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Will the AI be able to play this one?


Has it been able to play any of them?


AI is basically impossible to program to be better than the most skilled humans. This is why in *almost* every strategy game upping the AI difficulty just gives them cheats and a head start. We are still able to make that trivial.


Oh for sure, but civs is exceptionally shit.


As a longtime civ player, I definitely agree. I actually think that Civ VI has the best AI because it at least scales at relatively the same speed that you learn the intricacies and meta strategies of the game, but you get to a certain point where Deity can be won easily every time


It’s absolutely possible. It was done for chess, it was done for go. It just takes the world’s top ML researchers and a few million bucks. And won’t be relevant to the majority of players (which is really sad!), so it’s not worth the effort for them.


> AI is basically impossible to program to be better than the most skilled humans Hand-crafted AI yes. Self-learning AI, no.


Yeah, but someone actually has to hand-craft the starting point for that and right now all the money is in LLMs, not multiplayer bots.


> hand-craft the starting point Not sure what you mean. Civilization has always had a fairly accurate scoring system. It wouldn’t be very difficult to slap that into a reinforcement learning system and let it churn.


We don’t have self learning ai




machine L E A R N I N G


That’s not self learning lmao


Nope. https://techcrunch.com/2016/12/06/aragos-ai-can-now-beat-some-human-players-at-complex-civ-strategy-games/ https://arxiv.org/html/2401.10568v1


Thing is, in Civ you don't want to play against an AI that plays like a good human. It just wouldn't be fun.


Umm Civ multiplayer against good humans is actually very fun idk what you’re on about


I've always hated it lol. But I have competitive friends. "Oh it appears you're going to win a science victory in 20 turns, here's a dozen nukes." I always liked that AI followed the "rules". Nobody in civ logic cares about the death toll of nuclear devastation like they do in real life.


It’s a game. Like chess. With some decorations slapped on top, sure, but it’s still basically a board game on steroids. There are no rules but the rules of the game.


Theoretically if the AI were trained by machine learning, it could be truly good at the game and better than any human (like researchers have done with Go and Chess). I'm not sure if it would be cost effective for a video game though.


The fuck? We used to have AMAZING AI for 4X games and RTS. Just look at Civ 4.  Have you only been playing games for 5 years or something? It's a modern thing to make shitty AI.


OpenAI rekt in dota. Shame it was just a proof of concept and had been binned.


Nobody talked about the AI playing well... Civ6's AI basically couldn't use most of the game mechanics even on a basic level.


is the game really that complicated? isn't there starcraft, dota 2 and chess ai? no way civ can't have ai bots that don't cheat


Oh trust me, even an unskilled human can destroy Civ's AI. Source: it's me, I'm the unskilled human


there are chess bots that have beaten the best chess players in the world since the 1990s.


Civ 4 had decent AI, especially in later mods.


If they somehow incorporated some machine learning but seems a bit of a stretch to do it for a game but who knows


I just want them to bring back the throne room from civ 2.  If your people like you, they upgrade your palace.  If not, you sit on a rock.


That and the council videos... Just reuse them it's fine, I want them back


The Elvis culture advisor was awesome!


fuck yes, those were great


I disagree.


Best thing about the ps1 was civ 2


Play station? That PS1? Because ff7> civ 2


Meanwhile I'm still playing Civ 5


been playing since 1, but always go back to playing Civ 5 BNW - its the best of the lot. If they fixed all the little issues in that (the bomber animations wtf..) and slapped a Civ 7 on that... I'd pay the 100 bucks to get it.


There's a mod to speedup the aircraft animations.


>I'd pay the 100 bucks to get it. Please don't give them any ideas.


I still hate how few scenarios are in 6. I’d be fine simply importing 5’s into 6!


I built a whole meme persona around playing as all-powerful immortal George Washington, whose religion is called Washingtonism and cities are named [direction relative to the capital Washington] Washington. Hard to keep that going in Civ 6 when it's Teddy Roosevelt instead. Edit: Like I know that's a stupid reason to not play 6, but I'm sure I'd come up with a bunch more if I actually played 6 more than a grand total of 22 minutes.


Please go back to a realistic model for the Civ avatars.


I mean, fuck it. Go back to V. V was near perfection, mix in a little bit of IV in there and it would be the best. To be honest if they just remade V so it doesnt take 90 years to load or lose all of its graphics by the mid-game I'd be hyped.


I played a few games of VI and went back to V. Several of the changes just weren't for me.


I bounced off it at first, but tried against year or 2 later and loved it. Art style grew on me, and I like the way districts get you to specialize cities


I love playing 6 but really I miss Civ2


I miss 4 The full modding scene was crazy awesome. Got me to learn and read up on the real world a lot more. But wait. Let’s bring the trading cards system. /s


Art style for map and cities is good... Art style for leaders is just horrible.


V with the right version of Vox Populi is by far the best iteration of this game. Both gameplay wise and graphically.


V with some of IV's mechanics (i.e. stacking units, but not infinitely) would be ideal for me. Technology trading is also something that IV did better and I would bring back.


I thought Civ II was fun though


They could learn something from Humankind too.


THANK YOU! I just couldn’t get into Civ VI because I hated the art style so much. It reminded me of a freemium app game.


I loved V but I love VIs art style much more. VI made so many improvements to the game overall though


I am convinced it was originally meant to be a mobile FtP game The implementation of it on iPad and how they do the dlc just reinforced this.




Who is the narrator?


Neil Breen.


"We have discovered pottery. Is that moral? Is that justice? Is that fair?" "With nuclear weapons, 12 laptops, and 300 empty cans of tuna I have killed 500 million people."


Why not Danny Devito?


I had to scroll too damn far to find the most important question


It says it will launch on old gen consoles, including Switch... don't want to get pessimistic because the vibe from the trailer is great, but my hopes for a realistic-looking, AI-capable Civ VII are pretty much on the floor right now.


Switch? Fuuuuuu


I had little hope, learning this I have zero hope.


Was that ever going to happen? Strategy is notoriously hard to adapt genre for casual players and Civ 6 seems to have managed the best out of all the available options on the market.


So we flip-flopping back to realistic, or sticking with the cartoonish models? I still prefer V over VI.


Yeah but cleopatra 👀


Jadwiga 👀


I've only ever played 6. Why is 5 better?


It isn't better, at all. The reason so many people like it more than 6 is because it has simpler gameplay mechanics and had a more realistic graphical style than 6. That, and adversity to change. 6 was a bit difficult go get into after playing countless hours of 5, but if you persevere just for a couple of hours to learn the new mechanics, you'll probably come to like it more in most, if not all regards. I can't even see the graphics of 6 as "cartoonish" anymore, even though they definitely looked that way when I first played the game.


Basically the Civ 6 systems start to feel a bit like busywork as you progress into the late game. There's a lot of them and they don't flow great. Civ 5 has a better balance of options, complexity, and gameflow. Also people hate Civ 6's art style, it has a decidedly free-to-play mobile look.


V over VI is obvious. The real question is: III over V *OR* IV over V.


IV was my first Civ game and it's still my favorite. Nothing beats Leondard Nemoy narrating banger historical quotes.


Couldn’t agree more 4 with the right mods could be realistic and awesome


Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep...


III. \*teleports doomstacks with my army via railroad spaghetti*


I still have III in my rotation. Been playing since I. Would like to give IV more of a go at some point. Couldn't be assed figuring out playing without unit stacking for V and VI. Railroads are the bees knees.


Modded Civ V is by far the best civilization game. The only problem with it is the random crashes as you get into late game but that happens with the base game also.


Heavily modded Civ 4 is the best imo, but Civ V has the best music by far, the "overworld" songs, I loved the middle-east, native americans, etc.. not even joking, one of the best [war songs](https://youtu.be/-AB0k4Itneg?t=75) ever... and to think Prince of Persia used hip hop in the marketing, fucking hell that still pisses me off smh the middle-east aesthetics and music are so cool!


guess im the only one old enough to remember losing hour upon hour on the original civ, none of em had that feel to me


6 still looks decent almost a decade after release whereas 5 aged like milk. You're being ridiculous.


Plus the Civ 6 map is so much more readable.


Civ 5 fans are delusional about many things. 6 map is infinitely more readable and overall ui/ux feels decades ahead. Fuck, you can't even remap keybinds in 5, what kind of 'pc game' is this garbage lol.


I like the cartoon models :(


Same, to me civ is always kind of silly fun compared to games like EU4, CK3, or Victoria 3.


You're absolutely right as well, Civ has always been silly.


They're great for a shorter Civ game like Civilization revolution, but not for epic 5-15-hour long campaigns where you rise from nothing and slowly dominate the world.


admittedly 6 was the first one i played, tried 5 because i know how beloved it is but couldn't get into it. maybe 6 ruined me, or maybe i need to give 5 some more time


First civ game bias is definately a real thing- my first civ game was civilization revolution. played that for 100-300 hours before jumping into my next civ game which was civ 5. I struggled at first, but I persevered, learned the game, and now its my favorite- despite me still disliking many aspects of the game balance in it!


Why not though? It's literally just an aesthetic choice.


An ugly as hell aesthetic choice.


Now that's just being incredibly disrespectful to the people who worked on that game and you can't even answer the question.


What does the artstyle of a game have to do with the length of a campaign? I don't see how a more realistic graphics style is relevent to a campaign length. Most 4x games have similar campaign lengths, and they have always had a wide range of styles to choose from. I don't really get your logic there.


Well I do see that. the more realistic the game looks, the longer the game plays out- it feels more "epic" It's a vibe and if you don't get it- then I can't describe it further to you


Okay so you're saying that this "vibe" can only exist with realistic looking games? So the fact that games like Persona 5, that takes a minimum of 80 hours for most people to complete, in reality can only have people stand to play it for less than 15 because the cartoony artstyle doesn't give that "vibe"? Guess all those folks who spent literally hundreds of hours in Breath of the Wild don't exist, cause how could they have spent that long in a game that doesn't have a realistic artstyle! Like do you not understand just how nonsensical that take is? I know I brought up apples in a conversation about oranges with those two examples. But the idea that you need a realistic graphics style to make a long game feel "epic" or whatever is just such an extremely shallow take. Personal preference is personal preference. But that is just a frankly dumb "vibe" no matter how you try to out it. Like apparently Age of Wonders or Endless Legend must be like UV rays to you. Gotta put in your epic gamer sunglasses while playing them, lest the stylized look harm your eyes if you do play them for longer than whatever arbitrary time limit you set lmao.


TL;DR, you just don't get it. no need to embarass yourself by writing a mini essay.


Cartoonish please. Edit: downvoted for having a preference they do not like. Charming.


[Reveal Trailer.](https://youtu.be/B8yMYbxhkmw)


"Wishlist now!" Bro, you showed me nothing....


No time to explain. Quick, wishlist it now! *runs away*


So true lol.


That was very pretty


And revealed absolutely nothing.


I’ve played them all except the first and the main problem in 5 and 6 is tactical AI. With one unit per hex, you need careful positioning to get the best out of your troops but the AI is not good at this, even on the highest difficulties. I really really hope they either fix this, or go back to stacking armies on tiles like civs 4 and earlier


Alpha Centauri nuking that fat stack tho


Higher difficulties it is still literally the same dumb AI, just with cheats


The strategic AI is not much better.


Oh boy can't wait to get all the DLC worth 200$ for 5$ in 8 years.


Now that sounds like a steal to me $200 for days of my life. Shut up and take my money


Civ IV was the best all round version, best mods, best combat, best playability just needs modernising


Honestly with graphical mods it holds up very well. Still play it regularly. Couldn't really get into 5 or 6. (Then again, when 4 came out, I had the same feeling about civ 3, and couldn't switch to 4)


That's great and all, but when are we finally going to get a sequel to Sid Meier's SimGolf?


haters say he's too real he just says what we all think


Sure hope this is Civilization V 2


Civilization V II Civilization VII I'm hopeful


This would also imply that Civilization VI is the same as Civilization V.


Is this why Civ6 is 95% off atm? Lol


They do this about every 6 months lol.


Hell yeah can't wait


remindme 10 years when it might be 'finished'


I have played all the civs, from 1 to 6. I really liked 5 but 6 was awesome...I can hardly think how they would improve it. Looking forward to seeing what they do...


Wait until 2030 for all the DLC to come out early for to be $15 on a steam sale


It's about time. I was just thinking about this the other day. Civ IV was my intro into the genre and I've spent countless hours with IV, V and VI over the years. I was starting to wonder if we were gonna get another one or if they were done at VI.


Where is XCom3?


A long time away as the XCOM team released "recently" the Midnight Suns and Solomon "left" Firaxis


Yeah... that sucks. Guess I will have to vote with my wallet then.


this game is one of the rare softwares that could actually use AI bullshit


All I want is modded Civ V but stable for long games. So basically just more buildings/units and larger maps.


One more turn... Here it goes again! :)


Hope this gets better, absolutely adored civ IV and V but VI didnt grabed me and i abandoned it after a few tries, looks and feels like a cheap mobile game, modded V with vox populi just couldnt be beated by whatever VI tried to me.


Please keep the graphic style of civ 6, loved it


VI was garbage. I won’t buy another after that.


I still don’t understand what peoples’ issue is with civ 6


It seemed to strip back a lot of the good from previous games I enjoyed the religion aspect in older games but this didn’t have it. I also miss being able to send engineers out doing roads etc infinitely not just disappearing after a couple.


i wouldve been so much more excited if 2k didnt spoil the suprise reveal lmao


Im hoping the art style is a mix of V and VI, kinda like what they did with the Queen Liz dlc.


Bean or Bust


Good iam fan of Civilization


V with good AI and good diplomacy is all anyone ever wanted.


Please for the love of God have a different civics system


Eh, I'm more excited for [Ara: History Untold]( https://www.arahistoryuntold.com/)


I just want to build roads again


For CiV veterans, which Civ is the best for beginners, and why? It doesn't need to be your personal favorite.


2 I’d say.


"Launches on switch which has hardware back from 2014" so why even bother? Nothing about this game wasnt technically possible a decade ago. We could have gotten the exact same game before the launch of civ 6


I just got into Civ 6, should I hold off and just wait for 7 to learn deeper? Or would you say the foundational skills are transferable?


I'm excited about the new CIV. I was wondering why the big discount on CIV6. Now I know.


I want proper wonder videos - [Civ 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHeyi3UbtX8) and [Alpha Centauri](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aUcvswVJ58) had better vids than the subsequent games. While you are at it I want the [council](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlTIk80uBPg) vids back from civ 2


Back to realism please, and without districts!


One. more. turn.




This would be like if the new iPhone in September needed that old-ass 30-pin connector that the old iPods used. Literally regressing.


Hope its more like v instea of 6 only played 6 but heard better things about 5 also they should learn frim humankind cause that game did combat and the citys werw cool making mega citys that were half a continent wide were ausome


I don’t have my hopes up, I didn’t like 6, I just want civ 5 with todays tech :(


Use AI to have Leonard Nimoy read again! If they cannot do that then have Patrick Stewart do it please!


I don't know if they'd do that without his permission. I believe he did give permission for star trek to use his likeness though


I want a combat engine, doesn't need to be something "complex" like Total War (it's ironic to even mention "complexity" and "Total War" in the same sentence, this goddamn series...), at least provide some more depth like a proper battlefield were you can position the units and etc.. Civ is walking in circles ever since Civ 4, we are playing the same game for years, only with different skins (and goddamn the Civ 6 skin is ugly). You play one faction, you play all of them, it's just so repetitive... I know a combat engine feels like a distant dream, but I hope the devs tries to at least make every Civ as unique as possible, it's the bare minimum nowadays


This is a pretty topical point. I know lots of people want something like this to “freshen up” the series. I know lots of people don’t want anything like this in Civ at all. I’m in the second camp personally, it think turn based strategies and Civ go hand in glove. RTS in Civ would probably push me back to Civ V and not even bother getting VII at all.


Doesn't need to be RTS, you can have a turn based battle system. Basically the Total War dynamic, city building and management in the world map, then another "space" were the units fight. If both instances are defined by turns, that makes Civ different than TW. In my pov the greatest flaw of every Civ game is the combat, it's just so basic and crude. The series is improving (very slowly) the city building aspect, but I really think they desperately need to improve the combat as well because the series is stale, people are stop playing Civ. Why should you waste time (and money) playing Civ 6 if you can play heavily modded Civ 5 or 4 and have a more complete experience? If Civ 7 is the same thing all over again, but with different graphics, I will not even try it at day 1. I still remember my disappointment with Civ 6, I bought it at day 1, played a domination campaign as Japan, felt like I was playing Civ 5 all over again... then I tried a "cultural" campaign with Greece and it felt redundant, I was playing Japan all over again... Civ is walking in circles, this series needs to evolve


“Just one more turn…”


Meh. 6 was fucking terrible. Gonna take 3 years after launch for this to be playable


Another game that has had too many alliterations and has lost its spark. Honestly game publishers stop releasing 5+ game for the same over used IP... It's getting repetitive.


I think there is a ton of value in a world building, civilization simulation game - especially as AI advances and the bots get way smarter and more individualistic I think you’re being a bit cynical here And obviously fans still love and adore the game so why not give the customers what they want?


Clearly NOT a Civ player, so why are you even in this post?


I've played every civ game but 6? But alright 👌