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You know this should honestly be looked into more. Everyone is so perplexed about what happens if we die, but not a lot a people think about where we were before we came here. So many children around this age always have something interesting to say about their other parents and family before their current life which is interesting, and maybe a lil frightening depending on how you see it? You die you think cool it’s over I did what I needed to do etc. what a crazy ride life is then bam your in a new body, with new parents (not knowing if they’re good parents) you have to experience life all over again. Experience death all over again multiple times forever or until the universe or reality itself blips out of existence. Isn’t this place strange to anyone else it’s so meticulously crafted all its bits and pieces flow into one another seamlessly. Our planet and solar system asf as we know currently is the only place in this entire universe that has life, it’s the only place where consciousness has evolved asf we know too and we don’t even have a full clue as to what consciousness really is, what is the baseline for a living being to be able to question why it exists or why anything exists, is there something out there with consciousness similar to ours or more advanced that isn’t human. Is it god? Or gods that responsible for our existence? Are we universe experiencing itself? Are we not actually real and just lines of code in someone/somethings super computer? Is heaven and hell really? Are there other universes parallel to ours? Other dimensions where souls and whatever else reside? Is reality real like actually real?


Plenty of research has been done on thus subject. Dr Michael Newton wrote several books documenting our life between lives. Read Journey of Souls. It completely changed my views on the afterlife!


Imma have to check this out thank you.


I love you


Luv u too 🙏🏾


Reincarnation & Spirituality Are the real religion ☯️


I think imo that all religions are pieces of a larger whole, separate as they are. Every culture and religion has a creation story, “biblical” flood story, a god a devil, angles, demons and some type of “Jesus” “messiah” character etc. In the story of Babylon all of humanity was united spoke the same language shared the same religion culture etc. correct me if I’m wrong anyone. Then they decided they wanted to meet god build a tower and god said naw fuck that and scattered humanity to the winds, broke the language in languages, broke the culture in cultures, broke religion into religions etc. and made it dam near impossible for us to get along so we’d never try that tower shit again… I mean what if the true origins of humanity aren’t obscure or mysterious they’re just very well hidden in plain sight. It’s been long enough for all of this data and information to evolve and mutate from what it originally was…


look up a picture of quantum entanglement


Creepy if you're not in the know. Affirming if you are.


All she's saying is true.


I mean if I think about it, most kids who remember their past lives lose the info around age 5. I totally believe we just come back into new bodies, born to live as someone else


he knows we are biological avatars our bodies serve as a medium through which our consciousness interacts with the physical world


Here is a case I was called in on that started in 2007. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KRZ-J0t40o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KRZ-J0t40o) Best, JJK (Asst. Chief F.D. ret.)


That was an amazing story thanks for sharing!! Did he ever find out any more about who he was?


Back in 2007, within one week of the mother and I corresponding, we had determined he had been a FDNY lieutenant who perished in the North Tower on 9/11. Please stop by my website for more information on this case. Best, JJK [JeffreyKeene.com](http://JeffreyKeene.com)


I used to say stuff like that according to my mom But I don't actually remember 😔


My son used to tell me all the time “when I was an old man I died from wolves” this video is something else


I’m just thankful I live in a city without wildlife which may suddenly cause my death


I'm fucking sobbing Im a mess on the floor.  I was like this though I was too nerdy and knew my parents were unsafe emotionally and I thought it was a theory I made up lol.  I wish I had parents I could say that to, I was like this but kept it to myself. :( I was also sad about it for a while.  I cried and kept it to myself. I was alone with all this as a child. For her to trust you to tell you..... I'm sobbing rn, everything I pent up for so long....the fear of being crazy the only thing I'm glad I had was the internet. I also had a friend, though I think she was more skeptical than I, but tbh i was even scared to tell her everything at that age but I inched my way to. I was way too aware about what ppl thought of me lol. Seeing this touched me, if this were me I would love to be reassured that whoever I used to know still loves me .   


Lil mama gets it.


There's a song called "seven" by Taylor swift that i honestly think could help her sadness. It does for me. With this song I think of that pre birth moment honestly. Since it's literally a visual I had for years. It's a simple song but it's from a childs perspective of friends that lost touch and her friend saving her from a haunted house and being happy in the end. but also how love lasts.  I wonder if you could sing it to her to assure her that even if you come back and have a different name, you will always love her and everyone that knew her before that loved her loves her too.   You can explain the song like  " Hey, you know Taylor has a friend that came back too, but even if she can't remember she still loves her" since My fave lyric is   "though I can't recall your face I still got love for you"  and  "passed down like folk songs the love lasts so long."   You can explain it's like a song, love lasts forever no matter what. I just hope sharing this song can make her feel better and cause some good bonding time and reassurance. There are so many cute moments in this song that can be used as reassurance and celestial imagery,  " I love you to the moon and to saturn. "  I wish someone or something was there for me like that at that age, but at least I do now and I'd like to share 🥺


[just reminds me ...](https://www.reddit.com/r/FringeTheory/s/JnSyaJa1dW)


I would take what she says as factual. After children turn 5 or so, these memories will be gone. New to the idea of reincarnation, but there is a lot of convincing accounts for it.


I don't know how wise she is, but for a four-year-old, she's excellent at reading index cards.


Her toes are disgusting fuck everything else


Her toes look normal.