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They finally picked a road texture they liked


whats the actual difference between release and early access when they are still updating the game?


It's just the developers attempt at justifying a massive price increase.


Be like Raft and wait for all the game award events to time your release so you can be nominated as "GOTY".


License to increase the price arbitrarily.


They’re about to rerelease it to consoles, and they want to charge those players $45 instead of $25.


Talking typical go live with Roadmaps vs 7D2D updates. Typical, new content, new features. 7D2D updates could be massive system changes, feature changes, model changes, anything. Hopefully that all stops and it's release and then content/features. We'll see.


Releasing from EA puts the game in 'new game' status on Steam and brings in a lot more people to buy it. A few games have done this. I'm sure it's different for every developer but they jump from whatever version to 1.0, get an increase in sales and use that to continue to work on the game as if it was in EA still. Postal 4 did this for example.


Not much that I can see. I think they did this, partially, so they can go the intended "PC and Console are at parity" route. If the Console version is called "1.0", and the matching PC version is called "Alpha 22", it might be confusing to the console folks, I imagine. I think the rules for releasing a game on console are a LOT more strict than releasing on PC/Steam. That might have played a part in the naming scheme too.


In the case of 7 Days, most likely nothing. Other games, it's basically that the devs have finally achieved their vision for the game and want to give it that good 1.0 release.


Could someone who plays this tell me if this is an actual release, or just them wanting to be "done" with EA?


They Def just wanna be done. They're also raising the price. Massive price increase plus they haven't even completed the stretchgoals from the original Kickstarter 12 years ago. Legit horrible.


To be honest it's been playable for years and there's plenty of content. Anyone that already owns the game has had access to more than enough to justify whatever they paid for it. I'm not going to tell you it couldn't be improved or more polished but there is definitely enough there for the money.


Thats greedy, if they are raising price it better come with a free expansion to freshen up the experience


If you already own it it’s no additional charge. They’re also putting it on sale before then so that you can get it for cheap before then.


What's no additional charge? Are they adding content


No additional charge = you don't pay a thing more. No.


I don't think what they're doing is greedy at all. They're going to have a last chance steam sale on April 22nd - April 29th where the game is going to be 76% off before it goes to its new full price. You want to know what greedy is? While Ark: Survival Evolved was still in early access, they released paid DLC for it. Fast forward to last year, they introduced the same exact game with minor QoL enhancements, as an Unreal 5 version of the game and it's currently in early access.


As someone else pointed out they still haven’t even completed the goals from their original kickstarter 12 years ago (jfc I forgot how long ago that way) so I think it’s scummy to not even finish those goals and just toss it away at a higher price, and Arc devs are also really scummy cause that UE5 reskin of arc was originally supposed to be an update to the original game on top of all their paid dlc for an “Early access” game. Both can be criticized for being scummy and greedy companies for doing different practices, while yes Arc is arguably worse. I think it’s still a good thing to call out bad practices as they pop up, else they just become the normal


I'm not sure what goals they're referring to as when I look at the [kickstarter page](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/7daystodie/7-days-to-die-zombie-survival-game) I feel like they fulfill the majority of what was promised on their unless they're referring to the goal rewards. I'd say the only thing that's not in the game that I'm aware of would be the "Stealth and Distraction System". Here's the thing, if you were interested in this game, chances are you already own it. You had from 2014 till now to do so, especially at a very steep price during steam sales. Official game releases, after early access, going through a price increase is no surprise to anyone. The devs have stated they will continue to update the game, as far as I'm aware, for free. Similar to how No Man Sky continues to release free updates. As far as bad practices, this is mild. The biggest issue they were facing was the people who play their game were begging for the game to officially release. The devs need to learn not to focus on perfection, otherwise they'll never finish a game.


Yeah, they've delivered pretty much everything. Some people are just unhappy with the way some systems evolved over time.


So basically nothing in the Kickstarter has been delivered. We don't have an ai system, half the mining , building and character upgrade systems have been removed over time as their patched broke stuff, they made it so servers can't be procedurally generated aka the entire reason people bought the game. Bugs from day 1 are still there. Aka the dig into the ground cover yourself up and look up . Now suddenly you can find anyone's base. Item duplicating I could literally give us a novel of stuff that's broken and stuff they promised.


I think you're being heavily picky as far as what's missing because the game from when it was initially pitched to now is a different beast. You should know that games in alpha are subject to change. They always have been. The core of the game is better, in my opinion, than it was when that Kickstarter page was last active. The only thing that needs to be worked on that is heavily outdated is the zombie attack hitbox. I question whether you're being genuine with your opinion regarding the situation as most of the stuff you mentioned has either improved, isn't worth pitchforking for, or is untrue, for example, you can create servers with procedurally generated maps.


thats how most ea games work now


Being in early access for 12 years shouldn't be allowed


BeamNG probably is going to be in EA forever. (Or at least for a very long time)


You know that is the one game that doesn't bother me for it. I guess it's not an actual game with a beginning or an end, devs keep it up to date everyone seems so happy including me with my almost 600 hours. 7 days as a game is also sandboxy one but it's still a game with progression which you start and finish at some point, then eventually rivisit. I have rivisited 7days 3 times in 3 completely different parts of my life and felt like i was done with it all of these times. It being in early access didn't feel directly bad but it kind of made "EA" feel like something meaningless.


If you kick a game out of Early Access after an arbitrary time period, nothing good happens. The game, likely still unfinished, now has no clear indicator to buyers that it's unfinished. The developers will not rush to completion just to finish before the tag removal, or if they do, will probably fluff their launch because of it. Games can take extremely long times to develop, especially if they're on extremely small teams or release into EA super early, there's just no way to set a definite time frame for everyone. Someone went as far as telling me Valve should "Perform a full review of a game once the time period ends to determine whether they should leave Early Access, be allowed an extension, or be removed from the store." Christ, no. If you don't want to buy Early Access games, then just don't. This is not a problem that needs to be solved.


It can just be unlisted until full release


And completely deprive the developers of all future funding. Yeah, that'll motivate them to keep working.


This was one of the first crop of games to ever do early access, back when it was still called Steam Greenlight. Frankly, nobody had any idea or expectation what early access would mean or look like back then. Besides, the game has always been in a playable and entertaining state.


Steam Greenlight had nothing to do with Early Access, it was just valve's attempt to let the community self-curate the store before they decided to just open it up to anyone.


Horrible? You’re a bit overdramatic. What stretch goals are they still missing, Rift Support? A full “story” (that they weren’t exactly specific about providing)? They game has been great and has had a ton of free updates through EA, horrible is a gross exaggeration imo


They have made a great game without any new funding sources continuously for like a decade. That's not sustainable. I don't begrudge them anything. Their game is awesome, they have been awesome, and they deserve the new funding.


People buying the game in early access IS their funding source. If they can't make it with just that they shouldn't have done early access.


It's because of their severe mismanagement that the game is behind schedule so much. I don't know how they can decide that now it's the time to jack the price up. Unless their plan is to jack the price so that every Steam seasonal sale they can discount it 75% and get people to impulse buy it cause of the savings.


Yeah some people blow my mind. I have like 400+ hours. They deserve to work on something new. I've said for a while they should just release it.


>they should just release it This makes no sense to me. Would you mind elaborating? It will be 'released' soon, maybe in June, as 1.0. But, it seems like things won't be any different as far as continuing to update the game. Are you asking them to stop updating the game?








they've made great progress tho. except they changed that progress almost every iteration instead of expanding and improving. its had like 4-5 different crafting systems/level systems at this point. like 5 different farming systems as well. that said last few alphas they seemed to have stuck with what they have and just building upon it now instead.


The most recent alpha literally remade all crafting progression using one of the dumbest systems I’ve ever seen. 


Yup, waiting for the Undead Legacy mod to update, It usually fixes things.


The devs are notorious for hating how players interact with a sandbox game, and wanting them to play the game "the way they see it" instead of the "wrong way". I get the feeling these devs never play the game as a normal player, outside of using cheats and dev mode. They're constantly messing with systems.


They'd probably be horrified to know how much time I wasted fixing all the bridges in Navalgaze.


I did a playthrough where I turned off hordes etc. and then basically spent my time exploring towns, choosing a place to set up in, and then spent my days fixing up all the buildings until it was time to move on to the next town.


I remember them removing getting back an empty jar after drinking because they thought it made the game too easy. Everyone knows glass mason jars (which is what the in-game model is/was) are one-time use!


I've never heard that but it would be one of the few reasons that make sense as to why their balancing/scrapping of mechanics seems so nonsensical and constantly undoes progress they make.


Every time there was a new zombie defense or farming meta since at least a13 you could guarantee it would be the first thing changed for the new update. Probably earlier, I just don't remember that far back. Especially if it was an item dupe bug or zombie pathing thing. Meanwhile all the big bugs the community were complaining about often went unfixed for several versions.


They don't play their game, mad mole the leading dev is confirmed to only have a few hundred hours of actual playtime on the game he is making. He simply doesn't give a shit and will just do things for the lols. It was a major topic on the 7days forums awhile back blasting the idiot


How would you confirm that? I bet when he launches his development version it's not linked to his steam playtime. There's no reason you wouldn't rack up a ton of time with the game just running in the background of your editor while coding or being afk leaving the PC on.


Because I used to be a part of the community back in the day when the game used to be actually ya know... fun? before all the bullshit they did. Dude has a long history of being a absolute mega tool and not listening to the community. If you want your confirmation look up the whole Mad Mole VS Red Eagle incident. I'm talking about his actual full product outside of development. He has confirmed in the past he doesn't play the game he makes. He has one of those I know better than thou attitudes towards 7 days. Dudes been under blast for many years for myriad of stuff. Should be on the forum somewhere or at least traces of his shenanigans on any other discussion website if it hasn't been swept under the rug from nearly a full decades worth of drama


Minuscule? No fucking way you've been playing it, it's practically a different game from what it used to be




Whether you like the changes or not the fact is that they **definitely** aren't minuscule


Has DayZ made any real progress in its last 10 years? Or is it pretty much in the same boat?


DayZ is in a pretty good spot these days.


I mean this completely unironically, do the zombies work right now? Like, do they still clip through literally everything and ignore physics all the time? I loved the DayZ mod, but god damn the zombies never have worked right. If that kinda functions properly now I'll think about actually installing it instead of leaving it haunting my steam games list.


I don't run into those features nearly as often as I used to. With base building fully instituted they've made a concerted effort to fix that stuff. The game isn't perfect, but it's definitely worth a try in a very fun and playable state. I've been playing since the mod too and I'm telling you it's the best it's ever been.


Hell yeah, that's good to hear!


This is an intended feature, alongside the menu screen not loading the assets some times, and not being able to connect on the regular. The definition of some people for great progress honestly baffles me.


Both of these games have changed massively in 10 years.


Well, DayZ left Early Access in 2018, so whatever. It's been pretty good for the last couple years.


From the steam update (emphasis mine): Join us with TFP Co-Founder Richard Huenink in this Video with details on ‘7 Days to Die’ plans to leave early access, **the launch dates for PC and Console Alpha 22 (Now 1.0),** the roadmap of planned future updates and features ahead for all platforms, and the games new pricing. So, definitely the latter.


Probably them just wanting to be "done" with it. That said, this is my most played game on PC with over 250hrs and I'm still coming back to it now on the Steam Deck. It plays not great on the Deck, but the fact I have it on the go is incredible. It's sketchy they can call this "1.0" as the game has A LOT OF JANK. It is the jankiest game I play on a daily basis. That said, either modded or not it's one of the most fun PC games I play on a daily basis and I recommend anyone to get it on sale next week. Due to the jank that will still be there when 1.0 is released, I will sadly have to not recommend the game increased 1.0 price whatever it will be.


The road map they have shows over hauls of two systems in the months after. This isn't a finished 1.0 it's just end of early access.




They will still have a roadmap, but their updates vs other companies roadmaps. Roadmaps typically are like content and new features, their updates went into things like complete system changes, models changes. If they still update everything then it's no different than a name change, if they just focus on common roadmap things, then v1.0 is upon us.


I played 6 months ago and thought it was terrible. Hard to imagine they've improved much in that time.


Crazy, never thought I'd see the day. I've always viewed this as the best bad game that I enjoy. It has mostly everything in a game I want but it's all done poorly or janky.


I mean, after 10 years of early access - they need to either "crap, or get off the pot" so to speak. lol I am guessing they are at a point they are "done"/"calling it quits". They are either making pretty much no money anymore and ready to be done with it; or hoping this will bring in more sales.


Price is going from $25 to $45. This game is not worth $45 IMO, even leaving EA and if they completely finish their roadmap. Wasting years re-doing half of their game over and over again doesn't justify raising the price to recoup the costs of doing so.


> Wasting years re-doing half of their game over and over again Some updates are one step forward, two steps back. 7D updates are a drunken stumble.


I enjoyed playing the 6 or so alphas I was here for. It was like performative art, but in video game form. It was a critique on the experience of being a game dev, obviously.


Sounds like Larian with their hotfixes for BG3 lmao


Honestly I'm nearing 600 hours played and think it's the best survival game ever made (possibly Minecraft's better?)! To say I bought it for about a tenner it was a shockingly good investment only pipped out by factorio


Same. It has such an addictive gameplay loop. I really encourage people to try it before bad mouthing it. It has lots of issues, janky and is ugly as sin, but yet I'd rather play it than most AAA games. You can almost always buy it for dirt cheap on sales, or if not, G2A or CDKeys.


Factorio mentioned!


You still haven't seen the day because this is meaningless if the game is incomplete.


Comment nuked by Power Delete Suite


isn't this the longest EA game right now ?


If not this, it's project zomboid


Difference is Zomboid is actually well done


PZ modding community is also amazing.


Fr the amount of effort the PZ modding community puts in is amazing. Also the devs are actively making huge improvements to the game. It could release today and be a full release. But they are using EA to actually develop their game properly


I've put 800 or so hours into Zomboid, multiple playthroughs, and it has never felt incomplete to me. I would say the only truly jank part of the game are the vehicles glitching out in multiplayer, but I mostly play this game single player for that I Am Legend vibe. The next big update looks enormous from all the video updates they've given us, big enough to be a $20 DLC from a AAA studio in terms of how much it's adding to the game. It's very impressive.


7Days modding scene as well tbh.


7 Days to die is also a good game. The level design on their buildings (= functionally dungeons) is top tier.


mid to late-game in PZ is horribly boring unfortunately. So I'd say 7 days and PZ are comparably good for different reasons


Both games are great and have been updating for free with great features that could be considered DLCs in this day and age for almost a decade now. If this was the standard for early access I wouldn't have a problem with it at all


7D2D is still Alpha at best.


I think Project Zomboid is a month older on Steam at least, and they lost all their progress one time




Starsector is incredible!




> you also have to include a whole bunch of roguelikes Well games on steam aren't special, so lets do it lol. After all, people paid for starsector too.


Once 7 Days to Die leaves EA, Project Zomboid will be the only game to enter Steam Early Access in 2013 (the first year EA existed) that hasn't left the program or been delisted. Zomboid has held the throne for longest EA run since Kenshi hit 1.0 a few years ago.


there's project zomboid as well (2013)


If you're not limiting it to Steam it's a bit older; I bought it via Desura in 2011 right before their office got robbed.


Terra battle for the outlands is still running and considered early access still for 28 years now, even if it hasn't had an update lately even if you go by last beta release to most recent update still has to be longer


TLDR: We're tired of picking away on this in our spare time and want to focus on literally anything else. Side-note, this is the most pristine example of why "alpha" "beta" and "early access" are utterly meaningless terms. When this buffoon says, "we always planned for Alpha 22 to be 1.0" it's plain as day they have used the term as cover for years upon years.


Yeah, 10 years of early access; guess it was time they did something with it. lol


Early Access *Alpha*, no less.


They’ve done a lot of something with it along the way though


So when is it coming out? Can't watch the video right now


June, 2024


Years ago I was hoping to make a "7 Years to Release" joke, but that blitzed by so fast.


10 years in the making and its still gonna be released full of placeholders


So all the promised crowdfunding features won’t be in unit q4 2025, but “1.0” is in June. Also console owners can’t get the next gen upgrade for free because of “technical reasons” this whole thing stinks of cash grab. My theory as to why they’re releasing a 1.0 build is because of 7days blood moons. Kind of a bad look to release a cashgrab spinoff of their game into early access when the game it’s spinning off still hasn’t released.


They didn't have the rights to the console version, I thought?


They reacquired the rights when telltale went out of business .


What was promised that is still missing?


In other news, I just saw a pig fly past my window.


And the crowd goes mild. Time to focus on their new dead-in-2-months Dead By Daylight clone that no one asked for lmao. 😂


lets be honest that spin off is going to be dead on arrival lol


I wonder if Project Zomboid or MASS Builder will ever leave early access.


homeless cats advise quaint puzzled imagine grab smart cause wrench *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


New update is a pretty heavy duty overhaul too.


My body is so ready to play that game for another 100+ hours. It's definitely my favorite zombie game and I've played many of them.


"And with final update of our Early access called Alpha Exodus we present you version 0.1 of beta called Beta Prologue"


Are they actually going to fix the thousand or so bugs that have existed for about a decade, or are they just gonna remove the EA banner and be done with it...


probably the latter since they're going to be working on the new 7days PvP game mode


Damn it... :(


You don’t enjoy driving the bike or motorcycle and running into an invisible wall then falling through the map?


I hate this game and love it at the same time. It has the mechanics built into the game to be fantastic but the devs are hell bent on making it suck. Its honestly impressive how every jump in alpha made it worse 2-4 times then one super alpha followed by another run of fun killing releases. You will have fun. But as you build up hours you will start to wonder about the design choices the devs behind it have followed. At one point the game was built around growth. As an example. Use a bow? Then get better at it with each hit giving you better control. Make loads of good? You get better at it. Need less to make more and less time. But that system was too fun, too organic. Now just add points and boom master chef, ah yes thats better! What does this do? Well now you do not build you just look for skill nooks to leap in skill and tech weeeeeee. I hate it, but love the game itself.


> As an example. Use a bow? Then get better at it with each hit giving you better control. As another example, spend every night crafting and deconstructing 300 axes to get your skill up, or sit punching a wall for 10 minutes hah


Tbh, it's simple and sounds stupid, but that's legit completely satisfying and feels better than just putting points into shit.


> sit punching a wall for 10 minutes Kill Bill training arc


Hey maybe this means they won’t rework the whole game every 6 months when they update it making old worlds unplayable. Also maybe the game won’t run like ass anymore but that’s a pipe dream.


Lmao, but it's still so incomplete. Well whatever.


It got worse every new alpha some years ago, stopped playing a long time ago. Reading the comments here... no surprise how it went on.


What happened to the beta releases? 😁


Well at least now I don't have to keep holding out hope they'll eventually get the game to live up to it's potential.


This game could've been SO good. But, as of maybe 8mo ago, it was still hot garbage. Just poor implementation in every regard. You'd think 10 years of "development" would be enough.


7 days I thought I'd never see


Anyone else love/hate this game? I've got 800 hours in, have tried lots of different mods. There are so many things about this game that are close to being good, but are just kinda shitty instead. The blood moon events with friends are some great times, I can't deny it.


Love/hate here. Seems like almost every update is at least equal parts bad and good. Love exploring the huge maps and looting POIs, that part is a fun loop. Some playthroughs I just turn off Bloodmoon altogether and ramp up the other difficulties to turn it into an exploration/looting survival RPG rather than a horde survival game. The base building is interesting enough, even though there are a lot of really weird design decisions and QoL non-existence. Combat is pretty fair. I mean, it's no Dying Light but it's fine enough for a survival-crafter. The gore effects and such are pretty fun. Some enemies are much better done than others. Playing through Bloodmoon with friends definitely is fun... For a while. Until you just game it and, realistically, there is no other tactics you really want to waste your time on. In the end, one of the aspects I thought was the most fun ended up becoming one of my least favorite parts of the game. The reason being the way zombie AI is and the narrow meta of building for Bloodmoon. It sucks. It doesn't feel like you are building a cool zombie-apocalypse base, it feels like you are building a cheese factory.


> It sucks. It doesn't feel like you are building a cool zombie-apocalypse base, it feels like you are building a cheese factory. This is pretty much my only complaint. I thought the gore blocks were a good solution back in A15 or something.


Is this the one with the sexy women zombies?


This is my game for spending time with real life friends and share our day while we build huts, mansions, bunkers, and bridges.


OMFG THOUGHT IT WAS NEVER COMING.... They let them put this game on a disc and sell on xbox in stores lol. bout damn time.


i tried it like 2 years ago and it was so unfinished, and it was years in EA. I don't think this is a real 1.0 lol


Does the game still tank to 10fps during later game blood moons?


It does. It improved performancewise, but you will still drop to 30 fps in city center here and there on a 4090.


I swear every time I boot up 7 days to die over the years it’s always been the same unless I’m missing something


The game is pretty notorious for constantly overhauling everything each update so I think you were definitely missing something


in the middle of an undead legacy run but old worlds being “corrupted” in newer versions is enough to keep me away from vanilla 😭😭😭😭


"These dates are estimates and subject to change" Yeah no shit lol


This game is so old, 3 of my original friends from it have died since last played.


I mean, are you just old, or? None of my friends have died even since it came out 10 years ago or whatever.


Damn son...


"The Road To Breaking More Mods"


I hate it when early access games raise the price after "full" release. No. The game is already released. And games are suppose to get cheaper with time, not more expensive. You're price hiking on a decade old game cause of marketing BS. Nothing in this newest patch justifies a higher price.


Lol, exactly. Like I understand the price increase when there is a fundamental shift in the content provided (IE: a game that goes early access with 1 or 2 chapters of a story and goes 1.0 with 10 chapters) But 7D2D has been fundamentally the same game and same loop for like 8 years now. I played it over the years here and there, and I played it for a little bit recently just to check it out. You cant raise the price 80% just because you kept undoing your own work for 10 years. Game feels the exact same that it did the last time I played it seriously, like in 2017, except that it runs better and some stupid gameplay decisions have been made, like un-reusable water jars.


Isn't this game 10 years old by now?


12 years early Access.....


Already outdated, ugly, clunky. This game is a meme.


Hell has frozen. Yet overall it's good news


From alpha to gold. Doesn't scream "WTF" at all does it?


I remember playing this on my 1070 years ago and when the sun went down, so did my frames. I think I was getting like 10fps for the entire sunset and just uninstalled it. I've seen tons of videos of this game and it still looks like shit 6 years later. Not sure why people even like it but I guess there's people out there to like everything.


That was the shadows and was caused by your CPU not your GPU. I had the same issue until I went from a Ryzen 3600 to a 5800x and suddenly my frames were fixed when shadows got long. Don't ask me to explain why that's the case, I just know it was a CPU bottleneck for some reason.


I knew it, world is close to the end Edit: I wrote it wrong


1.0 in June but they already have a roadmap for the next 1.5 years 🤔 [https://7daystodie.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/7days\_to\_die\_roadmap\_v1-980x551.png](https://7daystodie.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/7days_to_die_roadmap_v1-980x551.png)


It’s wild how bad people talk about this game. It sure has its flaw and is not the best looking game. Butt there is no other game like it. Every house is a little dungeon with stuff to find. Base building is fun and there is always something to find. Sure there is no difference between calling it a22 or 1.0. but it’s still a pretty good game.


Hard to believe it’s only been 10 years.


No thanks. Tried it once. Buggy as shit.


15 years just flies by.




Insane i was one of the first supporters on Kickstarter however long ago that was


And your opinion of it now that we're here in 2024?


Hell hath frozen over.


My baby is growing up! I knew 7 days when he was just a little tyke! So big now!


Damn that took longer than Black Ice


I didn’t even know the game was still in EA, I thought it had been out long ago




Damn, it came out before SC.


Never thought I'd see the day, goddamn


Am I dumb or is there no actual date anywhere?


Oh great it’s a sign of the apocalypse that it’s actually getting out of alpha, Joe long has it been ?


As someone who has never played this. Is it worth trying?


With mates it can be fun but the game looks like something from 2012 which is stupid of me to say, is because it’s from 2012


It's not really to me. At least not until there are dedicated official servers.


It only took Rooster Teeth closing. Pretty sure this has been in EA since the early days of AH lol.


So they've been developing it for 12 years...first thing I thought when I saw it was that it looks like a game from 2010. Well. It could still be a good game, depending on the systems. Good luck guys. I hope it is.


Feels like this Game was in EA for 10 Years.


12 years actually lol


time for me to start anew i guess


Oh boi the company that removes features every update because they brake them and can't be bothered to fix is going live...


Gotta wonder what will the 7 days sub do now that they can't claim it's early access any more.


Do they have official servers yet? It blows my mind that isn't a thing.


A lot of hate in here. I understand they've not been perfect with their handling of this, but I genuinely can't think of a survival game I've had more fun with. It's like a mix of Minecraft, cod zombies and the walking dead.


Everyone always complaining over the label. EA or not, this is my all-time most played game on Steam by like 2-3x, a gap of literally hundreds of hours before second place. Think I paid like $10-15 for it. I’ve had so much fun with this over the years I couldn’t care less whether they call it EA or 1.0 or whatever. Looking forward to seeing how it continues to evolve.


It's a fun game to hop into every once in a while, but that it hasn't finished development in the 12 years it has been in EA is absurd. Leaving early access in the state it currently is in now, with a price increase, is obviously a cash grab.


Good for them. I'll definitely cop it during the steam sale coming up. My buddies have been hounding me to get it lol.


My biggest takeaway from this was: you guys are still selling the broken shitty original console release?! He said after June they would be delisting that version from storefronts...why the fuck are they still selling that version at all?! It hasn't been updated in years and it is absolutely awful. It's pure greed that they are still selling that piece of shit until June 2024


Their game goes on sale for like $6 all the time. How the fuck are you guys calling them greedy?  :/