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Superheater is an app that can automatically download and install various fixes (such as widescreen fixes, unofficial patches, crashes workarounds, no intro fixes etc.) for Steam games. It's mostly meant for older games that have troubles running on modern systems, but also have stuff for newer games. It also has an option to upload your own fixes if you want to help filling fixes database. Since my last post https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/16rqydn/i_released_a_new_version_of_steam_superheater_a/ I've added support for Linux and Deck, some requested features like md5 hash verification, upvotes/downvotes/reports for fixes, various QoL changes, and, thanks to the contributors, 256 fixes for 188 games (and that's not counting no intro fixes!) You can see the list of fixes and download the app here: https://superheater.fgsfds.link/


Very cool idea. Hope this turns into a moddb of sorts for the kinds of patches you'd normally go through pcgamingwiki for!


Yeah, that's the idea


Awesome work. Shame Steam, given that they take 30% of every damn sale ever, couldnt fund you a bit!


Thanks, saving this post for future 😃


Just a note that there is an entry there for "Prey" There are multiple games called Prey. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prey_(2017_video_game) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prey_(2006_video_game) Please indicate which game it's referring to.


It uses whatever name Steam provides. I guess, I'll have to override it.


I'd suggest keeping the Steam AppId on hand for this kind of thing.


It does use AppIDs, game title is only used for visuals


just add +release date to every entry


I think it's obvious, given the point of the program, that it's the 06 version


> It's mostly meant for older games that have troubles running on modern systems, but also have stuff for newer games. From the OP. So no, its not so clear that it doesnt need clarifying. Its *probably* the older game if you were to guess. But plenty of games from the 2010's would have patches and fixes as well that could be on the database. There is no reason to NOT have the year of release stated for all games really.


Some people have problems with the 2017 version apparently, so it's not a given


My man this sounds sick! Thanks so much for deck and Linux support as well, will check this out asap!


This looks pretty cool, but it would be really nice if there was a summary of what some of these fixes were. Deus Ex for instance, I have no idea what Deus Exe is, and I got it working "modernly" pretty recently.


Just a heads up, the fix for Resident Evil: Revelations can get you VAC banned: https://github.com/Lyall/RERevFix "This game uses Valve Anti Cheat for raid mode in multiplayer. I highly recommend that you DO NOT play this mode with this fix installed." Overall a neat idea, but you really need to make sure that fixes are 100% fool proof without any hidden surprises...


Yeah, there's a warning in the fix's description about that.


Also be careful with adding fixes for any Call of Duty games for the same reason 


Hope that doesn't apply to RE Revelations 2. I tried everything to get that game running on an Iris XE(should handle it easy) but it's just broken. 15 FPS with huge framtimes then 5 seconds of complete freeze then back to 15fps, even in the menus.


The problem I have with this: Who verifies where the supposed fixes are downloaded from and that they contain no malicious code/stuff?


Fixes are verified by me before being added to the database. Most of them are downloaded from my own storage. Some are downloaded from the developers' github repos. After fix is added to the database, md5 hash is assigned to each file, and this md5 is verified when you're installing a fix. If the file was modified or replaced after being added to the db, you'll get a notification and an option to abort installation.


I honestly think you should do two things here. 1. Move your fix database to a file based database in a GitHub repo that can be reviewed and changes can be proposed through PRs. Why not? Just have the app pull that database in when it starts. 2. Produce the executables and push the releases to the repo from the GitHub Actions. That would make the entire build process reviewable as well. You already have a build and test job, just add versioning and releasing through there as well. These would extract you from a position of trust almost entirely since all pieces of the app could be reviewed separately. I do think the OP is being pretty hyperbolic since the trust relationship with all fix authors is no different. Adding more people doesn't reduce the already shot trusting random people.


MD5 is vulnerable to collision attacks, at least use something more secure to hash with. You really should be signing it.


Well, that's a good start, but a no from me. I don't know you, nor are you infallible, you're human after all and make mistakes. A single person verifying and telling other folks "it's ok, trust me bro" just doesn't sit right with me. But all in all, an interesting project. I've ⭐ it, and will keep looking at it.


That's understandable


Do you have a system where people can (publicly) flag certain fixes as not working, provide maybe comments and a vote system where people can vote "this is true for me" and "it's a you problem" so people know what might actually cause issues and what doesn't? Perhaps a way to allow people to uncheck certain fixes (and any dependencies they have, or you know any fix which has multiple parts/requirements) that don't work for them? I don't know if that's possible, I've never seen the app you've made and don't know how it works, but something like that could make people trust it more? Kind of like protonDB's game verification system where people can report if something works or not, that's what I'm imagining.


Are you aware of any legal hurdles you could be facing? You are making old games work and someone is going to be mad just because bc Lo$$ to stop you once you garner enough attention. not a matter of if but when


Seeing as it's using games from steam, you've already bought them. Installing mods/mod helpers are not illegal in any way.


For most users, there is no difference between trusting this guy or some other random guy who made a fix.


> some other random guy who made a fix Some of these fixes are from nexusmods, meaning they have been already verified as safe.


Verified by whom? "Some guy at nexusmod"? I think for the cautiously skeptical, there's no good way to anchor the chain-of-trust.


In comparison to a random redditor, nexusmods is definitely safe, as files are checked by a paid staff. Obviously, in a real world, nothing is *ever* safe, but that's another thing. I have no idea why this app doesn't pull the fixes from Nexus like Wabbajack.


There isn't other than making stuff publicly accessible, there's been more than one occasion of mod authors on nexus being banned for uploading content with malware before. If you can't see what the fix is actually doing code wise there's no reason to trust it.


You don't know any of other random guys making said patches officially anyway. What's the difference here?


You're adding an extra random guy. It's another point of failure.


I mean it's on github. If it's doing something malicious people would be able to see it in the code


No, because you have no guarantee that the github code is whats in the executable you installed unless you compile it yourself, and even then you are trusting him not to compromise the files he links you to. Trusting him is unavoidable with the way this is designed, and it being on github doesnt make all ways it could be misused visible.


Is that any different than literally any other program though? I use literally dozens of exes from various makers that aren't just from Microsoft or any other hyper big well respected company.


Yes, it is different. Those programs likely include a better hashing check to ensure you are installing the same code people see, and they do not involve downloading fimurther unsafe files from the author.


you can download most fixes from trusted websites with history that scan files and have some kind of discussion board/ update history or at least a review system. There are ways to verify what kind of files you actually download and install. While i dont think OP means harm, any cyber security guy would recommend you not to trust an anonymous redditor who offers to fix you stuff for free with his tool


How is this any different than going to the source of the fix or mod tho?


I mean, what’s the difference between this and downloading mods for your games? lol


Oh no. You've turned into your dad!


You can tell when a redditor has only been entry level or unemployed when they think like you




Can you explain what you meant? I'm a manager in an IT role and I agree with what they said.


>common sense >controversial lmao


Does this mean I can actually play SWKOTOR without having to piss about for hours only for it to still just not work? Will give this a try later c:


Your README file at https://github.com/fgsfds/Steam-Superheater?tab=readme-ov-file is way more informative than your website. I'd recommend either duplicating the info from the README onto your website, or just replacing your website with the README file.


Yeah, the website seems a bit useless. Just directs you to the GitHub & discord. And if he uses GitHub desktop (or whatever advanced version exists) it'd be easy to update it alongside any fixes that get implemented.


Cool, can i recommend Gothic? I think pretty much all parts require fixes and patches to work on modern systems.


Gothic has workshop support with community patches and other useful mods. I think it's easier to make use of it.


there's a mod on the workshop (worked fine on w11)


As someone with pcgamingwiki bookmarked to find fixes for old games this is an amazing idea. I recently downloaded and patched up The Movies lol


Really like the idea and woiuld love to see this continue to expand but already having issues. Keep getting an error that the exe doesn't have access to Windows/System32.


That's the new one. SH doesn't write anything outside of its root directory. Where did you unpack the exe?


Desktop. Also into Win/system32. Never had this issue before..might be because Windows defender is being an asshole even though I'm giving it permission to run. Can't stand Defender.


Better put it into a separate folder, but Desktop should be fine too. I have an idea what the problem might be. Wait for the new version.


Can you try this one? https://github.com/fgsfds/Steam-Superheater/releases/tag/1.0.1


Hey there, Just got home and tried it. For whatever reason this one doesn't give me an error but doesn't actually...do anything. It never actually opens up or installs anything. Very strange. Thanks for the updated version. I will continue to keep an eye on the updates.


How about now? https://github.com/fgsfds/Steam-Superheater/releases/tag/1.0.1 If it still doesn't start, please upload `superheater.log`


Ayy, pretty cool!


Great app! What about Dragon Age Origins? That game is so hard to reccomend to friends because sometimes it needs a lot of set up to stop crashes.


I recently bought it specifically for that. Going to add fixes for it some time soon.


When the fix simply say ScummVM, what does this entail? You force the game to run through ScummVM instead or something?


Each fix has a detailed description that can be seen in the app. If you're talking about The Longest Journey, then yeah, it makes the game run from ScummVM.


I can't tell you how fast I scrolled down to see if KOTOR was on this list.


I always goto pcgamingwiki and check out fixes etc myself for all games before playing, but good too see an easier way to do it streamlined, great work!


Need a fix for Killing Floor crashing on modern CPUs. You'll get to wave 9/10 and you'll lose all that progress.


Here is a fix for Shadow Warrior 3: https://www.reddit.com/r/GameDeals/comments/1dmscb3/steam_shadow_warrior_trilogy_720_701_93_off/l9y6t6l/


Oh, that's cool! I'll have to see if it's got anything for some games I own. I know F.E.A.R. has a couple mods to fix the text & resolution on 1440p+ monitors. Could you add those? Seems it's not on the list.


I will definitely check this out because I JUST had Max Payne crash on me then had no audio for cutscenes. Would love to give this a spin. May I suggest also stuff for abandonware? There's stuff like Silent Hill 2 which have fan patches for HD textures and fixes and I think people could benefit a lot from this too as those games are not accessible enough


Right now SH only supports Steam. I may add support for other stores and "loose" games in the future, but I'm not completely sure about this yet.


I'd give actual money for a tool to simplify the installation of the old mechwarrior games but that probably goes a bit beyond the scope of this project, i'm looking forward to seeing the totality of what games this fixes and makes playable!


I would love if this project could work with GOG as well, as I do have a number of these old games purchased through there.


Check out the steam community guides for Max Payne fixes. I recently played it on my modern PC at 21:9 with no issues, just had to apply a couple easy fixes.




I liked Superheater when you made the original post about it and look forward to the updated list of fixed games. Have you considered matching Steam offerings with the mods and patches that are provided via GoG? For example, a fix for the Steam version of Star Wars Episode 1 Racer and others


I do that if GOG's fix is legit. For example, cursor fix for Freedom Force is taken from the GOG version


Hopefully this will help me with playing Burnout Paradise City


KOTOR is on the list! I've tried getting it working on my 4k monitor before but have had zero luck which is a total shame because it's easily my favorite game from my childhood. Is this a relatively simple process to get working? I'm not the most tech savy as evidenced by my failure to get KOTOR working. Do you have a donation area? If I can play KOTOR again after all this time I'd be more than happy to send some money your way.


Thanks, I'm fine without donations. Glad you find it useful.


Finally. I’ll be able to run unmodded FO3 on the PC


Can it fix Lost Planet 2?


It doesn't have any fixes for LP2 yet, but it's on the todo list


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I’m probably never going to download or make use of this, but thank you for making it


Same here!


This is so cool, thanks, if you could add the fix for the space sim Project Freedom it would really be appreciated


Added it to the todo list


The only question I have is: will I be able to run Blood Omen 2?


I tried it on Windows and Linux with Re-vamped patch, and it worked fine.


Sounds neat - I look forward to giving this a go 👍🏻


This will be an absolute game changer for the steam deck Thank you!!






Oh awesome, TF2 is finally getting fixed