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Native language: German I use English on all programs and systems. It makes searching for an issue much easier.


Same.. I also read and watch everything in english. Imho translated books and films kinda lack polish? Dunno how to explain it, it just often sounds so wooden compared to english. Also german dubs can be really atrocious šŸ˜…


"Press the winkey and r at the same type to open the PROGRAMMENSTARTINSTEIN prompt"


I know "programmenstartinstein" is probably something you made up on the spot, but I'm gunna pretend it's real bc it makes me happy.


DrĆ¼cken Sie die Windowstaste und "R" gleichzeitig, um die Programmenstartinsteineingabeaufforderung zu ƶffnen.


exmatrikulationsbeantragungsportal. nice little actual german word. also, rheinschifffahrtsgesellschaftsvorsitzendenparkplatzbaubeaufsichtigung




German loves compound words


Doesn't help that it's only like 10 different voices somehow doing almost every german dub.


Small, specialised localisation teams who are known to be reliable and affordable. Why bother casting for every language when most of your audience doesnā€™t seem to care? Disney are fairly good for this, or they used to be anyway. They actually tried pretty hard to make their dubs special and comparable to the original audio.


I was a watching a video on the Emperor's new Groove the other day (you know, as you do) and the guy compared the original dub vs the French dub. Turns out that while the original dub was very good, the French dub added some jokes where there wasn't and actually improved some comedic moments (Which is a big deal in a comedy). He mentionned that it was probably due to how long translators had to work on the movie compared to now, so they could add some of their own touches, and the VAs would do the same. So in the end you had a product that was it's own thing, while not being too far from the original.


If you think that's bad I'd welcome you to look at Russian Dubs. Back in the Day there was like one guy doing all the voices, so everyone basically had the same voice and you still could hear the English original in the background.


I dislike those double voices in Russian and English. My Russian wife needs it anyway to understand the movies.


I've seen some comparaison online with Konosuba, and it actually is one guy doing everything and talking over the original audio. The mic is pretty bad too, what a dumpster fire. I've noticed that same sort of "overlay" with Russian pokƩmon cards. On pretty much all normal cards you have a flavor text that's a PokƩdex description, it's not there on RU cards, they also changed the layout compared to other languages, and the fonts are pretty weirdly sized. Its like they don't really care and/or can't be bothered to do a proper work.


Yep that too.. also some actors have such unique voices, itā€˜s honestly startling when you hear them the first time (for example Bruce Willis, would never have guessed that his voice is that high pitched šŸ˜…)


Makes me think about German dubbed "Terminator" Ich komme zuruck. I am Dutch but do everything in English on PC/books


Yeah same here.. not to mention all the mistakes in translation especially in games...


Iā€™m trying to learn German and this thread gave me the idea to try swapping Windows to German, but all the comments and the post make me think itā€™s not a great idea.


I did this when trying to learn Dutch. I wouldnā€™t say it helps a lot, especially as the computer world often appropriates certain words that generally have a different meaning (think wallpaper or desktop). I would really recommend watching stuff youā€™re interested in in German (if available/necessary with subs). German dubs for TV shows and movies are generally pretty good (not nearly as good as the original but well made and usually much clearer/easier to understand than the original audio). For PC/gaming content, Iā€™d highly recommend checking out [PC Games Hardware](https://youtube.com/@pcgh?si=o-n49HfzG4SaQKo3), theyā€™ve really upped their game on the YouTube channel in recent years and the written articles are also pretty solid (and generally in very good German). [AlexiBexi](https://youtube.com/@alexibexi?si=nW1qcJn3vZ6y8xIc) is also pretty solid, though usually not very in-depth. You might think of him as the German MKBHD; high production value, covers a lot of random tech. If you like Lego, you can take a look at [Held der Steine](https://youtube.com/@helddersteine?si=jnLXnBu9rN8FaQqt). [Simplicissimus](https://youtube.com/@simplicissimus?si=zsZ8kID49iaRfeWt) do video essays on a lot of topics, theyā€™re usually very well written and cover interesting topics. I believe Kurzgesagt also started uploading their videos on German recently :)


You could also start putting post it notes with the German translation on all the things in Ur house.


Exactly. I dread the system in my native language. I occasionally do IT jobs on the side. Recently I had built several PCs and installed OSs, connected in the network, created necessary paths for their niche programs. Few days later, they call me "nothings is working as it should". I went there, two computers are using Serbian language, PCs are not seeing each other on the network, owner of the business is giving me the looks (he's the one refusing to upgrade PC and is still on windows 7, had to jump through hoops to make all win 10 and win 7 work together). It turned out, employee installed some early 2000s software (pirated and he didn't even know how to crack). When it didn't work, he simply deleted installation folder. And he translated OS to Serbian, so the error messages were not making sense in my head. I managed to sort it out and told them I'm washing my hands of that job.


This. Used to run Windows in French for a bit of while to sneak in some exposure to the language but the whole thing culminated in nerve-wracking troubleshooting where trying to guesstimate the search query in French pretty much became a game of whack-a-mole


I'm Italian but the vast majority of the software I use has been in English since the late 90s. Originally, it was so I could learn the language faster... but then it became a habit. I don't mind, I feel more "at home" when my software is like: "Whatcha doin bruv..."


Exactly the same for me, as I am Italian as well. Except that at 20yo, Iā€™m still in the learning part. I think I have a generally good understanding of the language, but you can always improve, I guess


Native speakers often have more to improve too


Nah m8 my engerland is eggcelent


Me fail English? That's unpossable


Well at least I know the difference between ā€œyourā€ and ā€œyouā€™reā€


*writes a sentence in perfect English* "Pardon my language as I am not a native speaker"


Well I had to read my comment multiple times before posting it, and had to rewrite some things here and there


Silence you, two tongued being, for you, who posses the knowledge of speech in more than one tongue, does nothing but provide evidence of relentless wisdom far beyond of whatĀ the vast majority of english natives even dare attempt to obtain. Or in other words, aw man, stfu, you speakin 2 languages is one more than many other fools even try to learn properly ya knw what im sayin?


Yeah same here, I speak spanish but I prefer Windows in english because words are shorter and don't have shitty characters. Like: "Archivos de programas" vs "Program Files" yeah fuck no. Now if my language was german then I wouldn't care because: "laufwerk" vs "hard drive" I mean doesn't it sound more dangerous in german?


I'M NOT ALONE. God I hate windows in Spanish "pAnEl De CoNtRoL", everything is so bad... I get called elitist because I use my stuff in Spanish but it's just that translations are always so bad, I'll never play games in Spanish either


In Portuguese at least they name the folder programas and programasx86, but I rather have the system in English also to help search for solutions when I have an issue or an error/bug. Much easier than having to translate the error to English anyway.


Yeah I agree, and I've always said this, troubleshooting is much MUCH easier in English


And for some god damn reason, some games will automatically set your language to the region you have set up in your windows installation with no obvious way to change it without changing the region thing, I absolutely hate that!


me. I also think in English 99% of the time.




I think in English like 80% of the time, but it becomes 99% if I'm angry. English profanity just hits different. I think it's because I've watched a lot of Samuel Jackson movies.


English profanity usually has a more aggressive and angry sounding tone, at least to my ear. But English will not match Germanic cursing, also imo


Agreed as an American if I was going to learn another language it would be German not because I think Iā€™d ever go there but because I think it would be funny to get mad and switch to German yelling


You might wanna have a look at [this](https://youtu.be/gTlo74_zTrs?t=1m43s), I think youā€™ll love it. German Vaas was insanely good.


For me it's 99% English, But it goes to 20% when I'm angry. My Native's profanity just hits different


I started doing this too unconsciously when I was like 15


Native German, but my entire "digital" life is English .. also, I usually "think" in English if that makes sense


20+ years in an English-speaking country and I even dream in English, talk to myself in English & swear in English. And if I find myself swearing in my native language, I feel so ashamed of myself, like I can feel my motherā€™s abject horror & disappointment in me šŸ˜Š


My wife cursing in her first language is how i know she really mad.


Same here. Especially the swearing part. I can swear in English all day long but can't say a curse word in my native language outloud without feeling ashamed.


Inverse: English is my native language but I switched my laptop to Korean to help myself learn how to navigate Korean computers better.


This is how I helped myself pick up enough Spanish in high school


Lol, of course I have English on windows. The only time I actually use my native language is when I speak to my own people. Had every single electronic device in English since I was around 13 y/o. One exception was when my IT teacher used swedish on his adobe and Microsoft Office programs so I did the same to avoid issues while in those classes. However the second those classes were over I switched back to English immediately.


I don't use Windows that much but my Linux machine is in english, but I also question what languages is my native tongue as I have spoken it as long as my mother tongue.


Yep. Pretty much I have Everything Selectable (phones, games, consoles, pcs) is Set to English. This goes so far, that In Spite Of Still Living in My Native country, surrounded by Native language speakers, I Only think in my Native when Situation Demands it.


Same! Been like this for 20ish years. At this point it's almost debatable which one is my 'native'


Native finnish speaker, i use all my devices in english, because the translations are extremely weird sometimes and searching for issues online becomes impossible


English is not my native language but i get confused whenever Google shifts to my native language, the translations are too literal to make instinctual sense. I could only imagine the confusion i might get if i change the Windows language into something else.


I do the same thing, just easier to look up stuff that way.


Iā€™ve heard a lot of my non-native English speaking friends say that when it comes to using a computer is much simpler and straight forward in English even if someone isnā€™t fluent in English. They never really elaborated why that is, although Iā€™m sure someone can tell me.


Most of the PC terms are English and our native languages include only modifications of these English terms. Also translations are weird as always. I won't prefer "TĆ¼mĆ¼nĆ¼ gƶrĆ¼ntĆ¼le" to "View all"


Me, Norwegian speaker but Norwegian on operating system is cringe.


Native Language: French I even have French keyboard settings because there are no qwerty configurations sold in my country.


Polish translations aren't that good on the Internet, so I tend to use everything I can in English. It makes it way easier to search for technical things, manuals, etc. since I don't have to guess what the original non-translated word is.


Native is hindi but only in speech so I am very bad at reading and writing and english feels way natural or easier to read write and every normal person has their everything in english here in India.


Some computer terms sound very strange in my native language. Also troubleshooting becomes harder.


English is the metric system of linguistics. Metric is the English language of mathematics. This only makes sense because it's in English.


chinese here. english is just more natural.


Any help I get online is in English, so might as well set Windows in English to make it easier to follow. Also all programs are in English so I can save my brain train re-adjusting every time between languages.


Native arab and can speak arabic pretty well but i use english for almost everything in my life except with family members.


My native language is French. There is a lot of documentation in French now. Lots of guides, lots of videos. Less than in English, but a ton more than when I begun learning in the late 80s. I don't like video game translations though. They're mostly done in France and itnhas zero appeal to me. I prefer the og.


" I can't be the only one " why is this\^ nonsense necessary?


Dutch native: English on my PC and Dutch on my laptop. Because I never bothered to change it.


I'm a native hungarian speaker. I don't use Windows1. Most of the software I use doesn't support hungarian.


Native Language: Greek I use English because I've never seen a good Greek translation on a program. Most of the time it's either a direct translation that doesn't work or a Google translate translation. Same goes for my phone. To give you an idea, imagine an English royal king trying to explain you IP subneting and DDNS. Yeah... Greek is a rich language and thus translations tend to be too much for even the locals to understand. Plus, most of the time, English is my only option. We are a small country after all. I usually give the translations a try to see if they've done a good job but alas. For any developer looking for good translations, look into uncharted 3 and god of war for the ps3.


Vastly regarded AI generated post


Same same. English is hands down the best for any troubleshooting or info searching in general, regardless of what you're looking for.


I'd be too confused, I wouldn't know any of the terms in my native language..!


I use my native language for most things (except server stuff). I still typically search stuff in english, though. That way, I'm fluent in both.


Native German and English C2, I donā€™t really notice a difference and I like it. I still have windows in German (which makes life hard when youā€™re stuck with a problem and need to look it up), but every other device I own is in English.


Native language: Swedish. I always use English for computers for the same reason as you.


Main language is Spanish but I use English for easy troubleshooting


Im Mexican and I use English in everything, I'm not even sure why to be honest.


I noticed at least 15 years ago there was a profound influence on the world because of computers. Software was english, web sites were english, the keyboards were US/UK mostly. But lately, I think there is going to be a reverse influence because google translates so much, local dialects become more accepted. I'm sure linguistic/sociology experts can explain this.


I mean, in modern world you kinda have to know English.


Yep. English is like minimum system requirements nowadays. :D


Ukrainian Always set operating system and software to English. Better for understanding, googling and manuals


Native language : Spanish English is my second life and something very important in my life


I did this, my phone is still in English but I switched my pc back to Hungarian so I can get better at my own language and maybe a bit better in English as well since I gotta translate more of what I wanna search for compared to if I just type the English words in which I usually have a tough idea what they mean but can't exactly translate them


Nah, I'm keeping native. Yes sometimes the translations are laughable and make searching for issues online harder but it doesnt really matter. I'm used to it and despite mostly installing programs in english (because most programs use google translate and it's so bad) I'll keep windows in latin.


Iā€™m Romanian. Grew up using Windows, Office and all other software in English. At some point, I was curious and installed the Romanian language package in Office. My productivity went down significantly because I couldnā€™t easily find what I was looking for in the menus anymore. Went right back to English after a couple days and been using English ever since then (early 2000s)


A lot of Romanians keep Windows and phones in English. It's not like having it in Romanian would make them know what most functions do anyway.


Native language: arabic Use english as my windows language. Its like you said since i started using my pc if i ever faced a problem it would be a lot easier to just look it up in English. But i will also add that not every single app has arabic as an option for system language so making sure to pick a uniform one just keeps things consistent


I'm Danish and I have literally no tech vocabulary in my native tongue. I have to Google everything when helping friends with their computers, because they keep their windows in Danish. Learned all the relevant English words as a kid and it's too late to learn anything now xD


I'm Swedish but it's impossible to troubleshoot anything if I don't put Windows in English.


I only speak English. Just curious what your native one is


Native spanish from AR here. I started with my C< 64 back in 1984, and there were not a lot of options back then. Above all, I do like the US english intl. keyboard distribution and depise the spanish one. Particularly because I do Unix/Linux and the / is at shift 7 :-P Also, I can properly write Ā”ĀæAnything?! Even paragĆ¼itas and aƱos.


Danish here, and same. Growing up most tech wasn't really translated well or at all, and there's just always something lost in translation anyway, so I opted to operate things at their original language/English as much as possible. It feels smoother anyway. I occasionally have to help friends or family with tech issues, and the danish layout and descriptions they present to me often throws me off for a second because it just feels so awkward. Translated tech support has caught up a lot in the past 10 years though. I recently sent a message in English to OnePlus customer service, but because of my location they sent it to a Danish customer service rep, and they kept insisting on giving tech support based on the Danish layout, despite me telling them my system was in English and replying based on the English layout. So I had to translate their service advice as I was getting it. It got me thinking that for a lot of mainstream tech, it might not matter that much anymore.


Me. I'm learning English, so working in an environment that is purely English helps to accelerate the process of learning. And I'm going with the programming path, so it's the best and only way to work. English.


I am Mexican, so Spanish is my 1st language. I learned English at 12 and Iā€™ve loved reading English ever since. My elementary school system was trash; didnā€™t learn much there tbh.


Finnish.Ā  Honestly itā€™s much easier to troubleshoot when PC is in english. Phone too - Iā€™ve had it in english since I was ten. Also since my spouseā€™s native language is english, my everyday language is english, iiiiiit just kinda makes it easier to have everything in, well, english.


I always change to English as the preferred language on any device, to me it just sounds better or makes so much more sense. Native: Spanish


my native language is german but ive been speaking english since the age of four. its my preferred language even day to day, so, all of my devices are set to english


As a millennial, we had to learn computers in English, the DOS had to be operated in english.


My native language is Bahasa Indonesian but a lot of articles were written in English since I started using computers regularly in the '90s, so it's a lot easier to just set English as the default language for Windows to minimise context switching between languages.


Native language: Portuguese, System language: English. It's not windows, but if it carries value to your question I use English because both I am well fluent in and it has the most material available in it, so if I have to search for a feature or issue it'll have the most responses.


Native language: German Windows, Android, Nintendo Wii, everything in English. It's more succinct. Also, the German translations in Windows are getting worse. In English, you have "Sleep" (S0ix, S3, Suspend to Memory) and "Hibernate" (S4, Suspend to Disk). In German, "Hibernate" used to be "Ruhezustand", but recently they use different translations in different places of the OS and use "Ruhezustand" for both Sleep and Hibernate. It's a mess. I know this because I sometimes boot up a machine in German to write troubleshooting articles like [this one](https://xmg.gg/en/faq/troubleshooting/#standby) (and [here](https://xmg.gg/faq/troubleshooting/#standby) in German).


Comments are interesting. Good question. I've often heard people who don't speak English as a first language dream in English.




I'm vietnamse but switched to en as soon as i started learning english myself. As for why, the ttanslations suck


Native language: Russian I used quite a while Russian windows as a way to make certain programmes work fine on a PC, but due to my experience, i had to reinstall it multiple times. The last reinstallation and choosing for windows, was a Ghost Spectre (custom Windows) which originally it was a English windows, but with a bit of a options fondling, you could change the language into Russian, but i've decided to keep the same English here (but i managed to fix the issue where the Russian language won't display it well)


I use English on all of my devices, it just feels more natural that way.


Italian here, all my software and device are set in English. I don't even visit Italian website, all my "digital life" have been switched to English years ago, if I recall correctly, in the middle of 2000s or so.


I'm a Portuguese native. Everything I use (computers, consoles, phones, programs, operative systems) and do (watch videos, play games, watch anime, tutorials, text documents) is in English. My main reason for that is the amount of content you can get in this language. English is just everywhere. Another reason is that it doesn't help that there's barely anything in PT-PT in the Internet, which was the reason that made me often resort to content in Brazilian Portuguese, which is overwhelmingly more abundant and diverse, but also terribly mistranslated oftentimes. I still remember the day when I snapped and finally decided to learn English thoroughly. I was watching an anime called "Bakemonogatari" with Brazilian subtitles and the characters weren't making any sense. Then, out of curiosity, I decided to check the English subtitles, which allowed me to discover that, from the very beginning, all the subtitles were completely wrong. I checked other animes and the pattern remained the same. This is where I started forcing myself to learn English.


Every indian


me, since i was like 16-17, windows, games, even my phone, makes searching for issues, or guides for games more easy


My native is Urdu but the number of people I've seen using computers or mobile in urdu is something I can count on my hand. I don't have anything against urdu but I just can't read arabic/farsi scripts without squinting and double checking the words, something about the script just feels off to me, still read it everyday seamlessly but I'd never configure a computer in Urdu.




I do. Im from Denmark. English is easier to use when trouble shooting etc. I also use english on my phone and macbook, video game consoles etc. Sometimes keyboard shortcuts are changed... In danish Word, bold text is ctrl + f. So ctrl + f which often searches for text in the document is channged to ctrl + b, which just sucks.


I do. I'm italian, but I have all my devices in English. At first it was to force me improve my English, then I also discovered it's easier in case of problems, to find solutions on Google, with the English errors


Finnish, I have always have my systems in English. Mostly because there was no other option when I started out, now itā€™s just out of habit.


Everyone? Computers are made for english language, I cant stand my native language, but also cant stand windows on computer lol


Native Language: French I use English for everything because it's more convenient I guess


Worked at a helpdesk for students and would get any number of nationalities and languages in windows. Hindi, Japanese, French, German...all the buttons are mostly in the same place (sometimes wonky when languages read right to left). Realized I'd gotten to the point where I could fix certain issues without even reading what was there lol.


My native language is Spanish but finding tutorials for apps or anything that has to do with PC maintenance is way easier to find in English. It's the way I've done it for the last 20 years.


I'm Marathi but use English, cause there wouldn't be Marathi version of windows in even next hundred years šŸ˜ and there are 100+million Marathi speakers in world.


why don't you simply state your native language - are you ashamed of it or something? :)


Yes. Even my phone is in english.


You aren't the only one. I have all my devices in English, it's just more convenient for solving issues and using, because I just learned to have everything in English. Give me a OC for troubleshooting with Slovak Windows and I'm fucked


Croatian, but using English since my first phone and pc, due to Croatian not being that much available on technology, now even though it's available, I still use English. My family uses Croatian on both, so when there are some errors or issues, I have to swap it to English sometimes cause I just don't understand it on my native and it's harder to find if I am goggling the issue.


i think a lot of people use English as their main language in their devices (pc, phone, console, etc) even though English is not their native language. it's just easier for a lot of things.


All devices always in English only. Seeing them in my language makes me cringe. Finnish and Swedish For example Administrator is "JƤrjestelmƤnvalvoja"


My native language is written RTL (like Arabic, although I don't speak Arabic). This would have been fine if changing the system's language would only change the words. For some reason, Microsoft assumed that people who write RTL also see EVERYTHING mirrored! So if I set the system to my native tongue, the icons on the desktop will be sorted on the right side, the close, minimize, etc. options on the top right of windows will be on the top left, and even the order of calculations in Excel would be wrong since it starts doing them from the right side. Overall nightmare, plus I am so familiar with the names of settings and options in English that even a good translation to Persian would be weird.


Native: Finnish. Home PC Windows language has been English for a longer time now. At work I use it in Finnish, I work in IT-support, so it makes it easier to help people navigate the OS. My phone is in Finnish, too.


Swede here and i get annoyed when software defaults to my native language. So i always set everything to english, makes it easier to troubleshoot too, because sometimes Swedish doesn't actually equate and it becomes a nightmare when reading up on a solution.


Yep, same. My native language is Romanian but for Windows and my phone it just doesn't feel natural to use any other language than english.


Native language: Finnish Windows language: Finnish


Native: Urdu Bruh, if everyhting was in Urdu I would lose most of the functionality of the computer, trying to figure out where everything went. Learned how to use a computer in english, will use in english


I'm Cambodian, almost all the the software are written in English. So we have no choice but we can't complain because we are poor country and we rely on pirate software almost everyone. Tried to use Khmer(Cambodian) language once but it feels so weird.


Same for me.Going back to many previous windows versions i could only find solutions for whatever problems i had in English.


I but only because Xbox gamepass just downloads games in your PCs language and I like to play my games in English


My native language is Gujarati. I use english for all my tech gadgets. Because trouble shooting and many other programming related things is easy on English.


Same here, i use all my electronics in English as for some reason that seems to be the only comprehensible language related to technology.


This has been the case the whole time I've been in the internet. My early exposure to the internet when I was young certainly contributed to my preference being English over my national language (Filipino) when browsing the internet. The translation from \[insert language\] to Filipino is kinda subpar, it doesn't help that I tend to use the local dialect of my province over Filipino so I haven't developed my linguistic skills for Filipino either, so it sometimes end up confusing me even further. English solves this issue for me. It is not supported on my Windows 11, it's also easier to diagnose PC and software problems in English compared to my language. The majority of the Internet is written in English anyway so in a way, I adapted to it and it has proven invaluable for my studies and everyday life. My grades at English-related subjects are carrying my failing ass rn at senior high so I have the internet to thank for that lmao


In Hindi windows becomes really weird Because it uses exact words which even old people don't use anymore Hindi has evolved and programs still use the older one Also it's really difficult to read on a small display


Native language: Dutch I use English on everything as the support for English is just greater on anything compared to Dutch. Dutch isnā€™t exactly spoken by **that** many people, so the chances of someone running into the same issue as me and having solved it are quite slim. It is, however, a little unhandy having the google AI. ā€œHey Google, turn on the bedroom lights.ā€ Makes it hard for visitors to turn on any lights as they might not have their systems in English or even speak English that wellā€¦ There has to be a solution to that šŸ˜…


I am not a native English speaker but prefer all my software, games and media in English. I have tried Windows in my native language once and found it funny and intolerably difficult. I feel English opens up the options and doors of learning that I won't have otherwise. I won't claim that I think in English because for the most part I still don't but I do prefer English as a medium to communication especially via electronics though I speak in my native language with my family.


I can't use Windows not in English.


I use English for everything I can, I kinda hate Dutch


I used to do it a lot since I went to live in Australia for 3 years, windows, softwares, games. It's much easier to get tutorials and find issues, and for games most mods are english based. Nowaday I find myself getting back to native language.


Was using English software back when it was the only option (no localization), so I got used to the terms and now almost exclusively use English as I have a hard time understanding some of the newly inverted local vocabulary for computers, plus it's way easier to find solutions and follow guides online when you have to troubleshoot some issue in English.


I'm French, back in 2018, I decided to put all of my devices in English because I was bad at reading, writing it and most importantly understanding it. Today, I barely use translator anymore, even if If I doubt certain words at times.


Native language: norwegian. Whrn I first started no software was available in norwegian, and since then I've stuck with english since it feels more natural.


I'm italian but i can express my feelings so much more well with english and i actually think in english. Problem is that the shop that bulit my pc set my language to italian and even if i set it back to english some stuff is still in italian.


My language translation on devices are so formal sounding. I'm like "what is this, 1865?" Imagine your phone was in Shakespeare language. But then randomly they will throw in English words spelled in the language and I'm like ???


Whatā€™s windows? I use Linux


Native:arabic use english i hate using anything that is in arabic


me. cause the translation's are shit. plus i get to learn english while i use my pc.


English is simpler and easier šŸ¤


Iā€™m a native German but since my gf is from Slovakia we set everything to English. PC, PlayStation, TV, even her car haha


Never seen anyone using Windows in any other language than English no matter what. And I played a lot of online games, seen a lot of shared screens from ppl all around the world, and I work with Italians as a software engineer, never seen a single Italian not using PC in English, despite many not even speaking it well (tho that may be cos they are IT ppl, and all documentation for everything is in English anyways, any solution to whatever is in English, etc.


Mexican here, all my devices are in english, except for my phone which is in german, the reason of this last one is symple, IĀ“m learning german, but yeah I preffer to have all in english, even my keyboard layout is the one that does not have the "Ʊ" (donĀ“t know the name of keyboard layouts)


I use windows in my native language german. I don't see any good reason to change it to english. I mean in some games or programs it's worth it because bad translation but i haven't found anything like that in windows.


Actually I don't use English for my Windows because the Windows I use at work is in Portuguese But basically like 90% of the apps I use only in my computer and on my phone are in English


Indian here. Didn't know I could set the language to other than English until I was 16 years old since all the preinstalled copies in schools and offices were in English and we are also taught to use the computer in English as our schooling is in English. Same with smartphones I would say unless you're a 60 year old grandpa


English. The translations I've seen are quite poor. They're unnatural, unclear, or outright incorrect. I've retranslated some examples that I've encountered: "Open" -> "Swing open", "Close" -> "Swing shut", "Delete" -> "Eliminate", "Default option" -> "Foreseen option", "Display adapters" -> "Show adapters", "Choose the keyboard layout that's right for you." -> "Choose the keyboard layout that's on your right." I find translations add extra burden that makes it hard to reason about how things work or what the software does. You get some very weird problems like "what hinged object is this program referring to?" and "what is a keyboard layout on the right supposed to be?".


Any OS just looks odd in Dutch to me, Iā€™m always lost when friends or family asks me to check something on their devices.


I'm Polish, and I use English on both my pc and phone. On PC some games use system language, and with English the words fit where they're supposed to go, and usually have a nicer font.


I'm from Azerbaijan and use English on every electronic device. I use it because searching information about errors or other things is much easier in English.Ā  Also I just like English in UI. It looks more integrated in UI of applications or OSes than any other language.


Oh my god this.I Had too many problems with apps with my native language.They just crashed or all together just refused to open.After a quick research I learned that it is caused by windows language.After changing it I never looked back it is so much better.


Czech and use English on all of my devices. I am dev by trade and everything related to programming just sounds wrong when not in English. I also remember that in the days before Win8 the translations used to be somewhat good, done by humans. After that, a lot of the stuff started being done just with automatic translations and became nonsense in some cases. First os was 3.1 for me, nowadays I use 11 on a gaming machine and don't use Win for work. However during my studies, all the school machines were in Czech, so I got the see the decline in quality between Xp and 10.


I'm Finnish and I've used DOS and Windows in English since I was maybe five or something. I learned it from my siblings and ever since I've had all my devices in English. Looks weird to me if menus are in Finnish.


Me since I finished high school, I swapped everything I have from French to English, still have everything in English.


Native language: Spanish. I just can't stand Windows in Spanish. Also, when there's an error, I prefer to have it in English to google it and fix it faster.


Iā€™m spanish and use both phone and pc in English partly because of errors and help but a big reason is that at some point windows made the FUCKING STUPID decision to change the shortcuts to match the language so suddenly ctrl+s became ctrl+g, ctrl+a became ctrl+e and so on. Itā€™s equally infuriating as now YouTube dubbing videos automatically without a global ā€œI donā€™t want your shitā€ option. Even worse in ios safari you canā€™t even opt out manually, so I stopped watching some of my favorite youtubers.


Native languages actually-: Marathi and Hindi I can read and write in hindi and a little bit in marathi but in India we are taught english from the same time as hindi or depending on which state you live in that state's language so english is almost a native language for us so we always use are devices in english


It's my third language, it's just so much more convenient since basically everything i use has English as the native language


Me. Old millenial, computers were always in english back in the floppy disk days and thatā€™s the way itā€™s stayed in my head


My language writes right to left, so formatting gets bad when English letters are mixed with it. I prefer everything in English, so much more used to it.


Dutch here and I use both :)


I sadly have like half of my windows in my native ? And idk how to change it. Some things are in english but others like "Paint" i have to type in my language to get them to pop up in the start menu


Native language: Spanish Windows and basically everything tech related: English When you try to look up information or guides or troubleshoot anything tech related, you will find a lot more content in English, so that broadens your reach by quite a bit. For gaming I also prefer English even if thereā€™s Spanish translation because I like hearing things in the native language they are written/recorded. Also of I need a guide is a lot easier to find in English


My native language is hindi, but I use english on all devices, cuz hindi is a complex af language with a billion fucking characters, making it looooooooong as fuck, and really unsuitable for computers.


My native language is Arabic but reading it on a computer screen is an awful experience. The lineweight is always too thin. I genuinely get a headache after some time.


I am dutch and i have everything on english My phone,watch and pc I always play my games in english and movies too But i also like to put the subtitles in english So its closer to what they are saying The subs are for when they are talking fast or when they are using strange words This way i can procces it faster in my head


Using Windows and basic softwares (like Open Office, Adobe PDF Reader) in French, but all specific ones are in English, and I mostly do my research on Internet in English as well. And I do this because I generally find the French versions "cringe" or just bad, I don't really know how to say it.


Serbian native, using everything in English, PC, TV, phone, everything It's just easier, and the translation in Serbian is sometimes really, really weird and unnatural


I have my Windows in English. But it's not my native language. I'm just used to having Windows in English.


Turkish here and for basically the same reasons I go with English on my phone, computer, ipad etc. If it has a language option Iā€™ll be picking English


Windows is too goofy in swedish


Native: arabic But i honestly know more English than arabic just because i use it everywhere online.


I do this. On all my devices


Swedish here and I used English on everything but mostly cuz I find my language cringe but also cuz I have gotten so much better at English Iā€™m starting to forget words in my own language


Native language: Polish Polish sometimes has bad translations, and I use English when I can


Native language is Romanian, but Windows didn't have a proper localisation till W10. Even so, the translation is badly made and not commonly used.