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1. Unless trying to kill Chayula, ignore chaos resist, increasing it is not really worth it. 2. Merc Lab should always be done before attempting any of the endgame bosses as it provides alot of damage and/or quality of life. 3. Do yourself a favor and just run those things, the League will be over soon and most players will be playing leagacy League aswell (which I highly recommend because you'll have an actual econemy there unlike in standard and the league mechanics sound amazing!) 4. For Atziri you get 6 portals. So if you can reboot fast enough, you'll be able to reenter the map. While you get multiple portals for Esh/Tul etc, you are on a timer there. Some of those things might just be my opinion tho.


To tag on to this: merciless lab can be pretty scary if you've never done it before. But it is not even a tiny fraction of the scariness of your first time in the Apex of Sacrifice. Even with six portals. You're not doing yourself a favor by rushing into content for the first time. By all means go into the zones blind for the fun of it. But try to do the easier stuff first. It can be very difficult for newer players even to get to atziri, let alone handle a splitphase.


thanks for your input guys. Just did the merc lab! I mean, Im gonna start the new league anyways. So I might as well just YOLO Atziri before that, right? :) Is Atziri somehow connected to breach? Aka do I have to kill her before breach ends on the 27th?


No. Atziri is a permanent part of the core game. I would definitely yolo it on breach, just for the experience. Just be prepared to have your ass presented to you on a silver platter.


I run the same build. I ran Atziri and got stuck on the se ond boss. There is one that has a reflect aura that comes up. You have to avoid hitting him while it is up. I didn't know this at the time though so I got frustrated. Just know going in what you are up against and you should be fine.


Second bossfight has three bosses. Titty bitch, cycloner, dual striker. The last one you kill enrages and becomes immune to elemental status ailments like ignite. You always kill the cycloner last because his enrage gives him move speed on his cyclone (which actually reduces the damage you take from it) and lets him stack more bleed. The dual striker gets a thorns effect, and the titty bitch gets her physical firestorm to last 30 seconds and she can fill the whole room with it. It hits for 2.5k, kill her first.


Vaal pact and reduced reflect taken from elementalist = Wtf is reflect?


Mandatory cast on death-portal set-up on the first couple of breachlord runs. This way of you die you can still recover. Otherwise the timer ends while you walk back from the start. Cwdt portal works too.


First of all: I don't think you'll manage to beat them. Maybe Xoph (tankier) or Esh (more damage). Tul is still fairly hard compared to this siblings and Atziri requires game and fight knowledge. You might give it a go, but I predict that the second boss (if not the first) will obliterate you, without proper preparation or fight knowledge PoE is a game, where every detail matters and several of those bosses demand some knowledge of the game/fight (yes, you *can* trivialize them with certain builds, this is not the point right now). I'll take the liberty to assemble some ideas on what you can improve: I didn't play pewpew's firestorm builds, but most builds try to focus on one mechanic or combine mechanics. Your minion mechanics and your firestorm mechanics work together, but don't synergize (the only synergy is that they're close nearby). One way to try to improve it, is to use a scourge claw. It'll help you and your minions. - You're playing a life based build, but barely have life. Look on poe.trade for items with +70 life each. You NEED a lot of life to have a chance to survive the endgame - I'd replace your armor with either kaom's heart (fairly expensive) or infernal mantle. Both provide significantly more survival than your robe. Additionally you'd gain a lot of damage (especially with Infernal Mantle). If you decide to use kaom's combine it with duskdawn or pledge of hands. - The second skill duration nodes might be too far away. - Grab some cheap unique flasks. Atziti's promise is a great way to get some damage and leech for 1 chaos. - Herald of thunder is not particulary effective for your build. I'd apply curses with orb of storms, linked 2 COH+2 curses and would use the mana reservation otherwise. - Run elemental weakness/flamability instead of warlords mark and run a clarity aura instead of herald. This way you gain more damage in the end and have a better mana sustain. - Get your merclab. done.


Can you explain how infernal mantle can boost his survivability? It's a DPS armor with zero defences for a life based


Sure. 550+ ES will still make a bigger difference (considering he has some hybrid life/es nodes and a lot of int) than 70-100 HP on his armor.


This is only true if his build is capable of 100% avoiding the low mana punishment. Firestorm isn't awful but it isn't amazing either on the mana. It's definitely something to keep in mind.


Hi Wellcome to this game. I highly doubt that you will be able to do those bosses with your build right now. But the league reset soon, so you don't have that much to loose. Maybe spend the next days on upgrading gear and then do the bosses. About your build: - Firestorm is really strong for single target with concentrated effect. You might want to try swapping out spell echo and faster casting for Scorching Ray and Cast while Channeling. This will make Scorching ray your main active skill and it will trigger firestorm (which will be your main damage source). Level up the gems somewhat (lvl 16ish) and try it out to see if you like it. - I don't like the minion/caster hybrid. All those minion nodes could be spend on life and you would be much tankier. If you have them for distracting enemies I would just get a decoy totem for that purpose. - The duration nodes below Scion are *okay* for single target but for general clearing they are kind of wasted. I would invest the 7 points you spend going there on life/damage. - Instead of Anger/Herald of Thunder/Curse on Hit I would use blasphemy for your mana reservation. It's much more reliable, especially for bosses and the damage increase from anger/HoT is not too substantial. GL with the end of the league and don't be too disappointed if you fail horribly on those bosses :)


I agree with the minion stuff in particular. For some reason a lot of new players have been posting on this sub about running with this build, but IMO it's very outdated and doesn't feel very good at all in the current game.


I think its most likely because the guide is really well written, especially for beginners!


I use this build and I found that the minions tank a lot of mobs and keep a lot of bosses off of me allowing me to stay back and drop firestorm from a safe distance. What would be the option to keep mobs off of you without minions? I had planned on running a similar build next league too, so definitely interested in improving.


Decoy totem does pretty much the same thing the minions are doing for you except it doesn't require any investment other than a single socket. Those nodes you save on the tree can go into life and damage instead. In many higher level boss fights a lot of the stuff that kills you isn't going to be stuff a couple of zombies are going to be able to keep away, and they will slow you down for general clearing. The value of your meat shields will fall off quite a lot when you're doing stuff like Guardians or Atziri, or even for just running through Strands. And besides that, the build is just ... extremely mediocre. His lvl 85 tree has 159% life on it which is really low, especially since it only takes a single jewel socket, I'd be surprised if you could even get above 4.5k life with this sort of thing which is well into one-shot territory even before you get to T16. It takes 24 points to path down from Quick Recovery for two skill duration clusters and the Scion wheel. Herald of thunder is completely irrelevant. The build makes no use of ignites beyond the unreliable conflux effect, so the clearing is bad... I'm not a fan. Edit: Some changes I would make to this build to improve it, just because I'm having fun: Echo is completely wasted with firestorm, it will slow your clear and barely does more damage with single target. Never use it. Faster casting is okay but it's much better with flameblast. Innervate is pointless, use a silver flask. Use chance to ignite and get Beacon of Ruin on the elementalist tree. The free elemental proliferation is far, far better for clearing than the unreliable Pendulum buffs. You can probably expect to immediately double your clear just by gem-swapping from Echo to Ignite and swapping from Pendulum to Beacon on the ascendancy tree. I hate the use of Herald of Thunder. He's doing it to preserve mana by double cursing but given that Temp Chains is your only tangible defense, you absolutely need it up 100% of the time. Blasphemy it and drop HoT. I would also drop Anger for a blasphemed Flammability curse, I think you'll find your effective damage actually goes up due to Firestorm's low damage effectiveness (plus the ignite stats are nice). If you run into mana issues without leeching it through Warlord's, take two nodes and get Deep Thoughts, that should do the trick. Your weapon should be Doryani's Catalyst. 100% best in slot and that is the end of that. The build also literally doesn't scale defenses at all, so even a Cloak of Flame will be a better chest than a rare with just life, although I highly recommend Belly of the Beast if you want something more defensive. Exceptional Performance is wasted points. You're taking 7 points for 45% skill effect duration, and Ignite only stacks 3 times. Potency of Will is plenty. Drop those points and path to the Maurader life nodes instead. By dropping the minion nodes and speccing into life over there you'll probably hit 200% life, which is far more reasonable. Can also grab some jewel sockets, try to get ones with life/area dmg/fire dmg/spell dmg in that order of priority. All in all, this is a build that was made back in 2.0 and has only been briefly updated with patches since then. It shows its age. Even his opening paragraph was correct a year and a half ago, but simply isn't anymore. Even for a cheap started build or SSF build, it's slow, clunky, and inflexible compared to modern cookie cutter ele prolif flameblasters. Just these simple changes I've outlined (changing a couple points on the tree, a gem or two, and your weapon) should make you far more prepared for endgame.


Do you mind if I link my profile to you? I have a doryani catalyst as my weapon. Is firestorm not a viable skill any longer or just not in this setup? It was suggested that I go flame blast but I found myself dying much more often.


Please do. I have an exam right now but I've got literally six hours in the train afterwards with nothing else to do. We're gonna do a fixer-upper.


https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/phopper33/characters character is "Who_Dat_Witch" Thanks!


Okay. Before you go any further, you should just know that the MOST IMPORTANT thing is that you're playing the build you want to. I'm going to suggest a lot of different things. If you want to be a firestormer with an army of summons chilling around you, and you're having fun with that, you'll get further in the game than if you're not having fun with a casual firestormer even if it's an objectively better build. If you really like having the summons, don't unspec from the nodes. However, if the only reason you're using them is to help defensively and you're open to other solutions, then by taking my advice you should have a much stronger build overall both defensively and offensively. What I'm going to suggest to you is an elemental proliferation fire caster. You can play the exact same build with a couple of different spells, but you should try this sort of thing out with Firestorm first because that's what you're used to. It should result in feeling very similar to your current set up except a lot faster, a lot smoother, and with... quite a lot more life. [Here](https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAMCAAN1_EwEs4NfEFgRLRM1Fm8XpBhqGjgabBzcRlJYYySqJy-86iqNPfwsnDLRZlQ1kjbYNuk6WDrYOuE8BRQg7w5Eq0VHRZ1JG1BHTeOMz1NSVa5VxlZIWAdYd_ZIXwRfP2pDa3rAVAj0bRnkUXgvfIN85Zf0ghCCm4V7h2WIQI8aj0aPpvAfkFWRKz1fmjua4Juhna6f36IApldnm6cIrJiuPrc-7-tSU5eVwGbIv0yzxq7UB9Wm2CTYvTwt3I3fit-w42rr7uw47FUEB-0873zxbIPb8kX319Afg8z-Cv6PaPKvbAth) is what I came up with for the skill tree. This isn't really 100% optimized but it really shouldn't take much to change to it from your original tree. The main things I changed: Get rid of all minion nodes (except one minion regeneration node which I think is really important for comfort with golems). If you're serious about pushing this far, you'll want to move away from relying on them. Fix pathing through Scion area: Despite what Pewpew might say, increased duration is NOT worth it for firestorm and ignite in general. If you happen to be pathing by those nodes I'd pick them up but you're spending 3-4 points extra pathing to them. The reason for this is at least 50% of your damage will probably come from ignites, and you can only stack 3 ignites on an enemy. Having a longer firestorm means they're hit more, but not harder. It's not efficient. You're going to want to hit as hard as you can, once. That's why everyone suggests Flameblast, even though Firestorm has more practical AoE. 3: Jewel sockets. Take that unique jewel you have socketed in your tree and vendor it. Then buy a couple jewels. They don't have to be expensive. Just search for something that has two of: Life > Area Dmg > Fire Dmg > Spell dmg > cast speed in that order of priority. I'll explain why in a second. Two damage mod jewels should NOT be expensive. They'll probably come with resistances or something on them on the 1c side, and maybe you can get three good stats (life + dmg) for 5c-10c if you're lucky. It is WORTH IT. As an ignite build you can get so much damage out of jewels it's insane. Items: Get a unique chest. Cloak of Flame is an offensive chest that comes with some nice physical mitigation. Belly of the Beast is a defensive chest that comes with a huge pile of life. Aim for one with 37% life. If you respec to my tree and get a Belly, you may see your life go from 4.4k to over 6k just like that. That's not an exaggeration. Rathpith is okay as a shield but its block stats are almost completely wasted, I'd be on the look out for a better rare. Honestly I would personally use a second Doryani's, but you may find that a bit yolo. I would definitely try it out though. Overflowing Chalice does fuckall for you. It's an item for builds that focus on flasks, usually Pathfinder. Get a Basalt flask. Swap your quicksilver for an Alchemist's Quicksilver of Adrenaline. The Alchemist prefix is far less important than the Adrenaline suffix. Doryani's Invitation is OK but not more than that. You can get rare leather belts with a total of 130+ life (including Strength roll) fairly cheaply. I highly recommend it. Your gloves, hat, and jewelry are all fine, I would upgrade them after doing all the other stuff. Let's talk Ignite. Why are we doing this? GGG said they're patching it in 3.0, but right now there's this magical phenomenon called 'double dipping'. See, Ignites are a fire dot. So increased fire damage applies to the initial hit, which makes the Ignite bigger since it's based on the initial hit, but then that same increased fire damage also applies to the dot, which increases it as a function of the initial hit. Long and short of it is that modifiers to area damage and fire damage will apply twice. With Conc Effect you will find yourself doing far more ignite damage than your hits are doing. Spell damage does NOT double dip like this so it's less important. Elementalist has free ele prolif. So those super high damage ignites with all the scaling are going to move around and help you clear. This is why it's going to be SO much smoother. Get rid of Echo and replace it with a Chance to Ignite gem. Get rid of Faster Casting and replace it with Controlled Destruction. You should now multiply your damage by 3-4x. You're going to want to fix your auras. Firestorm has a very low damage effectiveness so Anger and HoT are almost completely wasted. I would switch to a double Blasphemy setup: Blasphemy - Temp Chains - Flammability - Enhance (lvl 2+) instead of HoT-curse on hit and Anger. You will probably find your damage go up, and the reliability of the Temp Chains aura is definitely worth it. I don't know how much you really felt like you were getting out of Warlord's Mark but my tree has a bunch of life regen to compensate (with another 4% right along the tree with no travel nodes that you shouldn't hesitate to take if you want them) and if your mana is an issue, simply take Deep Thoughts. Ideally you should be killing stuff before it hits you anyways (hence the second Doryani scepter suggestion). Your other links should go into Orb of Storms - Increased Crit Strikes - Faster Casting to keep up Elemental Overload, and you'll want some sort of movement skill. Shield Charge - Faster Attacks - Fortify with a casual Lightning Warp is good if you're using a shield, if DW Doryani's use LW - Faster Casting - Less Duration - Rapid Decay. That should be pretty much instant warp. That should pretty much do the trick to get you really going and ready for high maps. If you really want to push it to the next level you'll get a Hubris Circlet with an increased explosion radius enchant on it and craft it yourself (alt-regal-mastercraft resistance is perfectly fine) and a couple of opal rings. A Dying Sun flask, while expensive, is huge for helping you blow through maps. I'd really suggest getting boots with 30% MS. Two-toned boots with MS, life, and some resistances can be a little pricey but they'll definitely help free up some requirements on other slots. Don't forget Shield Charge and Lightning Warp speed is based on your movement speed as well, they're not substitutes. And, if you can get rid of that mana flask, you'll probably enjoy life a lot more. Okay. That's everything I can think of for now on the build aspect. Let's talk skills. The nice thing about this sort of ignite build is that you can play around with different skills. I've recommended a Firestorm setup but you should also try Flameblast - Area gem - Fire Pen - Faster Casting - Chance to Ignite and ScorchingRay - Cast when Channeling - Firestorm - Chance to Ignite - Controlled Destruction. You've probably hated Flameblast when you've played it in the past, but trust me, it is an entirely different skill when you have ele prolif. And the Scorching Ray set up is something I haven't actually done myself, but I've heard is very cool and feels nice to play. Just try them out and see what you like. I think that's everything! If you have more questions don't hesitate to ask. If 5L Belly of the Beast is expensive, by an unlinked one with a good life roll (37%+) and buy the prophecy "Jeweller's Touch" for 17 chaos to 5-link it. Enjoy!


Wow, that's way more in depth than I was,expecting. I will play around with stuff this weekend and see what I can do. Thanks for your help.


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Sorry, should be fixed now?


Yup, it's fixed. I can't give you any advice though (not that great myself yet).


No problem, thanks for confirming!


Checking out some guides and watching some videos will help a lot to understand the fight mechanics etc. Or you can just yolo :)


Yeah, Im really itching to yolo it, right now :D


Don't yolo Atziri unless you want to just for fun. Atziri is a huge step up in difficulty for a first timer, and going in blind you likely won't even reach Atziri herself. There are two other boss encounters along the way that each have their own mechanics to understand


Its so easy to forget that Atziri will instantly tear you a new one if you mess up the mechanics.


A lot of experienced players say that atziri is an easy fight because her rhythm lets you dodge everything. But it's easy to forget that normal atziri flameblasts hit for over 3.5k with capped resistances and the golden stormcalls will straight up gib basically anything that isn't a crazy CI chaos damage tank. And when you're not experienced with the fight it is so easy just to fall behind her pattern in a splitphase and find yourself being attacked with everything at once. And that's assuming you even get past the trio, where a single mistake against a'alai will 1shot most life based builds. If you get stunned by her "firestorm", you're just gone.


Well sets are cheap as dirt so you can just throw bodies at it until you learn the fight. Took my like 5 sets before I had her down pat now I've done well over 500.


> a'alai will 1shot most life based builds. If you get stunned by her "firestorm", you're just gone. Oh god the vaal temple map flashbacks.


I would at least read the atziri fights first. Each boss set is trivial to experienced players, but if you do things wrong on the first or second boss encounters they can be just as brutal as atziri herself. Not to mention the various oneshot mechanics atziri has. Tried to not spoil you, so intentionally vague. Breachlords except chayula are no problem for any strong character/build. This is where I'd scratch my yolo bossing itch in your position.


Your profile is private, we cannot see your characters.


Sorry, should be fixed now?


You should be fine for atziri and the elemental breachlords, but you might fail a few times against atziri. The fight becomes laughably easy once you learn it though, look at this as an example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pm8rKtv33Yg You should really try to get much better gear though, check out poe.trade Currently your gear is pretty bad


Why are you skilled into minions nodes if you doing a firestorm build? You need more life on the tree, most of your gear can easly be upgraded. IF you change to a tabula you get a 6l and lose only 40 resists. I wouldnt care about chaos resists as a new player, most life builds have -60. I dont think you are ready for breachstones or atziri


Pewpewpew guide uses minions


What's your HP pool?


Honestly don't think you'll be able to at this point. Do merc lab. That's like 10+ points worth of passives. Get your firestorm to level 19, or buy a corrupted 20/20 for a few chaos orbs. Gem levels make a big difference on spells.


you will need upgrade some pieces of your gear. weapon, helm, belt and boots are ok. Your gloves have quite low life roll, chest have low life too - look for something with better life or try infernal mantle or cloak of flame. Rings and amulet are bad - breach ring will provide you only with life and ress, two stone same (it should be quite easy to find better ones) and amulet have only one usefull stat cast speed (and maybe strenght ) added fire dmg, accuracy and crit multi dont do anything for you. Flasks - roll somthing usefull on your quicksilver flask and swap bismut flask for something like atziri promise.


>I then followed PewPewPews Firestorm guide and couple of days ago succesfully suicided myself ~15 times into malachai before taking him down. Going to malachai, placing totem, dying and repeating is the shit.


you will probably die trying these bosses soo... just do it. They are compareable cheap and you definitely want to try them now at the end of the league rather than the beginning of a new league. Who knows maybe its a lot of fun for you and you want to try and farm them next league which might change the type of build you would start to play the league with.