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I just end the league when I don't feel like logging in any more, and I do it by no longer logging in - just let the stuff rot in standard Plenty of times I've stop playing for 4-5 days then see a build I'd actually like to ry and come back to try it - blowing everything I'd accumulated would prevent that With it being your second league, you could blow some currency experimenting on some crafting projects so you have a better idea of what you're doing in future leagues


This is me, I just kinda fade out, maybe come back to try things, or help a guild mate going for 40/40. Might run the rest of my boss frags but big gambles never appealed to me.


Pretty much the same. Used to do quiz giveaways in global but just cant be arsed to log in after burnout hits.


Same. I'm in my "accumulate divines and see if I find a build I wanna roll" phase of the league. Slash possibly trying to make my own legitimately meta worthy build for the first time...


Crafting projects, learning boss fights, experimenting with unfamiliar league mechanics. All great ways to 'delete' currency in a productive way.


U make a great point as it's one of his first leagues I would also recommend trying all the things to see what u like. It took me like 12 seasons before I realized that actual mapping investment is worth the return. It's a really hard thing to get over when ur new but spending a divine a map nets you so much more than alch and go with proper setups even tho it seems wrong at face value Also try delving/heisting as they pretty much change how the game is played and are extremely polarizing but you may find yourself one of the freaks :P


Heisting is based


My buddy thought I was crazy heisting 2 leagues ago. Fulcrum at 20 div per, amulets over a mirror (altho I did almost 800 wings and got 0) multiple other bases at like 50+ Popped on a stream and it suddenly becomes fun when ur Makin like 20 divs/hr basically afk hehe


How do you spend a divine per map though? I can't figure out what that actually means.  Do you mean you chaos roll / vaal so many maps until you get the “perfect“ one and run that with whatever scarabs so that the cost of rolling all the other maps (that you don't run - I assume) equals one Div (or whatever amount actually). Cause I'm at a point where I still don't fully get the whole “juice your maps“ theory and what that exactly means. I roll my maps to 80/90 IIQ, vaal it and run it as long as it doesn't have mods that I can't run. When I'm lucky the vaal orb increased the IIQ and the atlas passives and eldritch altar push it to 150+  but I still don't make nowhere near 10/20/30div an hour, or whatever astronomical amounts that are often talked about. Any advice or heads up would be appreciated. 


You are asking two questions. How do we invest in maps so much and how do we get so much from maps. Invest is simple: scarabs this league, last league it was compassrs & scarabs. T17 map itself already costs 60c+ rolling it another 40-100, 4 scarabs can cost from 4c to 6 div is using presevation. How do we get so much? Consistency. Even the seimpliest strategies when done consistent and in fast pace, when you add everything up, it will give you x div / hour. Best tactics are made on most expensive scarabs, playing in group with a lot of magic find.


You are asking two questions. How do we invest in maps so much and how do we get so much from maps. Invest is simple: scarabs this league, last league it was compassrs & scarabs. T17 map itself already costs 60c+ rolling it another 40-100, 4 scarabs can cost from 4c to 6 div is using presevation. How do we get so much? Consistency. Even the seimpliest strategies when done consistent and in fast pace, when you add everything up, it will give you x div / hour. Best tactics are made on most expensive scarabs, playing in group with a lot of magic find.


Same. I got where I wanted to get with challenges (this league that was 32/40, for the third tier of cosmetics all finished), then Diablo 4 new season landed, and I haven’t logged into PoE since. Another mountain of loot will, as you say, rot in standard.


Stopped playing on week 2 and never looked back tbh


I tossed my nimis in the locus and said, "Do I stay or do I go?" and the locus told me it was time to go


Did same with mageblood, it told me 'cya next league'


Log in less and less until I don’t anymore. 


I got tired of clicking on scarabs and corpses.


I had an insane end to the league this season. To finish my 40/40 I needed Uber bosses. I spent about 40 divines on like 15 Uber maven fights and I got a progenesis, then awakened coc, and on my very last Uber I got an awakened enlighten. I didn't know what to do cuz I was done so I gave it to the guy in chat that was as excited for me as I was haha. But basically I'm in the same boat as you. Once I complete my main build (generally multi mirror one build per league) I have no more interest in playing so I usually get to 100. Try to 40/40 then give all my shit away and wait for next league


I spent 7 div to try Uber maven. Steamrolled her and she gave me a conflict orb in return lol


No clue what the odds are but I ran her maybe 30ish times and got 2x progenesis, awakened coc, awakened enlighten. Thing is in the first like 25 runs I only got the progenesis and in the last 10 I made the rest... so ubers are insanely hit or miss


Progenesis has an 11% drop rate this league so Uber Maven is usually guaranteed profit if you run like 20 at a time. You got extremely lucky with awakened enlighten though I've run probably 500 uber mavens this league and only seen one.


Statistically lucky yes. But legit the last boss on the last challenge for the last thing of the league. Like finding a mirror on the last day, could have used it a month ago :P


I ended this league by attempting a double corrupt on my mageblood. If it succeeded I kept playing and if it failed I was done. Nice and easy.


I've done this every league and failed, [until I hit massively this league.](https://imgur.com/a/KRCcU3q) But I was still kinda just done. Haven't logged in since.


It's such a good way to cap things off. I might try and go hard next league and farm up some mirrors, but I'll still end it the same way. It's a fun little ritual.


Well, don’t leave us hanging, what was it?! I guess if you don’t reply it’s the same as replying XD


Oh, it turned into a crappy yellow belt and I retired from the league XD


Congrats?! XD


Damn beat me to it, 4 hours ago.


This is the way


I stopped playing 5head


I get bored and just stop playing


I usually get frustrated with the Nth build I am trying and not doing as well as I wanted and just stop playing after This time, however, my main is doing so well I decided to do 40 / 40 and once that's done I will drop. (39/40 currently , need <1000 map tiers for 40/40, I expect 1-2 weeks.)


Buy vault of atziri in bulk, counts for 16 map tiers, 10 seconds per map, how I farmed mine out. Two episodes of parks and rec and it was done.


I know and I did a few dozens of those _meh_ can't stand it I am unable to do more than one thing at once There are a lot of things some of you can which little neurodivergent me is literally uncapable of


Toss all my valuables in guild tab and go


My character cannot even do maven reliably yet 🥲


I just naturally stop playing, don't care if i have 500 div, or 10 div, and whatever gear i can double corrupt.


With demigods being transferable to mtx and amulet alone is being 150~ mirrors. Liquidating everything that isnt annoying and investing intho best league to std flips.


Last league I bought magebloods and other uniques thinking they wouldn't be as cheap. That didn't work out. What kinds of things do you flip into standard that actually sell?


Lol I bought about 20 Squires last league, then this league they were even cheaper somehow!


Raw mirrors and beasts are always safe option. You can also take a look here and apply some logic : https://wealthyexile.com/invest The reason to why your MB investment went bad is cause you didnt think of market being flooded with all the affliction farmed MBs. Remember that when league merges every single item farmed in that league gets transferred over.


As a very casual player, I have never made it passed Yellow maps. This league, I stuck with a meta build (EA) and have made it into red maps, but I am starting to feel a little burned out. My time will likely end soon. I think each league, I get further and further, because I get more and more efficient, but eventually just burn out. Next league, I reckon I will go for the bosses or do something wacky like Delve. And I will say, as a gamer who has played for one million years, one of the best skills you can develop is stopping \_just\_ before burnout, whether that's a shooter, an RPG, a tabletop like MTG, etc. It's a good way to keep the good feelings going for your games, even if you dont' return for a long time, or at all. (I love you Bard's Tale 2).


Yeah, with each league you'll become more efficient. So you'll get to maps faster, complete the atlas faster, complete the challenges faster, and so on. When I complete the atlas, get all the bosses done, and update my gear to the point where I no longer need anything else that's when I feel like not logging that often. Or I start logging in less and less until I don't do it anymore until the next league. I didn't play last league because I was so bored of doing the same thing repeatedly, that this time with a new (meta) build I enjoyed it quite a lot.


Just logout xd


Bought a house of mirrors card and did the gamba until I had enough cards to buy a Mirror (usually loose all cards instantly as most do) then mirrored some random Item for the Mtx. Not very eventful but I have a new fancy Mtx.


I did the same but without the gamble lol, mirrored my shitty wand and now i can have mirror-like charges


Do you get the mtx automatically? Or do you need to buy something from the store with real money?


To unlock the Mtx you had to buy a pack but idk. anymore what pack or if it is still available :/


Do you only need to use 1 mirror for it?


3rd league in a row I poof 3 house of mirrors cards in a row and then end it :D


There's a skin transfer thing you can buy in store in case you weren't aware.


I believe he is talking about the charge mtx but I could be wrong


Log out and play Valheim instead. Nothing fancy.


Farm unholy amounts of currency and nolife for a few weeks, then gamble till its all gone. I love it


Log in, do one map, realize I don't really feel like playing, quit til next league. That feeling comes at different points each league.


I make a display stash for my build/builds with all the gear arranged neatly including jewels and gems socketed. That way I can delete the character if it's not lvl100 to make room for a new char.


I usually grind for something I think is cool to take back to standard. Last league, I grinded for a few mirrors after pushing my character as hard as I could so that i could mirror some crucible weapons. This league I grinded for a 150% adorned.


That is what i usually do, sometimes i will get there and sometimes i wont. Got some really cool jewellery from kalandra league


End of league is always gambling


I usually just take a couple of days off and a couple of days turns into the rest of the season


I usually end it after hitting my challenges and the last trade I ever do gets all my currency.


I build characters until I run out of desire to build another new character. Last league it was 1. This league it was 3. I set the goal of getting a mirror via div cards this league and got one via drop on JV, so that nixed that goal for now. First mirror drop and I've been playing since beta. Some leagues I've done as many as 5 or 6. Usually some other game takes the place of POE during this time, or some other enjoyable thing in life until the next league.


end of league I slowly get bored and eventually quit logging in, everthing goes to standard to rot.


I just stop playing after the last frustrating death, and wait for the next league. If I like my build sometimes I come back for a bit. 


One evening I don't feel like logging in and it just stays like that till the next league. Right before league start I log in to sort my stash out in standard.


Usually killing all ubers and getting one "project" to satisfactory level. Unless I play ssf... Then whatever I feel like.


Valdos, and prepare tabs for std


Sell mageblood to gamble into more mage bloods, give away to some my friends, and put the build in guild stash.


I went and voided myself to see weather or not I can die there.


When I hit the 38th challenge I'm usually pretty done with it. Because the last challenge is most likely a mindless grind challenge since I don't like Uber conditionals etc. So I make sure that when I'm around 20-22 challenges and somewhat "rich" by my standards (200 div or so) then I invest everything I have into some cool build and then do all the challenges on that character. And then maybe try some Ubers and this league I wanted to beat the T17 map challenge because it was new.


I always give away my whole build here on Reddit and I give away the whole stash tab to random people in the game I just click to trade and if they accept I give them stuff. This league I gave away around 800 divines on the end


I also give away literally everything after each league. Literally... Everything in my tabs and all gear and jewels for whatever chars I've made, all beasts in the bestiary, heist gear from my rogues... everything. Only thing i can't seem to get rid off is some of the expedition currency. seems it's account bound :) Last league i bought a perfectly rolled MB and HH, then i went on to buy, i think it was, 12 more MB's and 12 HH's, one each of the shiny versions, just to have a goal/reason to keep playing... I think the only thing i never could afford was an original sin. ...and gave it all away towards the end :) My account is probably the account with the most playtime that has 0 currency and gear/items in standard :D


Yeah I delet my previous character every league start, I just hold it to keep my unique nickname which mske people laugh and i dont want anybody to steal it xD


Hop in global, give away free stuff, spend more time afk in hideout than playing, and then fizzle out.


Store all my items into tabs, so when it is in standard league, the items will be in remove only tab. Then i can delete the character easily without wasting standard league stash.


I pump a bunch of currency into a new build that I wanted to try, smash Uber bosses / content and quit. I can’t be fucked to do the challenges so that’s my own personal goal each league. Long term goal is to make an Uber bosser with every ascendancy


I only played 3 weeks. Did 2 characters and that's it. I was burnt out of affliction and knew this league would be so different. I'm just waiting for the next one.


I dropped a mirror and then haven’t logged in since. Nothing more to work toward


If you have time to spend, you can try to build some different char, with some end-game oriented target. Experiment something new, preparing for the next league. If you want to play more, there is enough space. Personally, i'm a casual player, and I cannot (and I won't too) reserve so much time at poe. My target for this league was to experiment with archmage builds. Was able to reach T17 maps, and the effort to consolidate more the build was over my energies for this league (really I HATE to manage corpses during mapping).


I get distracted by some other ARPG and then come back weeks later when the economy is changed, so I go on DND to avoid the constant whispers for my underpriced items. I then blow all my currency on some stupid shitty home cooked build and surf other games until the next league starts.


Double corrupting is fun and can have some pretty exciting outcomes. Usually a more fun gamble than others like deleting & printing house of mirrors with harvest.


I spend all my currency on Uber boss fragments, those mega drops give me so much dopamine. Though I guess a lot of people do that all league.


By figuring out and playing my next league starter on ssf




40/40 and nothing on the line to try. Like no shiny popular build or no strat combo I would like to test if it's good. Then I quit. Or simply 40/40 and I start playing another game. I'm currently playing vrising, but since Im at 39/40 I'll come back eventually.


I just delete all my items and currency


Either achieving my goal (aka do 38 challenges) or getting bored/annoyed with league content and moving to other games. (sad this league was a second option and in my long poe career there was like 4-5 leagues like this)


When I end up in standard. Don’t normally get enough time to do everything I want so it takes all league


If im reaaaly Happy with my char like my current poison boneshatter trickster they go to the hall of Fame in standard


Unless youre a streamer/youtuber, gambling your stuff is kinda pointless. Even if you hit big, its just gonna rot in your chest forever.


Shit league , next one please 


By the way when is the next one.


40/40, double corrupt some stuff and quit


Depends if I feel like coming back and playing more or if I'm done done until next league. If first, then nothing, I just stop until I come back. If it's the latter I'll chill in global, help newer players and start giving away stuff for free, whether dumps of chaos or div, free gear for others playing my build, or gamble everything away.


usually by ragequitting before month 1 has ended


I play one build until i get bored and stop logging in.


Get mad about something they did with the league. Drop my shit in the guild stash at 4 in the morning and @ the poe role in Discord with a screenshot and watch people rush to log in and grab it.


I end it by not even starting it.


Don't gamble, that is for kids


I end it in the most lame ways - liquidating everything I have in my sell tabs (sometimes at a pretty deep discount so it sells within a week), do some random giveaways in global 820, then logoff. I usually keep my characters at its final state just so I have something to look back in the future. The most common approach to gambling is double corrupting stuff (mageblood being the most common) and gambling on doubling mirror related cards. You can also gamble things like assembling Adorned / Utmost, opening valdo's boxes / voidborn keys, or even just run a fuck ton of uber mavens.


I do same thing every league. Pick decent league starter, lvl and farm. When I have enough currency I play a stronger more expensive build, farm more currency. Then I let one of two friends who love crafting put something together sick and finish league with that and another beautiful build for standard. I never switches like deadeye to Templar, try to stay within one character and enjoy the versatility


Just been corrupting magebloods and afk selling. Haven’t mapped in weeks. Don’t know when I’ll stop or what I’ll do with it all though. Think I’m up to like 360 corrupted. I’ll probably just give stuff away or corrupt a bunch of original sins


No fanfare - just finished a build, played it for 2 hours and never logged in again


I usually stop at 38/40 challenges. 40/40 if the last two aren't mega difficult (affliction was easy to 40/40, t17s are difficult to get the 40/40 in necropolis)


Ended my league by double corrupting 25 decently rolled 6L Voltaxics. Was a fun gamble.


I play until I realize that I'm not really having fun anymore. I then double corrupt any items that are worth a mirror with the right hits, afterwards I'll give away anything <300-400d (I would like to take any massive items to standard for memories). I give my stuff away because I'm addicted and know I would log back in after a couple days and not have fun but force myself to play.


I sell everything i own at 20-30% under market and full send gamble. I regret it every time due to finding a build i wanna try for next league


I never formally declare the end of a league, I'm usually playing a bit more slowly after two months or so and so it's pretty natural. I do occasionally ramp up hard after patch notes come out because I like to maximize certain things for my long term investments. Last league it was farming the heck out of veiled chaos orbs once we found out they would be the new Aisling. In ToTA it was stockpiling tattoo, and crucible it was more of an all league thing where I just made as many good bases as I could.


I quit at white maps on day 3 because the league mechanic is awful, the scarab changes will take multiple leagues before they're finally tuned decently, and because I don't want to dump another $20 just to buy a fragment tab, which is now mandatory to enjoy mapping.


I consider a league to be finished when I'm done with my goals, so... if you don't enjoy logging in anymore, take a break and have fun with other stuff until the next league starts.


Farm Alva to double corrupt all my gear. You'll brick most of your build, but you will end up with some fun items to remember the league by.


I give my stuff to new players and hope they have fun with it.


I usually play for 2 or 3 week at the start. Then again for a week or two halfway into the league. After that I just dont log in. When I feel like im done, then I'm done. I don't gamble my stuff like a lot of people because sometime I log in to Standart to test stuff for a new league or something. Comes in handy when you have a decade worth of stuff on Standart. Though finding a specific thing can take a while when I have to go through a hundred remove only tab


My league ends at 40/40, and any time I play afterwards is if I get the itch to do another build. For this league, I went with an ET Trickster and League Ended super hard because this is also the first time I went 7/7 with Ubers. Started with RF Chief, got the two Voidstones then switched to ET Trickster. Then went back to the RF Chief for casual map blasting. All told, I think I spent 120 divines or so on my ET Trickster, with the biggest expense being the Forbidden Ambush and Assassinate Jewel Combo for about 50div for the pair. The Chief is at about 30 divines now, most of which come from the rare jewels I use (non-adorned). And 110div for the Mageblood they share between them. Last I checked Wealthy Exile on a lark, I still had around 380 divs in my stash, with 220 of it coming from the Currency Tab alone. I just CBA to do a new build. It's prolly a combination of burning out and the league mechanic simply being unfun, O guess.


sold all my stuff then bought 2 house of mirrors, then gamba went to x5 then ate it up all.


I usually first try to hit a Mageblood with gambling cards, if I hit it I double corrupt in temple. If one of these fail I quit, otherwise I keep playing and improve the current build or do a new build with some new skills introduced in the patch, then after min maxing I quit.


League ends when I get my 38 challenges


I start playing a different game until the next league.


I end my leagues by saying "okay killed all the pinnacle bosses, had my fun, time for a break"


hey, u/[Minimum-Pension-7393](https://www.reddit.com/user/Minimum-Pension-7393/) I don't have an answer to your question but rather a question myself because I follow the same build (the one from Ziz) and I try to upgrade to the endgame bow and quiver and they seem to be very expensive (or I'm just very unlucky) Do you know how much you spent crafting them or did you buy them? Sorry for taking this offtopic.


I played with not the perfect bow and and quiver for a long time. I probably bought a cheap +3 bow. But it was looking easy to craft. And just chaos rolled my first quiver to find elemental damage with attack skills. Then I bought a better quiver. Then I started to try [crafting the perfect dot quiver](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLj1cakMy4U), ended up crafting two good chaos dot quivers, sell them to buy fire dot quiver. Recently I bought the bow for 180div. It was my first "big" trade. tldr; I no matter I crafted or bought I always considered my budget and gradually upgraded


Thanks for the reply and explanation. 180div is too much for me so I will try to craft it myself and hope for some luck. If it doesn't work out then I'm fine with my dps so far as it is.


I think +3 bow craft is relatively easy if you are not looking for +90 elemental damage with attack skills etc. +1 gem level will be good espicially if you use empower. +1 empower will also grant +1.


My current +3 bow lacks +elemental damage so I'd love to have that. I will just try my luck. So far I just was unlucky with the essence spams and having an open prefix/suffix to continue crafting. I guess the act of crafting just bothers me. But interesting that you mentioned +1 empower. I know Empower is being referenced in Ziz's guide but I'm currently using a Awakened Burning Damage Support. Will have to look at the numbers in POB to see what fits my setup better. Thanks for the help though!


Most time, gambling is a way making the league ending faster no matter what the result is. I will never recommend it. For playing, you can try to defeat different bosses and even uber bosses. Also, there are many different contents that you may not have played, like abyss, harvest and syndicate. You can use 200 div to check different strategies and prepare for next league. Another thing is learning to craft since it costs more for new players most time. In conclusion, experiencing different contents may be more helpful and fun than just making divines


I'm still playing because I'm addicted :)


I sell all my stuff so I have less to sort for standard. I undercut by like 90% and give away free stuff for every purchase. For example someone buys 9 Essences of Horror for 5c and gets 50 other Deafening Essences for free. If someone wants to buy 1 Fragment of the Minotaur for 2c, they get 5 complete sets for free. I just love surprising people. You get some nice messages and some people really need it. And there's the occasional dude that cancels the trade and just leaves. Why TF ever they would do that.


I occasionally play on standard so I don’t gamba to zero. I usually buy whatever toys or novelty items I want for standard and then gamba the rest. That said, I do want to make a dex stacker in league but I’m too poor now so I’m probably just waiting for next league.


I give away my build to friends like i always do then procced to go ssf to speedrun map completion


As a dad, I end the league when the league... ends. Maybe I will be in red maps or maybe my character will be level 46 and still in act 6. But the fact this game is always fun to play makes it worth my time. Don't try to chase the things you see in the lucky spotlight and just try to have fun.


I usually play and play and play and the one day I log on and run 2 maps and log off. I realize the league is over for me and I just wait till the next one to log on again. No one gets my items, there is no ritual. It’s just…see you in a month and half.


I double corrupt the most expensive items and then give everything away to randoms in chat


I usually optimize my net worth into a portfolio with the best appreciation curve for standard.


Sometimes with a bang, sometimes with a whimper and a slow fizzling out. Past couple of leagues it's been with a bang; very keen for POE 2 and some freshness.


I go for hc


just the usual, gamba HoM, corrupt jewels and unique gears. Fail the gamba and corrupt and finally have a reason to not play again.


I delete all my characters so im not tempted to log in and waste more time. If i have any particularly expensive items I sometimes give them to randoms in town.


I just randomly stop logging in one day. Then in hindsight I realize why I didn't have fun.


I gamble everything I own and if I lose it all the league is over. If I get rich I sometimes try a new build that was out of my budget before.


Finish up the challenges, sell my build, buy all the new items from the league I hadn't found yet for my Standard collection, then just fade into the night.


You guys end the league?


I played 10 hours then thought "actually I want to play poe 2" so I uninstaled it.


When I have done challenges(if I like the MTX), blow up my currency on stupid craft that fails 50/50 multiple times or I have tried all builds that I wanted to test.


gamble all my savings away and quit


The moment I have achieved all my initial goals and feel like not playing, I just stop playing.


The void is the Best option


After playing 8h the day before i just wake up and dont feel like playing poe for that day and do something else. And never play the league again lol. every league i just lose all interest out of nowhere


On hardcore i make my character die in a silly way


Every league when 40/40, I will give out all currencies with 10D manga or nonsense quiz.


Usually after about a week when you need to play the same boring meta builds to do the new endgame


I think I might of ended my league by being disappointed with my build lol


I quit 3 weeks in, something like that. I found the league very boring. I love the new tier 17 and new bosses. But they need to rework some t17 mods and have it be a little easier, so you dont have to reroll the mods 50 times just to get mods you can do. I always liked bossing, not every bosses needs to be an uber boss, but new fun fights is good for the game i feel. Ill get downvoted, i got massive downvote long time ago when i mentioned i love new bosses. But got yelled at because i hadnt killed a uber boss. Like what? Not all bosses are uber bosses. Anyways, i quit the league because i found it pretty boring after a while. Hope next league will be something awesome tho