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Vet vet vet vet vet. Should bring them in for a check up occasionally anyway. Go see a vet. And get rid of the scented thing, of course.


How long have you had him? Is there any new, big changes in his environment? Does he have any foraging toys and other toys for him to play with every day? How much socialization and out of cage time does he get?


We had him for about 9 years now. Only change I can think of is a scented dehumidifier about 9 ft from him. He has a toy but doesn't play with it. We socialized with him daily, he is let out about 5 times a week.


Why would you use a scented dehumidifier? The oils or chemical particles float in the air and are inhaled by both you and your parrot. If you go right near it, and take a deep breath, I can guarantee that it'll be unpleasant for you. Imagine your parrot having to deal with that. Yes it's 9 feet away from him, but the particles can still travel in the air. Might be enough to irritate him or his skin, which might be causing him to pick at the area. Be sure to tell your vet about this, and toss the dehumidifier if it's one of those disposable ones.


Scented products is usually bad for birds, so I suggest that you turn that humidifier off. Besides, humidifiers can encourage the dispersion of bacteria and fungii particles in the air as well. Still, I suggest that you bring him to the vet soon as there could be a skin irritation or infection that could be causing the plucking.


How long have you had the scented dehumidifier? Birds are incredibly sensitive to chemical scents as well as essential oils.


Fairly recently, I already removed it. Plan to take him to the vet soon


Okay, there are a few things here. One is that birds have incredibly sensitive respiratory systems. Lots of household scents, cleaners, and fumes (i.e. cooking) are unsafe for birds. I saw you removed it, but you may want to check other things in your household as well. You need to be really careful with a bird. Another is that one toy is not nearly enough enrichment. He should have a bunch of toys that you rotate through regularly, like weekly or monthly. He should have opportunities to forage, and safe chewable/destructible toys. He would probably love some puzzle toys. Finally, five times a week isn’t enough out of cage time. He needs to be handled more, and he needs time out to stretch, exercise, and have additional enrichment. That doesn’t necessarily mean hours and hour of direct, hands-on time every day, although that’s not unwarranted. He does need to be able to come out of the cage at least daily. At this point since he’s plucking and bleeding, he needs to see a vet. There are underlying medical issues that need to be ruled out, and it doesn’t hurt to have a general checkup no matter what. You can start making changes now to his enrichment activities.


Also off topic and y'all probably know already but cooking on Teflon can have a similar effect if you haven't ditched your Teflon cooking equipment yet


Did you set up the scented dehumidifier because there is mold or mildew in the house/room? I ask because the reason to dehumidify might \[also\] be causing your boy distress. Just fyi (I've dealt with mold on walls), a good way to safely clean it is just Dawn dish soap and water.