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Finally. Only took several months, a fleeing player base and being review bombed to hell and back. Still better late than never.


The to-do list is still as long as Spa


What is this word 'spa'? Are you trying to say spaghetti? edit: oh my God [it's just a joke](https://youtu.be/leCMTfjCEFM?si=brSii-oRkcJoOA8t), people.


Circuit de Spa, it’s a 4-5 mile long race track. Basically they are saying there is a lot to fix for this game


It's a shame because the multiplayer system was really enjoyable. I might jump back in for a look.


It really suck to move to wait and see mode for Forza games.


Yeah whatever. With Starfield, Skylines 2, and Forza all coming in extremely mediocre I just let my Gamepass lapse.


Microsoft has bought so many studios and not shipped a single great game.


Hi-Fi Rush says hi.


I've played it, and it's absolutely not for everyone, so doesn't really serve as a great example. Plus, if we're looking at ratings. It's still the same, Sony has released multiple 90+ rated games whereas Microsoft struggles to maintain a low 80. There is evidently a problem in Microsoft's studios that nobody is owning up to, unless all their talent just sucks, which I don't believe.


Yeah, are Forza Horizons the only recent 90+ rated games? And even then they're racing games so not for everyone.


Sometimes people are successful despite their efforts. I want them to succeed but goddamn I can only hold out so much faith


I was hyped for Hifi rush until i actually loaded up the game and then got nagged to signup for an account to play a single player game after already logging into gamepass. Straight alt + F4'd and uninstalled the game.


There is no requirement to sign up for an account at all.


I thought the system was fine, they just killed it with the amount of levels, level 50 to max out one car is frankly insane, 20-30 levels would have been alright.


I guess I can finally buy it (on-sale)


I have it on my steam wishlist and I laugh every time I get a "sale" notification from them because the "sale" drops it to $55 from $70 lol. Sorry, gonna have to do better than that if you want me to purchase your half-assed game. I already bought and refunded once. Its worth maybe $40.


Yea I’m in the same boat. $55 is a bit much as the reviews are a good reflection of the game. I’m a simple person, I’m never gonna complete the game. I just like racing and have loved Forza games. But I’m still of the $70 base is too much, and $55 isn’t a sale.


Clearly designed the game to increase the hours played stats for GP rather than designing the game everyone wanted them to make. That’s the power of gp everyone!


Does it still run like a janky mess with the most unintuitive graphics options ever seen?


I haven't played it since December, but the updates around then gave a big performance uplift, especially to frame consistency. I assume they haven't made it worse since. The graphics options were still definitely dumb though.


Graphic options still ass. Still have to restart game to properly apply graphic changes. Once done though, performance is improved.


Not a huge difference between December and Januarys update. turn 1 at Laguna seca for example still a huge fps drops and stutters.


Why I ultimately didn't buy this game was because there are too many unnecesary screens and menus to click before you go into a race To start 1 race you need have 4 loading screens and press X about 9 times, on GT7 you chose the map,car,position and press Play and you load into a race holy fuck, always online bootleg ass game


I wish there was a good arcade racer with wheel and vr support. I had some fun with Forza, but it’s hard to go back to driving on a screen with a controller.


Forza supports wheel.


Forza Motorsport is this game


It’s not though. I was wrong about wheel support, but it definitely doesn’t have vr support. 


Why would an arcade game have wheel AND VR support? It's just not the target audience whatsoever. Just play Assetto Corsa.


Why wouldn’t it? I like arcade racers, and I like vr. Assetto Corsa is ok, but arcade racers are more my style.


Still no multiplayer replays? Well the button for downloading those nonexistent replays looks ok, I guess? Chalk that one up a partial success!


So many things wrong with this game. Too many menus. Controller support was buggy or just not working. Some of the cars weren't even close to realistic eg: electric cars. Environmental Audio produced no real atmosphere. Career mode felt empty and progression stopped after 2 hours. Lacking extra game modes to mix up the experience. It would've been nice if they copied some of those mini objectives in the codemasters F1 games (like driving through gates to learn the racing line).


Still no multiplayer replays? Well the button for downloading those nonexistent replays looks ok, I guess? Chalk that one up a partial success!


Took them long enough but its still a month away with the patch coming on the 6th march


Too little too late, played the single player and dropped this game a while back. So incredibly dull


Goes live on 6th March, I might check it out. A mate of mine who's a huge Forza fan said the progression ruined the game for him.