• By -


No need to clean it since it does nuclear fusion on the dust and microbes


you need the gooch collector and your mother's toothbrush to clean it.


They only work in the hands of the greatest technician who's ever lived. When I tried to use them the whole thing just went up in flames!




As a gaming laptop user, this is true. But in all honesty it does keep me warm when I’m in bed, so win-win?


Best in the winter when the room starts to get cold.


Yeah, K literally just start gaming on my pc in winter to heat up my room


I used to undervolt my r9 furyx in the summer then return it to default voltage for winter. Worked like a charm




U don't.


Not much of a win with those in hotter regions


yeah for 20 mins


What do you mean


Thats how long the battery lasts, but you could just plug it in to get double heating


Yeah man I always keep it plugging in, extra warmth


I don’t have problems with heat at all, my laptop never gets more than slightly warm even playing intensive games on high settings, maybe you have it on sheets or something?


That could be because you use Mac, I’ve heard they are more efficient and produce less heat. I have some old flat board thingy that I set my laptop on on my bed so it isn’t choking by the sheets, it’s just that my msi gaming laptop isn’t necessarily built for efficiency and loves to run at 85 degrees Celsius when under high loads (games like red dead redemption 2). That’s the way it is I guess🤷‍♂️


I love my portable lap heater


Mines given me burns before. Like, blisters formed level burn.


Used to have a plastic thinkpad that ran so hot while idle that it melted the plastic.


Mine got so hot yesterday that I kid you not. I put a needle on it, and it heated it enough that I could pop an abscess near my fingernail


Fucking ew lol


Portable thermal castration machine.


Who needs those gametes?


As someone with a gaming laptop, this is fairly accurate. Especially if I forget to enable undervolting.


Intel is full of douchebags. they disabled any type of undervolting for H CPUs (like the 12700H i have).


If you’re not playing anything too demanding or your display isn’t like 200+ Hz then you can lower the maximum frequency your cpu can boost to in regedit. I limited my laptop’s 13700h with a 4060 down to 3 GHz and it’s running stuff much cooler and still achieves 144fps constant. If u want to know how then go to the Alienware subreddit and look up the post from Dalamar7 concerning their 12700h.


can't find that user, can you pls link the post? I have a laptop and I'm concerned about temperatures


My fault, it was actually from Dalamar7


Why is that?


Because of plundervolt (which needed a direct access to the system to be taken off either way)


Just use Throttlestop, it's free, easy to use, quick tutorial on YT and works with H series CPU. Did it on my 6700HQ a few weeks ago


Sometimes my laptop goes straight to full blast on startup. I checked task manager and it’s not doing anything. The fans just like to stretch their legs I guess


well they gonna be 7-8krpm for hours when you open a browser so yeah, they gotta stretch then legs.


I've got a 13th Gen i7 and a 4060 in my laptop, the internals stay cold but the heat it dumps out in order to achieve those low Temps is immense


Same haha.


I used to game with a gaming laptop while laying in bed. If I ever moved a certain way and put my leg in front of the exhaust, it was like instant burn. Like I had constant burn marks on my leg for a while until I upgraded to a PC.


SFF PC master race: slightly less flames


I mean most new high end desktop CPU run pretty freaking hot, they just changed the definition of what hot was.


oh god, this is so real :)


This sub is stuck in 2015 apparently


I dunno, my friends who all have laptops with 30 series gpus in them and myself with a 2060 laptop would say they’re still lil space heaters. Had a semi-LAN party with them and the room temp went up at least 5-10 degrees and not much could be heard over the hum of fans.


Do gaming laptop fans just hum now? My last laptop (like 8 or 10 years ago) sounded like a f35 jet engine when it got going. 


Nono, most still scream like jets.


PS4 be like


my acer nitro feels attacked


My hp victus also feels attacked


They have the ability to be quiet now, but under enough load they'll still scream.


I used a 2017 laptop with a 1060 on my night shifts at work for several years and there were multiple times where people on the other side of the office partition thought my laptop fans were sudden heavy rain on the roof.


Latest Legio 7i, with 60w on cpu and 100w on gpu at the same time, was at 80 and 60°C. Pretty low for a less than 2cm laptop. For sure laptops aren't silent, but they have improved so much in temps


i'm using an really good 3070 laptop with high end cooling and also a good cooling pad (lenovo legion 5 pro, 12700H). It still gets very toasty and i have to be careful during summer. my next laptop will be an AMD laptop. unfortunately i could not find a decent AMD laptop with 1600p 16:10 screen in my country when i bought this one a few years ago.


why do you want to get an AMD instead now?


man i want to go intel and you are going AMD. i thought my AMD is heating and thanks to you i learned the other side of hell is still hot :(


Gaming laptops are still hot, and a lot hotter than most desktops, especially with high wattage high performance components in them.


Gaming laptops are still hot. They’re just very hot thin and lights now instead of hot desktop replacements of the past with the same tier of components. If they were not hot, they’d be wasting a lot of thermal headroom or using up a lot of unnecessary space on cooling.


My msi ex630 that blasts out of the fan 70C tested with a termometr and thenbyou complain about your gaming laptops and yeah that thing is so loud that i can hear the fan while playing Minecraft 1.8 at maximum music


Still quite accurate today. My laptop with a 11400h and a 3050 runs very hot compared to my desktop, there's nothing wrong with that, it's just the price you pay for having portability.


man in case of heat nothing changed , unless you are undervolting or limiting performance. temperatures reach very high even on newer builds. i bought mine in 2023 and man do i regret my choice of going for laptop instead of desktop as the system heats like hell. and i am not a guy who has to move alot due to work so a beast of a system + a average laptop would have been better and cost wise it would have just cost me a little bit morelike 2-300 $


This dude has never had a 30 series laptop. Hotter than anything of the past.


Generally yes but it depends on the performance threshold of the laptop. My old Razer blade 14 2017 with a 1060 ran at a cool 98 Celsius and burnt my fingers if I played on the keyboard. But the G14, G15 and legion 5 I’ve had afterwords all ran around 80 degrees and were relatively quiet. I’ve now upgraded to an eluktronics mech 15 g3 with a 3080 16gb and the thing can be heard through walls in my house and gets to 95 degrees on the cpu while undervolted lmao.


I can game and brew coffee on one device!


lap warmer vs space heater


Nah as long as my gpu and cpu dont hit the temperature of the surface of the sun, everything is allright


Cries in acer nitro


One coworker said to me today ( not joking here) I'm going to buy a gaming laptop! I told him to get something to cool it


I was the Laptop guy up until just a few days ago :D


i had a well spec'ed laptop that had a 2070 in it back in 2020 and i decided to open it up to add more storage and I noticed that one of the fan vents was covered by this metal piece that was attached to the shell on the bottom, I removed it and got way better temps and wondered when it was being assembled did they forget to remove it because it seemed to serve no purpose other than to block air flow.


My 6 year old laptop (low end) is still smooth like new(cuz it had ssd). It handled the intense torture from gaming at 90 degree celsius everyday but I am surprised it survived all that.


I have a 4060 Lenovo legion laptop I got for under $600 and a 4090 desktop. Honestly I love having both, the portability around the house is great. Thermal wise it seems fine, not as loud as other laptops I tried. Noise is good too with the fan profile I picked.


After melting 2 laptop GPUs (AMD btw) went back to the trusty PC that you can repair yourself.


This meme is fire


Bro my fucking keyboard burns my fingers to the point I have to use an external one 😂😂😂


Throughout my entire 4 years in university dorms in the UK, I could maybe count on one hand the amount of times I had to turn the radiator on in the winter. The laptop kept the room nice and toasty


i feel this.... emotionally and literally since it's right now burning me...


My 1/2lb copper pipe in my Sager strongly disagrees.


My laptop Hits different, its only 60-70° at stress... BUT WEIGHS 4 FUCKING KILOGRAMS


me with my old ass 980M laptop https://i.redd.it/kfg22k1lsde51.jpg


Add a third one at the back with more pixelated look as a gaming handheld !


In 2013


Gaming laptops are still PCs though. My RTX 4080 Legion Pro 7i laptop never crossed 80C on the CPU or GPU whilst gaming though. 😎


yeah idk why people on this sub think that PC = desktop solely. laptops are PCs too. so are handhelds like the steam deck or rog ally.


Same. My G18 has an i9 and a 4080 and the gpu stays in the 60s and low 70s. The cpu stays in the 70s and might jump into the 80s for a bit while loading something, but that's it. Cooling has gotten a lot better and they don't run as hot as people think they do.


Right. My lenovo legion 5 pro stays in the high 60s when gaming. It hit low 70s when I go higher in frames though.


My laptop keeps me warm in winter. Gotta save on the heating bill.


I love my legion slim 7i gen 8. Sadly the only way I can keep the thermals fully in check when playing games like helldivers 2 is with setting the custom fan speed to max for all temps. Regardless, fucking kicks ass and I can use it professionally.


I wonder where’s the RISC-V master race?


A laptop stand helps with heat The problem is finding one that can handle the wight of some gaming laptops


My Gigabyte G5 is like this... I will be building a PC for my next upgrade and move to some kind of thing and light.


I undervolted my laptop because it came overclocked. Kept shutting itself off on its default settings. Then I had a rare issue with a pipe on the heat sink coming off that couldn’t be soldered back on. No noticeable performance issues with the undervolt either.


90-100c is just idle fam. You get used to it


My first heater was a laptop, and I miss that guy so much


Bro looks like in a wheelchair


WHHIIIIIIIIIIIIRRLRRRRLRLRLRLRLLLLLLLL! - (a gaming laptop fan while actually gaming)


As a gaming laptop users I can confirm this is true. I use a cooling pad with like 13 fans or some shit and it does a decent job of keeping the temps from getting worse.




As an owner of a gaming laptop this is absolutely true. But its also the most convient solution for my current situation.


![gif](giphy|4TigCkGqrcnJeV8r2q|downsized) Some of us aren't as blessed financially and get forced or sometimes even coerced into crappy Gaming Laptop Master Race!


I have a MSI laptop that runs so hot that it's warped the keys and I even did some fixes to make it run LESS hot and it STILL runs hot as hell.


I have my gaming laptop connected to a TV and sometimes I dread to imagine what temperatures it reaches in the corner of my room.


Mine isn't too bad. I use it as a desktop replacement. It's sitting on one of those fan cooler things the sell on ebay for whatever. During gaming it has never went over 101C and I've never seen it thermal throttle. If I was trying to use it as a laptop, that would be pretty uncomfortable, but I figure very few people are gaming with it in their lap.


Aren’t gaming laptops designed with the unavoidable higher temps in mind? I had a Zephyrus G14 with a 2060M that Asus said was only worth worrying about if it hit 95c. Obviously thermal throttling happens - I mean danger to the components.


I will never purchase a laptop computer. That is something I can say with the utmost confidence.


Can confirm. You can make pancakes on my laptop after a few hours of Warzone lol


I had to game on a laptop for 6 years because I didn't have the space for a desktop.


90°C Idle let's goooo!


Not a lie


Gaming Laptops and air conditioners in the same place make housnados a total possibility


Frenzied flame laptop?


I love my laptop. Powerful enough to run good games, it's hot and a bit noisy but that's fine. I use a lapdesk if I'm using it directly and I have 3 places around the house I can dock into a TV and play games with a pad. I totally love desktops and I've built/owned plenty in the past, but it's about what suits your needs. I've got an 8 month old daughter and it's absolutely perfect to be able to hop from room to room as needed.


As someone with a gaming laptop, this is relatable. (And before you say “wHy dIdN’t YoU bUy A dEsKtOp?” I know desktops are much much much better in almost everything, but I live 2 places(dad and mom) and I don’t think I could just drag a desktop with screen and all that every week. )


Haha trueeee


As someone who has a PC as well as two fire hazards known as Alienware Laptops. This is true. Touch 95c when opening chrome.


As a laptop user, I can remember getting a burn from my laptop, and it gave me a blister I am not joking


My laptop hits different, its 60-70°c in stress, but weighs 4 fucking kilograms


Se parece a mi compu la de atras ![gif](giphy|imUqyUWyQVPKKPRu2u)


TFW burn your fingers on keyboard.


That's my laptop playing X4 foundation late game .


I'm Gamer of both so yes


And when my feet get cold during winter the power supply warms my toes while my chestnuts get roasted.


Perfectly done


I'm surprised given how popular PC gaming has exploded in the past few years, we're still not seeing thicker laptops with better cooling that aren't meant to be moved every day. Lots of laptop gamers just need to easily move it from one home to another, not use it at the coffee shop on the go.


Nah, today's CPU ain't that cool dude. Better if you make it less flames on PC one 💀. But damn, laptops do be hitting that max temp if you live in hot regions and don't have AC at 15°C or lower. I at least had some workaround to keep my laptop at around 70° without AC.


Gaming is gaming


Ah yes my nephew's asked to play game on my laptop. but mf really took it outside and hold it in his lap and play witcher 3 for 7 minutes and come back crying.


I still use my MSi GT602oc, though not for gaming. Upgraded CPU, GPU, RAM and has 1SSD and 2HDDs. They don’t make em like they used to. It is incredibly heavy and phat though.


Had a gaming laptop that ran super hot and loud when gaming. Never repeat that spending mistake.


i never had any issues with temps on my laptop with the gpu overclocked to its max, all i have is a cheap cooling pad


Hmmmmm, how about 2nd iteration of this meme with laptop master race having 4 jokers spinning like fans underneath (cooling pad) ?


this is so fucking accurate


I can confirm that.


Can we add in work laptop + cloud gaming plebs as well 🙄


Gaming Laptops, lowering sperm counts since 1997 💯


https://preview.redd.it/t07eg8kvyk2d1.png?width=1313&format=png&auto=webp&s=852d9b4afb8f91c176be7216db889bca30ae1707 wdym my laptop temps are totally fine browsing reddit and having 1 pdf open...


Bought a laptop for gaming once to try gaming on the couch. said fuck that and returned it.


Laptop is the computer on fire, PC is the "this is fine" dog situation with your room on fire cause your cooling solution is working a lil too good at transferring the heat from the pc to the room.


as a laptop owner there are issues with windows, with linux I have none


Why buy a laptop when you can have a MINI ITX?


Finicky, expensive, hard to find parts, expensive, generally still less space-efficient.


This, and that portable cases are bloody expensive. I asked for a quote once (the company is called Ariesys if anyone's interested) and was given a quote of US$4000 for just one case alone. Yes, four thousand greenbacks for an empty case. A Dell Alienware with a Ryzen 9 7945HX and Radeon 7900m costs three quarters of that and can run all the games out there comfortably plus has the needed cores to do large compilation work. Also, easier to lug two laptops than two cases, two monitors, two keyboards and two mice (I stream on vacation as a gimmick and I also demand a dual computer setup when I stream.)


It is already easy to find any processor, mini ITX motherboard, 120 or 240 liquid cooling or low profile air cooling case. It is not difficult since most cases can easily accommodate standard power supplies. You can get a 4070ti or 7800xt with 2 fans as GPU.


>mini ITX motherboard Always expensive, can often also be finicky, and availability isn't guaranteed. >120 or 240 liquid cooling Need I say *a single* word? >...or low profile air cooling case. Look at them sweet, sweet bills fly! 🤑 Especially if you're looking for one that won't eat your knuckles by the time you're done with it. And then we get to small variants of usually somewhat hot GPUs. ^(Albeit 4070 fares better than most, IIRC.) Large, bulky laptops blow ITX builds out of the water unless the user is both into it, and inherently crafty about it. For everyone else, it'll generally cost far more, and do less.


Theyre hard to build


takes max 8 hours


You see the average person doesn't have the knowledge nor time to do that


Similarly priced SFF builds are at least 5 kg and don't come with a screen, keyboard, pointing device, speakers, and a microphone, whereas laptops have all that and weight 1.5-2.5 kg. Portability is important y'know.


can't take it to class