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Beat Steam by giving away free games? I laugh at this strategy.


The concept is probably along the lines of "if we get people to have a decent library in our launcher via free games, they're more likely to be willing to pay for games on the same launcher" Ofc this fails when people have much larger steam libraries even after redeeming every free epic game. Or when people can get better deals on steam (ngl I don't actually know how good epic sales are lol). Or when people just prefer using steam.


Epic actually has decent sales. And does free 15$ coupons alot. I got aw2 like a month or 2 after launch for like 25$ or something. what sinks epic popularity is the launcher itself. Its crap and not easy to navigate. Edit: also still no way to move your library. Seriously had to redownload gta5 cause it was moved to a different drive


I feel like its sort of a problem because the only times I've bought stuff from them is when I end up getting it dirt cheap thanks to a sale + coupon. Iono though they keep doing it so it must be working in some way for them.


my theory is that the "giving shit away for free or almost free" strat backfired and most of their users are just freeloading, but epic can't stop doing it now because then they'd lose the majority of their userbase


Well xbox used to give away free games but ended that some months ago. Probably just a matter of time before it costs epic more then it's worth


probably just a mater of time but it's been 6 years already, as far as I remember at first when epic started giving games away they said it'd be a one year deal, then that year came, they stopped for maybe a few weeks and then started doing it again


I mean, if the userbase is losing them money they could. I have to imagine this is either outright making them money somehow at this point or they're still viewing it as an investment to get there.


having more users can give them the chance of collecting more data, or running different ad campaigns losing most of your userbase overnight isn't an easy thing to pitch to greedy investors who don't care about long term viability


I would argue that the only reason to continue doing the giveaways is because you think you're securing long term revenue. For example, I created my steam account in 2010 when I was 17 and have spent around 7500 dollars on it. Most of that money was spent after 2017, when I was already a year into my first stable job and bought my first gaming laptop. On the other hand, in 2019, my little cousin came to visit. He only played Fortnite and used the Epic launcher. He's been collecting the free games that Epic gives away, even if he doesn't have the hardware to play them on. He's now a sophomore in college and, I'm guessing, will turn into a paying Epic customer in about 2 to 4 years.


The 15 coupon is 1 time only per account


Yes. Ive gotten a 15$ coupon like 5 times, seems like they do it often to incentivize


I've managed to have it detect relocated installations before, but it's very clunky. Like starting the download, pausing and moving the game while the download is active, not sure if it still works.


Yeah. same. One time it worked. I think this happened cause gta5 requires the rockstar launcher and rockstar located it but epic couldnt. But yeah the faq is like, “start the download in the same folder ,pause it, I think close out of epic and when you open it back up the game should there” thats epics official way to relocate, its embarrassing


I used a 3rd party launcher for Epic that allows me to move my library. Technically I just move the library then go back to the launcher and “import” it. I think launcher was called Heroic. Never went back to stock epic launcher


The only "issue" with Epic I have, is not having the moving feature. Otherwise it's all okay, I click play and my games work fine. This would be a great addition.


There's no official way, but it can be done quite easily. I moved all my epice games to a different drive last year. You point epicto the new drive, start downloading the game. After about 30 secs, pause the download, move the game to the newly created folder then restart the download. Epic should pickup that all the files are there and go straight to verifying them. Took about 5 mins per game. Not as seamless or easy as steam but still way faster than re-downloading everything.


They're not aiming at converting Steam users into EGS' users, they are targeting the next generation of gamers. The kids and teenagers who are too broke to pay for games, they get all these free games on EGS, along with playing Fortnite religiously. By the time they become adults with their own disposable income they'll have hundreds of games sitting in their EGS libraries, along with their Fortnite progress, and by that time they are locked in the EGS ecosystem because they'll have no reason to jump to another platform.


I think the biggest issue with the Epic store is just that's it's clunky as fuck. It loads so extremely slowly


The speed of the store is not a deciding factor. You need to have it open for that. Steam got massive first and foremost because everyone had it open for counter strike back in the days. The next generation doesn't care, they play on mobile or Fortnite.


I'm extremely confused by what you're trying to say. Even when booting withe PC Epic just loads pages extremely slowly, sometimes it refuses to load pages alltogether. Their backend is very obviously clunky. So yes I'd say it's a deciding factor since it makes the experience just not worth it. I grab my free games on there once in a while and then close it and never look back.


It seems like you just have a terrible internet. It works fine for me. That being said if that's important for YOU, that kind of is irrelevant. You are not the target audience. Fortnite players and future generations are


I'm not the first person to complain about the Epic store loading issues. You can legitimately find references to it just by googling "Epic Store loading". Additionally, it can't be my internet since other stores (Steam mainly) load with no issues. It's genuinely just Epic's backend being kinda terrible. As for target audience, the store cannot thrive if it banks only on Fortnite players and future players. A single game, no matter how good, cannot keep the whole store afloat if the store itself is undesirable.


You can find people complaining all the time anywhere about anything. That's hardly a proof of anything beside that validation bias exist. >it can't be my internet since other stores (Steam mainly) load with no issues. Loading time of other store are not a viable metric to evaluate your internet. Again that could very much be your own bias. Your argument is basically: trust me bro. Note that I'm not saying you are wrong since I haven't measured anything myself. But I'm saying and don't believe you are right. >A single game, no matter how good, cannot keep the whole store afloat if the store itself is undesirable. Why not? You know, Fortnite pay easily for the store infrastructure. It's not like they have box of inventory of the other games that stay unsold. That's also how steam started and steam was very much shit at the beginning.


I say this in the most respectful way I can, but you're the type of person that likes to argue just for the sake of arguing. >You can find people complaining all the time anywhere about anything. That's hardly a proof of anything beside that validation bias exist. You mean confirmation bias. And no it is not confirmation bias since people have not only reported the issue massively (there is a huge difference between a few people complaining about it and it being the general consensus on a subject) but they also recorded those issues and Epic themselves recognized the issues and seem to have taken steps to remedy the most glaring ones. >Loading time of other store are not a viable metric to evaluate your internet. I didn't argue it is a metric for my internet speed. I am arguing my internet speed cannot be the issue since the issue doesn't arise on other platforms. It is not a common denominator thus it is not the issue. It's not a bias. It's just plainly a fact. I don't need to take a stopwatch and record the loading speed of each to notice a significant enough difference that it hinders my ability to use the platform. >Why not? Because a game dies. And when that game dies, the platform cannot maintain itself by its (lack of) quality. It's a glaring issue for Epic and I wouldn't be surprised if part of their move to having Fortnite becoming an ecosystem is to counterbalance that. Anyways have a good day


>the general consensus on a subject) You bring that of your imagination. Reddit isn't the consensus. Epic saying they have some trouble one day our two is not a confirmation. Every online service lag from time to time. Again that's just your validation bias. No shit if you Google search for it, you're going to find it. >I don't need to take a stopwatch and record the loading speed of each to notice a significant enough difference that it hinders my ability Yes you do otherwise it's just "trust me bro". >Because a game dies People still play chess. Counter strike and WOW. Decades after they release. It's not like they purposely try to make the store have less features. Steam was revamped. This store could very well be before the death of Fortnite


There are no serious issues with Epic Store. That you have issues is anecdotal evidence that doesn’t proof anything. That’s really the end of the discussion. For the fast majority of people Epic Store works fine. I have experienced a few problems with Steam, I had a problem last week, and I have zero problems with Epic Store, that doesn’t mean Steam is bad, it means that sometimes things don’t work. Steam works fine. The same is true for Uplay. Years ago it has issues, but there has been an overhaul and now it works fine. Today, I buy based on price. If there is no difference and I don’t want to wait, I buy on Steam, not because Steam is better, but out of habit.


I'd use Epic way more if I didn't need to wait 50 years for the launcher to load any page


The only time I've really used Epic was when I got Borderlands 3 and Outer Worlds for free when I bought an AMD CPU and both games were still Epic exclusives at the time. I played them both on EGS for a while and then when they became available on Steam I bought them there. For both of them the free version was just the base game on Epic, no DLCs (understandable, it was free). But when they got released on Steam, I was able to get the games plus the DLCs in one transaction and on sale, too. I refuse to give Epic any money while they continue to ~~bribe~~ buy the exclusivity for new games. I kinda wish they'd take that money they give for exclusives and actually make the Epic Games launcher good.


I have bought a few, that flat 10 dollar off coupon they used to do around christmas got me some good shit


Never played Dead Island 2 since it was on Epic store, that changes since it is on steam now granted I'll wait for a sale


It launched on sale on steam


Yeah lmao I bought borderlands 3 on steam on sale even though I owned it on epic for like 2 years.


Epic has way better deals than Steam.


Tbh epic as a store is much better than steam. Better sales and of course free games, and many are also bangers. Too bad that epic is just a store. Steam has many, many, many more features that goes beyond purchasing games. And I say this as someone who switched almost entirely to epic some years ago


I’ve only ever spent money on epic one time and that was something like $4 for an expansion to “The hunter” I got for free a while ago. But otherwise Epic is good for trying that a game you looked at bud decided not to buy for it to later be free. A few weeks ago I got Ghost Runner for free and I really enjoyed it as one example. I’ve also got The Tomb Raider there. Those are games I’ve considered but probably never would’ve bought


Steam is still superior and always will be. And GabeN


Fanboyism is so weird


Given the context, it is less fanboyism and more of a long-running meme. Look up various GabeN parody songs on YouTube, some of them are actually pretty strangely enjoyable. On a serious note, valve is a private company mostly owned by GabeN, who seems to show no real desire for infinite growth that publicly held companies are regularly driven to. That is a huge advantage Steam will have, until GabeN dies and either a differently oriented successor enters the ring, or the company goes public.


Im not a fanboy lol GabeN is just a meme at this point and steam is 20 years old so they had a lot of time to optimize their platform. Sure its not perfect but better than most launchers


You said it always will be. That's a what fanboy say


They have 10 years more experience than most launchers


Nokia was 20 years ahead of Apple in the phone market too. Saying they always will be ahead is ridiculous.


Smartphones and normal phones are something completely different tho. Its like Valve would try to make a DAW or something similar.


Wtf DAW means. You missed the point. Product with a competitive advantage take over. There is no condition where "always" exist, nothing is definitive. The competitive advantage that epic has is that it launches fortnite, which is massive for the GENZ/X.


A DAW is a Digital Audio Workstation Yeah it only has fortnite and that has to steal other games ideas to stay popular. So not really an advantage


It might work in the long term. Many kids play only Fortnite, and they had absolutely 0 games. Now, they have a library of free games only in Epic and nobody likes divided libraries, so they won't be prone to go anywhere else.


I don't think they even planning to beat Steam in the first place. Just to get a bigger chunk of market share


They literally thought they would have 80% of the market in 6 months if steam did nothing and if they reacted then only 50%. They aren't even close and its been years. This was in official Documentations on their strategy that got released via discovery in the apple lawsuit.


And you took it for face value because you have zero critical thinking.


> And you took it for face value because you have zero critical thinking. Sorry, what drugs are you on? This is Epic games themselves making their strategy and attempting to execute it. Documented officially, retained internally, and handed over to the court during discovery (thats the information gathering phase of a legal case). Are you suggesting Epic was lying to them selves/each other? Are you trying to suggest that they forged documents to mess with people and make them selves look worse years after the fact? Are you trying to suggest Apple somehow went years back in time to forge documents, infiltrate Epic, plant the documents in their records after having Tim Sweeny sign them to make them look bad for a trial years later? Are you trying to claim the court itself forged documents, forged Tim Sweeny's signature and Epic never contested said documents? Are you trying to claim someone forged documents, broke into the court house and planted said documents and Epic didn't contest them. What exactly is there not to believe? It literally requires you to be fucking stupid to think its fake. Is that you? Are you such a person?


>Are you suggesting Epic was lying to them selves/each other? Have you ever worked a day in your life? Commercial forecast are. ALWAYS. Bullshit.


The simple fact is Epic doesn't care about the old generation of gamers. They want to target the people who are new to PC gaming. By giving them AAA Games for free they are giving them an incentive to simply never bother with Steam and just buy more games on their own platform as they already have a library on it. Now how effective this strategy is? Only time can tell.


They are in for the long run, eventually they will release something exclusively and people will pay for it. And then when you have invested money in them the bar becomes lower to purchase again


I hate exclusives... If a game goes exclusive, I go sail the high seas... and won't even bother once it comes to any platform I use...


the strategy works incredibly well IF you also provide a competitive service. If people have a bunch of games already there it makes sense for them to say "ok I'll just buy it on epic I got all my shit there anyway" 0 features. barebones doesn't even begin to describe it. absolutely laughable


Epic games once in a while gives a good game that they gave out 6 times in the past year, and then offer you literal phone games, beggars can’t be choosers but who the fuck cares about pro tennis games


Epic has never intended to "bribe" gamers to buy games from EGS because of free games. They wanted to build up library of games so a gamer would choose to buy from Epic. It certainly worked for me. I bought many games from Epic and I intend to keep doing it in the future. I have bunch ofvl wishlisted games which I want to get from Epic https://preview.redd.it/r0xuv8v76ywc1.png?width=1857&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2aa19220b9debe4b79d6bd6fae6ddc0fa1ca1fd7


I have zero issues with their free games. My issue is more to do with their paid exclusives from third parties to try and force people to use EGS. As well as their launcher lacking feature parity with Steam. Something like Alan Wake 2, I completely understand being exclusive to EGS since they funded the development. But all those Square Enix games still on there like the Kingdom hearts franchise? That's annoying because those could have easily come to Steam by now but they have an exclusivity contract. It just seems anti-consumer to me.


Yeah when I couldn't get Total War Troy or Anno 1800 because they were temporary Epic exclusives, that completely turned me against Epic. Just seemed to punish consumers for no reason. Nowadays I just buy games on steam even if they're cheaper on Epic out of principle of not wanting to support Epic's tactics.


I just refuse to touch anything EGS. I hate their tactics and I was pissed when they bought fall guys and pulled it from steam.


Their launcher came out almost 2 decades after Steam. Makes since they're still playing catch up. But yeah the exclusives are BS. As you said Alan Wake 2, totally fine. Their game. I expect it on their platform first. But games like Tony Hawk Remastered? Come on. Why. It came to Steam later anyways. Just some BS.


Yeah the only stuff I've paid for on Epic is Alan Wake Remastered and Alan Wake 2 when they were on sale for super cheap. Still haven't actually gotten around to playing them, though... For anything that's not funded by them, it's Steam or GOG or bust.




For real, I ended up buying games I got for free on Epic just so it would be on Steam.


Maybe you can put your games on epic to steam library? I know you can do it for 3rd parties


Epic games went from a somewhat sketchy inconvenience I would have begrudgingly put up with to a "avoid at all costs" once Tim Sweeney started [running his mouth constantly,](https://www.reddit.com/r/TimCriticizesTim/) Epic started buying up third party exclusivity deals and saying stuff like [consumers don't decide the store wars.](https://www.thegamer.com/epic-boss-says-developers-win-game-store-wars-not-consumers/) I don't have a problem with Fortnite being exclusive, Epic made that, kinda like how Valve made half life, so it's completely fair to do that, but when you start buying up ***third party*** stuff I was looking forward to buying on a launcher that gives me features I want versus you taking 3 years to add something as basic as a shopping cart, and adding console war bullshit to PC, and clearly demonstrating an untrustworthiness in keeping your stories straight to court customers you appear to not even respect, I don't like you or your product. I've also had my animosity grow towards epic every single time I see someone strawman this as "gamers when they have to click another launcher", because I do use stuff other than steam, I'm happy to use GOG, [Itch.io](http://Itch.io), and Gamejolt, I just don't want to use Epic Games Store specifically because I don't trust Epic, especially after the complete callousness in which they treated the Unreal Tournament franchise by [canceling UT4](https://screenrant.com/unreal-tournament-4-cancelled-epic-games-fortnite-reason/) and delisting the franchise from all storefronts, with only [the black sheep entry MAYBE coming back as a F2P game with mandatory EOS integration.](https://www.pcgamer.com/epic-is-delisting-almost-every-unreal-game-but-making-unreal-tournament-3-free/) They're on people's shitlist for more reasons than "woe is me I have to use something other than steam", not that anyone shilling for them seems to give a fuck.


You can add them as non-steam games, but all that does is create a shortcut link in your library. The games still have to use epic launcher, and don't get any actual integration in steam.


Why exactly?? What's the specific problem if not even purchasing on it?


It's a Trojan horse piece of software. They offer free games, so people will instal their launcher, which requires root access to your PC. They have absolutely no reason to need this, but they are part owned by a Chinese company, so it's probably totally legit.


Me when I don't understand how software works.


>They offer free games, so people will instal their launcher, which requires root access to your PC They have absolutely no reason to need this This isn't true at all. A lot of legitimate programs need root access (admin perms). You're saying they have absolutely no reason to need this, but they obviously do. Steam itself needs admin perms, and so do a lot of other general programs (Web browsers, Discord, 7Zip, etc...) >but they are part owned by a Chinese company, so it's probably totally legit. 1. Tencent is just an investment company and is relatively hands off 2. Tencent doesn't even own a controlling share 3. Epic Games is based & founded in the US, and the controlling shareholder (Tim Sweeny) is American [ This blog pos](https://nickcano.com/epic-games-spyware/)t by debunks most of the "Epic Games spyware" stuff. TL;DR: Most of it comes from people using tools that they don't understand and jumping to conclusions


Root access is admin privileges. TONS of games and software require admins permissions, including Steam. So your complaint is that they are bad for giving away free games?


*Laughs in Heroic Games Launcher*


That's just sad when you need a 3rd party launcher for a storefront.


honestly don't mind epic store, free games are a nice bonus


Yep it's totally fine.


Same, but I never bothered to feel too deep about that shit anyway.


Yeah, it was in pretty damn rough shape in the beginning but it's perfectly fine now.


I disagree. It has gotten better at actually launching my games, but it is missing so many features that Steam has. It doesn't have a good overlay, cloud notes, a big picture mode, or a Linux version. All of those things I use extremely often, and it's why I buy my games on Steam. I also buy on GOG but their lack of Linux support (and me owning a steam deck) has caused me to actually stop shopping there as much as I used to. I still buy old games every now and then though. Edit: I also forgot to mention they don't have a review system. I always read reviews from players before buying a game. Even if the reviews are just memes (here pet this cat made of pixels lol) just seeing those reviews means the game isn't a total mess.


I can't say that I have ever had any issues with games not launching through Epic. Its failures in my experience have revolved around the missing features as you mentioned. On that note though, you can add third-party launchers to Steam to use its overlay on their games. Assuming simply adding the games themselves doesn't work, which it usually does with Epic and GOG games. EA, Ubi, and MS games though are a different matter. Also, the Heroic Launcher handles Epic and GOG on Linux and Steam Deck. The review situation is a weird one. Personally, the only part of both of their review systems that matters at all is the review summary. The "Positive/Negative" bit on Steam and the stars on Epic. Digging in any further is a waste of time on either platform, albeit for two completely different reasons. Trying to find legitimate and literate reviews on Steam is an example of looking for a needle in a haystack. Trying to find them on Epic is pointless because they simply don't have any written reviews. One is a mountain of shit and the other is a cleanroom devoid of any substance. Both are equally useless. Maybe one day we'll get a system that sits in that long-fabled middle ground between the two. A place where written user reviews still exist and are worth the time to read through. But, that would require a level of moderation that neither platform seems all that interested in pursuing.


You... use big picture mode?


Yep yep. I play on a 1440p monitor but also have a 4K HDR TV, so the 1440p monitor is for normal PC gaming, but just pushing the guide/home button on any of my controllers fires up big picture mode on the TV, then I'm off to the couch for couch gaming.


It's a gateway drug. I ended up buying DLC for some of the free games. Also bought Director's Cut of Death Stranding after the free one got me hooked.


Wrong. It costs X amount of privacy.


No steam input? No deal, I’m sorry


I actually bought last Winter Sale, 3 games to make use of the coupons and those 3 games are what i just wanted. Will probably buy again if they release more coupons


Epic can fuck right off with their stupid exclusive deals.


gamers when they have to click a different icon


Epic are trying to get into a dominant position in the game store market. Once they do they'll start milking people for more and more money The issue is that they suck at it :)


270 claimed games and counting. (since GTA v went free I only missed like 3 games and one of em was only one day offer if I remember correctly for Total War Troy)


Open epic launcher, purchase free game, close epic launcher. Repeat for free game rotation.


I almost bought Mass Effect Legendary Edition last December coz it's cheaper than Steam lowest price (based on price history) Just shortly after this trilogy went for sale on Steam for around that price too (lowest so far) and I got it here Anyway, I've 250++ free games on Epic without spending a dime (since Subnautica giveaway). And I've played 3-4 games so far: - Wolfenstein TNO (funny thing is I bought TOB on Steam afterwards) - Severed Steel - Hitman (2016) -


I got GTA V and lot of other games on Epic for free, so I don't really mind EGS. It's just that a lot of the features on Steam that I use frequently aren't on EGS.


2nd panel: "Oh, thanks! Hey, um. These say they're for the Epic launcher. Do you maybe have Steam keys for them?"


I get every free game they put out. But I'd rather sail the waters to get those games, than install the very same games I got for free with their crappy launcher lol. Hell, even if I got a game for free on EGS, I'd still prefer to buy in on Steam. I don't play much these days though.


*proceeds to buy that game later during steam sale*


Epic hasnt seen a cent from me since they started with their giveaways. I have tens of games that i didnt paid a cent for. Thanks epic.


Same, made an account when I saw they offered bioshock series for free. I have almost 40 games now, haven't paid for any. Most are junk but doesn't stop me from checking every 2-3 weeks and adding them to the library.


Insert "You get free games from Epic to play them, I get free games from Epic to use up a game license so it costs Epic money. We are not the same." meme.


Epic pay publishers a fixed amount of money. So there is no point in taking games from their giveaways.


Imagine your launcher sucks so much you have to give away free stuff just to have some users


Imagine sucking so much that not even free is enough tease to use that launcher




The free games will not entice me to download Chinese spyware


Not like the launcher is mining all of your personal data to Tencent... Right? Its free!....


I bought Alan Wake Remastered and Alan Wake II as they are available only on Epic and won't come to Steam. Besides that yeah, just collecting free games.


They're the only games I want to buy on Epic, still haven't brought myself to do it just yet.


I’ll just wait for physical console release


Then I won't be play AW2 on PC. I'll just buy it on Xbox to avoid Epic


I feel like you guys are overreacting sometimes


Or alternatively, it's an individual choice. I have a decent amount of digital Xbox games so adding AW2 there makes sense. If I can't get it on steam. I do despise EGS because of the console like BS they bring to PC and I'll never reward that... And I will always encourage more people to do the same.


Maybe if it didn't always sign me out and take 5+ minutes to load lol


They don't lose money for this because the more free games they give out means more users creating accounts which then leads to EPIC GAMES selling your personal information to the ccp or tencent probably. What they do with your data hell if I know maybe they use it for nefarious reasons or want to know the population of gamers using their platform maybe op.


Of all the games I have on epic I don't think I've spent a single penny with them.


My one issue with it is I missed a free game once that I thought looked cool, so I bought it, and then they just MADE IT FREE AGAIN 2 weeks later


Epic games is just my free monthly game dealer. Nothing more.


I've got Civ 6 for free on EGS, bought all the DLCS and then still bought the full version on Steam later lol


Funny story. So somebody offered doki doki literature club plus for free. I DC downloaded their launcher. Download the game. Removed the game from the internal library and placed it in it's own folder. Deleted the launcher. Added it as a non-steam game to steam. I already had doki doki literature club (not plus tho) on steam but now I have both. I just didn't want two separate launchers.


The only real solution to this sort of situation is something like Playnite, but it needs to be at least as good if not better than Steam, and every store has to play nice and integrate into it. Not happening anytime soon. At least with launcher fragmentation, we still don't have to waste money on new hardware, and this is almost infinitely better than console exclusivity.


Look what game is free on epic. Look at reviews on steam. If good and looks good buy on steam


I bought a couple games through them just to support. Cyberpunk and hitman 3 iirc. Honestly, I should have just bought them on steam


This meme reminds me of the story about the man who was moving and wanted to get rid of his old refrigerator. He took the refrigerator to his front lawn and placed a sign that said "Free Fridge, Take It." Four days passed and the refrigerator was still on his front lawn, so he took the sign that said "Free Fridge, Take It" and replaced it with a sign saying "Refrigerator For Sale, $350!" The refrigerator was gone in 20 minutes. The same mentality applies to most gamers. They prefer to complain about how expensive games are nowadays and then are ungrateful when given games for free. Well, those people deserve to be charged for every game they buy! I said it.


Mate, most people nowadays don't care about being given free things. People think that if something is being offered for free, it's because it doesn't have any quality. The mentality nowadays, which many popular brands know how to exploit, is that if they price their products higher than their competitors, it surely means they have better quality.


It's like Xbox/GamePass in general. don't need to buy a console and if you do ya don't need to buy games you can just sub to gamepass and get access to like 300+ titles or whatever and PC game pass has a mighty selection to offer for the subscription fee too! ♥


That's their plan. Gamepass is their platform moving forward, not Xbox. An Xbox is just going to be one of many different ways people can access Gamepass.


When something is free you are the product. Have fun training their AI or selling your data.


I will never buy anything from Epic. But, I will leech every free game they give away. Why? Because they are not Steam. They don't have a community/discussion and workshop areas. Simple as that.


You're on reddit, why do you need your games launcher to have a community tab?


The games I am interested in, don't have active enough communities on reddit. One post every 5 days vs 1 post every few hours in Steam. And then there's the lack of mod support and discussion on reddit, compared to specific mod pages for everything on Steam. Again, Epic Games doesn't have that either.


TBH, I bought one game on Epic Games Store. It was Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2 in 2021 for a whole $10 (that was when they were giving $10 coupons on sales). I was also close to buying another one next year (it was Not for Broadcast), but I found a copy for Steam for less. So it looks like kinda worked. And yes, THPS works on Steam Deck via Heroic, so I don't have to buy that game again on Steam.


Epic isn’t mad about that though. You’re on their platform playing games they’re hosting. I think that’s enough.


For laughs I checked my epic games account the other day. The only game I ever paid money for was borderlands 3. I have nearly 400 games on my account.


i’ve never even installed that trash, and i’m happier for it




I've played more games that I bought on epic games than games I got for free. I also don't get the hate for the epic launcher. Who cares what program I have to start before I start the actual game.


For me it's about the features of the launcher. On Steam I use the overlay with the notes feature a lot, as well as Cloud saves with my steam deck, user reviews, steam input, and big picture mode. I don't have an issue with EGS, I'm all for more competition, I just don't shop there because the features I want are on Steam. I more so meant for this meme to be about Epic being annoyed that most of us are just claiming free games and not spending a lot of money. But it is a stupid business model, why would I buy something to play when you keep giving me something to play for free? I'm not going to buy a Big Mac if every time I walk into the store I get a free McDouble.


In about 5 seconds I open it up, click the game I want and start playing. Apparently that's unintuitive 🤷‍♂️


I have bought one game on epic and i paid about 7 dollars. I have over 200 games in my library on epic. "beating steam".


When i want to play a game I simply pirate it, even if the game is in my epic games library. I hate the epic games launcher. Mandatory internet connection just to play offline single player game is pathetic.


I don't generally agree with pirating games, but I also don't blame people who do. Speaking of, I may or may not have sailed the high seas for FF7 Remake when it launched on EGS, because it required an internet connection at all times. I work away from home 6 months out of the year, and I often times do not have good internet. I bought it when it came to steam and the online restriction was removed.


I pirated gta v recently even tho i have it on egs simply so i can avoid the rockstar launcher and social club shit. Everytime i started the game this fuckery had to start, i could not control myself. Also I dont have any defence for pirating shit, I sail the seas coz i dont have the moniez its that simple.


Pirating a game you own should be 100% legal anyways. If we bought the game just let us play it however we want.




I pirated gta v recently even tho i have it on egs simply so i can avoid the rockstar launcher and social club shit. Everytime i started the game this fuckery had to start, i could not control myself. Also I dont have any defence for pirating shit. I sail the seas coz i dont have the moniez its that simple.


You don't need an internet connection to launch games from the Epic Games Store


I have bioshock remastered installed on my pc from rgs and it doesn't start when the internet is not working as it first tries to launch egs which does require internet connection. Straight up shows me sign in page lol




*Here, have some free shit games no one's ever heard of.


What are you talking about? They've given out plenty of quality games on the EGS. A Plague Tale, The Bioshock trilogy, Borderlands 3, Death Stranding, Deus Ex Mankind Divided, Destiny 2, Dying Light, Fallout 3, Ghostrunner, Killing Floor 2, Prey, Payday 2, the Tomb Raider trilogy, Remnant From the Ashes, Saints Row 4, Battlefront 2, The Outer Worlds, The Evil Within, Wolfenstien: The New Order, XCOM 2. These are just some of the great free games I've played on EGS. None of them are "shit games no one's ever heard of." Sure, some of the games they give away are old, and some are indie games. But they're usually good games regardless.


I thought I was being trolled when I first saw some of the games they had up for free. Too bad Tim is shitbag.


Yeah, Tim definitely sucks. But if he's handing out good, free games, I'll take em lol.








The only 2 I actually bought from Epic were The Outer Worlds and FF7 remake, because they were exclusive at the time and had no choice. If I have one Steam ask the way. Although I was happy to get FF7 running well through the Heroic Launcher on Linux.


Do you know of the way of the patient gamer? Just consider Epic exclusivity as Beta period, so that when the game comes to Steam is "mostly" fixed. Well that or abandonware but in that case pirating is more of a gray area lmao.


Kingdom Hearts is still in beta more than 3 years later, in that case.


Then you consider it abandonware lol


i got fo3 for free just so i can install TTW on new vegas and after that i never touched the EG launcher lol


I feel like they only on very rare occasion give away something that I actually want to play anymore anyway they’ll never get me primarily buying anything on epic only epic exclusives like kingdom hearts for now and probably ever


You guys pay for games?


Imagine loving the CCP so much you'd voluntarily install spyware on your home PC so they can grab all your telem.


Not like the NSA is any better.