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ie, one day the game will be unplayable, even singleplayer.


This is why I am scared.....we buy games only to lose access to it later...


Yup. That's why we sail the high seas


Good luck pirating a call of duty game brother. They only just cracked black ops Cold War. Edit: Y’all.. I’m not saying the game is worth it. Just pointing out you will be waiting years to play it if you want to pirate it.


They aren't worth pirating. It's been the same game for 20 years. No thanks.


Since Black ops 2 they've run out of unique themes and the gameplay went downhill for a good while after too Now it's gotten ridiculously money grabbing and they've released the actual same game 3 years in a row, if not worse versions of it I can't believe they released 3 more black ops games since 2, what the fuck did them about


I saw the writing on the wall with war zone. Cut the cord, you’ll be better for it.


Me too. After what they did to zombies; it’s some open world crud now


Oh but round based zombies is back now wooooow old prestige system is back be excited whoo hoo why take these things away and then act like adding them back is revolutionary cod fans are so fickle


CoD fans change with age. My era was CoD 4 to Black Ops. Then the kids started playing, and I was the same age of the people child me told "I was going to fuck their mums."


Bingo. Warzone is garbage.


Not saying they’re worth it. Above poster just recommend pirating which isn’t really an option.


Are these games even playable as single player games? I haven't touched this series since the first Modern Warfare, and even then it was heavily focused on multiplayer, with the campaing being something like 10-15h thing.




It's funny because the COD haters are split equally. One side says it's been the same game for "insert amount of time here" and the other side say it's not like it used to be so they hate it for that reason. Both sides hate the franchise equally but for 2 polar opposite reasons. Logically both sides can't be right.


They literally can. It used to be good, at a certain point it fell off, and it's been like that since.


"Buy." We are just renting at this point.


It's not renting, either. Renting requires specified terms upfront, including a fixed time frame in which the contract is active. 'When I decide to turn it off' isn't a fixed time, so it doesn't qualify. Same with leasing. 




The first CoD game from 2003 is still available.


Precisely as designed, to force us to the next version that has unskippable video ads in the middle of rounds.


Yeah in like 20 years hell cod 4 servers are up


Just dont buy this shit make them fix their product.


except people will in droves BO6 is already the #1 top seller on steam




Gaming is never gonna get better cause of these people lol, we are fucked.


Just keep hyping up and throwing your money at single dev & small team games. Lethal Company took a huge win for small devs this past year passing triple AAA titles even only charging $10 for download.


The majority of gamers don’t look at Reddit or read articles. I know more than enough people who bought a PlayStation and buy madden/fifa/cod and things like that every time a new one comes out and just keep buying them. This kind of stuff doesn’t affect them. They don’t even “understand” indie games tbh. If a game gets enough hype they’ll try them but they keep to AAA games and that’s it.


 I am a casual player and that described me up until a few years ago. I don't really have time to dive deep into the indy game industry. I don't really have the headspace i had when i was much younger and spent days in a row playing. Now, when i find the time, i just play a familiar game.  I used to buy newer version when they came out but i don't anymore. Money is not the main issue though. The size of the games is ridiculous, i'm not spending 30min+ figuring out what to delete to make room and waiting to download and there hasn't actually been anything new or exciting in the new versions for a while. 


I've gone through spells like this, and realized that that's when I always find gaming "boring". Like, I will automatically just play a familiar game, but I'm not really satisfied. It always gave me this feeling of "gaming just isn't the same anymore" Started doing the tiniest bit of research, like looking up metacritic's top games of the year list, and it changed everything. Gaming is honestly more fun than it's ever been. AAA gaming is just the absolutely most boring segment of the gaming industry. It's just the same shit re-skinned, with 5% improvements and 50% less story & care. I probably spend about 15-30 minutes a month looking up games. Toilet breaks are great for this.


I know a dude that all he plays is madden and cod. That’s it. He buys every new version, once NCAA is back it’ll be that over madden. These are the target audience. We are not. Most of us on this sub play on PC for a variety of reasons and freedom of choice is absolutely one of the biggest. Play with the best or the worst settings while you play a $10 FPS game that fuckin slaps but no one plays because it’s made by random indie dev #12. We have more games and content at our disposal than any of platform. Flex that reach and try something new is all I’m saying. Stop buying flagship AAA games it’s always disappointing. I’m hoping Fable sucks just so all the people who have fond memories of the original know what it was like for us that followed the original to release only for absolutely nothing but lies.


Innersloth is straight up funding small devs with the millions of dollars they made from their little game they never expected to explode in popularity.


Balatro sold a lot of copy too, the guy who made it is millionaire right now


Calling it, three months after this game comes out it will be regarded the "worst COD yet" by the community and the "last straw"


Cue the dumbasses that keep preordering games and being surprised when they turn out to be a pile of shit…


I seriously doubt the people who are preordering CoD every year are the same people who go on the Internet and complain about them.


There's plenty of them. The problem is they don't change what they're doing, and so companies like Activision just continue to rake in billions of dollars while only spending a fraction of that on actual game development.


I don't care for CoD in the slightest, but I have buddies who have been playing CoD since 2007. Call it having low standards or whatever, but the simple fact is this: The majority of the playerbase do not care because they are content with what they get. They work like everyone else and when they get home, they boot up their consoles and hop in a few matches to unwind. And there are millions of casual gamers just like them who do the same thing. And many of them do not go on Reddit and forums to complain about the game. It's the same reason why FIFA and NBA 2K always sell. You can dislike popcorn action flicks like Fast & Furious all you want. It's the same thing with franchises like CoD. It's just casual entertainment at the end of the day. Not everyone is in the market for high-brow innovation.


Aye, people have being saying that since Ghosts a decade ago. Unfortunately, a new generation of gamers has come along and doesn't see how lazy it all is


I remember people saying this shit a month or two after MW3 came out. The 2011 one, not whatever is out right now.


Until Modern Warfare 4 is announced and everyone hops back on the bandwagon.


It's kids, er well mostly kids. They're stupid and more and more spawn and they out number us and just consume on repeat without thinking. It really feels like an impossible battle sadly.


>more and more spawn Time to spawn camp?


Sorry, my state released a patch note saying that spawn camping is against the law


It's so funny that a game rated M is only really played by kids now, ESRB right out the window


That's always been the case.. just get Mom/dad to buy it (if the store even gave a fuck). That's who was buying it for them before the ratings board even existed.. Most parents didn't even know what the ratings meant, it wasn't widely known like movie ratings. My mom had *no clue* what she was buying when she picked up GTA:SA for me. She was pearl-clutchingly *shocked* when she saw me in a car with a hooker. And let's not forget.. she bought GTA3 and Vice City for me as well.


The ESRB was created to pass liability from the publishers to the consumers.


Gaming isn't going to get better because the corporations expect unending quarterly growth. If you want good games, you have to look towards indie devs now. They don't have investors to satisfy. Just players.


How the hell did someone complete that easter egg in 6 rounds


From the post it's from: >The only limiting factor in the easter egg is how early you can fly the plane for the first time and what limits that is you credits for opening all the required doors. With some luck and credit optimization you can open all the required doors (and logically having all plane parts) by I believe end of round 4 with 2 players and then it's just a matter of flying the plane again multiple times which takes a round each. So round 5 we fly the plane again, round 6 and the last plane trip (done in afterlife) the plane doesn't actually need to be refueled so it can also be done round 6. >I believe this run required us to get a nuke from Brutus round 1, which we banked on, so we used the double points that you spawn with in the cell, on round 1 to get as much money as possible from killing brutus as well as the RNG nuke he might drop after.


Probably because the overwhelming majority of people who buy the game will play the multiplayer and dont give a fuck about making a stand on always online.


was just gonna comment that. insane, right?


It may just be entirely possible that no one else cares about these things that Redditors seem to obsess over. 🤔


What the fuck bro. Well whatever. Until it's on 80% sale I will never own this game. (Unless it has good reviews for career mode but let's be honest that's not happening)


80%? On COD? Never gonna happen


You're right lol. Even the original black ops is still so expensive smh. You'd think they'd have some sales rn at least


The sales are brief and sparse but they do happen, usually games go down to $20 and dlc packs to $7.49 USD


>dlc packs for $7.49 that's actually absurd considering nobody even plays DLC maps, they should be free with the game like with Battlefield on Steam


yeah they should be cheaper. I only bought the BO1 DLC for the zombies and relevant achievements but I really enjoyed playing all of the MW3 Spec Ops and survival missions. That was a ton of content


Arrr 100% off for me


Don't think we've seen those on the high seas lately, the campaign is not worth the pirate's time


Not gonna happen with texture streaming.


Where's the MW2019, BOCW, and MW2022 torrents


No, latest CODs are not 100% off for you, mr. liar


I won't buy it! (I wasn't going to in the first place)


Many of the most recent COD games have been a letdown, especially at launch. Can't believe it's already #1 seller despite Activision not even fixing the issue, lol.


13 million views on the trailer in 3 days and the trailer didnt show shit People are going to buy this regardless i bought mw2 and didnt buy mw3 bcs that should have been a free af dlc update


Dint need to buy it when it's free on gamepass


They're trying so hard to keep pirates away from their shitty game lmao


I'm sure it'll work for a couple weeks


Actually those Modern Warfare remakes (which are always online) are still uncracked. EDIT: Ok so MW 2019 has a multiplayer crack, MW 2022 is uncracked. Not sure about MW 2023 but I assume uncracked.


BOCW is cracked, it can be done.


Any reason in particular they're so hard?


Nobody cracks new DRM anymore. There was a guy called Voksi, and he got caught by Denuvo (obligatory Fuck Denuvo). EMPRESS cracks games sometimes. Looks like there is a new person. There were groups but they all retired. Currently, cracks for stuff like this are rare.


Wym by caught? I don't get how large sites are still getting raided by glowies - not specifically this, but in general. Russia does not enforce western copyright since 2022. There are places all over the world where all it takes is a small part of the profit and no one will bother you. Why would you not setup your business elsewhere? Why did Sam Fried run to America's backyard? Some people may have talent, but no sense.


Denuvo is a bitch to crack, and as the guy above said, there's only a couple of people working on it. And some games like mw2 2022 are so shit that they aren't even worth cracking.


No we don't go for modern CoD at first place anyways.


Pirating this game is like saying, “I don’t want to pay for this shit, so I’ll scoop it off the ground for free.”


Pirating this is like taking a luke warm poodle shit, microwaving it and then serving it with a glass of piss.  Modern CoD games are still stuck in the early 2010s. They have added no real value to the industry other than absurd monetization practices and mediocre gameplay.


You just described the majority of AAA actually. Thank goodness I'm not stuck behind a walled garden anymore.


lol I was about to say I’ll just wait a few years for a crack bc all I care about is the campaign. But nah I didn’t even bother with the latest one too hit the high seas. I’m mostly done with FPS like COD. New DOOM got me hyped though.


Me too, looks glorious


This is just for DRM and nothing is going to change my mind about that.


And it's not even going to work. The crackers will just alter the binary to save textures to disk, play through the game to download the textures and then upload the cracked game + textures. Besides, I'm pretty sure there's already decent quality textures shipped with the game anyway. They probably won't even need to download textures. They'll just crack the game to remove the streaming textures crap.


I seriously doubt there any texture elements that are required for gameplay that need to be downloaded during gameplay. That would be suicide for a game. Yeah, lets pause mid-game because X-user has a 56k connection and can't draw the graphic on that wall. The whole thing is BS. It is just a monkey throwing poop at the wall DRM attempt. I won't play it, I was never planning on playing it, but it is really fucking amusing watching them try this. I might pirate and seed the shit out of it though once it is cracked just because. Don't be a dick, produce good content don't do asshole things with it and I will buy your product. Otherwise I am cracking it/stealing it and giving it to the world for free. Seems fair to me.


Same thing happened back in 2013 with Sim City: "But the simulation is too complex to run local, you need to run it on the server" 'Too complex' ends up being a flood fill that you can implement in first year CS and people tried sniffing the network traffic. Tried due to their being none aside from the keep alive packet ever few minutes.


Yeah, and they learned their lesson with Sim City and yet here we are again. This will save them pennies in initial sales and cost them millions in good will. We do not forget or forgive.




> 309 GB install size. > Still uses online texture streaming even on campaign CODcels take yet another L * Edit for everyone saying it's all the COD content, including Warzone and MW2 and 3. The store page (https://www.xbox.com/en-GB/games/store/call-of-duty-black-ops-6-standard-edition/9N58QRBG9WDG/0017) does not say that, Warzone and MW are listed separately. The Black Ops 6 page only lists Black Ops 6 content and COD HQ, and says it's 309 GB. Prove it includes all existing COD content or stop blowing the $3 trillion company.


309GB!? Is that a fucking joke?


If you buy a base Xbox one 512gb you get to install one (1) game. So fun!


Per gig storage costs have plummeted, while install sizes have sky rocketed, but for some reason stock console storage stayed the same for over a decade. 500gb was what the base PS4 had, in 2013. https://i.redd.it/arwww332xmzb1.png SSD storage is literally down 95% from 2013. Why in the absolute fuck hasn't the amount of storage in consoles increased in the past decade?


check the price per gb for HDDs in 2013 and check it for SSDs in 2020 :)


Yeah consoles didn't use SSDs in 2013, they were still using the cheaper HDDs.


Because big companies like your money and they want a lot of it


It did increase.. base Series X storage was 1TB and now they just announced a 2TB version.


Now with enough storage to install *three* games!


That's the listed install size on the Xbox store page for the pre-order. No details on whether that's the PC or console size, but any way you slice it it's criminal.


Holy fuck that's so absurd. Remember losing my shit when MW remake hit 100gb


And i still do thats why i still play gta v on my xbox 360


had to reinvest in a ps3 myself. gaming atm is too expensive and there's a vast library of games from previous generations that'll last me lifetimes. online services are still free while they work and games can be aquired for little to no $. enjoying gta iv as i type this.


r/patientgamers newest mod right here


I still use my PS3 too, although i have the new consoles. It plays Blu-ray, it can play rock band and rocksmith. Not to mention plays like 90% of my PS gaming catalogue, theres no reason to get rid of it and a bunch of reasons to keep it.


don’t forget the 90gb day 1 patch


It’s by design. Force people to always have it downloaded with almost no room for other games so they just keep playing COD.


it’s funny how is has the opposite effect on me “hey I feel like playing COD” (250gb) “nvm”


Or even "Hey lets play cod it's been a while and I got like 20 minutes" "85GB seasonal update patch download required" "Game has to restart to apply update" "Recompiling shaders 1 of 4 Campaign" "Recompiling shaders 2 of 4 Multiplayer" "Recompiling shaders 3 of 4 Spec Ops" "Recompiling shaders 4 of 4 Warzone" ".....okay maybe next time"


"Update requires restart" every time literally made me uninstall the game...


This needs to be higher.


I used to say that as a joke. But since last year it’s absolutely not any more!


I don't understand the texture streaming thing. It really made me never want to play Warzone. If I'm playing a competitive shooter I don't like the issues it causes.


Probably some kind of anti piracy method. Like, if you don't have the full content, you can't pirate it with some crack to stay offline.


many such cases!


Big if true


Can’t wait for my low res textures on my shitty internet!


Man I was just guna comment that I'd be fine with this if they can get file sizes back down to 60gb or so, but fuck lmao if it's *still* that large I'm convinced there's a proof of storage crypto op involved or something


No, no, you don't understand, it's absolutely vital to include high-res textures and 7.1 Dolby surround sounds for the 11 streamers who have 8K monitors and audiophile so they can rave about how immersive the game is and convince their audience to buy the game.


Is it just me or have COD games looked exactly the same for years now? Like nobody ever talks about how COD is pushing the boundaries of graphical limitations because they aren't, yet here we are with a file size bigger than literally every other game, increased streaming data, and army guys that look damn near identical to the army guys from before they had insane file sizes. It's like Fifa for people who drink Monster.


A good tak and not just you, but still a bit more complicated! An example of this is verticies, the mesh that makes up 3D models. Going from lets say 100 triangles per model to 1000 or even 10 000 is going to look like a HUGE update. While going from 1 000 000 to 10 000 000 would lokk less impressive comperatively. Similar things happens to other technology like AA and sampling where the magnitudes become so large that the only comparison happens 'on paper'. This is not an excuse for what they do update, but this is the kind of thing they use to 'justify' their practise. Neither is this a good explanation of the issue. IMO focusing on this kind of improvement over almost all other parts of the game is shortsighted and leads to as you alluded, a soup of unrecognizable franchise games creating little to no innovation. Also "It's like Fifa for people who drink Monster." Had me in stiches!


the engine is more or less the same for the last 10 years or so. they've just been doing minor updates to it every year to add a new feature. but the core of it is still old. meanwhile the games coming out using unreal 5 are next level.


It’s the madden effect. People don’t really care, they’re going to buy every yearly iteration anyway.


unfortunately true. i'll probably play the campaign off gamepass and thats it. too many other games coming out worth playing and having fun with.


Fuck I wish cod would stop existing lmao it's just a skinner box at this point


Unfortunately, this comment section does not give me much hope that people will stop playing it.


I stopped playing it since MW2, the 2009 version.


Not to mention good luck if you don't have great network speeds.


Turns out the numbers that you're quoting were bogus: https://x.com/CODWarfareForum/status/1799836461375824080 It's been confirmed that the 300GB in the screenshot isn't going to be the install size. Not to mention the Steam page doesn't list an install size to begin with. Just simple rage bait. https://x.com/charlieintel/status/1799897034843177125?t=MDcyZyOwn6ZUPenbUQLwnQ


They're not being clear about this. This is the size of the entire CoD HQ launcher. Warzone + MW2 + MW3 + Black Ops + some extra content. Nobody usually keeps all of it installed at once, at the very least you uninstall the campaigns later


Yeah, a simple “minimum/up to” would have clarified this.


Isn't it 309 GB for all game modes installed at the same time? I'm not a fan of COD either, but lets not spread misinformation just because. Critique the game for what it really does, not spread half truths or outright lies.


Yeah its 309 gb for having the entire cod hub installed which I believe is three games of campaign, multiplayer and warzone


It is, just grab the popcorn and watch the comments.


>CODcels take yet another L You don't even play COD? Why would you care about this at all?


Just stop buying shitty bloated copy-paste AAA games lmao


Madden fans have bought the same game every year for like 30 years. People aren't going to change.


ikr? peeps complain now but they're still gonna buy this day one and enjoy every moment downloading it lmao


You could enjoy a product but still have some objections to that product. Sometimes the bad doesn’t outweigh the good. Purely theoretically, of course. I haven’t personally played CoD in well over a decade.


Yea but it's a COD game, it's a worse version of the last one which was a bad version of the last one which was a bad version of the last one which was a bad version of the last one which was a bad version of the last one which was a bad version of the last one which was a bad version of the last one which was a bad version of the last one which was a bad version of the last one which was a bad version of the last one which was a bad version of the last one which was a bad version of the last one which was a bad version of the last one which was a bad version of the last one which was a bad version of the last one which was a bad version of the last one which was a bad version of the last one which was a bad version of the last one which was a bad version of the last one which was a bad version of the last one which was a bad version of the last one I think that's the right amount of "which was a bad version of the last one"


I swear bro it will work this time 😤


It's like a substance addiction to some people I think. I stopped playing years ago when I just wasn't enjoying the game anymore, but I have friends who still buy the game every year and complain and complain while begging me to buy it lol. It's actually really bizarre and kinda sad.


If it needs 309gb there’s no fucking way it needs texture streaming. Are their maps kilometers in size? All 8k textures? As a developer I can say that is absolutely bullshit.


Reminds me of SimCity 2013 with its SUPER ADVANCED simulation that required such intensive resources that it had to be streamed from EA's servers. (So that was a lie)


What a shitshow of a launch that game had.


That’s bc it’s a ragebait. 309gbs is for warzone+MW2+MW3+and Black Ops all installed since it’s in the HQ launcher. People got too angry too fast once again


Ahh I did not know that, I thought the entire game was 309gb lol. With their game sizes recently I entirely believed it.


u/Lastdudealive46 said the following: "Edit for everyone saying it's all the COD content, including Warzone and MW2 and 3. The store page (https://www.xbox.com/en-GB/games/store/call-of-duty-black-ops-6-standard-edition/9N58QRBG9WDG/0017) does not say that, Warzone and MW are listed separately. The Black Ops 6 page only lists Black Ops 6 content and COD HQ, and says it's 309 GB. Prove it includes all existing COD content or stop blowing the $3 trillion company."


He's still wrong though, every page for all of those Call of Duty's apart of CoD HQ on Xbox show the same space requirement... its Call of Duty HQ that incorporates all of those Call of Duty's since MW2022. He could have just gone and looked up the other ones lol. Edit: Typos


Thanks for clearing this up for me


He’s still wrong lmao. He can cry about “stop blowing the $3T company” but it’s a fact. If you buy and download BO6, it will download the COD HQ. Not a separate Black Ops 6 game. Luckily, you can select which parts to download and get that number way down.


Wasn't this already a requirement for the past 3 CODs? Or am I mistaken?


It was. People just need something to pretend to be pissed off about.


Wonder how many people in this thread hating on cod will be downloading it day one on gamepass


"Call of Duty can't possibly get any worse." *Call of Duty gets worse*




this isn't new, every cod since bo4 has been online only


I love threads about COD because people really go out of their way to proclaim that they are true gamers


70 dollars and you get: -Another soulless copy-paste of a burned franchise that cant re-invent their games without making 10 stepsbacks after doing 1 thing right. -a game fully infested of mtx and season passes (on a full price game) -constant online requirement > no offline even on the campaign (single player) -+300gb of data storage needed and even like that you still need texture streaming... And yet, its -again- one of the most sold games on Steam > i hate all the people that keep paying and pushing shit like this


It's a day one PC Gamepass release. I'm just going to download, play the 6 hour single player, delete, and get on with my life.


You forgot the super battle pass for the BP that give you quick skips for the BP and extra cosmetics.


Even worse.... It is 80 this year, not 70.


It is? Steam page is saying $70


And the next one after this will be 90


B-but the companies NEED that money! It's not like the overly aggressive MTX will pay for the next game's development!


Did they just try to redifine what "texture streaming" is? Last time I check it was just continually loading information in the background when it's about to be called instead of trying to load everything all at once. Not "you get tye textures from our servers".


Yep, and its complete BS. The big goal about a well designed data delivery system is to get the data out of your network as soon as possible (so don't resend data if you don't have to) using the least compute and bandwidth as possible (so compressed data). It works for video because the frames for second 9 are usually needed after the frames for second 8. But if your at a fork your not going to know if you need texture 17 for the box on the left or texture 93 for the box on the right until you turn...and at that point you need that texture data in the next \~50ms or so. Trivial to pull that data from RAM (sub 1ms access time), but your screwed trying to pull it from the network where 50ms latency is common. So you have to cache the entire map at the start, RIP load times. Also your network.


Man I am glad I never got into COD


2005-2015 was peak cod days tho


for me everything went downhill after bo2


id say after black ops 3 it turned into garbage but i said enough was enough at modern warfare 2019


Yeah, bo2 was the last one that still felt like cod. It went off the rails afterwards


"reducing the games overall space".... And you STILL need 309 gb on PC?? 🤣


it’s ragebait. 309gbs is for warzone+MW2+MW3+and Black Ops all installed since it’s in the HQ launcher. People got too angry too fast once again


Bruh, it's still going to be 150gb. How is that in any way acceptable?


It’s not acceptable, but it’s still not 309gb. I’m not defending their shitty storage compression, but I’m sick of people being wrong about shit and getting way too mad over it


I have almost stopped playing AAA titles. Just keep in track for upcoming small indie games. They are fun. I bet this poorly optimised and run 25fps at high end cards.


this studio is so washed


So they can stop servicing it after 4 years. BO6: leased gaming.


Call of duty as a franchise stopped being good after black ops 2.


Won't play it


For 99% of people it is an online only game\~


This is just a blatant excuse to force Online Only on the consumer so that they can later shut down the servers to force you to buy a new entry. It's also a VERY anti-consumer practice to arbitrarily claim the majority of your storage space to prevent you from installing and playing other games. If it takes you 300GB, 200GB or even 100GB to download and install COD, you'll be far less likely to uninstall it to play any competing Singleplayer or live service games. It's just another way to keep you stuck in their ecosystem. Don't fall for it.


My 2tb hardrive not looking so big now…


An online texture streaming system? And it applies to the campaign as well? For multiplayer you could get away with it but the campaign? Just make the high resolution textures an optional download. COD already let's you uninstall parts of the game you don't actively play. Instead they overengineer a solution that introduces new problems. It's kinda interesting how online only requirements conveniently align with the ability to spam players with in game offers. I'm sure I won't get an annoying pop up ad for the battlepass when I just wanna play the campaign.


So just like the last 3 games? Like what's the point here? Has been normal for way too long but ragebait and upvotes need to be farmed I guess.


I just won’t buy COD then. Fuck that trash.


Stop supporting Activision/Blizzard if you're sick of this. It's really not hard.


You mean Microsoft? Yeah everybody on /r/pcmasterrace will be boycotting MS any day now.


Shit idea but then again cods been a shit game for a long time


Because texture streaming via internet is definitely the best way for the engine to quickly access those assets, much faster than an NVME...


Stream any part of a game as a default ensures the game dies with its servers.


It's still 310 fucking GBs. How does it help reduce storage space?


It doesn’t. It’s all a scam they are definitely taking some kind of new angle to get more revenue.


MW3 came and went so quickly because it was so dog shit, I didn't even know it released until a month after. Fuck AAA publishers and their 70$ pieces of filth, you'll get far more value from a 10$ indie game like Lethal Company.


I will never understand why people will continue to instantly preorder every single COD, knowing full well that there hasn't been a good COD in over 10 years, and this will be no different. There is an infinite supply of good games, but they'd rather play bad games.


Youll own nothing and be happy. And don't forget the $70 price tag


Idc if I get down voted into oblivion. Fuck COD.


so brave


The Deep has just entered the chat.


I dont think youll get downvoted for that, its a pretty poppular opinion nowadays