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why do ubisoft do this? Do they still get paid by epic for doing this. I cant find any other reason


That or their own store sells jackshit so they have to come to steam


Its more likely that they just get as much as they can from their own store then release on Steam to get the rest. People so often talk about this being dumb but these companies are not stupid. Doing this likely has a monetary upside for Ubisoft at least for some time.


I get this. But it's kinda difficult to believe it cause for example AC Valhalla released on steam on december, 2022 with 67% discount and I mean that was the discount on release for 1 month long sale. In less than 2 years, the discount is already 80% for that.


It was still super successful and PC was one of the best selling platforms for that game. Basically they get the ultra fans that can’t wait at full price on their own store, EPIC gives them an exclusivity cash payment to be on their store, plus they get like 88% of the revenue for the few copies that do get sold on EPIC. Once all that money dries up, they release on Steam and get a big 2nd wave, almost like releasing on another platform. This adds a nice little tail for them. Valhalla in particular was the first Ubisoft game to make over a billion dollars so financially those decisions somehow worked out for them.


>It was still super successful and PC was the best selling platform for that game. Based on what? Their press release never said PC was the best selling platform, they just called it the biggest launch. In standard PR BS double speak, they also don't tell you anything about how they came up with those numbers. Heck, for all we know they consider "PC" and "Steam" two different platforms to come up with that bullcrap.


He never stated that it was the best selling platform, only that it was sucessful on pc and ONE of the best selling platforms. There's a difference. Plus this article. https://www.jumpdashroll.com/article/assassins-creed-valhalla-is-ubisofts-best-selling-pc-game-ever


It also sold over 30 million copies before going on steam, yes that includes console but i dont think it bad on pc, most people dont care about what launcher a game is on


I ain't saying the game did bad on pc or their own store. I am saying it's a bit hard to believe that selling a game years later on steam with a month long sale on release at high discount is 100% better than releasing the game at the same time on different store.


ubisoft puts their games on sale pretty often on their store too, but most games sales happen in the first few weeks so I guess they still get a big chunk of sales on their store at maximum price and they don't have to pay valve their cut microtransactions are another important thing to consider, if you buy a microtransaction for a ubisoft game that you bought on steam they have to give 30% of that to valve as well


> I am saying it's a bit hard to believe that selling a game years later on steam with a month long sale on release at high discount is 100% better than releasing the game at the same time on different store. It is if the number of customers available to buy it is much larger. Valve has proven through Steam data that the number of purchasers is more important than the price. Publishers used to fear undervaluing their product and having sales. They didn't want to leave money on the table. Steam has shown the net gain of sales more than makes up for that in the end. According to Steam data viewed by Ars, 33% of games bought on Steam are never actually played. Many purchasers buy them as a "collection" item or a "one day I'll play it." Having sales gets even more of those types of impulse purchases. It also doesn't diminish value of the product, because video game sales are broadly accepted and even given to the number 1 selling games. There isn't an association with bad products like low prices can sometimes have. Sales gives games longer legs where they continue to sell for years or decades after release. Something that didn't happen in the physical market with new releases.


Due to the cut Valve takes for AAA games it is. If it wasn't profitable they wouldn't do it. If you can be sure on one thing then that they will always do what gets them more money.


Its frankly hard to believe anything a company says when comparatively on Steam you can get a vague idea via a chart that anyone can see.


I care, fuck 'em if they don't release on Steam day and date. Otherwise I will either not buy it or wait for 90 percent off on Steam.


>these companies are not stupid Are you sure? We've seen these companies do all sorts of stupid shit. Focusing on Ubisoft, they willingly burn money on a subscription to Irdeto even though they know it doesn't meaningfully impact sales. I bet there is a braindead short term capitalist mentality behind it. Most of a game's sales happen during the launch window. That's when you sell at full price. If it is a good game it will have a slower long tale too but this is Ubisoft who discount their games heavily short after release so I don't really understand how presenting your game to fewer gamers during that critical launch window makes sense since they are denying themselves that full price sale. I don't have any data on it but maybe they make most of their money on the gazillion mtx options they have in all their games so they don't care as much about initial sales anymore. Having a subscription service of their own and talking about making their big IPs free to play also support that.


More people use their launcher thsn you think. Ubisoft games are wildly popular for the general audience. Selling it on Steam later will ensure wider reach for the few that won’t buy it on their store, but selling it there first is obviously more profitable as many don’t care.


Valhalla is their most successful game ever and that wasnt on Steam


They do all sort of stupid shit but something they know how to do it pricing. You don't have any data but they do have a lot of data about their sales, and you can bet they use it to make decisions.


Yeah, what does a multibillion dollar corporation that's been in the industry for nearly 4 decades know about selling videogames. Redditors certainly know better.


Yes but imo, doing so kills the hype of the game. By releasing to another store so long after the initial release I mean.


Uplay has been around for over a decade now. Its not some new thing. People know of it and will buy a game on it if they really want that game. AC:Valhalla was Ubisofts top selling PC launch ever without Steam and an all time record Ubisoft store sales performance.


>AC:Valhalla was Ubisofts top selling PC launch ever without Steam and an all time record Ubisoft store sales performance. Point 1 only has a press release to back it up, which I will take with a planet sized salt cube. I don't believe the "without Steam" part and they also never said that. Point 2 is probably the least interesting statistic of all time considering how much people hate Uplay, but I'm sure they grabbed a few stragglers who wanted anything Assassin's Creed more than they hate Uplay.


>"Point 1 only has a press release to back it up," Yeah because when it comes to Valhalla's sales the only party that knows the info is Ubisoft themself... Who else do you think is gonna tell you that info?


Yeah it's like Skyrim or GTA5 re-releasing for the 7th time, it's about milking that $$$.


Totally agree, they will have thought this through and decided it’s the best option. I just wonder why. I am actually a pretty big fan of Ubisoft games, the early far cry’s and assassins creeds are formative experiences for me and I’d be happy to buy them but under no circumstances am I buying them on Epic or Origin or whatever it is. They may be getting paid buy the long term brand damage in terms of cultural relevancy is surely something to consider too


Yeah dude, Valhalla sold 20 copies before it launched on Steam... My source? Trust me bro.


Usually it takes them 1+ year to come to Steam but Avatar is coming to Steam less than 6 months after it's release. Ubisoft must be getting desperate


This games barely sold at all I think. I bought it because its genuinely beautiful and decently made, and it got my wife to try gaming with me which was cool. But youtubers kind of killed it off before it even released thanks to making videos about it just being far cry in pandora, which a) it isn't and b) isn't a bad idea anyway. But it's way deeper and feature full than FC imo.


Epic paid for timed exclusivity, hoping people would come to the for this game. Ubisoft would be dumb to keep it exclusive after that time is up. Like, they will only lose by keeping it off steam.


I'm not sure that Epic is still paying for these, TBH.


At some point they had a bulk exclusivity contract that covered a certain number of games. I'm not sure if they reached the end of that agreement yet, or if they renewed it.


Yeah, not sure, but they have advertised EGS A LOT less the past year or so.


So you think Ubisoft did it as a joke?


Did what as a joke? They were paying for them originally.


Ubisoft only loses by making them epic exclusive.


They think that they will be able to justify the revenue if they just hold out. IT's no different than what EA did for several years until someone finally asked why are we doing this when we lost way more than 30% of our revenue on that platform.


Yes, Ubisoft took an Epic "First Run" deal for 6 months exclusivity for this game.


Sweet. Then I just have to wait 6 months for Star wars outlaws!


They probably do this in order to be eligible for Epic First Run.


Perhaps. But I find it hard to believe that the difference in store royalties will compensate the many people waiting to buy the Steam version at half the price.


If it launches on Steam day one, they won’t sell any copies on Uplay. So they now keep their games off Steam for a bit.


30% hurts a lot more on the big release hype sale than whatever it sells later. Also, steams big plus is discovery, and when most people already forgot about your game months after release, thats when you would want to be discovered more than the 30% steam takes.


It was also available on Ubisoft store.


I don't think Epic cares that the game was on the Ubisoft store. Their nemesis is Steam.


Yeah but people always had a choice not to buy from Epic.


Wait for sales to dry up on their own store and then release on another to get more.


so they can charge full price again a few months after the game released, a period when it would usually be on sale if it also released on steam at launch.


They probably signed a contract I guess.


Its a decent tactic, release on their uplay pass to get new subs and then sell full price on steam once it no longer generates subs. I subbed for it, got a couple hours in and got bored and unsubbed, nice way to save me 40 bucks and play other games for a month.


I don't get it either, most Ubisoft games on steam just take you to the Ubisoft launcher. Most don't even have achievements on Steam, only on the Ubisoft launcher.


I heard this was decent but wow was it quickly forgotten 


It's a very impressive graphics engine and the jungle is a joy to roam around in. The levelling up perks are extremely bland though, it's just 'do 20% more damage', 'carry an extra healing thing'. The wildlife doesn't pose any threat and the enemies are either really easy to defeat or see you through bushes 100m away. The base design is also really flat, there's no verticality despite many parts of the map having loads of interesting cliffs, caves, etc. Edit: actually there is some verticality at bases but only in the form of different height buildings. Not interesting enough to remember, unlike some of the jungle terrain.


It’s like Ubisoft always has the components for a good game, but the suits are afraid to approve anything except the most straightforward, consumer-friendly assembly of those components.


If beige could be a game, Ubisoft would be the beigest beige paint factory.


Which is sad, because you can feel like there's talanted people behind ubisoft games but due to several bad manegerial decisions the games just turn out to be mediocre at best


MBA brain for ya.


And there’s no melee?!


Oh yeah, that was ridiculous


Can you do wingsuit stuff and ride the creatures that fly or is it truly nothing


You can ride the flying thing, you get a personal one


Wingsuit/parachute at all? I’m trying to know if I can fly the thingies and jump off of them lol


You can jump off, fall speed is low and you just call it again and it picks you up


Damn… Was hoping for some sick Far Cry esque air movement. Flatland jungle sounds lame especially in a setting known for its towering geography. Probably not for me, thanks for the info tho


classic ubisoft


I can't think of a Ubisoft game within the last decade that I actually enjoyed playing. All their games are so similar they might as well be the same. They butchered the Tom Clancy IP, ran Assassin's Creed ragged, failed to innovate at any level and have the possible worst launcher on the market.


I genuinely enjoyed ac odyssey and way before that ac black flag. Other than that, not much in between. 


AC Origins was also a nice fresh take of a game at the time, before it became the dead-horse that they now base all their games off...


I'm not saying that you (or anyone else) will enjoy it, but for whatever reason I'm a big fan of The Division. story and characters are mostly forgettable, but the environment design and actual gameplay tickles something in my brain in a way that other shooters don't. It's my go-to "just pretty alright" game. Other than that tho, yeah Ubisoft really leaves a lot to be desired in the current gaming world.


RIP Heartlands. Here’s to hoping Div3 somehow comes to fruition. And doesn’t get infested with modern-day mtx, that I’m honestly surprised wasn’t and still hasn’t been implemented in Div2.


They do release things other than their formulaic open world every year or so. For Honor, the South Park games, Mario vs Rabbids, Prince of Persia, Rainbow Six Siege, Riders Republic. All of these are pretty great IMO.


The Division’s Survival Mode was some of the most intense gaming experiences I’ve had and still fondly remember to this day. That said, that’s…the only memorable Ubisoft game I thoroughly enjoyed. Oh, and the first playthrough of any Far Cry 3-5 (incl. Blood Dragon and Primal) game. Play them once and you’ve played them all, but that first playthrough is almost always worth the experience, imo.


> All their games are so similar they might as well be the same. Idk they do have some unique offerings. Don't get me wrong I'm no Ubisoft copy and paste open world fan but there really is nothing like Siege, For Honor or The Division on the market. Hell even XDefiant is now in it's own niche, chasing the feeling of the CoDs before the jetpack games.


Verticality is underated. Was amazing in Sekiro and you can tell the No Rest for the Wicked creators are taking notes!


> The levelling up perks are extremely bland though, it's just 'do 20% more damage', 'carry an extra healing thing'. Reminds me of Far Cry 3 forcing you to grind upgrades to do things like carry more money.


So…. Basically avatar: the movie: the game?


I think it's hilarious that Avatar is the highest grossing movie of all time ... and barely anyone can tell you the plot or the name of a single chatacter.


its because there was no merchandising and good luck cosplaying as a 9 foot tall blue person had avatar not been the highest grossing movie of all time we probably would have seen the studio executives twist camerons arm into doing more merchandising and possibly even spin offs (tv shows comics etc) and it might be talked about more instead its that film everyone and their mother saw back in 2009


How do you know that 


I played it all the way through completion, and the first half was genuinely great. It falls flat after 10-15 hours and gets boring, though. It's a decent Ubisoft game and worth a playthrough if you find it on sale. Easily one of the most impressive looking games to come out in recent years. I will also add, climbing the rookery to get your own Ikran (flying mount) is one of the coolest gaming experiences I've ever had.


It was really fun and engaging for the first half, but don’t think it has the juice story wise and mechanically to keep you engaged the whole game IMO. I’m glad they made it, it’s impressive visually.


That sounds like most of the games Ubisoft makes nowadays. I wish they would stop making their games so bloated and massive.


I wouldn’t say this one was as bloated as Valhalla or anywhere as close. It just didn’t get its hooks in me to even maintain a 30-40 hour experience which I assume this game would be. I think they have made steps to remove bloat. Mirage was that way, they just released Prince of Persia this year which was a smaller side scroll Metroid-vania. Some desire to go with smaller scope and world I think.


Valhalla made more than a billion dollars though.


I wasn’t really saying anything against Valhalla. It’s a good and fun game. But is bloated


I just don't think they're going to remove the "bloat" because it appears that most people outside of this sub enjoy it. I mean a billion dollars is way beyond successful.. I played odyssey casually and thought it was wonderful because I could play a couple of missions and then stop. The people here binge it ina week and get upset because its not entertaining for that type of playstyle


It's decent Ubisoft game.... You can take that however you want, but yeah. It's not discussed probably because there's nothing to discuss about it.


I didn't even know this was an FPS, thought it was a 3rd person open world thingy. So it's farcry with an avatar skin. Looks pretty though but meh pass


It's as decent as any Far Cry game. Very generic at this point, which means very forgettable. No surprise everyone stopped talking about it as soon as it came out.


game looks great but it's very boring, I quit after 4 hours


You have to constantly hold a button down to (focus or whatever they call it) to see the shit in the world you need. I hate that mechanic. Couldn’t play more than a couple hours and refunded it.


X x x X-Ray vision! (As Mac from Worthabuy would say)


DING DING DING 🛎️🛎️🛎️ Lmao, my exact thought when I first read that comment too. I love that dude so much. That mechanic burned a hole in my wallet when I was irrationally hyped for the og release of Horizon: Zero Dawn.


Because it's Ubisoft and they essentially make the same game every time


>I heard this was decent but wow was it quickly forgotten  Isn't that kind of the story of Avatar in a nutshell? 2 of the top 3 highest grossing films of all time, not a single impactfully memorable thing about either of them.


Bought 1 month of Ubi+ to play it, but ended up playing AC:Mirage instead because Frontiers of Pandora just bored me to death. It's definitely a beautiful game, but combat, skills, upgrades, etc, are so bland that I just couldn't bring myself to continue after a few hours of gameplay.


It is incredible how games that skip Steam are forgotten. And is not even on purpose (in my personal case), I just lost interest or tell myself "Maybe someday" the moment they go exclusive to some other service. Steam has morphed themselves into some kind of virtual-digital "physical" thing. Like in the old days, not having a hardware (like a console) will limit the games you got for them since you could not get other system exclusives. The limit is not physical but is there, and voluntarily. Nice Steam. Good boy.


Just like the movie(s) funnily enough.


like the movie lol.


Basically an AMD gpu tech demo with a cool art direction on top of the usual ubi open world


I've heard very much the opposite so I'm fairly surprised the thread has gotten this amount of attention.


The performance is absolutely trash, can't even get a solid 60 fps in most areas and I have a powerful PC.


I figured they would stick with a one year exclusivity period


I got it on my xbox. Imo a better Far Cry game than Far Cry 6. Or at least different enough that it felt worth playing.


Nice, exactly what I'm looking for.


Isn't this the game with insane graphics?


It is a very pretty game, yes.


Snowdrop is the engine - It was first used/created for the division game. the division has some memes about its downgrade from cinematic to game, but let me tell you the division 2 is still stunning 5 years after release.


the division 1 has still gotta be the single most beautiful true to life atmospheric game I've ever seen to this day. nothing has come close. div 2 is def also up there. it's hell of an engine, and artists didn't compromise on anything. it's a shame bc nowadays unreal has a stranglehold on the industry, and devs usually love to cut corners with default shaders and pre-made templates leading to generic af looking games with the "unreal" look. ue5 is capable of so much more, and *could* look like snowdrop or frostbite engine games. i wish it were treated the same as the days when proprietary engines were a big thing. I think the sheer accessibility of it was a major double edged sword.


I don't think any game on UE5 could look good due to the plastic feeling of every single model in literally any game, that is using UE5, from Fortnite to Hellblade II. There is a reason, that it's the worst engine in the whole industry.


i lowkey agree but it has the capacity to not look like that. it's just that it's more cost effective to not make custom shaders and lights. so we're left with that cheap plastic look.


> the division 1 has still gotta be the single most beautiful true to life atmospheric game I've ever seen to this day. I'll argue Kingdom Come: Deliverance for this, the forests in particular.


No achievements, a third party account and EULA. Damn, hard sell.


But you can climb towers and collect 5,000,000 things!


Game doesn’t even have towers but go on


Isn't buying this on Steam simply going to launch the Ubisoft launcher... UPlay or whatever it's called these days?


> Requires 3rd-Party Account: Ubisoft Account (Supports Linking to Steam Account) Usually these warnings mention extra launchers, but it just says Account Linking here?


I get this "Warning: This title uses 3rd-party DRM (Ubisoft Connect)." So definitely just launches the Ubisoft launcher.


Correct me if I'm wrong For me, buying Ubisoft games on Steam is a good option, even though I am forced to use UPlay, I'll still be able to do all the Steam stuff which includes **Backup Files.** As far as I know, UPlay does not have a function similar to Steam's Backup Files I live in a 3rd world country where internet access isn't always fast or reliable, thankfully, I have pretty decent internet at home but I still can't trust it 100%. Being able to backup my game folders on Steam is great, GOG also has something similar and I love those two stores. I tolerate EA Play and UPlay, not 100% against them but in terms of convenience when installing/backing up games, Steam and GOG are kings.


Exactly. Screw that. I'll buy when it's detached from ubisoft's garbage bloatware. Until then, I'll play for free.


AC mirage and Prince of Persia lost crown now pls.


I forgot this even came out.


Ubisoft still not adding steam achievements for their games. Not going to support a company that refuses to do the bare minimum for their fans.


Pass for me too. I don't understand why they can't add the existing uplay achievements to the Steam releases.


Same. What a shit company


Why must you always exclude Steam Achievements, Ubisoft? Do you really like getting all the reviews and comments begging for them every release while showing how little you care to use even the most basic of Steam features? Edit: After tons of requests they added achievements. Now do it for your other games, Ubi.




It does now--they listened after getting thousands of requests.


How did get put on steam before Assassin Creed Mirage


Mirage sold more




i didnt know it wasnt on steam.


Nah, I'll wait till it's super cheap. You go exclusive I'll either not buy at all or buy it when it's like 10 bucks


LOL that didn't take long!


Hey, the game is finally releasing.


This was on epic first run program which runs for 6 month exclusivity. 100% cut on EGS but no upfront payment. It probably flopped on Epic like other exclusives.


It was also on Ubisoft store. A friend of mine has it and played it.


The program is essentially just no Steam release.


Yeah but people always had the option of buying it from the Ubi store. You still need the Ubisoft launcher for the Steam version anyway.


every ubisoft game skips steam at launch these days.


I thought it was one of Ubisoft's best games in a while. I enjoyed it quite a bit.


Any chance the Denuvo warning missing from the page is NOT a mistake, and they removed it for this release?


Been keeping track of this for latest games releasing, if the denuvo warning is not on the page it's probably not gonna be there on release.


Let me guess no achievements either


No achievements lol no money from me


The steam page says it has achievements


Just say no to Ubislop


this game, is the first far cry that i only played for 2 hours, it sucks, and i cant refund it.


Thats what you get for not buying it on Steam


I don't see a Denuvo tag "yet" , but I'll make a guess they'll enable that on the day of release


I’ll finally buy it. Once it’s on sale lmao


It’s actually the best uubisoft game of the latest generation IMO. Great looking game and fun. I’d say 40 bucks is the sweet spot.


I'd say $8 will make my day then. Give it six months.


Requires 3rd-Party Account: Ubisoft Account (Supports Linking to Steam Account) Requires agreement to a 3rd-party EULA HOPE EULA Thanks but no thanks.


I took a month of ubi+ to check out skull and bones and ended up playing this all month instead. Was bloody surprised 


they seem to be on a 6 monthish phase at the moment


Oh shit I totally forgot this game exists


NO FUCKING WAY LMFAO. That was the fast.


6 months since release -- think EPIC had/paid the exclusive for 6 mo.


Ubisoft open world cookie cutter, but I like the Avatar IP. I will probably pick this up when it's eventually put on sale for sub $30.


Was it on their own launcher only or epic launcher as well?


[Dear Avatar Frontiers of Pandora](https://imgur.com/a/sRsgIel)


Releases on my bday lol


No denuvo? That's good news lol


Yay! I'm actually excited about this. Looks like far cry with a fantastical layer.


gonna wait a bit longer for it to come to gamepass


What a surprise. This is exactly what I said was going to happen when they announced exclusivity to Ubisoft Connect for this and Outlaws and I had Ubi defenders coming out of the woodwork to tell me how wrong I was. Connect does not move the same numbers as Steam, plain and simple. There is no way in hell anything stays exclusive to Connect these days, and especially not licensed products.


AND . .. I waited for a sale to buy Avatar. I did the whole Ubisoft sub to play it initially, but I wanted to replay. I guess I should have waited. I'll wishlist it on Steam and wait for a sale . . . I guess. Probably going to play Outlaws on the Ubisoft Sub, and then wait for the Steam release.


ultimate hyper mega super deluxe edition \-ubisoft 2030


I got it for free with my 7800x3d. Looked very nice but wasn’t optimized very well considering I had a 3080. I enjoyed it for what it is. I haven’t played any Ubisoft games other than anno for a while. Crossplay coop is also nice. Played with with my wife when she was on PlayStation.


It's a very pretty game. Didn't know it wasn't available on Steam yet.


Never again, Ubisoft.


I’ll wait till it comes on game pass


“Requires Ubisoft Account”. No thanks. Would love to play the game but I am never using that shit again.


You'll play it


Sure i will, if it ever gets cracked and becomes playable without their software (so probably never)


I agree that their launcher is crap, but unfortunately this is the future of PC gaming. Rockstar, EA, Playstation, Ubisoft, Microsoft, everyone will require their own account and sometimes their own launcher for you to play their games. It sucks balls, but to deny yourself countless of possibly amazing games now and in the future just because you dont want a the launcher installed on your computer (You dont have to actually use it, it will launch in the background when you start the game on Steam) is just playing yourself. Ofc you are free to boycott all future games that require their own account/launcher but that harms you more than it harms them, mate. Hope you get to play the games either way, have a good one


To each their own. You too man, have a good one!


Amazing graphics, technically the game is a marvel, but very boring game. Wish ubisoft actually took a page from rockstar/larian/from soft / cdpr and made something that was good and not just average in literally every way. The game started off good, after 20 hours it's just a chore.


imo the only good recent Ubisoft release was Rider's Republic - the game is insane fun


Cool, another game to showcase my graphics card. Story and gameplay optional, I guess.


Far cry: frontiers of pandora. Ignored. Low quality, low effort, generic game amde in months. Not surprised it flopped hard.


Sigh. Waited and waited to play this cause was hoping for Steam. Saw it was on sale for 35 bucks so said fuck it and bought it on ubi about 3 weeks ago. Disappointing to see this


Haste makes waste I suppose


No achievements no buy


Absolutely beautiful tech showcase. As a collective package it’s just all right, though. It’s essentially Avatar FarCry with cookie cutter plot, villain, and gameplay. Technically impressive is its biggest win. Buy at deep sale.




All skies lead back to Steam


It was just a matter of time.


No even free a Ubisoft game will be in my library


you're missing on on two great Prince of Persia games


And quite a few more great games if we're being honest. Uplay sucks, but this game honestly looks great. I can't imagine turning down free games because I my incredibly capable PC needs to open another launcher. It's a free GAME, it's not like we're supporting terrorism


Which ones? Last PoP game I played was the one released in 2008.


Fuckin finally. Now I might actually buy it


Here we go again no achievements on steam