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I knew OP was getting flamed in the comments before I even clicked on the thread.


I came to watch the remaining embers smolder.


His wife must be some kind of woman!


*sees RTX 4060* Yup


I haven’t owned a pc in 25 years. Even I saw the pic and thought Wtf.


This actually might be more spent on fans than GPU.


Cooler more expensive then cpu i think


- O11 case, check - way too many expensive RGB fans, check - AIO for a midrange build, check - anemic GPU because you spent the budget on RGB and aesthetics, check Yep. This is a r/pcmasterrace post alright


Don't forget the overpriced Corsair ram that's probably cheap Samsung instead of good Hynix, but they still charge Hynix prices on it cause its "6000"


Where does micron chips stand?


Eh it can sometimes do the higher speeds of like Hynix M Die, but with awfully loose timings, Corsair ironically has a 6800 Micron bin with timings looser than a 8000 binned Hynix kit


Wait are Lian Li PSUs a thing now?


Have been for 3 years at least. 


AIO doesn’t matter, it’ll be quiet as fuck on a Ryzen CPU. That much money on fans is wild, could’ve bought all black Arctic P12s and a beefier GPU


Also a 7700X for a 4060 GPU. That kind of card should be paired with a 5600 at most.


Someone making a shitty comment about someone else’s build, check.


In what world is a 4060 anemic? I get that they could've sacrificed aesthetic for something better, but the 4060 is still a plenty solid GPU. Don't judge a build by your own standards, but rather be the standards they set for themselves. In this case, they wanted all white, which is always more expensive.


Also, to be clear, this is not a gaming build. She will not be playing any games on this machine. Could have not bothered with a GPU at all, but wanted something to visually fill out the case.


For a build not meant for gaming, you still built a plenty nice gaming machine, so it's a bonus lol.


I think you need a few more fans


With so many fans, you could have gotten a 4070Ti


Could have gotten a significant upgrade to GPU if you didn't dump 300 bucks in fans. 


And a white PSU in a case that doesn't show the PSU. OP are you okay


Not only is it a white psu in a case that won't show it, It's also 850w. for a 4060.




That still doesnt make it free, you just dont pay income tax on it. Its just like you never made this money. So like what, 25% off maybe? but only afterwards.




Ballsy move to admit to tax fraud on reddit. Also 1400 USD out of pocket is *still* terrible value for a 4060 build lmao.


That’s not tax fraud tho. Tax evasion and avoiding paying taxes are different things, and OP’s doing the latter…


Not if he's writing off a PC bought for personal use, which this clearly is.


Unless it’s specifically noted in the importing legislation of his country, it’s tax avoidance, not evasion. In most countries he would be considered to be avoiding taxes, not evading, which is only a technicality for the same thing, except one is legal, and the other not..


Not a lawyer, but I don't think you can blatantly buy anything for personal use through your company to write off the tax? Sounds like a pretty significant loophole of that's the case. I mean I know lots of people do it, but I thought it was a "nobody at the tax agency checks if it's an office or personal PC". What about property, cars, furniture, etc.?


Spoken like someone who has zero understanding of the tax system and running a company.




Custom PC building in the US is much cheaper than in Australia. So yeah, I agree that the parts would be cheaper in the states.


[https://au.pcpartpicker.com/guide/GQscCJ/great-amd-gaming-build](https://au.pcpartpicker.com/guide/GQscCJ/great-amd-gaming-build) 1500 *AUD*, with tax, for a better build.


Well yeah. But the aesthetic isn’t there.


Man, where the hell are all the customers who are willing to spend 2500AUD on some shiny lights and white paint in *my* bussines niche.


Your wife's boyfriend will love the new computer I'm sure, appreciate you


Its terrible value everywhere


That’s like buying a Ferrari engine for a Honda body when you don’t speed.


If she doesn't game then why the RTX 4060? If she uses the PC for creative tasks then why the 8GB version? Rendering and any form of RT-accelerated image processing loves VRAM AFAIK. Next time you want a white build... Just get a Fractal North Chalk with the mesh side panel and buy whatever components you want - you'll never see the internals ever anyway. And aesthetics-wise that's a lot closer to a Mac, plus you minimize the risk of different white components aging and yellowing at different rates in an aquarium case.


It was done this way because the build started with her selection on the case that she liked. The reason for any video card is to fill out the case. Think of it like an accessory rather than anything practical.


You're an idiot and look more like a fool every time you try to keep defending this post of yours. Almost everyone's criticism and opinions on you are valid so I wont repeat them. So either own up, or stop with the excuses, or perhaps take down the post. Otherwise its just gruesome cringe every time you comment on here. For having a business of your own, you probably should assess yourself. Being inflexible, dumb, and standing on a dying hill isn't a good quality to be had to have a lasting business or company. Admitting to your dubious business practices online like Reddit just to defend your dumb online choices is an even dumber thing to do in life.


Lmao- this man capitalisms


Tax write off just means if he writes off 2k$, he had less taxable income that year. So he maybe got 30% off, while he could have built a PC with the same asthetics for like 40-50% less. This man gets capitalismed


OP fooled himself and wont admit to it probably. At least he does love his wife I guess but boy does he hate money.


The duality of perception


Then your wife she must be.. some kind of woman! Right OP? Lmao.


Literally everything here is overspending. The case is unnecessarily expensive, has no fans and they bought too many for it. The power supply is massive in wattage for no reason and is SFF (more reasons to not get that case). The CPU is too strong for the GPU and is excessively cooled by an overpriced AIO. The GPU in turn is too expensive for the level of performance it has and is an expensive model of it at that. The storage isn't the worst part but could probably have been cheaper Sorry for the wall of text, I guess I just don't want anyone making these mistakes


> Literally everything here is overspending. I mean they're replacing a Mac so it's kind of on-brand/expected.


I just keep my cabinet open. best airflow


Buys overkill ssd and liquid cooler, along with tons of fans and 2 monitors Also buys 4060


Buys a liquid cooler for a 65w cpu, nonetheless


Yeah, but they draw a lot more power when turboing. (I know Intel draws way more power than AMD, but I can at least navigate/find their specs, so I'll use them as an example). An i7 13700 draws 65 watts, but can go up to 219 when turboing (source: [https://ark.intel.com/content/www/us/en/ark/products/230490/intel-core-i7-13700-processor-30m-cache-up-to-5-20-ghz.html](https://ark.intel.com/content/www/us/en/ark/products/230490/intel-core-i7-13700-processor-30m-cache-up-to-5-20-ghz.html) ) I assume AMD is less due to better efficiency, but it's probably still happening. Im probably gonna get downvoted to hell for this lol Edit: whaddya know i got downvoted


Even boosted a 7600 almost certainly won't reach a wattage where you need a liquid cooler


true, but my point was that the TDP of these things isn't right, it's a lot higher because of boosting.


"But muh wife doesn't game!" Seriously, this is like the third post I've seen this month where someone is building a PC for their significant other and brings that up when people start criticising it.


So, need to be a gamer to custom build a PC then?


Why is the SSD overkilll


It's more overpriced than overkill. People often spend more money on "brand name" SSDs and RAM when models from smaller brands are as good or better for less money. 


Oh that makes sense. I assumed you meant in terms of capability and I wondered if the mobo didn't support the highest transfer speeds the SSD can deliver or something


Bros got more fans than the WNBA does


Got enough fans?


OP needs moar fans




Got a big enough joint there, Ricky?


4060 but 200-300 wasted on fans. Damn. Could have went with Arctics for the fans and gotten a GPU that doesnt suck. Oh and BTW: that PSU is notorious for being super loud. Might get annoying after a while


I doubt this system will ever produce enough load for that PSU to become audible. This setup will put like a 25% load on the PSU at most if I'm not mistaken.


Oh its not loud under load. Its ALWAYS LOUD. Thats the thing why almost everyone in the SFF community recommends against it. The fan is loud in idle, and lots of them rattle too


Wait, what? I just checked that it's an SFF PSU... and then I had to check that the O11 Dynamic Mini only takes PSUs up to SFF-L... and people are buying this POG?! What's the fracking point of severely limiting hardware compatibility in a case this big? SFF belongs in stuff like the Dan A4 or the Fractal Terra.


Yeah. Mainly cause any actually good SFX PSUs are expensive. I have one of the best ones, the ROG LOKI. That thing was 180 bucks. The widely loved SF750 is almost 200. There isnt anything good below 160 really. So this one at 120 might seem appealing to some


I meant that the case was a POG - no EATX case should limit PSU size. That is just poor engineering IMHO. I know that SFF PSUs are a minefield - few options to begin with, and even fewer good ones. This is why I find limited PSU size support a dealbreaker... if you are taking on this compromise, then you at least should get the cool factor of a shoe-box sized PC in return.


Yeah. I originally wanted an O11 Mini, but the PSU was what killed it for me


Only 7 fans? Your PC is gonna overheat .../s


This is the most *basic white girl* equivalent PC build I’ve seen in a while. Throwing away at least $500+ on aesthetics alone. Sheesh. I think I’m just triggered because I’m boring and rather pay for functionality than a pretty white box filled with unicorn vomit.


Agree. This will be sitting next to my PC that is also used in the business. Less aesthetic but has the balls with a 4090 and 5950x. https://preview.redd.it/qj7ao167a45d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=913ce1a35f394ef5cfe6d6aaf3610a1f79bdedb8


What case is that? Pretty sick.


Corsair 5000D Airflow


Don't think I didn't spot those Arya's hiding up there..


Good eye.


Aren't those Edition XS because of the headband? 


Downgrade the 5950X to a 5800X3D.


My brother did you seriously downgrade to a 4060 to afford all that RBG bullshit ? Why???


#Surely this is bait right? No-one spends more on fans that they do a gpu right? ^....right?


Am5 with a 4060, interesting choice. Have fun


its a meta choice. it gives great futureproofing, I've got a 7500f and 3060ti and that's a perfectly normal combo


There's nothing wrong with it, I was just curious in what direction the op was heading which is why it was interesting to me, I see he built it for his wife so that should be a stout machine for her.


i have am5 with a 4070, is there anything wrong with that?


They’re perfectly compatible.


what about a voodo 2 2000?


I’m so excited for my stuff to come. I only just orders it yesterday. First ever desktop (been gaming on laptop) and first build. 4070 super i7-12700k


C'mon people. Let him have his fun. It's money well spent according to him so why should we care? Have fun OP!


The lady of the house after first boot up of her brand new 7 case fan PC. https://preview.redd.it/1zgnqmvbr55d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59f9e9d10387fbba6ad16bfdd56ceedf2fb02349


Were you mad at her?


I see you wanted to recreate the price to performance ratio of the iMac. Very considerate!


- 850W PSU - RTX 4060 oh no




4060 with a shitload of fans and white parts? The Reddit classic


Never let bro build a pc agian also balsy to admit tax whatever on reddit


Long weekend? You must be expecting a lot of issues. Shouldn't take more then a couple hours to put together. What I want to know is why would you spend so much on useless rgb and skimp where it matters. You shoukd always buy the best parts for performance you can afford and if after that you can still blow money on pretty then by all means do it, to blow so much on rgb and grab a 4060 is heart breaking. I've got now issues with adding bling to your computer but never at the cost of performance.


It’s a long weekend in Australia, assuming that’s where OP is.


straya kent!


Dude paid a lot of RGB Tax !


How do you know how many fans you need?


Cut out some rgb for better gpu lol wth


Damn, I spent €85 on 3\*T30 fans a few weeks ago and I was seriously checking my sanity, I don't even want to know how much it cost for 7\*QX120 fans! Actually I kind of do want to know, just out of morbid curiosity..


Weekend that starts with a roast


The CEO of Corsair just came in his pants, when he heard about your build OP.


It doesn't matter if you spend $2k on a build, if it's a $300 GPU, it's going to preform the same as a $700 PC. Your GPU alone should be just under half your budget for this reason.


I came to read the “eww, 4060…” comments, and was not disappointed ))


Dude enjoy! Open a beer, some music and make it worth the reasearch.


Looking at the components and OPs comments, I can safely say research wasn't part of the process. You can build a nice looking system that offers higher-tier performance than this - possibly for a bit cheaper even. And if this will be used only as desktop as OP claims then it is a huge yikes... should have just bought a mini PC to mount on the back of a curved OLED monitor, some good wireless peripherals with a matching (potentially RGB) deskmat and called it a day for a better UX and even sleeker looks.


I would take a better gpu over fans


Lmao. Not very well thought out.




4060 make me very sad :(


Congrats to your wife on her new build! All-white is awesome. I hope she'll enjoy it!


F the haters - rock on and enjoy gaming. Godspeed.


I think the wife's first observation will be how loud her new PC is. That is a lot of fans and that brand is not exactly quiet , multiply this by 7 and you have a small jet engine on your hands. You should have spent a little bit more money and go with Noctua (which are white by the way) Also I am surprised that you would pick 4060 , seening two monitors in the background. If your wife is planning on gaming with that GPU, 8GB VRAM limitation will get painfully obvious very fast. I am Nvidia owner myself but for that low end bracket, I would pick up AMD counterpart with more VRAM without question. It is a bit perplexing choice of hardware.


Yeah, I started a similar long weekend this evening and of course, after pushing the power button, nothing is happening😭🤦🏽‍♂️


Just a lil something for my wife who doesn’t even game, no biggie


I want to congratulate you for not getting those ugly fans everybody gets.


You need more fans


I would talk shit but I have a 7700x with a 1650


Have fun with the build!


2.5 hrs start to finish with os install and driver update with windows update a few months ago. I remember my first one.


As long as the OP is happy, maybe aesthetic is really important to her ? To each their own.


Just enjoy and take your time :)


4060 lmfao, the most important part of your build (for most people)


Damn OP fell for the Corsair koolaid. Their fans are garbage.


Why are their fans garbage exactly? Price aside are they really garbage?


They're just not as good as other competitors. Corsair tends to waste extra space in the fan design on RGB and aesthetics, forcing the fan itself to be smaller than competitors, which makes it perform worse. Also overpriced. NZXT fans are similarly bad due to them going for that weird rectangular blade shape. They're a lot worse though. Corsair at least has a sensible blade shape for the fans.


You need more fans.


I think you need more fans


could’ve allocated some more budget for the graphics card… any ways have a great time building it !


The White PSU hides back of the case, GPU placed horizontally, and the whole build placed underneath the table. Well, 1080p> 1440p gaming when it comes to aesthetic build.


Sorry for the hate you're getting. I'm happy for you :)


RTX 4060 Aero (one of the worst priced new cards), ryzen 7 7700(x) is way too powerful and a waste of time. 980 pro is so expensive for what it does. Way too many fans. A ludicrous amount of money spent on the case, and 850w, for what?!


Cooling fans.


Stupid build




O11 master race fellow


I have never understood why people buy lower end cards with high end CPUs.


Work or cpu heavy games. Examples: msfs, oni, factorio


https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/LrfWQP is that a 8700g? y tho


maybe switch that 6750xt for white ver