throat and can potentially cause ulcers and red blood cell lysis, leading to acute anemia, and *that's* where the risk factor is. But it takes a significant amount to get to a point where it's life-threatening, or a lot of exposure over a long period of time. Basically, you'd have to be feeding it to your bird deliberately. And since most pet owners don't understand nuance and tend to misinterpret "yeah it's not going to kill your pet if they have a little bit", as "it's totally fine to give it to them", we simply tell pet owners to avoid it completely, just to be safe. So yes, it's toxic, but not flat out deadly poisonous like avocado or chocolate. Plus, desiccated onion powder like the stuff they use on those chips contains significantly less allicin and other thiosulfinate compounds that cause this aforementioned GI irritation/erythrocyte hemolysis, and your bird only ate a tiny amount. So please don't worry, he will be just fine.


Noted now! I knew avocado was bad but not so bad. Luckily we are not an avocado household and he’s the only thing that looks like an avocado here. Thank you sm!


I'm sure your tiny velociraptor would rather be compared to an "alligator pear" than to the not-ferocious-enough-sounding "avocado" - he looks very self-assured.


Is that the same issue dogs have with it?




Could you explain the mechanism the avocado is poisonous to birds? This one has always left me puzzled. Chocolate also.


It's ok, just keep an eye on them if you're worried. One night inset my husbands dinner on his desk (no dining table space) and a blue blur blew past me. Schnitty dove face first into the mashed potato and had to be removed by force. He was most indignant when put to "bed". I miss that lil blue terror lol


I think that only applies to strong concentrations like fresh onion. I once caught my Quaker eating krave she found on the floor, specifically the chocolate part inside. I freeeaaakked but she was okay, no issues I saw after close inspection for the rest of the day


In my very unprofessional opinion he’s fine. Maybe watch for changes in behavior and plan a vet visit if something crazy happens. I really can’t see a single potato chip hurting a bird. I’ll tell you what though that look he’s shooting you from atop that perch…. Better put the rest of the chips under lock and key! https://preview.redd.it/m7ly0173mk9d1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d32594dde8fda07e9550668df3e2c7cfcfe29ab


He has a vet visit coming up in the middle of July for a yearly checkup! I’m definitely going to keep a sharper eye out for crumbs, and hes definitely trying to start some drama from that perch


why not just ask about it during the visit then


Hahahaha love that! Bird are like toddlers with wings <3


Mine absolutely know what is and isn't allowed in the house, and they act like they NEED to do the forbidden things or else they will die (and the drama i get from them when stopping them from doing so is unreal)




🤣🤣🤣🤣 stinky hooman 😂




Your son turned into a bird after eating Lay's? My God. And they said redbull gives you wings.


Hahahahahaha I love this!! Well done! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


That or birds are more intelligent than I thought, being able to take pictures and make a post on reddit


This is my personal opinion here and a lot of people on this sub are gonna disagree but I think he will be fine. Whenever I eat chips I give my birds each a piece because they go crazy bugging me for what I have (yes including sour cream and onion flavor). My cockatoo is 23 and my Senegal is 25


Yeah I’m no expert but I would bet there is no trace of actual oignon in those chips or none of the harmful compound anyway.


I do appreciate your insight, I went straight to Google in my franticness and all the results were panic immediately


Oh I know that panic, I once had flowers on my table and when I left the room for a minute and came back my cockatoo got to them and did “he loves me, he loves me not” with half the flower petals!!


Welcome to the Internet, where everybody is an expert on how everything is going to kill your bird.


Same! My conures are both 9 and they will always have a little nibble of everything I eat as long as it's bird safe obviously but they love rice, meat, sausage, bread, and they loooooove orange juice.


When I pull out a fresh salmon fillet from the fridge to make for dinner my cockatoo will see it and scream “WOW!!”


Same! I sometimes do that with my Quaker Parrot who's now 4.


I agree. He will be fine.


I do the same, I have an 11 year old Rosella, and he's been with me for 10 years. He would eat EVERYTHING if he could. With joy.


Chips occasionally. Sometimes a crouton or tiny crust of bread. I let our red bellied parrot sample a wide variety of junk I know he shouldn’t. Just never in excess. Way I look at things is in the wild I am sure they eat junk they should not by trial and error. They are hardy enough to survive the occasional tasty treat.


LOL!! Thats so cute. ALSO my unprofessional opinion but a bird owner my whole life, birds are more resilient than we give them credit for. As long as not giant chunk of chocolate, avocado, onions (those are big nono’s) then very likely in the clear. They love carbs!


Exactly, been a bird owner since 2017 and I feel the same. And hell it seems like "everything" is toxic to birds, same for us. Everything is "toxic" and "bad" for you nowadays including our water, foods unless you grow them yourselves, the air due to factories and power plants, yada yada.


He’ll be fine. My ‘Tiel has snatched sour cream and onion chips COUNTLESS times, and ate them, while sitting out of my reach, and I just have to stand there until he drops it, so I can eat it. He’s never had any issues before, and has been doing that since he was 6 months old.  Now he sits in the cage and screams until I’m done eating, when I eat something oniony or garlicky. That being said, I wouldn’t give your bird anything not bird-safe, but it won’t hurt if they snatch a bite or two, depending on what it is. Your birb will be fine, as he didn’t eat straight up garlic or onion.


Basil stole an entire funyon from me once and was completely fine.


Basil is such a CUTE name


Thank you!


He is lucky to have you. You love and care him so much. 💐 He should be fine.


He should be fine Loki stole a French onion chip from me once and had no problems I'd just keep an eye on him and check his poop for any changes


If it’s only a little bit he should be fine


My bird LOVES Doritos. Obvi shouldn’t eat it but she’s been fine and I’m sure yours will be too. Just monitor their poops :)


We feed ours literally everything we eat. The love butter! They are super sneaky about it and go in for the swoop when my back is turned. Anything salty, fatty and sweet is heaven for them. We tried so hard with veges, but they hold out all day I swear to god for human food


I really think he will be ok. If it was avocado he got a hold of I would be worried.


He’ll be fine


There is a veterinary poison control. I used them when my bird got hold of a tube of preparation h. Ate it. All. Turned out fine. I've had a few accidental eating over the years. Like my bird ate a raw garlic. Once. We make mistakes sometimes.


It’s ok my bird has snatched bites of my food before and he’s still alive somehow, I totally get the panic!


He looks fine to me if that is an image post-chip. These birds will eat anything they've seen you or anyone else eat. There are no exceptions that I have discovered thus far.


onion is toxic for birds too?! jeez. Add that to my list of reasons not to get one. I love onions.


Oh I totally understand the small adrenaline rush you probably got from that, one time I left a chocolate chip cookie laying out, I say my baby Rio [Same green cheek ^_^] eating and panicked the hell out!! I felt so utterly helpless and so insanely mad at myself but luckily she was fine lol. Ugh, I learned my lesson though, don't leave food out that is not bird friendly, they will KINDLY help themselves 🤭


And they know they aren’t supposed to have it so they want it 10x more 🥲😂


https://preview.redd.it/oop6b7foml9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=341decb660e25e724cf7306f3c8f81ba284676b0 Thank you everyone for the helpful comments and funny stories! He’s took a messy bath and has been pooping as normal! (On everything)


One time while I was in VR my bird (also GCC) snuck INTO the bag of Cheetos I thought I had secured and absolutely packed himself with cheetos. I made him drink a ton of water and kept waking up in the night to make sure he was ok. The next morning when I let him out of his cage he immediatelg flew to where the chip bag was the night before and started looking for crumbs. Keep an eye on your moron but fair chance he’ll be fine and no smarter for it.


One chip won’t hurt him. He’ll be ok


Ours steal actual onions off our plates. We have to grab the birds and wrestle onion pieces out of their little mouths. Sneaky bastards.


I doubt very much that there’s any onion in there 😂he’ll be fine.


Give him some coke to go with the chips


he'll be fine! don't worry. a tiny piece of potato chip like that won't harm a birb. and no, you do not need to waste money on the vet for this at all.


Mine steals sun chips and chicken biscuits from me, and goes ape shit over spaghetti


hes fine bro


My "son" (or uncle, seeing as he is now 60 and I'm in my 30s) once drank half a glass of white wine over Christmas before we realized. He also was fed a shit ton of chocolate before we knew it was poisonous to parrots, because these things weren't well known in the 80s / 90s. He had an extreme addiction to salted peanuts. He's still going strong. Of course now I would never stray from the guidelines of dietary restrictions as advised by professionals, but please relax. They are hardier than you think. Smaller birds like parakeets and budgies might suffer from one instance of "toxic" food but a normal parrot won't be in danger unless you let it eat something toxic on a regular basis.


Hah. My older budgie tries to snatch bites of everything I eat. He loves yogurt, tortilla chips, tuna sandwiches, and took a stroll through an unsecured cheesecake (had company who didn't realize) last Thanksgiving. Landed on my shoulder with cheesecake-coated feet, tail feathers, and beak. If it's safe I let him share; if not (or if I'm not sure) I don't. We have to protect them from themselves as much as anything. But I doubt a small amount of chip will hurt. By the time it makes its way through the crop, it'll be indistinguishable from everything else he's eaten.


Don’t worry he’ll be okay. I have this terrible aunt who feeds those chips to her bird constantly (trust me I hate it but I can’t do anything) and he’s somehow still okay


Someone once told me that if you would feed it to your dog, you can give it to your bird. saved me a lot of wasted vet trips <3


My dude steals entire chips from the bag lol he'll be fine!


I am pretty sure the amount matters. It depends on how much an animal eats of something that is toxic. A tiny amount is unlikely to cause harm. Especially if you don't let it happen again. Over time, if you keep letting an animal eat something thats toxic in small amounts. It has an accumulative effect. Which is why some people give their cats milk (which doesn't hurt them immediately) until one day their cat gets very ill and the vet tells them to stop. In rare cases when an animal eats a large amount of something toxic, it does kill them immediately, like chocolate in dogs. Your bird (or should I say son) is going to be okay.


You should freak out! He's addicted now. You'll never be able to eat chips in peace again. I'm sorry, but this is how it starts


He looks so proud!


Vet told me onions and garlic are actually fine for birds, it's ppl applying dog and cat rules to birds


When I eat potato chips I tear off small pieces for my Amazon. He holds the small bit with his foot and carefully eats it so as not to spill a crumb. He loves the little pieces he gets. Yes the salt is not great but he eats lots of greens, fruits, corn on the Cobb, chicken, and rice so I figure a little salt isn’t hurting. He also loves French fries. Eats the inside and discards the outer fried shell.


He’s fine!


He's giving you a high five. He's ok lol


Neither is bad, the sour cream is already fermented, so it is processed by the bacteria, therefore it is ok. Chips? Haha. They coule live on chips if it was up to them.


he will be fine … mine lives in an italian household & occasionally manages to steal bites of food prepared with onion & garlic. still going strong at 12 years old! https://preview.redd.it/i46p6qusucad1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29be45e84d7b2f04a2cc2059b31839d4830d5b20 here he is alive & well enough to cause plenty of drama.


I love this chaotic picture!!


Totally fine. Mine kamikaze dive bombs everything like a seagull at the beach and he’s gotten his beak on ice cream, bread, dog food, bunny food, whiskey, mac n cheese, cookies, French fries, coffee, milk, popcorn, cheese doodles (how he bonded with my bf) and God knows what else. He doesn’t come out when anyone is eating unless it’s safe for him to eat too now. He seems to know what the word cookie means. Maybe because it’s what I call my dogs treats. He gets excited too now. The birb is a hog.


My bird constantly seeks out ballpoint t pens once chewed up inky. . All my pets seek out electric cords. Like human children. Especially when I'm relaxed, napping. Silence. Then I find his beak at work....


Actual children 🥴 mine likes phone chargers and unthreading my silk pillow cases


Lol... Don't worry. My actual bird has snuck onion. It's nuts. She goes out of her way to try to get the stuff she's not supposed to eat.


I had a cockatiel that would fly to the kitchen and steal our frosted flakes right outta the bowl. He liked cheetos too. It was so cute cause his Lil beak would turn bright orange after stealing a cheeto. 😅🫠


I bet he’s a sucker for the Cheeto puff texture 😭🤚🏼 cuz me too


Dont worry ,my conure would steal garlic like 20 times basicaly ( obseesed) and before i see it he would bit a bit but i think he doesnt swallow just bits and spits it out to make a mess ,and he was always fine.


I know a man who feets his parrod these chips once a while. And its still alive..when he opens the chips bag then the parrot looks forward to taste em again XD


In that picture, he just looks like he's chilling and saying, "Heyyy, rowr 💅"


😆😂🤣 I'm sure he did eat a piece. Sneaky animals they are. I think God made them super cute so we don't get mad at them.


So cute and sneaky he stresses me OUTTT 😂


I'm here to give my boy a good life, not a long life (I mean if he lives long, that's great too).


My tiny asshole with wings jumped into a dipping container of Sriracha (garlic), proceeded to fly around (sauce everywhere) and then try to clean her feathers before I managed to catch her and clean her off. Thank goodness she's fine.


Oh god the amount of times ours swoop in and gouge a beakful of butter, sugar, cheese, chips, yogurt etc. I’m surprised they are still here. But to me honest birds are literally just rats with wings 😅


my timheh gray loves chips and eats what I eat, just no chocolate or avocado. He has had bits of onion in various stews and casseroles. He is a happy, healthy 26yo bird.


A tiny bit of garlic or onion won't kill him. Just keep an eye on him but he should be fine


When my sweet beloved Cyril, a bronze wing Pionus, was still with us (my sweet boy had a heart defect and we lost him way too young), my daughter had a chip in her hand and was putting it in her mouth when Cyril flew onto her fingers, grabbed the chip and flew away. We had never, ever fed him a chip. I have no idea how he knew they were tasty. I still think he saw the gusto with which we all ate them, and wanted a piece of that action. We had to actively hide chips we were eating after that.


He'll be fine.


Tiny bits that they sneak every now and then of forbidden foods shouldn’t do any harm.


He’ll be fine! I had a Moluccan cockatoo that would steal pepperoni off of our pizza the second I turned my back 🤣 this happened a couple times before we started putting her in her cage everytime we ordered pizza -which she was not a fan of lol


Impressive how you could type this with your lil Birdy feet!


Your son will be fine, I saw another human eating a chip and he’s just fine… fat, but fine.


lol relaxxx. He’ll be fine. My grandma doesn’t listen and feeds her bird takis and Cheetos all the time as snacks😭


I understand your freak out, my GCC took a sip of my coffee one morning and I watched him ALL day and even checked on him while he was sleeping because I was so paranoid. He was fine, I think your baby will be too


Your son? Thats a bird, Dude.


Pretty sure this is a human.