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Why does this device have 48gb of ram? šŸ˜­


48gb Canadian ram converts to like 32gb of American ram


They're Canadian DIMMs which are round instead of bacon shaped


And they also accept Tim Hortons branded Ram


There are 8 Timbits in a Timbyte


This made lol


A large double double has 300mb of cachiene


This is hilarious. In case someone hasn't been to Tim Hortons, they sell donut holes called Timbits.


The CPUs come in bags instead of cartons like a civilized society


That's only East of Manitoba. They're savages.


You mean pemeal shaped instead of rectangular That's just more bacon/RAM per "strip"!




>my friend šŸ«µCANADIA MAN šŸ˜³ SPOTTEDšŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦


I'm not your friend pal


I'm not your pal bro


Iā€™m not your bro buddy


I'm not your buddy compadre


I'm not your compadre stranger


Iā€™m not your stranger guy


I'm not your stranger guy dad


Thank you sir, I would give you an award if I wasn't poor, but here's a gif of gratitude ![gif](giphy|3oz8xIsloV7zOmt81G)


What awards?


They removed awards sometime ago :sob:


I haven't noticed it šŸ˜…


Are we username brothers? Was yours auto generated too?


Yes, 100% reddit random username ā¤ļø




Ok that was funny


Exactly this. They sell it as 48GB but it comes as 32, but you get a double double and a 12 pack of timbits included


That sounds about worth it just for the Tim-Bits lol


Dude had an extra 16gb lying around and he wanted to beef up the specs a bit to lure in some schmuck.




I think he means it's unnecessary for the rest of the specs. Should probably be 16 or 32 gb.


I mean hey, I was running out of ram playing cities skylines 1 with a few mods on my old rig with 24gigs of ram. Hence why I put 64gigs in my new rig in anticipation for cities skylines 2. I have, by the way, so far already exceeded 30gigs of ram use playing cities skylines 1 on this rig, so.


I have reached 45 gigs of ram bro cs2 is going to cook my PC


Tbf I don't think it's possible to *not* run out of RAM playing modded cities:skylines. I have 32GB and run out of RAM. If I doubled my ram I'd *still* run out of RAM since according to the loading screen mod it wants to be using 78GB (also 25GB VRAM)


What specs is yours? Id imagine top rung core count CPU to be fleshed out performance wise then eating ram from mods without the processing bottleneck.


Old rig was an i5 4570; 4c/4t. OS drive was a Samsung EVO 860 Sata SSD, GPU was a 6gb 1060. New rig has an i7 11700kf; 8c;16t. OS drive is a Samsung 970 Pro NVMe, GPU is still a 6gb 1060.


That GPU bottleneck is crazy.


I dont think city will bottleneck much on the gpu. it's very cpu intense. And if that's their main game, it makes a little sense. Although if it was me I'd be looking for at least a 6700xt or used 2070super


Yes! but also no. I game at 1080p144 max, and going over 100fps is only for csgo and cs2, both of which I play at a very scaled resolution of 1280x960.


You could easily hit 100+ in both of those titles at 1440p with high settings, or 4k low settings, with a GPU upgrade.


My head hurts with cs2 both releasing so close lmao. That's a lot of CPU to gpu. Wish I was a baller so I can donate a card but the 10xx series age so well too.


You are underestimating how many chrome tabs I have opened.


More ram is never worse, and it is cheap right now. They are likely just trying to clear dead or old stock.


Worse if they areā€™t all the same timing.


Yeah, I'm assuming they are the same speed and timings.


Well, quad-channel might be, it can cause your ram to go with slower clocks even if you try to change it in bios.


This is not true. At all.


This isnā€™t true. You wonā€™t be able to hit the same clock speeds using more than 2 dimms.


If they are the same speed, it shouldn't matter. Using more than 2 dimms, as long as they are in pairs doesn't matter as far as I know.


Well youā€™re wrong. Even if you manually overclock and fine tune every setting you still wonā€™t be able to hit the same speed/timings with 4 dimms that you can with 2. Just google it if you donā€™t believe me.


I mean you can never be safe when chrome is lurking about


This. It will never come close to using this much ram.


Why couldnt it be two 24gb sticks???


Nope, probably two times 24gb sticks.


Ran for a while with that setup (2x16 + 2x8) on my old Ryzen 3900X machine, before upgrading it to 4x16 when I converted it as my main server (Plex, Linux virtual machines for crap like Radarr/Sonarr/Lidarr, Caddy reverse proxy, Pi-hole, audiobookshelf, WireGuard, etc.) No issue, they ran at 3600 (1800MHz), in dual channel as expected, and the performance was great. You only have to make sure you pair the 8GB sticks together, and the 16GB sticks together (so slot 0 and 2 for the 16GB, and slot 1 and 3 for the 8GB, or the opposite, it doesn't really matter), otherwise latency is terrible for some reason.


And you gotta make sure rated timings and speeds are the exact same. Preferrably the same memory manufacturer. Otherwise dual channel won't work properly and latency will be all over the place.


Dual channel works fine for me, even with mismatched sticks. Although latency is all over the place. One kit is 3200 MHz, the other is 3600MHz, but combined, they're unstable at anything over 2666 MHz.


I, too, am a 48gb RAM weirdo. One day Iā€™ll up it to 64gb.


Cool If you run VMs or other stuff - for programming as example. For gaming not requied.


I could understand if it was r9 3950 1080ti. Which would mean is an older rig trying to go balls out at one point that just sat. This is just sale bait throw in mid end with super high god knows what ram to get eyeballs on unsuspecting consumers.


In Canada, instead of dual channel rams, you get maple channel. I'll show myself out


For me Iā€™m building mine with 64 GB so I can run some VMā€™s too.


I used to run bots on a niche game with super basic graphics, and I had several 64 gb beater setups that were essentially a processor, m2, and ram for vm's. I had a few different generations of the older Ryzen x700 series. 2-3gb per vm was ideal, and you had seriously diminishing returns on processors to where another setup was preferable to a threadripper.


Not for a 1660


Free mouse and keyboard?


That's literally the only thing I wouldn't want bundled. Everybody has different preferences and I can't imagine that the "free" (because it's not free, it's included in the price) ones are any good even objectively speaking. Probably just an office set, or some other "plastic fantastic" thing they need to get rid of.


Agreed. It was just a joke.


I enjoy cooking.


Damn, at least 6 people actually needed that /s


Forgot the /s


Yikes, for $900 pre-tax you can get a build like this which will destroy the one in the picture: [https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/KPKF89](https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/KPKF89)


Surprised at everyone thinking a 1660 Ti should be anywhere near a fucking GRAND.


Maybe they think the CAD is worth less than it is lol


Canadian pcs also have additional mark up beyond just exchange rate. But Iā€™ve seen better deals on higher specs for sure.


For example the rx 7800 xt starts a $ 700 cad. In the us its 500 usd or about $680. Idk where the $20 difference comes from lol


USD Price + 30% Conversion + 10% "fuck you" fee = what you pay! 500 USD \* 1.3 = 650 CAD \* 1.1 fyf = $715 CAD (\* 1.13 tax = 808 + $50 shipping = $858 total at checkout)


Yup sounds like canada lol and i'm from QuƩbec so there 15% in taxes


Remember most US prices are pre-VAT. $500 USD per today is valued at $677.88 CAD. 677.88 + 5% VAT = 711.77 And then certain provinces are as high as 15%, in that case it should be $779.56 CAD. So per todayā€™s exchange rate and accounting for VAT, a price of $680 CAD is actually about $30 cheaper than it should be.


It depends on what parts. When I built my PC I paid 60CAD for a PSU selling for 80USD (at the time, it's even worse now), and the motherboard was a 1:1 price conversion between USD and CAD. But yeah, graphics card we pay a 10% fuck you tax


You can get lucky. I managed to get a prebuilt for 3k cnd after tax. With a 4090 and Water cooled i9 13900k 32 gigs of ram, 2tb ssd. Which is a lot but considering the gpu alone here is like 2400 was a decent deal.


The canadian peso


CAD ruble


Get it right, itā€™s the Canadian timbit


surprisingly enough I see people selling 1660ti and 2060 supers for 800-1000 all day long locally on marketplace... Its mostly people who bought a PC and got ripped off from a local store, want what they paid for it during the pandemic prices or are trying to scam unsuspecting parents and kids. Its wild because the PC will all be 8 year old parts, but the high price is because it looks like a "gamer pc" with a nice case and some RGB lol


SELLING, not sold for. Key difference.


I dont ever see them sell, I think those guys trying to rob ppl if you ask me. I grabbed a 1660ti for 85 on ebay and 2 2070 supers for around 120-150 around 3 months ago


Nah, most of them are aware but want to profit off, like they probably got some separate parts for low and want to sell full build for high.


But it comes with a mouse and keyboard!


Who knows maybe itā€™s an expensive m+k


I got a pre-build with a 1660 TI like 2 years ago for just under a grand. Guess it's not depreciating that quickly?


2 years ago was the gpu shortage and scalper city. A 1660 TI was selling for nearly $400 USD. Now itā€™s around $100 USD.


[PCPartPicker Part List](https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/KPKF89) Type|Item|Price :----|:----|:---- **CPU** | [AMD Ryzen 5 5600 3.5 GHz 6-Core Processor](https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/product/PgcG3C/amd-ryzen-5-5600-36-ghz-6-core-processor-100-100000927box) | $183.00 @ Canada Computers **Motherboard** | [MSI PRO B550M-VC WIFI Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard](https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/product/tr4Ycf/msi-pro-b550m-vc-wifi-micro-atx-am4-motherboard-pro-b550m-vc-wifi) | $134.99 @ Amazon Canada **Memory** | [G.Skill Ripjaws V 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR4-3600 CL18 Memory](https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/product/nvjNnQ/gskill-ripjaws-v-32-gb-2-x-16-gb-ddr4-3600-memory-f4-3600c18d-32gvk) | $74.99 @ Memory Express **Storage** | [MSI SPATIUM M450 1 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive](https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/product/XzgFf7/msi-spatium-m450-1-tb-m2-2280-pcie-40-x4-nvme-solid-state-drive-sm450n1tb) | $45.99 @ Newegg Canada **Video Card** | [MSI MECH 2X OC Radeon RX 6650 XT 8 GB Video Card](https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/product/rfLFf7/msi-radeon-rx-6650-xt-8-gb-mech-2x-oc-video-card-radeon-rx-6650-xt-mech-2x-8g-oc) | $284.99 @ Canada Computers **Case** | [Deepcool CH370 MicroATX Mid Tower Case](https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/product/mhC48d/deepcool-ch370-microatx-mid-tower-case-r-ch370-bknam1-g-1) | $74.99 @ Canada Computers **Power Supply** | [Deepcool PK600D 600 W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply](https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/product/c6rqqs/deepcool-pk600d-600-w-80-bronze-certified-atx-power-supply-r-pk600d-fa0b-us) | $69.99 @ Canada Computers **Case Fan** | [Thermalright TL-C12C 66.17 CFM 120 mm Fans 3-Pack](https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/product/JmfnTW/thermalright-tl-c12c-6617-cfm-120-mm-fans-3-pack-tl-c12c-x3-d6) | $19.89 @ Amazon Canada | *Prices include shipping, taxes, rebates, and discounts* | | Total (before mail-in rebates) | $913.83 | Mail-in rebates | -$25.00 | **Total** | **$888.83** | Generated by [PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com) 2023-09-29 00:21 EDT-0400 |


u can actually build a 5500/rx6700 combo for under $900 cad before taxes and without rebates


Lolz, killed it, op should just build this.


Solid build.


TIL the 5600x shipped with a stock cooler. I thought AMD stopped including them after the 3k ryzen series


Does anybody use a stock cooler when the Hyper 212 EVO exists??


Ryzen stock coolers are half decent. So if you have a budget, that's $40 you can spend elsewhere. Instead of a 1TB SSD, now you have a 2 TB SSD.


I thought I missed something, like $400 in cash and a hand job is included.


Is that in CAD?


Being sold by someone who doesn't know anything about computers or is trying to blatantly scam, hard pass


Probably a business who ordered $1000 1660 ti's during the pandemic.


$600 maximum, and even then that could be pushing it.


I was gonna say $499 max.


My man knows how to sell, that $1 makes the psychological difference


Sorry wot


Yup this also confused me, he's referring to the $1 difference between 500 and 499, not 600 and 499


It's a legit marketing strat. People will be far more inclined to buy something priced 19 bucks instead of 20.


You can get the processor for $35 and the 1660 for $100 on ebay. This isn't even a thing I would pay for at all.




Not worth it. Save and get at least a 3060.


48GB OF RAM? What why? they are running a 1660 ti And a ryzen 7


4 million tabs of excell




Pop in my favorite cd. It's called "fk no" and you should play it for the staff.


It's not horrible. I do hate cad prices sometimes, but it's not great either. Not to mention the 48gb ram is a very odd number and probably very slow speeds. Edit I should mention that the 1669ti is gonna struggle to look good with some modern, demanding gamea


This looks like a workstation that someone is selling ngl


Itā€™s not good even for Canada. You could build this for less brand new.


Did I say it was good?


1660 ti was struggling at games even when it launched


>It's not horrible It *is* horrible though.


This is kind of old, the specs of this PC. You would be better off with newer parts in the same price range. Seller is trying to dump old inventory or something.




lol I guess I can sell my i9-9900k / 6650xt build for 2k CAD if this is worth $900.




3700x is still a viable gaming CPU. I game at 1440p with mine and a 3060ti.


3700x gang checking in


But your build is what you should get for this price, not a mfing 1660...


I agree with this but would be even better with a 20 series or up gpu


True, but I would pass on it unless u get it for rly cheap. 5600 is like 100$ on sales or if u order from China and it's surely better for gaming.


I wouldnā€™t pay that, but maybe thatā€™s just me. Itā€™s all generations old at this point. And Iā€™d bet thereā€™s only 8 gigs of RAM. if itā€™s actually 48gb, itā€™s likely a mix-n-match of ram sticks, timings, speeds, etc.


Not really a deal. My gf just built a pc for about $900+ tax with a Ryzen 5600x and a rx6600 8gb. Overall way better performance for same price.


A 3700x, and 48gb of ram but only a 1660ti bro what




Like honestly when I see any build for over 600 bucks and there's not even a 3000 series or similar in it I die inside


It's not great tbh.




i honestly wouldnā€™t for that price, i think you could could price pit your own parts for far better




Hell no. Not worth it. Wouldn't even touch it with a stick!




LMAOOOO wtf is this build


Nopeā€¦ thatā€™s a 459-500 US system all day long




Nope! Definitely not worth it!


Absolutely not




What the actual fuckā€¦.OP please do not buy this






Out of my gut Id say its wort 500-600


Canadian dollars arenā€™t real dollars, so itā€™s definitely worth it!


the CPU is a bit overkill for the gpu, and 48GB RAM doesn't make sense. This build would be sort of okay for video editing on a budget (except for the 48GB RAM). For gaming it makes no sense.


Buying a build w 1660 is like driving a Pontiac without V8 today


Although I will admit that this is ALSO the first time I personally have ever come across a PC with 48gb of RAM... I'll try not to let that distract me though, considering I read literally over half the replies to your original post and somehow I STILL haven't seen ONE single person even TRYING to answer your actual question... šŸ¤£ So I just built a small-form-factor PC using all new parts, consisting of an NZXT H1 case, Ryzen 5600x CPU, EVGA RTX 3060 GPU, Gigabyte Aorus B550i motherboard, Corsair Vengeance 3600mhz 2x8gb DDR4, and a 2tb Samsung 980 Pro NVMe SSD... I spent a considerable amount of time watching all over the Internet for deals, and I was also pretty open to the brand/company making the parts I bought, as long as it was the spec I wanted. For example, I really wanted to put a 4070 in it and was willing to go with a 3070 for the right price, but when I came across this EVGA 3060 for $200 (about 50% off) I couldn't pass it up. It definitely doesn't play Starfield at the high top ultra settings that I wanted it to when I first decided to build this PC about 6 months ago (specifically with the intention to be done by Starfield launch day), but surprisingly it actually already looks much better than I expected it to just playing it at all medium settings but still in 4k 60hz. In fact, with the exception of the Ryzen 5600x I believe I only paid about 50% for every single component in my whole build vs. the price they were ready listed at when I began. Now... When all was said and done, it actually cost me a tiny bit more than that PC in your post, except it's WAY newer and quite a bit faster in almost every single way you look at it. So, not everyone can build their own PC due to busy schedules and all the other things life demands so, before I get lambasted in the comments here: I do get that I'm kind of comparing apples to oranges here, but regardless, that is still a HORRIBLE deal for that PC and the person/place selling it knows it. Everything on that PC is at least two generations old now but it's still listed for about the same thing it retailed for brand new 3+ years ago. I see that ALL the time on sites like Facebook Marketplace and Mercari, where people are trying to sell their used PCs for the same price that they paid for it brand new, only after now using them for 2-3 years... šŸ™„ I guess I can't completely hate the hustle of people are willing to still buy them then so be it... But I just don't feel like that's how electronics are supposed to work. Lol. Or ANYTHING for that matter. I mean who goes to buy a new car for $40k and drives it off the dealer lot brand new, then drives it every day for 3 years and puts 100k miles on it, but then still expects to be able to sell it for $40k so they can go right back out and buy another brand new car without having to come out of pocket? Lol. Imo opinion it's this exact type of behavior that's ALLOWING car companies and PC parts manufacturers to raise their prices at nearly exponential rates every year, pricing most people right out of the "new" market. šŸ¤·


48gb ram. First time seeing this šŸ’€


You can build one for cheaper with better parts definitely not a deal. Check offer up, I guarantee youā€™ll find better prebuilt PCs with better GPUs for half that price.


I mean, it comes with mouse and keyboard.


Not werth it








You wouldn't be able to play Starfield and Cyberpunk with a 1660 ti


I am playing Cyberpunk on a 1660ti laptop. 1080p low-med runs at 35-50 fps.


Thats brutal, time for an upgrade


I am not playing enough games to justify buying a new laptop/desktop. For the moment I'm happy with what I have.


Lol what? No. Wtf is this.


No, the CPU isn't terrible but the GPU is and I doubt you need that many RAM for anything that you can do on that sort of hardware set up. Seems like they are water-cooled as well which is another money wasted for no good reason.


The 1660ti is not terrible... I run everything on high graphics 1440p and still get good frames


Not by the modern standard, and not at this price point. The 1660ti has about the same performance as 1070 which's already shows its age and only come with 6GB (in the age where even 8GB aren't enough for 1080p) It's not unusable and it can do the job, then all the power for you but I wouldn't consider it in a new build in 2023.


People have different budgets. I do agree that at this price its severely undesirable but the card itself is good, I play games like tarkov no problem as well as anything else at high graphics in *1440p*, 80+ FPS


It might not be terrible if you bought one from several years ago, but it's pretty terrible in a brand new build. Why would you even want to buy a 3 gen old GPU when you can get a 4060 instead?


ā€œThe fuckā€ - me audibly as I read the specs wondering why 48 gb of ram


The junk drawer build. 1660ti does not hold up well these days. You'll be playing at 1080p low settings and lucky if you get close to 60fps on relatively new games.


I'll guess that's roughly equivalent to $800 US? It isn't terrible, but it's certainly not great. Plus, 48GB is a weird amount of RAM, meaning there are more than likely different types of DIMMs installed, and that's frowned upon.


Wtf no




Yeah, I remember when the 3700x got released in 2012.......


Its from canada. I wouldnt touch that


Lol wut? You only buy pcs that have been through school shootings or something?


No. I buy pcs under the law that doesnt let the government to take my kids away


I'd rather the government take my kid away than a shooter take my kid away but you do you boo. A post about a PC And you have to make it political.


You had a stroke cause youre canadian. Pro life baby. How is it ironic? I dont want the government to take my kids away. Banning abortions does what? Makes you have kids. You lack ownership and responsibility? I can tell šŸ¤­šŸ¤­ LMAO the canadian education system ladies and gentlemen.


I think the Steve McQueen model right above the case should be warning enough to not buy from this place.


I'd say yes since I just bought a pc with a 1680 GTX an i7 3rd gen and 32gb ram for about 980 euro (live in Netherlands)


For $100 less Iā€™d say yes, but given the gpu itā€™s eh, itā€™ll run just about anything at 1080p 60fps but the gpu is on the chopping block of being the bare min these days


Doesnā€™t seem too bad actually. Iā€™d say youā€™ll get around 60 fps at 1080p high. Tomā€™s Hardware puts it around 80 fps at medium and 40 fps at ultra, so 60 at high seems right. All depending on game of course. 3700x is still pretty capable cpu. Ram is odd, most likely 2x16gb set for 32gb and then a 2x8gb set 16gb; for 48gb total. 1660ti isnā€™t the greatest, pretty much a gtx 1070 with less vram. At least itā€™s an evga model so itā€™s quality. Iā€™m guessing itā€™s the xc model judging by the side fins. Wonder what kind of drive the os is installed on. Through the glass I can see itā€™s an Asus board, looks like the ROG Strix b550 f. Thereā€™s aio installed too, seems like a Corsair H100 elite capellix. Thereā€™s also Corsair intake fans on the bottom. The Inwin 303 case is nice quality, I used to have one. Though, it does get high temps since it was targeted for custom water loops.


how can you talk so much shit with so much confidence? what even means 60fps at 1080p at high without giving an example? absolutely baffling how you can tell someone who comes here for advice because he doesnt know better that that is a fair price.


1080 high on what? Roblox? lol