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What's your monitor? Looks really good with small bezels.


LG C2 OLED 42!


Got an LG c3 and absolutely love it


thank you!


42 inch’s? Isn’t it a bit close to your face? And by a bit, I mean way to close to your face? I’d have that monitor pushed back another foot or two with a wider desk.


Is it as open world as the AC series? I really wanna try it.


Yes it is


Whats the plot / story? How does it get me hooked?


That depends on you. It doesn't have the conventional spice factor in the story. No magic, no ancient technology or chosen one bs. It's a power politics drama set in feudal Japan.


> set in feudal Japan ~~Isn't it set on Ryukyu? A tiny archipelago far away from the real politics of Japan. And not even part of Japan until 1879. A Chinese tributary up until the 1700s~~ Edit: NVM, set on Tsushima, obviously. Which also is an island but actually had a Daimyo (Só) though similarly mostly removed from the events of the Sengoku Jidai. Also Korea had a claim on the island. Point stands


Interestingly, we do have the story of Tsushima-maru here in Okinawa. It's about a ship full of school-aged children being evacated off island that got accidentally torpedoed by the Americans during the second world war. My grandfather was supposed to go on it but missed it for whatever reason so he survived. The kanji for it is completely different so it's got nothing to do with the game's locale.


You can choose stealth, or be a real samurai and challenge every fucker to a duel, and then slice those mother fuckers up. There are some forced stealth missions though. But other than that, be a samurai! The side story missions are the main draw. They focus on specific side characters and are long story chains and they rule.


It's the graphics and the gameplay that gets you hooked. The story is very much decent tho. Nothing ground breaking.


Gameplay is top notch imo.


You have a man facing his personal code of honor and what society expects of him having to make tough choices if he wants to win/survive. The side missions are great too think ME2/3 loyalty missions. Also different play styles you have the “face me I’m right here!!” Style focused on a nice combat style where you’ll need to switch stances to fight different enemies effectively or you can go the ghost (ninja) style of sneaking stabbing or poisoning enemies. Main minus point is the main antagonist. He’s pretty generic and is essentially at the beginning and end of the main story. The DLC is after the main story and is more into the morals of a samurai as you deal with the fact that in real life like with many “warrior” cultures you have contradictions in morality and the fact that for the peasants it was usually shitty dealing with people that could kill you without real consequences.


try it and you'll see


Really bland dark cult somber boring bullshit


Even better. It's insane how much better it is at being an assassin game than a game that has it in its name. Assasins creed is no where near the fluidity and immersion as this game is. Amazing stealth? check Absolutely amazing sword combat? Check Good story? Check. Not the best but definitely good. You will love this game as an ac fan Crying as I write this as I grew up on ac games...


One shot kills from stealth like in good old times. And fat enemies that don't require dacing around them for a minute.


One thing I'll never understand why they abandoned assassin's creed. For instance Ezio trilogy > godlike Desmond story line > nah fuck it Bayek a beloved character who could've had more games > nay Lejla hassan? Fuck her too It's like a fucking drug addict that starts something and finds something else. Instead of taking our time fleshing out chracters we like and love we jump from one to another time period just to have them all covered. I'll bet my left nut basims story will also be forgotten. Just disgusting. Praying on this shit ty companies downfall.


I'll never forigve them for dropping the modern day desmond storyline, shit had so many possibilities. and actually hooked you into the reason you were doing any of this stuff in the first place.


It reminds me of the old Tenchu games.


yea it is good and optimized, You can play it as a samurai or go ninja


Do yourself a huge favor. Huge favor and play it. Don’t think. Just buy and play it.


I'm only a few hours in but it's a very open world with a few scattered collectable challenges (find a shrine, etc.) and bad guy outposts, but there's not a whole lot going on tbh. It's very pretty and calm though. The camera drives me insane and I find the guy I am fighting constantly going out of frame. I'm enjoying it though, you do feel pretty bad ass when you one-shot guys with moves you unlock.


In the settings you have to option to target an opponent which has solved most of the camera issues for me. Also, I couldn’t really get on with keyboard and mouse, it seems much easier to control the camera with a controller but since it’s a ported console game this is to be expected


Yes but unfortunatly its very fomulaic like AC but not as bad because it has no shoehorned in tiered loot system like AC. That would absolutly turn it into a refund from me.


Kenshi my beloved


it may as well be an AC game, but better


It's not a game. It's an experience.


Wow so deep bro


...its very much a game lol. It just has stellar art direction and decent writing and voice acting.


"as the AC series" ouch lmfao


I found it pretty open.


feels exactly the same.


The AC series has nothing on GOT. But to be fair haven't played any AC game since 2.


You haven't missed much lol


See? This is how a port should be done (looking at you the lags of us)


It does have its problems tho that alot of people are reporting. Like performance drops after playing for an hour, some texture flickering etc.


I do experience those in a way, but even then I'm amazed at how well it runs


nixxes are just goated when it comes to PC ports


They're not that great. They do good settings options and decent performance but even years after release they don't fix significant bugs. For example Ratchet & Clank Rift Apart has a huge VRAM memory leak issue as well as other significant bugs in the PC port only, but nothing gets done about them.


Well... Tsushima's port is great, but it's worse than Horizon Forbidden West. Tsushima's graphics are beautiful but it's definitely less demanding than in Forbidden West. And somehow fps is also lower than in Forbidden West. It's not critical but looks strange to me.


I've watched some benchmarks, and it seems to have problems with CPU utilisation. The benchmarks i watched showed that the 4090 was being underutilised with it dropping as low as 60% usage for no good reason.


There are some bugs with dialog in the DLC too


It responds well to X3D chips.


Why should they have bothered? That LOU port sold more copies than this ever will even think about. I agree btw, but it's just not possible to optimize when the devs themselves don't care


TLOU didn't sell well on PC AFAIK.


I heard that it beat God Of War in sales which was the best selling sony pc port of all time?




When my non gamer GF saw it, she was like "wow, that one is awesome".


Bro off topic, what brand name is your keyboard? Looks very sleek and nice.


I think it's a Keychron. Looks like the OnePlus variant. 




The combat in this game is amazing. Just flows.


It definitely has really good parts to it, but levels out about 6-7/10 for me. Graphics wise it’s very hit and miss. The lighting is good and sometimes it looks amazing and then others it looks like a PS3 game.


What’s a 10 to you then?


Well if I’m being honest I don’t play a lot of single player games and my PS4 generally sits gathering dust. Best games I’ve played on it though are RDR2 and TLOU2, with probably only the former getting a 10. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed GoT, but I think I overhyped it for myself. I think the E3 reveal had a lot more darker and gloomier atmosphere with dashes of colour, whereas the release felt a bit more cartoonish.


Im not him but cmon red dead 2 is a 10 for last gen. And ghost of tsushima isnt even half of red dead 2 quality.


Would also say 6/10. It looks really good but the story is kinda mid until Act 3, at lot of the quest chains had very unsatisfying endings and the combat system was cool but the game never tested your skill and was a snooze fest overall.


It's fantastic.


I just started this last night. Can’t wait to dive further into the story.


This is one game I'm very much considering purchasing at full-price...


Mio worth it. Played it on PS4 and easily got 60 hours out of it. The combat is really fun and satisfying. I am probably going to grab it again once it hits 45$ or so on PC.


Am i the only person in the world to dislike this game ? I was very hyped about playing it when they announced it on PC, and I was so disapointed. The story is very basic, cinematics are trash, especially the ones for the secondary missions, faces feel lifeless and characters dont move at all. The open world looks good yes, but it’s also pretty empty and looks almost the exact same biome from north to south. Stealth is trash (kill a guy, be spotted and go back in a bush to make them forget you were here). The camera is also terrible as it’s entirely manual, so it makes fights against many opponents terribly messy. I really cant understand the hype about this game at all.


I don't dislike it but yeah I wouldn't call it a masterpiece. The open world is technically open but everything seems to be pretty linear. Leveling up is pretty linear. Story is pretty linear. Game looks great but there are obviously a lot of noticeable copies (like house interiors and cliffs to climb up). Big towns only have one NPC with a side quest, which is to kill some bad guys (rest of the npcs are literally just talking about you amongst themselves). It just leaves me wanting to play Fallout for that totally open world craving. I haven't played AC in a long time though so maybe it's better to compare to that


Last solo game I played before this was Red Dead Redemption 2, so I guess it also counts. The difference in ai behavior and world detailing especially makes it feel like a 20 years difference between the two games


Brother, please don't do that. Dont compare ANY game to RDR2, you will be disappointed and have lesser feelings towards every open world game u play if u do that. Just stop doing that,its not good. ~Huge RDR2 fan


I know I played rdr2 4 times and its my favorite game ever. I really struggle to enjoy any other open world game ever since I played rdr2 for the first time


I'm sorry to hear about your suffering. Warhorse studios (Kingdom Come Deliverance) said that u can interact with NPCs just like u could in RDR2! or at least thats exactly what his response sounded like when asked a question about in game interaction Have u played Kingdom Come Deliverance? I liked it (500 hours)


KCD is a fantastic game. Much better than RDR2. RDR2 looks a bit better though, but somehow KCD is more immersive.


You mean the game where you walk next to the wrong NPC you'll be sucked into a 40 minute quest you had no intention of starting without the option to say NO or save the game until you're done? No. Fuck that. Fuck Rockshart


I also thought it was pretty average.


I wear stuff that covers faces 


> I really cant understand the hype about this game at all. its a former PS exclusive all PS games are massively overhyped as if they had groundbreaking visuals, story and gameplay all wrapped into one package, Sony hype-machine is very real


The game was overhyped as people who hated The Last of Us 2 tried to downplay it after all the drama behind it. The game is a good open world experience, far better than what Ubisoft cooked in the last ten years, but it’s a 7/10 game at best.


Yeah I agree about the camera especially during combat it's slow and hard to focus on enemies. The story had some really good moments but the open world is gorgeous. Honestly worth investing time, not a masterpiece though it was the Studio's first game I suppose and I assume they'll improve in the next game.


it is fine. but far from masterpiece sadly.


I mean, everything the game offers lives up to the hype gameplay story, and the open world aesthetic alone definitely leaves it in the conversation of masterpiece.


gameplay is nice but not that good. the fights are cool but not outstanding and will be forgotten soon. it is just like an ac game where you run from questionmark to questionmark. that is not good gameplay. even if the wind thing to show direction is an awesome idea! the aesthetics look awesome with the very intense colors for the trees and so on. the story is only mediocre and it was so fukin annoying that you were not allowed to skip a single cutscene, especially in minor quests like freeing some farmers. god awful. a masterpiece this is for sure not.


For people looking for a ronin/samurai game in feudal Japan, this game excels at that with the beautiful map design and AC/Batman Arkham stealth gameplay. Which is definitely held in high regard among most reviews on steam/critics. And for the story, I can see people not falling in love with it. I can understand, but calling it mediocre is just not true. The story giving us a perspective of feudal japan during the invasion of the mongols was definitely very interesting, and with great characters, Yuna/Khan/Lord shimura, etc. But to see Jin overcome the samurai code to protect his people is a great and super interesting. And not to mention, imo the extremely satisfying ending. Jin had to lose his honor to keep his home safe.he had to go against his people and lose the last of his family to protect them. True samurai And I've 100% a lot of games, over 20 mainstream triple AAA tiles, and believe me, this game is a masterpiece in my eyes


you have way to much time to spend if you 100% this much games :D but i am glad for you that you enjoy your hobby of course. you are totally right. the characters are pretty cool. i also really liked the khan. he was not just a brutal barbarian. he was very intelligent and played politics as well. but i think the game would have been way better if there was a chance to choose to stay the path of a samurai. give me some choice on points where i would never have chosen the path of the ghost. even if this would make fights later one maybe way more difficult? could be nice. similar to jedi knight 3 where you had to choose a side and suddenly things were horribly hard if you chose dark side for example. unfortunately the ending was way to obvious already from the point on where you did not do what the uncle wanted. i knew this was coming. yep this all degrades the game from a masterpiece away.


It's Japanese assassins creed.... It's pretty bad


Yea but this is the internet so everything is literally the best thing of all time


true dat. i like when people stick with their old favorites and you meet old people that played the first monkey island and is telling you best game of the world.


It’s really quite boring and one dimensional actually




do you want to play a game where everybody dies and is crying all the time, and plays a flute ever so softly and gets emotional and stoic at the same time and you can ride your horse through empty fields of copy pasta flowers? Check out this masterpiece.


Oh yes, i loved it on ps4. One of very few games ive 100%ed. One of the best games in all of gaming imo


just don't get your pc exploded from such insane graphics


God I wish I wasn't poor


Wtf I love your monitor can you send the link for the product


What is ur pc specs?


7800x3D, 4090 FE, 64GB DDR5


Your PC specifications are much better than my PC specifications, at least I can play Far Cry 6 smoothly at around 47~60fps, high setting to ultra at 1080p. My PC specifications are: Intel Core i7 2600 @3.4GHz 10GB DDR3 RAM RX580 2048SP 8GB VRAM Windows 10 Pro "22" inch IPS Panel 1080p@60hz


I like your monitor and keyboard


Thank you!


What's the name of that PC case


FormD T1!


So cute, I love small form factor builds (cliche question ahead) Are temps OK even with a smaller case?


Yes, temps are great. I’ve undervolted the CPU and GPU


I just finished the game myself. One of the best stories I’ve ever played through


One of the saddest endings ever in a video game.


It's pretty good, but there is a pretty egregious audio bug in the game that has been there since the ps4 release apparently, still not fixed. Bad developer bad.


pretty mid, story mostly predictable. the only good thing about the game is the combat system.


It’s one of my all time favourite games! I finished it on the ps5 but would love to finish it again on PC on 4K 😍


I guess the graphic and scenery yess, but for real after rdr2 I still haven’t found games that worthy to be called masterpiece.


How's the psn requirements for it? I want to get the game but I plan to travel out of country to places that don't have access to psn


iirc you dont need PSN unless you want to play multiplayer.




Game is mid.


Idk about a masterpiece, but the game is def solid


Currently playing it for the first time myself, never played it on PS4, so glad I got my 7900XTX in time. Absolutely stunning on maxed out visuals, love the open world exploration. It doesn't feel overly grindy either, the side missions flow nicely with the main story mode.


so glad to hear that, if only i could play it but no, sony had to region block me


I had always heard great things about GoT, but never played it because I refuse to buy a console so when it released for the PC I was excited to get it and it doesn't disappoint in the slightest. SPS really put their heart and soul into GoT and it shows, easily makes it into my personal "Best Games of All Time" list. Also Nixxes is incredible when it comes to porting to PC, every port they've managed just runs really well out of the box whether you play them on a high end system at 4K native w/o FG or play them on a handheld it'll be a smooth and enjoyable experience.


Sony Playstation Network Login Requirement part 3 was awesome


Is this more like souls or tenchu?


More like tenchu


I gotta get it then


I still play it occasionally on my ps5. The multiplayer is decently fun tho the top level difficulty games take a long time if u win.


Yeah it was great back in 2020 and its subsequent online release the following year . . . I can't really say what the hook would be for its initial release on PC for a vet though considering there wont be fresh online mode servers as you must link your PS5 account to use them "meaning the only people who can play online are those who already did back in 2021, or those willing to purchase a PS5 and/or an additional copy of the game . . . like what in the actual f\*\*k" I already beat the online mode and collected all the gear so what is the point of a vet like me playing further?! Now after it has been out for a little while, gets some mods and goes on sell I can totally see picking it back up. If it is your first time playing the game it is totally worth picking up for the offline mode but at the same time complete b/s the hoops you have to jump through to check out the online mode.


Would've been nice if it wasn't removed from my country's Steam and Epic store


Meh, its not really a theme I enjoy


Gotta love pirating it, ngl


The most overrated game of all time imo


Well it's ok. No Witcher 3, but definetly better that average ubisoft generic openworld, even though there are some similarities. 


Pity I'll never play it, thanks PSN


Name ? Edit : my bad guys , sorry i asked 😔


looks like ghost of tsushima


Ghost of tshushima


lol jesus christ it's in the pic.




https://preview.redd.it/erh39xnjm04d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61f841fee352caa8ce58b67138dc061433af84f5 Right there bud, zoom in a bit.


is it locked to 30 or 60 fps like many console ports?


Not locked. I have it at 120 FPS. It’s smoother, more polished than I expected (since it’s a port)




It also has AMDs frame generation if you don't have a 40 series Nvidia GPU. Ran great in 4k.


What console ports are locked to 30/60?


Elden Ring is locked at 60


that’s definitely from software fault, their games are mostly multiplatform


Sonic frontiers is locked at 60.


Not a port. Also, japanese games more frequently than not are horribly thought out with their PC releases. Elden Ring is locked and does not feature custom resolution support, the same goes for Sekiro. I dont know why japanese developers hate PC gaming so much if it is so profitable for them.


these needs to be played with controller.


Actually no, I played through 1 third of the game with xbox series controller then switched to MnK in the 2nd act of the game and its so much better Why? Because I can switch stances with numbers 1-4 (MUCH faster than holding R2 then selecting stance with button), Bow and arrow is easier and targeting is easier in melee combat due to more precision of the camera which helps with many things


this game is super casual even on hard no need to be super fast when its easy single player game. also playing on OLED 42+ inch TV you want to relax and sit back not be 30cm from the screen on mouse and keyboard.


Of course, I just like the precision of MnK on this game but I can't deny that its more relaxing to just lean back and play on controller


Far from a masterpiece, pretty generic game by all accounts.


Cant wait to play it on pc


OLED owner and not to mention it in totally unrelated post - mission impossible.


I fell asleep while playing it. It was slow and boring, definitely not my cup of tea.


I was expecting a badass samurai gameplay and was slapped in the face with an assassin's creed like that can see enemies through walls right in the first open world mission. It wasn't my cup of tea neither, but that's why there are so many differemt genres, people are different. Some people would see your comment as a fan of the game and think "oh, well" and go over with their day, others would be offended by your opinion and attack you or call you a liar.


but the game says you hear them xD


you can absolutely play it like a bad ass samurai. the problem is that the story refuses to acknowledge it when you do. you can do the whole thing being an honorable samurai but the story will always treat you like you are a dishonorable assassin


yes. in my opinion one of the biggest flaws. sure the game is called ghost and it wants you to play ghost. i would say the game would be so much better if you could decide if you go the path of the samurai or the path of the ghost.


Go against popular opinion and get downvoted. Typical reddit, smh.


Yeah, I even said not my cup of tea. I can't force myself to enjoy the game.


The fact that you are getting downvoted for saying this and not the guy shoving a game down somebody else's throat is wild lmao


You guys that are criticizing OP are weird. He kept it short and simple. Some people don’t want to write a novel on why they disliked the game.


Doesn't seem like they're criticizing OP. It's more like they're disagreeing with OP opinion of the game being a masterpiece.


That's a very radical viewpoint. How dare you simply state that you find it boring? We waited four years for this game to be released on PC. Perhaps it wasn't interesting enough for people to buy a PS4 to play it early.


How the hell did you find this masterpiece "slow" and "boring" when there is literally so much combat in it?


The combat is boring. It is literally Witcher 3 combat of X and Y. Shooting arrows is boring; they do not let us dodge while shooting in the early stages, making you more prone to enemy arrows. We have to leave a bow stance and go into sword mode. Changing stances is boring; we learn the water stance by killing soldiers, not by training. Climbing mechanics are boring, looting mechanics are boring, the brightness inside houses is low and boring, and the missions are boring. They gave the same keybind to the loot button and stance button. Everything in this game was very slow-paced and reminded me of a slower and specialized version of Assassin's Creed. There are some good things like wind mechanics and graphics, but we do not have to give it special attention because it is Sony and Japanese. If this game was built by Ubisoft, we would have immediately called it a Sekiro clone.


sad thing is they always say witcher combat is the worst about witcher 3 and here you have the same combat and it is praised like nothing else :D


Ah I see... Understandable have a good day sir.


Reddit often is a Sony fanboy hive mind after all. Even on a fucking PC sub of all places.


try to skip a sequence. :D


You must have a very short attention span to be bored of ghost of tsushima or you’re lying and never played the game and just farming karma points on Reddit.


Yes, how can anybody not like your favorite game? They must be lying.


You can criticize the game all you want, that’s fair and you have your opinion. But some of the best game designers in the industry were a part of this games creation. To call it boring is simply not true. So yes I standby what I said. Either your mind is corrupted by short form TikTok videos so your attention span is ruined or you never bothered to give this game a chance.


Why are you after my attention span, dude? The fact that you keep mentioning it shows that you know about this issue and find it slow-paced and boring. Go be a samurai, but that's not my cup of tea. Also, having good game designers doesn't mean the game is interesting. Learn to hear negative criticism and become a good Redditor.


This dudes funny lol


\>criticize game \>some random dude immediately spams "attention span" Are you serious?


As far as I’m concerned you didn’t give any criticism. Criticism usually is followed up by advice or suggestions to improve. You just insulted the game, called it boring without following up on anything. It’s pretty clear you just wanted the attention. I’m not sure if it’s because you have a minority complex and wanna stand out from the crowd? That’s like if I call Witcher 3 boring and bland without any context.


>It’s pretty clear you just wanted the attention. I’m not sure if it’s because you have a minority complex and want to stand out from the crowd? Yes, dude, you got me. I wanted to farm 100 karma by commenting in this post, but you caught me. If only my attention span were long enough.


You still didn’t reply to the main point of that reply. Calling something boring without any context is not criticism.


I think this game is a masterpiece but we can’t just tell people what they can and can’t find boring. If the guy doesn’t find feudal Japan interesting then I think their opinion is valid.


He’s entitled to his opinion, if he doesn’t like the game that’s fine. But he has a weirdly aggressive attitude when someone confronts him so I wanted to mess with him a bit.


I get it, but tbf you did accuse him of having a short attention span and lying for karma first


I understand. I’ll cut it off.


Really? They don't like a game so they must be all of the above for me to comprehend why they must not like the same game I do! Wth!. Here, I love this game a lot I've played it on PS5 currently playing it on PC and I can see why some may find it boring because although there is a ton of combat most mission are ride here, talk to people in a boring but beautiful cutscene, follow clues or foot prints, combat then rinse and repeat, most collectibles are climbing mountains, following foxes, making poems, taking baths, not the most exciting and involved activities if u ask me. I love it though, its a very chill beautiful game with a great story but I can see where some people may lose it and thats ok unless they mindlessly shit on the game but thats not the case here.


nah you talk bs


It was everything I was hoping for which I was worried about. The controller support is amazing too


You said it all! I had played the game when it launched on my ps4, but never finished it... now I'm playing 2k on my pc and yeah, masterpiece of a game!


It’s alright


It certainly is. I stumbled upon it by accident, but that was the best accident in my life ( except for the time my dad didn't pull out in time ). It runs amazing on my PC. Always thought that Ports are mostly badly optimized and terrible on PC, but certainly not this one. I only play on 1080p but i get awesome framerates with my pretty high settings, DLAA and XeGTAO (5600x + RTX 3070). I did some tweaks for stuff I don't want, didn't make a big visual difference but yea. Amazing performance and while not breathtaking, it certainly looks really good and has this vibe, if you know what I mean. And then there is the gameplay. It's amazing. Love the combat, and how you can be really strategic in the way you approach things, especially the further you get. ( I totally neglected the main story for several hours and got the bow and sword upgrades really late xD ) I am also not a Story Person normally, but in this game I soak up everything I get and follow it closely. That says a lot lol. I sunk so many hours into the game already and I just unlocked the second area. Still cleaning up the first area though. A little bit left to do haha. Haven't had a Singleplayer game this good in a long time. Depression made me play a lot less and often not have the "motivation" to do so. But this game really sparks joy in me. Big recommendation to get it.


I'm sorry but I have to disagree. The game is beyond breathtaking. Have you seen the light play at sunset on the grass? Or the grass movement itself? When it rains. There's only one other game that surpasses ghost of tsushima and that is Hellblade 2. Which is a different story but it's graphics are just jaw-dropping. But between these two made me feel that sense of awe like I haven't feel in decades. I felt like a child again!


No need to be sorry? Everyone can have their own opinion? I mean, I said it was very beautiful, that is a very high praise. Also gonna look a good bit better, if played in 1440p or 4k. Not sure if that is of importance on a port, but game is also already 4 years old. Also, for me, there is always room for improvement, but that's nagging on quite the high level lol. You make it sound like I trash-talked the graphics. xD


Combat is too easy unfortunately.


Ah pc nikkuz finally be experiencing this epix




Dude I thought I was the only person who loved a 90% keyboard. I just went with the RK S98 with their pale green switches and it really impressed me, sounds better stock than any kb I've ever used.