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>You will also pay ~$20 more Hell naw I won't.


This exactly. I have zero motivation to buy any games, let alone another COD iteration, for stark retail prices. At this point I've decided that I'm either getting a game that I really want on a huge sale, and I'll absolutely wait for it to happen, or yo ho ho and a bottle of rum. I'm also never preordering anything ever again.


COD prices never go down. Have you seen how much COD 2 still costs on Steam? These publishers are so scummy that they still want to sell 20+ year old games at today's retail price.


Problem with Cod is that you can’t wait a year for a sale because the next title will be released by then and thus, the playerbase will also be on the new title.


I just wish campaigns are not attached to multiplayer. Luckily, this one will be on gamepass.


I wouldn't be surprised if the high pricing is to push people to try gamepass.


Sure a lot of the player base moves on to the next game but the game still remains very active. Cold War still has a very active player base, I can usually find a game within 1 minute in Canada and that’s a 4 year old game. Some people stick with a certain franchise (Black Ops vs Modern Warfare). The last black ops was in 2020.


Yeah the cod player base needs to be studied it’s such a bizarre phenomenon it’s like mass stolkholms syndrome


You've clearly never encountered all the sportsball people be it FIFA(called something else nowadays) or Madden. These people are truly lunatics.


I think that’s just plain stupidity to be honest




I still find people to play COD MW2 and that's from 2009.


See, the way I get around that is not playing COD since the first Black Ops.


Personally ai don't care about multiplayer games at all, so I suppose I'm not even the target audience for the game. And i can pirate the single player campaign.


I guess I just don't care about COD that much. I know that doesn't apply to everyone. Some do, some don't. My main point was about games in general, not COD.


It's a good job I won't miss it then if I never play it, or any of the other cods for that matter


You aren't the target market. Far too many casuals playing and buying these games for you to make a dent


I'm not trying to make a dent. I'm just not going to waste my money. That's all the effectiveness I need.


Exactly lol


Do vpns work with game stores?


You will pay exactly 0 EUR if you stop buying shitty games like CoD.


People buy iPhones for 1500 dollars and they don't even use their full potential and you expect them to not throw away 80 euros on garbage?


Because they can? Why are you counting other people's money? Are you jealous kid with complexes?


Who said they can't? Please tell me where I said people shouldn't buy iPhones for 1500 dollars. If you're someone who enjoys being ripped off by companies selling you garbage for 80 dollars then go on. I'm just stating my opinion here chill.


stop buying yearly release slop and this isnt a concern


US price is definitly pre-taxed. Maybe the EU price includes 20% VAT?


Yes, EU countries includes VAT. It depends on the country, but it's 17-27% of the price.


Lets call it 22% to make it the median. In USD that would make the price just about $86, so I don't see the issue with the price. The issue is with how highly Europeans are taxed. Sales tax in my state in the US is only 6.5%.


Dollar to euro isnt even already. So 60 dollar to 60 euro always used to cover the tax.


That used to be the case when 1 EUR =~ 1.25 USD, now it's hovering around 1.05 to 1.10


So lets go with math here ok? Lets take 1.10 for easiest math and go with 20% tax. 20% out of 70 is 14. So with EU tax game would cost not 70 but 84 dollars. Now lets take that 84 and converse it to euro. Its 76 euro. So even assuming taxing its still priced more expensive. Of course many of EU countries have lower vat on digital product making it even more overpriced. Its a scam.


> Lets take 1.10 for easiest math and go with 20% tax And if we use 1.05, we get exactly 80€. The price would fluctuate between 76€ and 80€, they chose a round pricing of 80€ > Of course many of EU countries have lower vat on digital product making it even more overpriced I'm not aware of any personally, it's definitely 20% in mine Now what they could do is **regional pricing** and purposely lower the base prices in EU to account for lower wages compared to NA but I don't think any publisher (and especially not Activision lol) is ready to do it yet


There are states in the US with 0% taxes on games


Then complain to whoever set your tax rate


Okay? Point is the EU price seemingly INCLUDES a 20% VAT. So the publisher is making roughly the same on both regions. What your local government does is your problem.


Nope, I won't. And I won't pirate it either because it's a COD game


not even worth my torrent ratio


And I don't even have enough storage


It requires an internet connection at all times anyway


That issue has been long fixed. Tons of games have online fixes for them to allow us pirates to play with legit players.


I'd rather spend 80€ in indies than any Triple A tbh


That's why the last COD game I bought was MW 2019. These guy's are charging insane prices. Hell I will save this 80euro and buy some m.2 SSD for my 2nd slot...


Not only that, you could possibly buy some other fancy games that are really popular on sale, for 20ish dollars and get a better game than CoD


Yes!! I was thinking about that just now... how many good games I can get for 80$ and have tons of hours enjoying...


First game that I would buy would be Elden ring (Since here it is too pricey for me to give anywhere more than 10$ let alone give 110$ for CoD) And maybe some of the other titles, GoW maybe and so on!!! For 110$ I could easily get more ram if I need lmao plus as you said an M.2 Drive


Elden Ring is worth every penny!


I plan on getting it before the New Year hopefully


What other games you play? Are you into ARPG?


I play WoW because my friends are gold-makers so I just have fun with them, and they love my luck. I did play Path of Exile but any other game that is free to play, I play Apex with my gf, CS2 here and there I played a lot of elden ring but pirated and I kind of want to do all the acheivements and flex with them. Played warframe too. as I said mostly f2p games since I can have fun with friends


I play Apex too! Nearly 2k hours. Whats your main?


Mine are Mirage and Caustic, gf loves Loba and Fuse hahah we have almost 1k


Either way I will not buy this game. Ever since they made single player minuscule its just not worth it to me. WWII was last Cod worth playing.


Add 20% tax and 80€ lines up almost perfectly with $70.


Yeah, I don't really get this because that is literally the expected price with the 20% VAT tax included. If anything when they were priced the same europe was getting a discount with the publisher eating the VAT.


Euro has been more value than Dollar so no we didnt got a discount previously. Still Euro is more valuable but not as much $70 = 65euro


Average salary in Europe is in the 20 000 - 30 000 eur range while in US it's in the 60 000 usd range


To copy from a reply "While that make sense and might be true, the whole post is because other titles, including Microsoft ones are number for number Forza 5 - 60 USD and 60 Euro Hellblade 2 - 50 USd and 50 Euro Even other recent titles like Ghost of Tsushima is 60/60, Bladurs Gate is 60/60 More interesing is Dragons Dogma 2 is 70 USD, but 65 Euro. To me, MS is just bumping to earn more on top of already increased price of games"


I ain't paying anything since the first MW remake. $70 for a heaping pile of no thank you.


To be fair, Black ops 6 is the first cod game to get 4 years of development, and from the presentation, it's the first to actually innovate since black ops 3.


They'll keep charging these ridiculous prices because people buy these games


Just checked the price in Australia, $109 AUD for the base game which converts to $72 USD. $149 for the vault edition, $98.49 USD.


Yeah it's fucked. 120 here in NZ, I'll just play it on gamepass


Game pass and ditch. 10€


I dont want the gaming industry turning into the same shit as what movie/series streaming is now


It is worse already. The greed is unlimited in gaming industry. There is no shame, people share public videos on where some wanker brags and shares ideas on how to get whales to spend 10k on some shitty mobile game.


Between microtransactions and games released when they aren't ready, the gaming industry is shittier already.


Can't reverse the flow of water, it all ends up in the ocean.


Every film/series still gets a Blu-ray release, it's not probable steam will stop selling games if game pass is a success.


Its too late.


Anyone got a time machine?


Too late


Not really, Gamepass has ben stagnating and is running at a loss.


They want you to do that so it looks good to shareholders. I'd advise just not playing it all together.


Over a year then it gets more expensive than buying the game outright


Yall keep on paying them though..


Get PC gamepass - worth it for CoD alone if you wanted to buy it, and theres loads of great other games out and coming out too


Nah i will just ignore this game like any other "triple A studio" overpriced or woke shit *sneeze*dragon age...


Euro stronk.


In this thread: people who never buy COD promising not to buy COD. These tactics will work as usual and kids will fall for them. The enshittification of videogames will continue.


let it die already. 


Easy solution: don't buy it.


So 0€ instead of 0€ for not buying? Alright.


Stop paying for the same shit every year. Cod, ea sports games etc all the same.


80€ for the BASE? SKIIIIIIIP.


You can pay 0€ if you dont buy it


MS will get you on GamePass whether you like it or not.


I will just pay the 1€ to try gamepass to play through the campaign. Love that the option exist.


They remove it for a while when big titles drop. It was the case for starfield and will definitely be the case for BO6.


Maybe Mircosoft decided this to push game pass lol


Don’t buy it then.


Absurd... EU shows prices with taxes included. So how much is the US cost once taxes are added?


I look forward to spending £0 and 0 minutes on this entry


I won't buy it personally. But I have the feeling this will also get a season pass


No. Coz i dont play call of duty.. Shitty practise shouldnt be supported.


No thanks, CoD can wipe my ass.


I love all the comments in here saying they won’t buy it, like they’re proving something. If you’re in here you’re already not the target audience.


App Type: DLC This already describes how big the game is...


all cod games are considered DLC because of how they have it set up as a singular program that you can access each game from


Nah, BO6 is the cod with the longest dev time since cod's birth, and it also looks like the only cod trying to actually change the formula in years. The game itself looks good. However it's marked as DLC as they don't sell CoD games by themselves nowadays and you gotta download them through the shitty ass cod launcher.


It's already in the top 10 most selling on steam. It amazes me how dumb people are. The corporations are just doing business, if they increase the prices and still get the same amount of copies sold they will increase it even more.


Top 1* How does this make people dumb? Are people who bought Baldur’s Gate 3 dumb because they bought a game that *I* didn’t like?


to be honest the game does seem great, which hasn't been the case for a cod game since modern warfare 2019, and imo I have way more faith in this one than I had in 2019, thanks to the larger dev time and an actual competent studio behind it (treyarch + raven).


Don´t buy it and stop crying


See you're assuming I'm buying this trash.


This doesn't affect me at all. I don't play this crappy dogshit game like some degens do every single year...yet I do feel sad for those that fall prey for this kind of franchise, feels like they're stuck in a loophole lol this take is so conflicting


CoD is proof that idiots will buy anything.


Cdkeys or uTorrent


Don't use uTorrent. qBitTorrent is a much better open source alternative, recommend by r(slash)Piracy


To be fair it's been a minute since I've pirated a game, uTorrent was the first that came to my head


Nope. Cod is online only so you can't crack them unless someone tries to make a client for it which usually takes years and barely works. Oh and they found a way to not have cod on cdkeys since MW3, they're effectively forcing you to pay 80 bucks or get gamepass.


Wrong, I won't pay 80 euro for CoD. That's because I will be playing Elden Ring for hundreds of hours once the DLC is out.


COD comes out in October anyway, Elden Ring DLC is in 2 weeks.




The game itself is the same base price, the issue is the VAT, that higher price is because your tax is included the 60 USD price is pretax.


Wanna bet?


Nah, it will cost me a 1$ for a first month of gamepass


I wonder at what price people will actually stop buying games seeing how this already climed to steam top 5


Haven’t bothered with a cod game since world at war


Interesting that your vault edition is still cheaper. In Canada it is 89.99 for the regular version and 129.99 for the vault


Round based zombies tho


And it'll still be the best selling game of the year by a long shot. No matter how many redditors say they won't buy it. 🤷


In Australia, the base version would set you back USD $73 and for the vault version USD $99.


Just remember not a lot of that money will go to the developers, execs will pocket almost all of it.


Yeah fuck CoD


Yea stop crying when it's like this in other countries then u don't care. In India cod has been roughly 200$ with ppp adjusted for many years now ...


in australia the base edition on steam costs $109 aud it fkn sucks


Bend over and accept the almighty thrust peasants!


In Poland 349.00 pln/ $86.77 - for a country with lesser wages than usa/western-northern europe but still one of the highest prices. They can fuck right off.


if you are so concerned why don't you try not buying call of duty every year?


Last CoD I brought was BO3 discounted


I wouldn’t pay what they’re asking for the original Modern Warfare 2. Fun game, but CoD is like fastfood, I ain’t paying 80 euros for the privilege of playing a reheated short campaign


First of all, it won't affect normal people, because normal people don't play COD games no more. Second, look at how they massacred my poor Poland. 349 PLN? You can't buy 10 for min. wage. Compared to (if google isn't lying to me) Germany - 26 copies.


80€ and battle passed to shit is the new norm, huh?


is this with or without VAT?


I love this price hike!!! Make it even more expensive so that more players will see through their bullshit and stop buying this crap.


Holy crap. Its 90 dollars in my country... I mean, I wasn't going to buy it either way, but still...


I'll save 100% when i dont buy this


Or you will be able to buy on third party market for a little bit cheaper. It doesn't matter, i will use my game pass finish the campaign and move on


Its funny how everyone is like I won't buy it but most of them will and that is why the price is high.


Damn. Do people really like it enough to pay that much? I suppose if you get hundreds of hours out of it, it could be worth it but man, that's a lot of money.


watch xbox game pass users skyrocket


hey easy solution. stop buying that shit. ur own fault if u do. stop complaining


Weird statement, you just mean to say that the Euro is low and this is the effect?


The campaign looks interesting so I'd probably try it on game pass.


I haven’t bought a CoD since BLOPS 2, and ai don’t intend unchanging that.


I have gamepass. Probaly gonna finish the campaign, play a few games of multiplayer then call it a day.


And it's even worse in the UK. I'll play for a month with gamepass.


Here in switzerland you already pay more on steam than in the EU for no reason for many games. keysellers are my friends i dont pay 20-30euro more for no reason to multi billion companies out of principle


No thanks.


Dude eu prices should be cheaper, not more expensive (in terms of numbers). I am also okay with the same


COD fanbois eating another L


You can buy the game pass for 10€/month and play it.


Yep, I'll continue not buying CoD


Yeah if people pay this for what is essentially just reskinned copy pasta then they beyond help.


Don't like it? See Brazil prices. It will cost 24% of a Brazilian month wages (minimum wage). You need to work more than 38 hours to pay for the basic version of this game. Diablo 4 is the same. Triple A games became luxury items on Brazil. Fuck this.


HAHAHA i never paid for a call of duty game and never will even if they sell it for 50 cent


Stop buying from This shitty company … I can’t believe it’s already preordered


Did they lose their mind? The euro is worth more than the dollar. Back when it was $60 = 60€ it was already more expensive for europeans.


People will still buy it until the price reaches critical mass for average gamer. Its already reached “hell no” price for this sub but, you know, picky people never were main source of income for gigantic releases with hundreds of millions of dollars ad campaign.


Bruh nintendo came with the rising prices and atleast it was "justified" and 70€, the fuck activision charging 80€ for the same game of earlier years, nostalgia???? New mechanic, wow you can now dash everywhere and slide jump while shooting!!!! Woww amazing new innovative mechanic that we havent seen from games older than a decade! Ejem ejem coughs in Max Payne


$89.99 base and $129.99 vault edition here. Then 13% sales tax. Still cheaper than where I live lol. Good thing I'm not buying. Plus it'll be a garbage game. Cods have been so bad there's no point in buying. Maybe if they do a free weekend and I'm willing to make space on my drive for it. Then maybe I'll play it.


Remember that the US price doesn't include tax. Still, sales tax is only 6.5% in my state, which would make it a little under USD $75 total compared to $86.


It's not their fault for those prices, it's the people that pay.


fuck you activision


Think I'll pass.


Last game i bought was cod ghosts... i made the decision a long time ago to never buy a COD game again- every COD that released after that year incrementally kept making me glad about my decision.


They are literally handing us a chance to fuck them so they give us good prices and changes on new games, but no I'm going to bet they will still have huge sales amounts


Isn't 1 euro worth more than 1usd in exchange? Shouldn't it be the other way around? Its full digital theres not even shipping included 


Good for the EU, less insensitive to buy it


*checks price in local currency* holy hell they're asking for ~P6000 where the average wage in my country is P13000 per month.


People are still buying this absolute slop.


People flame when I buy cd keys. Hmm yeah


Just stop buying shitty cod games ffs. Its the same steaming pile of shit every year.


I just feel sorry for the developers. Imagine having to make the exact same game every year.


I don't understand the logic behind this, why do countries with lower income and lower disposable income have to pay more for the same product? Isn't the point of regional pricing to price products relative to the disposable income of the country so it can sell as well there?


How is this news? Games that are 70 dollars in the US have been consistently 80 euros here since this trend began. I don't give a carp about CoD, but this isn't unique to them.


Don’t care, still buying.


All AAA games have charged more in Euros now. The Euro has plummeted vs the USD. Old prices had a wide gap because 1 USD = 1.30ish EUR. Thinking that gap would stay when a Euro is only 8 cents from a dollar is dumb af.


It always has been this way. $60 games were 70€ and $70 games launch for 80€ in Europe. That's because European Prices include VAT. Without VAT it would be somewhat close to US prices. 80€ at 19% VAT is about 67.22€ which is about $72.37. TL;DR : It's standard pricing. You don't pay extra, European prices incl. VAT.


Imagine buying such a shit game.


idk why ppl bother buying this CoD garbage anymore


And people still buy it.... I won't though....




dont buy it then, go play it on gamepass, profit.


In the UK it's £99.99 for the vault edition, and in the US it's $99.99. That's about 25% in price difference. PC also now costs the same as console, even though we're not subsidising cheaper hardware with game prices. It's disgusting how Microsoft has decided to shaft a whole community