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Divine orb > exalted orb


You don’t need to complete all 6 trials to get your final ascendancy. You just need one offering to the goddess (from any source, including one of the trials) and you can go straight to Uber lab.


Maybe I wasn’t in a break and Ive learned something new here.


That's a big one, every league people don't know about this ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Sooo much. The atlas has its own passive tree, Uber version of endgame bosses, t17 maps, sextants are gone etc.


Portal scroll can be bound to a key


Played this league for quite a while and knew about this. Still never bothered to look in the settings to find the default key... oof. Maybe next league, lol


It doesn’t have a default key, you need to assign it


Spacebar ftw


Nooo that's movement skill for mapping


3 years is an eternity in PoE time. Ranger and Templar are probably the strongest classes in the game with the most OP ascendancies. T17 maps have made defenses a LOT more valuable than they have been in the past. You likely can't stack auras as hard as you used to back in your day, and it's really important to be running at least one defensive aura. Crafting is much simpler with the availability of fractured bases these days. You buy the fractured item you want, spam the essence you want until you hit a 3rd relevant stat, then meta lock and veiled orb for a 4th good mod. Throw on a bench craft and you're done. This is the process for 99% of crafts in the game. Minions and RF are pretty dead, as is Headhunter. The Adorned is the new top tier chase ite. To build entire characters around, and you can build just about any character around it. The game is always changing, have fun and take it easy. Edit: for those who think they're getting me here with their "lol X ain't dead" comments, this was aimed at a player coming back from the game 3 years ago. The most controversial statement I made is the RF one, not because RF is good now (it's not) but because 3 years ago, it was probably in an even worse spot, but if you go back even further than that, there were 30k ES builds running around with screen wide RF and no need for anything like fire trap to actually do your damage for you. In a larger, historical view, RF is super dead, even if you can outspend the problem in the current iteration to make it function, it still isn't a top dog meta build like it used to be way back in the day.


HH dead? Wtf you on about, lol


If you think current HH is decent, you have no idea what HH was 3 years ago. If you were playing something like self curse and you come back to this, then yes, HH is absolutely dead.


The curse removal upon stealing hexproof was in 3.11 which was released at the start of june 2020 so 4 years ago. Since then the power level hasn't shifted much outside of 5ways, it was trash early archnemesis but is comparable now that it lasts 60 seconds I would argue it is better than 3 years ago unless you used to put beyond on every map


I'm like... 99.9% sure you could do it past that with an occultist. Then they did some shenanigans where occultist can only penetrate hexproof on enemies and you are not an enemy. Which killed self curse with HH, but not entirely, then the jugg boneshatter self curse build showed up in simmy like 2 leagues later and that got another nerf for temp chains mostly killing the build once and for all. Self curse HH was alive until I want to say 3.14, which was just shy of 3 years ago.


I know what it was. That wasn't what was said. In its current state, it is fine. No it isn't what it was, but it's still build defining. Look at anyone doing MF shenanigans.


I could have said MF is dead too, but that has changed so much from what it was 3 years ago it might actually be better than it was back then. HH on the other hand went from BIS to 7d uncorrupted, currently. I could buy hundreds of those things and not even break a sweat. The item is super dead.


Used by 14% of all builds on poe.ninja but also somehow super dead. Garbage take.


rf dead? nah i think not


Maybe not dead, but I think that a lot of people got burnt out playing it


Unintentional pun?


Nope, I thought of a pun and wanted to use it so badly, I had to write anything, never played RF and got no idea of it's state 🙈




My thought train was that RF inflicts burning on character, and when character runs out of life RF stops 🙈


BAMA necro is literally among most hyped builds. PSRS is still viable (lost 40%.more, got free wither from new UM). Spiders are still great, and Squire costs nothing. Spectres got wrathlord and some good t17 spectres. Skeletons are fine (actually all 3 kinds).  Its not dead in any way possible.


Summoners have never really been good. Bama is a special case since it's essentially an attack totem that scales base damage with the player without totem downsides and ridiculous range.


Poison srs was one of the top builds for a whole year or so.


I can't agree with "BAMA\\SRS\\etc IS NOT REAL MINION" trope, but still -minion archetype is far from "pretty dead" . It's not as brain-dead pick as it was like 2-3 years ago, but it still is perfectly fine- some OP builds, some decent builds, some unviable off-meta builds that require a mirror-tier gear. Still a great starter (BAMA is literally godlike starter choice on any class rn, as long as you get lucky enough to get transfig bombarding gem from a lab). Meta minions clear T17 easily, as long as "% on hit dmg" mod is avoided (which is not even for minions, just to assure the survival of AG\\Spectres. ), which is not what every archetype can do.


RF dead , ok dude


Saying Minions, RF, and HH dead is crazy. Just cuz it no longer dominates the meta doesn't mean it's dead. A trip to poe ninja and you'll realize just how booming business is. Nerfed =/= dead. Nerfed means it's weaker than before, dead means it's obliterated and unviable now.


Dunno how good rf was before but hitting dot cap with over 40k shield feels pretty strong


You can still play with those things just like people will never stop playing flicker strike, that doesn't mean they're any good.


D4 sucks


Melee bad.


*laughs in bonezone and original sin reave*


>original sin That might be a bit problematic to get though. Also, didn't know that's a thing. Got a pob?


I’ve dabbled in it two leagues ago. Checked pob and that char ended up with Molten Strike. Usually you’re just str stacking. Works with more than Reave tbh :D There’s a bunch of folks on ninja it seems, I’d look them up!


Ah the str stack thing (mostly wander, but reave also played). OK I thought there might be something else.


Any build can be viable if you're willing to throw multiple mirrors at it. Show me a melee build that costs less than 50 Div that can do T17s with 1 portal.


The main things I noticed after returning from a 5 year break this league was: You no longer need trials to unlock uber lab Divine orbs and Exalts swapped places Your grafic settings doesn't automatically update from your settings X years ago, so I was stuck on and old version of direct X making my game super laggy until I changed that Alch and Go is only something you do if your build suck, you NEED to juice your maps! This league graveyard crafting makes resist capping super cheap, you can make 130+ resist rings for 1-2 div easy


> you NEED to juice your maps! No, you don't there are many strategies still valid which make no use of quant including essences, einhar, jun and alva.


The entry point for juicing is just lower. In the past maxing scarabs on every map wasn't possible, now it is. So, no you dont need to go all out, that is true, but you need to invest in every map (at least in my opinion) or you are going to fall behind for no reason.


Wdym you can't go alch and go. I would argue that with the altas passive tree alch and go is way stronger than 3 years ago compared to juicing now vs 3 years ago. Except t17, those are just silly with btb


Headhunter is no longer as prestigious as it once was. The new girl in town is called Mageblood.


Melee is the new meta


Atlas skill tree


> what do I need to know? you need to know that endgame is shifting into an abomination called t17s and stay away if you care about yourself.


Nothing had changed. It is still gambling simulator with lots of bots. IMO stay away if you care about yourself :)


Shush I need to feed the gamblers their yellow juice fix for divs.