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He was in it for the long haul with that future proofing. Turns out the relationship was not.


Unlike him, the PSU is a keeper.


No joke that line of PSU was so well built. I kept mine (800w version) for 7 years across 3 PC's and I only replaced it because I wasn't sure it could stomach a 6900XT and a 5950X. My father had the same one your sister had in her PC even longer and only replaced it because the connector in the back broke a year or so ago (January 2022).


My sister is not my gf but yeah, I get what you mean.


Oooooohhh so you're too good to date your sister?!?! Edit: This will likely be my most upvoted comment for the year. Y'all are dirty.


Maybe she's not good enough to date him!


Pornhub doesn't think so


Well, maybe if she gets stuck while working on the computer ͡(° ͜ʖ ͡°)


What are you doing step-computer?!


Got that finger nabbed in the cpu heatsink


She sticked to the thermal paste


Mom gets jealous.


Yeah jeez. How northern of him.


Yeah, I hope his sister never finds out or her little southern belle heart would be broken.


Alabama detected.


Oh shoot, misread your post lol That's what I get for commenting when I've just woken up, lol Gonna amend my previous post :)


it’s funnier with the edit bc until i read this i thought OP just randomly decided to clarify that he doesnt date his sister


That'd be only funnier if OP is from Alabama lol


Just sharing some knowledge, you can strike through with tilde’s. ~~girlfriend~~ sister Do this by typing \~\~girlfriend\~\~ sister


*Sweet Home Alabama starts playing*


I'm still running on one I got in 2014 without a hiccup. So far so good.


i can fix that for her ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Or maybe the sister is the bad one.


“Johnny, it’s time to build your own computer. I bequeath to you, the family PSU. It has been in our family for generations. Your great great grandfather saw the value in future proofing and bought this PSU and it has been used in our family since.”


Dumped him when she saw the cable management


What cable management


Managed to keep them in the case somehow


I’m gonna guess he probably took the the gpu with him. Probably upgraded gpu and power supply and when he left replaced it with a cheaper gpu.


How was there a 950 mobile in a desktop? Was this some sort of OEM only part to save on heat/power consumption?


Yes it's a cheap pre-built for light applications, he thought he would be able to run WoW on it.


I mean old school wow ran on EVERYTHING


I'm running classic on integrated graphics at 120hz. It was their greatest key to success. Literally everyone and their mothers could play the game on their shitty pc.


and boy did a lot of house wives play wow. Or guys pretending to be housewives. Or housewives pretending to be guys too.


I actually know two girls who pretended to be guys on WOW because they said that otherwise they are constantly hit on by sexual harassment by teenage boys.


My sister would pretend to be a guy too. Sadly she got outed after trusting another woman in the guild. Who turned out to be a guy. Who outed her because she wasn't interested in sexting with him.


WoW moment


... Kek?


gamers are so wholesome and kind


Ages ago I used to two box EverQuest with my male ranger and a female druid. Constant attempts at conversation with the druid which I would answer from the ranger to a lot of angry horndogs who were upset that I was playing both for MY convenience and deprived them of hookup.


I almost always made a female toon for EQ. Because I liked their models more. Even though I'm a guy. Any time someone would assume I was a girl because of my toon, and be pushy or sexual about it, I would not correct them. More than once someone would start to get really pushy for me to join team speak, to hear my beautiful voice. I'd join their team speak server and ask, "Which one of you boys are going to eat me ass like lemon grass" or "Eat my shitter like a chicken fritter".


"If I'm going to look at an ass for 2000 hours it's gonna be a girls ass"


I honestly think pretending to be a girl on RuneScape as a teenager played a role in why I grew up to care about women not being harassed and being able to game without it.


several girls/women in my guild were male characters until they spoke in raid.


Teenage boys don't really play WoW now. It's like all men in their later twenties, thirties, and fourties at this point. It was very rare to run into teens the last 5 years. WoW doesnt really bring in new players. It's kept alive by people who have been playing for 15+ years already. Source: thirty some year old former wow player who had played since vanilla launch.


Well, my story about these girls is also already like 10-15 years old.


My mum actually ran off with someone and left my dad for some prick on WoW.


He should had bought her a better rig so she would stay faithful. We know women just want better gaming PCs, and will gravitate towards the person offering the biggest GFX card.


You’re right, it’s probably because she had an iMac.


May this be a lesson to you when you start dating. If you want to keep a woman give her a xx90 or x900 series gfx card, at least 2 monitors with one being an ultrawide, and enough RBG lights to be visible from geostationary orbit.


Not giving confirmation to the theory or anything, but my partner DID come home a couple months ago, set down a rig he'd spent all day at his buddy's house building, and say "Happy early birthday!" (5800X, 3070Ti, etc)


Can confirm. Used to play Star Wars Galaxies with an older husband/wife and she would post a sign up on our guild forum and mail us Christmas packages every year. Star Wars themed at first, then the NGE hit and we went to WoW so they became WoW themed. For me since I lived in Canada, she would send me things I couldn't get here from the States plus WoW themed snacks and arts and crafts. Was really wholesome.


Lizards pretending to be hoomans


I met a housewife IRL around 15 years ago who played WoW all the time. She needed something to do at home all day.


I originally played on a Pentium 4 using the integrated graphics. I think our expectations were a little different back then.


I played on a Celeron D with the GeForce 4 series card that was actually a rebadged GeForce 2 series card, I forgot the name of it but it was terrible. And yep, it was fine for me back then! Today my spoiled ass would consider it unplayable.


My big upgrade was in 2009 with a GT220, 48 cores and 512mb of vram iirc. Running 100+ fps in 720p/768p was glorious after being happy with under 30fps. And it's easier not to stand in the fire when you can actually see there's fire.


People wonder why league became so popular. Same reason. A toaster could run it. Real question is can a toaster run their client tho?


Thanks to this PSU, it can run Starfield at 4K@144fps. ![gif](giphy|S3Ot3hZ5bcy8o|downsized)


With raytraycing enabled


I remember being able to run WoW over 10 years ago on a 100€ neetbook with the lowest end integrated GPU which wasn't able to even open some 2D indie games. It barely run, but it was enough to get my daily quests done during a trip lol. That said, forget about some places like Dalaran where even my main (really mediocre but still miles better) PC struggled.


I remember helping my gf (now wife) upgrade her computer and after she was like “My character has HAIR!!”


Until you boarded a zeppelin, i had to use the unstuck character option or something like that in cata because the loading screens were taking so long, that once it loaded, the zeppelin was already flying back and triggering the loading screen for the zone i started from...


True, it even ran on my ancient 1gb ram pc with a even more ancient single core Intel cpu


Can confirm, played on the integrated graphics of my motherboard for years


We just bought a new pc and they installed the wrong ram. Only noticed by us because it freezes whenever i tried to install wow. Back in 2005. I also had some problems when installing to many mods.


I ran the original launch on a laptop with an Athlon 64 and a 64 MB Radeon 9700


Interesting. Just never heard of a 950 mobile sku in a desktop.


There are also repackaged Rx6600m gpus on aliexpress. Pretty interesting and they arent even half bad.




There's no way a 900 series card wouldn't run wow. Either there was some technical issue or it did run WoW and the way OP phrased that is confusing.


Fr, obviously there is still still a difference between these cards but my 870 mobile in my laptop in 2014 ran Mist of Pandaria on Ultra settings 144 fps+ There’s not a chance a 900 series couldn’t run wow


idk what OP is going on about a 950 not running WOW. i think they're confused or misspoke. my gf runs wow on a 660 ez. even that is probably overpowered for the game.


> How was there a 950 mobile in a desktop? Was this some sort of OEM only part to save on heat/power consumption? It's not unusual in cheap boxes. They can be amazing for low power applications, it's hard to beat with desktop hardware.


I would say it’s quite unusual. I’m unable to find anything when looking at YouTube/Google.


It's typically done in low end, cheap boxes, which probably isn't the kind of stuff lots of people talk about. This 950M *is* a bit unusual in the sense that it's paired with a regular CPU, not a laptop CPU. Generally, it's just laptop CPUs soldered onto a motherboard. I'm actually running a laptop-chip-on-a-motherboard here. Same thing: cheap box from a budget oriented manufacturer, and the original owner got fed up with it quickly so threw it out. I've stuck it somewhere where low power consumption is more important than maximum performance and it's been doing the job just fine. There are some Chinese router boxes on Aliexpress which use laptop CPUs as low power high-ish performance options, and there are some name brand SBC motherboards sold with low power chips soldered onto them too.


From what i can gather, desktop 950M from ASUS was basically a janky 750 Ti, possibly with much slower DDR3 memory depending on the model. Just one of the typical OEM schemes to scam non-savvy customers.


I bought a 750Ti on purpose, because 15 years ago GPU coolers were loud as shit and I wanted a silent desktop - and those things needed so little energy that they were sold with passive cooling.


You're forgetting the original 950 mobile, intel's GMA 950


It's not, that's either a sticker from something else or a bizzare typo. You can see the GPU in there. Mobile GPUS are either soldered directly to the board or older ones could sometimes come on MXM cards that could be replaced, but nothing that would just slot into a PCIe slot/look like a regular GPU


By the looks of it he did more than just upgrade the psu


Yes, that's a 1050Ti, he wanted to be sure that beast of a GPU had enough Jiggawatts.


1.21 is no joke. When this baby hits 88 watts, you're gonna see some budget shit.


That PSU might send this computer back to 1985.


I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet, but your kids are gonna want a faster pc


To play Starfield


Too bad we live in the future where Biff actually became president.


Now we live in a future where we're literally not sure if he'll die in prison, or actually become President again. But hey, at least Starfield was meh.


We’re waiting for OP’s sister’s ex to go back and fix it.


This is exactly what my brother did to his old Dell PC before passing it along to me. I had no idea about PC at the time and thought it was a decent PC to play fortnite on. Told my friend I was playing on a Dell and they laughed at me saying it had junk specs. I remember opening it up and seeing a better PSU, 1050ti, SSD, better ram sticks, and a better cpu cooler. I later asked my brother why he did all this and apparently someone just gave him all these parts for free and he beefed it up for free. This was years ago and that was actually a decent build at the time. Looking back I could have just gotten a better motherboard, cpu, and case and was good to go. Instead I just completely built my own PC with all better parts.


When it hits 1488 watts, you are no longer able to play Wolfenstein games


They all became [Wolfstone](https://wolfenstein.fandom.com/wiki/Wolfstone_3D).


I love that they can fit OG Wolf 3D into another Wolf 3D as a mini-game now, LOL


I love such easter eggs. In the 90s, LucasArts put Maniac Mansion in its spiritual successor, Day of the Tentacle, also playable via a computer in-game


Well, if you spend money on a new PSU, getting one that you might be able to reuse in a future build isn't a particularly bad idea. Imagine how many PSUs get thrown away, not because there's anything wrong with them, but because they would be underpowered for a faster PC.


For real. Sadly that psu will last longer than their relationship though 💀


Exactly, I got a 1250w xfx psu back when I was running 2x290x in cross fire and wanted a third. I've used that same psu in several builds since that one, even though it's way over kill now


Right, but you can do that even with a 750W PSU. Especially if you don't plan on buying top of the line inefficient crap.


I'm still using the 750W EVGA unit I bought for my first build in 2015. Still works great, and is the only consistent part on my Computer of Theseus that hasn't needed upgrading over the years. That and my g502 is still going strong!


The psu is being bottlenecked💀




Someone please test it on Starfield.


Well typically that's what you want, right? Don't want to pop that bad boy because your RTX turned on


it’s like putting a ferrari’s engine into an old honda


I had never thought I would read this sentence ever in my life. This was the last thing I had to hear before I die. Thanks!


At least the PSU is future proof.


Psu worth more than the pc itself. Also....why.


thats probably the only psu the boyfriend had on hand.


Y tho


He doesn't understand the concept of money and was about to ruin their economy, which is one of the reasons he is now her ex. "I need a new PSU, better buy the most expensive one I can find to be sure it's enough".


That PSU alone is more expensive than the old pc itself.


Too bad we can't find the rest of the cables, he probably brought them when he moved out.


Whatever you do: **NEVER** use PSU cables made for a different model. Not different manufacturers, not even the same manufacturer.


Curious as to the story behind how you came about this knowledge lol


There is no PSU side standard for modular cables. The ends that plug into the mobo, GPU, and the sata power all have to be standard on that end but the wires on the end that plug into the power supply can be ordered whatever way the manufacturer feels like. Running 12v into a ground or 5v pin can have Exciting results.


I am utterly embarrassed that I didn’t know this, thank you for posting this. I had briefly considered getting a more powerful PSU a few months ago. I was just going to unplug all the cables, take the old one out, pop the new one in, and plug the same cables back in. Thankfully I didn’t, because I’m not interested in “exciting results” haha


Fireworks, as 12V goes down a 5V power rail.


its 2023 we still don't have universals psu port ?


Thats quite interesting, i hadn't thought about that being possible, definitely something to keep in mind


People have killed hardware in the past with that...


Thats the story i wanted to hear about. Thinking back, i may very well have fried my gtx970 last year doing this exact thing lol


From what I was told years ago it was because your cables are rated for your PSU. So other cables could have a higher or lower rating but also be identical to each other. Which could cause issues with your pc or ever worse a fire. Take this with a grain of salt as I was told some version of this and just trusted it without doing my own research. I could be wrong.


It's not a rating issue, it's that what the plug looks like on the PSU end is completely arbitrary. There is no standard for it. The plug on the motherboard is standardized, so pin 3 is always 5V or whatever, but the other end, on the PSU, is not, so pin 3 on the PSU side could be 5V or 12V or anything.


I've been building PCs for 25 years and just recently upgraded my PSU to support my new GPU. I usually replace all cables except but time I left my sata power. I was troubleshooting for hours and couldn't figure out why it wasn't detecting 2 of my drives. Then I researched and found out about not using different cables. I have never felt so ignorant in my life. Thankfully it only fried 2 of the 4 drives I had in those chains. Time to visit a data recovery place....


I'm quite sure you can buy them. If not, ask the manufacturer (BeQuiet! afaik) if they have some spare ones


wrong manufacturer, its cooler master for that psu, they could have spares but then from what i seen the psu came out a decade ago


You might want to take a look at what HDMI and audio cords your sister's got, if she's sitting on 300€ of gold cables.


Probably never bought her roses Priorities


I thought he was playing the long game, turns out he was just stupid


Im guessing the 1050 Ti he put in needed a better PSU so he bought that coolermaster one


Leaving a little bit of PSU wattage headroom is always a good practice.


I don't think 1000W is a little bit lol


lol :D I forgot to add ^/s


Oh lol my bad :)))




​ https://preview.redd.it/zposiumdgfnb1.jpeg?width=666&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a7f43ff73dde6ded7c3be46c2c2a9127f120f2a


What happened to the ex. Did he build more computers


Yes he built a new PC from scratch, he broke the pins off of the brand new Ryzen CPU and had to buy a new one.


Sounds like the son in law of a friend who built a computer for her that she brought to me for troubleshooting. When I first looked at it I wondered why the IO ports didn't line up. Homie didn't use and standoffs to mount the mobo. Thankfully only the board got cooked.


These pictures explain what ‘Overkill’ means perfectly.


I’m still trying to figure it out the image. I’m a bit new for this … can you explain to me ‘like a five year old’ please?




Ok. Thank you for the analogy. Makes sense.


The 1st picture OP's sharing shows the hardware (not power-demanding HW at all); while the 2nd shows the Power Supply Unit (PSU): bloody 1,200W (which is more than enough for the most demanding newest gen of HW). I attached a chart estimating OP's PC hardware and its required power to run and the PSU currently installed. So basically OP has power supply way more than their PC needs, which is an 'overkill.' I hope this helps. https://preview.redd.it/jrtd86ud1gnb1.png?width=896&format=png&auto=webp&s=2d69c22e42f468a279d81ddc61867cb87eae292b


Holy overkill batman!


New response just dropped


now you can safely upgrade to an rtx 6090


That PSU may be old but that thing will outlive humanity


Nvidia releasing a 3000W GPU:


67 + 8G + 950M + 2GB + 1TB + 128GB = 1156 yeh a 1200W PSU should do it.


Now that's future proofing.


Bought a nuclear reactor for that PC.


Man her Ex loved her.


He definitely loved spending their money, that's for sure.


Is that poor gpu sagging or is it just an weird picture angle?


It is indeed sagging.


future proof alright


Future proofing


I, too, sip water from a fire hose.


Did she break up with him for his awful cable management? Cause I would. . .


That's not the only cable he didn't manage well.


The PC is also relatively dust free for such an old spec'ed PC.


I've taught my sister to dust her computers with the air compressor.


Throw a 4090 in there


Lol, genuinely hilarious. Well done OP


cpu 65W gpu 90w i think its a https://de.msi.com/Graphics-Card/GTX-950-GAMING-2G/Specification just driven with mobility driver probably i think a 400W psu would be perfect


Holy please fix the cable mangement. Cables in front of vents make me angry


hey, on the bright side, it'll take a while for her to need to swap her PSU. I got a 750W Silent gold as well and it has been serving me for more than a decade.


Why put a power supply strong enough for a welder in such a computer?


Oh shit. There's an ant in my house. Fetch me my hydrogen bomb


Thats a weird gpu for a desktop


Please tell me you got her some RAM. I cannot imagine using 8GB today. DDR4 is cheap too, it would be like $20.


Extra 1000w just in case


Lolz. On A GTX anything that PSU is overkill


... take him back, girl!


Can we appreciate the i7-6700? That was a hell of a chip for its time.


> Can we appreciate the i7-6700? That was a hell of a chip for its time. **WHAT.** The 6700 was pure stagnation - actually **worse performance** [than the i7-5775C it "replaced"](https://silentpcreview.com/intel-core-i7-6700-skylake-i7-at-65w/) and only 4% faster than a 4770K from 2 years prior!




Are you the *silent pro*?


“Where we’re going, we don’t need roads!”


Not the smartest guy. I'm sure the story goes something like "ok, PSU died (or "PSU has no PCIE connector for GPU"), going to get a new one". In a store, lots of PSUs, no idea what the old one was or no idea how big the GPU needs. So buys the biggest one. Sure, it works, but that was massive waste of money. Even 500W would've been plenty overkill for this PC.


Probably, I remember my sister saying that the new PC he bought was too slow for WoW so he had to buy a better GPU for it.


Its a sign. Something bigger is in the making


That cable management makes me want to end my life here and now. Why…just why…


That’s gotta be what, a $250 PSU back in 2017 or whenever he put that 1050ti in there?




Bet you that PSUs fan is in like new condition. Only ever needed to spin up on pc boot and maybe in a long gaming sessions.


Yeah that's an "I don't want to have to do this again" kind of replacement


When the PC is the bottleneck


Why....why do you need a 1000w PSU to power hardware that was made like 7-8 years ago


That cable management is absolutely vile


1200 watts?! See what happens if you set it for November 5, 1955.


Looks like the system I built on the pc builder game on steam lol


Bro just wanted to be careful


Guy saw somewhere that "you shouldn't skimp on a PSU" and just went aaaaaall in lol